CM Punk Speculation


Dark Match Jobber
I apologize to those who don’t care to hear about CM Punk anymore. I have a unique theory that might generate thought/discussion to those who are interested. Let’s first start by examining the few facts that we know.

-We haven’t seen CM Punk since the Royal Rumble.
-No official word has been given on the situation.
-No lawsuits are involved.
-Nobody seems to know anything about the situation.
-CM Punk was in bad shape physically (body is beaten up).
-CM Punk proposed to AJ Lee and they’re getting married next month. All of this occurred within a few months of each other.
-We’ve heard word from Stephanie McMahon that he quit. We have had his name taken off television. Etc.
-AJ Lee left television for an extended period of time as well.
-CM Punk has been living a lot of life lately. A lot of Hockey games, saw an MMA fight, etc.

Okay there are probably other facts as well but here’s what has popped into my head recently. What if he didn’t quit. What if this “sabbatical” is just that, an actual sabbatical. What would be the cause? Illness such as cancer, physical injury, psychological illness, etc. I find it quite strange that AJ Lee would take off this much time for a wedding. She left after the biggest event of her career too. She basically did what she needed to do then took her ball home so to speak as well. We haven’t heard about her either. Brie Bella and D-Bry did not do this for their wedding. Their wrestling careers barely skipped a beat for their wedding. This leads me to believe that there is more going on with CM Punk than just a wedding and him quitting. Maybe he had a mental break-down? Maybe he injured his body and is healing? He could be battling an illness (Cancer, MS, something serious) for all we know?

To address the criticism that he has been going out way too much and doing way too much for someone who is ill, that further supports my point. He is living quite a bit of life. When I work long hours, which is basically every week I’m putting in 80+ hours, I don’t travel to a bunch of places when I have a few months off. I usually rest, rest, rest. He’s enjoying quite a bit of life, like somebody would that may have received bad news. After working in Oncology for many years. I see patients that go through chemo and they look sick. When they leave the hospital, they are a live wire. I'm not suggesting that Punk is going through Chemo, I'm just saying that sickness wouldn't preclude him from living his life unless he is near the end point of the sickness or he's crippled. If he's battling and beating an illness, he would be perfectly capable of doing what he's doing.

Does CM Punk have enough money to retire? Perhaps, but not at the life style he is living. If his net worth is estimated at 8 million, he should be fine to live an above average life. However, he won’t be without a worry for the rest of his life. He’s merely in his 30’s. If he lives until his 80’s, 8 million needs to last him over 40 years! That is approximately 200,000 per year. In his house, with a wife, with potential children, with his current life style, is that sustainable? WWE employees don’t get health care when they retire so that’s another factor to consider. How well off is he really? It is doubtful he would merely walk away from a job paying him the money it is paying him. He’s not worth what John Cena is worth in money.

He’s still receiving money from WWE. For someone that breached contract, left WWE when he was needed most, and given the state of the WWE currently, it seems unlikely that the WWE would pay someone a lot of money still who screwed them over. That money can be viewed as supporting him in a time of need for whatever he’s going through.

Lastly, I find it weird he wouldn’t offer an explanation to fans after this much time. We deserve to know if he retired or not. We don’t even need to know the reason, but for someone who loves wrestling so much, it’s doubtful that he would just walk away from the fans and basically say screw them. He also loves what he does, that’s definitely a fact. I just think that there’s something else bigger going on behind the scenes than this.

Everybody needs a conspiracy theorist. This is just my conspiracy theory. Let me know what you think. Let me know if you think I’m crazy or you think I’m brilliant haha. I’m probably going to hear more of the former but that’s okay.
I also think that there is some sort of serious illness that he has. I remember in the months leading up to Royal Rumble, physically he looked very bad, you could tell something was wrong. If i can remember at some convention leading up to royal rumble cm punk said that he's had something wrong with his body and that he didnt really know what it was but that he was going to go get it checked with a scan or something. All i know is that theres more to it than just him being pissed off by not getting the main event at mania and having to work with HHH.
You're looking too deep into this. CM Punk hasn't retired for the simple reason that he admitted to wanting to have a break in a Q&A Session before he left the WWE. The guy is getting married and probably will be on his honeymoon with AJ Lee right after that. That's the main reason he deserved the break. It's called having a life and dealing with his affairs accordingly. There is no illness under wraps. That's far from the truth. CM Punk will come back for sure, we just don't know when. My personal guess would be the Royal Rumble 2015.
8 Million is more than enough to retire. He just needs to adjust accordingly. Plus if he's invested wisely, his money will make money. He can still make money off of appearances and other non-wrestling things too. Other than having a place in the city, he doesn't live a very lavish lifestyle.
I suppose it's possible that Punk is dealing with some sort of illness. After all, there's no real way for us to know whether or not. Since we don't know the whole story regarding Punk walking out, we can't rule it out. However, there've been absolutely zero rumors or gossip about him being sick, at least based on everything that I've heard or read.

At the same time, it's not at all impossible to think that Punk simply decided that it was time to retire. Years back, there were reports circulating that Punk wanted to be out of the business altogether before he was 40. Even though he's only 35 years old, it's entirely possible that his body just isn't holding up the way some guys of the same age or older have. Jericho's in his mid 40s and I can't recall him having any sort of major injuries plaguing him. Christian has been that way as well up until about the past 1.5 years or so. Daniel Bryan's neck issue is the first serious medical issue he's had to deal with in roughly 15 years of wrestling.

If reports of Punk's net worth are accurate, which is somewhere in the $7.5 to $8 million range, then he's set for life. In an interview last week while promoting a baseball charity he's involved with, Punk all but came right out and said that he's retired. Again, if reports are accurate, Punk doesn't splurge like some other wrestlers do. He doesn't own a fleet of sports cars, doesn't live in this huge 25 room mansion, doesn't wear $2,000 suits, etc. All in all, Punk simply seems like a regular guy that's not all that materialistic. If so, then he can easily live on that. Assuming he has $7.5 to $8 million in the bank and has a 5% interest rate that's compounded monthly, then his money would accumulate between $375,000 and $400,000 a year, before taxes. As Punk is, currently, single, a $7.5 to $8 million net worth generated $375,000 to $400,000 a year in interest means he'd have to pay between roughly $124,000 to $140,000 a year in taxes. So yeah, unless he just goes on wild spending sprees, he can live a very comfortable life.
What if? What if? What if? CM Punk discussions need their own special page here because everyone can go there and be annoying and talk about all this "What if..." garbage regarding CM Punk. Any discussion of him should be banned for the rest of the year. He's not a part of ANYTHING going on right now. So go elsewhere to discuss these "Conspiracy Theories."

No... not everything needs to have a conspiracy attached to it. Why? Because they're exactly that. Theories. With absolutely NO TRUTH ATTACHED TO THEM. Quit talking about him like he's some old girlfriend of yours that left you and find all the reasons that are not CM Punk's fault that he TOOK HIS BALL AND WENT HOME!!! Quit trying to find another reason of why he left other than he didn't get to play pretend the way he wanted to play pretend. You could march me around the world for 320 days a year and pay me that kind of money CM Punk was getting paid and I will go out there and do it. I don't care what kind of storyline you put me in, I like getting paid. I'll go out there and play a Hillbilly Jim character from the backwoods of West Virginia that bangs sheep. For CM Punk money, I'll fall on that grenade regardless of how it makes my character look.

Enough of CM Punk. Enough. Enough. Enough.
No... not everything needs to have a conspiracy attached to it. Why? Because they're exactly that. Theories. With absolutely NO TRUTH ATTACHED TO THEM. Quit talking about him like he's some old girlfriend of yours that left you and find all the reasons that are not CM Punk's fault that he TOOK HIS BALL AND WENT HOME!!!

You totally just contradicted yourself! You say there is no truth to his theories, yet you say he took his ball and went home. There is no truth to that either! The guy is still collecting a fucking paycheck for Christ sake! It's pretty obvious that most of you Punk haters are trying to convince yourselves that he just left with no explanation. The FACT is that no one knows what really happened, besides Vince McMahon, HHH and CM Punk himself!
If Punk had some serious illness word would of broke about it some way or another, close friends of his would of known about it or WWE would of known about it, and word would of spread one way or another. Were in the digital age when word spreads like wildfire.

Lets not forget its WWE, and top guys have taken breaks before, of course the only weird thing is no real storyline was built around this, and it happened before Wrestlemania, when usually a guy leaves just after Wrestlemania. SO thats what makes this so different then anything in the past.

My bet is CM Punk had some nagging injuries that could of lead to something major, but just needed time to heal up, on top of the fact that he was maybe burned out as much as one could be. Maybe throw in that he might of been annoyed at the direction WWE was going only threw fuel on the fire.



He isn't....

He is just a guy who QUIT HIS JOB!!!!

You just sound like an ex-CM Punk fan who is pissed off cause he isn't on TV for your entertainment needs. Wrestling is a whole other kind of animal than a normal factory job or desk job. Do you hate a NFL player if he needs to miss a couple of games due to an injury? Doubtful.
What if? What if? What if? CM Punk discussions need their own special page here because everyone can go there and be annoying and talk about all this "What if..." garbage regarding CM Punk. Any discussion of him should be banned for the rest of the year. He's not a part of ANYTHING going on right now. So go elsewhere to discuss these "Conspiracy Theories."

No... not everything needs to have a conspiracy attached to it. Why? Because they're exactly that. Theories. With absolutely NO TRUTH ATTACHED TO THEM. Quit talking about him like he's some old girlfriend of yours that left you and find all the reasons that are not CM Punk's fault that he TOOK HIS BALL AND WENT HOME!!! Quit trying to find another reason of why he left other than he didn't get to play pretend the way he wanted to play pretend. You could march me around the world for 320 days a year and pay me that kind of money CM Punk was getting paid and I will go out there and do it. I don't care what kind of storyline you put me in, I like getting paid. I'll go out there and play a Hillbilly Jim character from the backwoods of West Virginia that bangs sheep. For CM Punk money, I'll fall on that grenade regardless of how it makes my character look.

Enough of CM Punk. Enough. Enough. Enough.

Apparently, to Cm Punk, it is more about just money, which you obviously fail to realize. He sticks to his beliefs. He believed, like all of us, that Bryan should headline (or himself), but instead the original plan seemed that Batista would do that. He couldn't fight against it anymore, he didn't see any point to continue trying and felt he was disrespected so he left. That's the theory. He doesn't care much about money from what I understand and you need to understand that too. He has passion for pro wrestling, which basically kept him around in 2011 too.

To the OP: I don't know. No one knows, It could be, it could be not. This has already been posted before too. He could have a serious illness for all we know, but chances are, if that was the case, he would probably give us an explanation so that we finally leave the guy alone. If he actually had cancer or something, he could say that he has a fatal illness so he has to stop competing. People would thank him for what he has done and then stop stalking him everywhere. That's why I don't think it is a probable scenario.
I've thought the same exact thing. Mostly because weeks before he left there was a report that WWE wanted to do a similar storyline to the Summer of Punk from a few years back. Of coarse they couldn't do it the exact same way, so I think him "quitting" may be a part of that.

Then again, I've been wrong before.
Yeah, I don't think he has any type of serious illness. I think his body needed to heal up from injuries, being mentally exhausted and just generally annoyed at the direction the company was going in. I've said all along that this whole situation was a work and still believe it. He'll be back and MITB and win the title ladder match if DB can't compete or he'll be back at Summerslam and screw HHH in his match vs whoever (prob Reigns) He prob already has a new contract in place when the current one runs out.
I hate CM punk, I have always hated CM punk. I have never liked him except maybe a few minor occasions. Then he quit which makes me hate him even more.

Talks about originality with a pepsi tattoo on his arm, His wants "It's clobberin' time" as a catchphrase nothing he does is original.

But he is a DAMN genius, he realizes the fans are the biggest group of jackoffs, Clown shoes and morons ever assembled. They jump on the bandwagon and off again so fast it makes heads spin.

CM punk realized something many superstars never realize because they are stupid with money and greedy. Hogan,Savage,Flair,Sting,and others what do they all have in common they built huge fans bases and struggle to stay on top way up into their old age. They make decent money but destroy their bodies because they are running a 300 day calender wrestling every night because they LOVE the fans. ( I respect these people, doing their job day in and day out. Also the reason I respect John Cena). So these guys spend every waking moment traveling, working out and doing shows.

Now look at people Like The Rock, Lesnar, Undertaker, Jericho, and now CM Punk. CM punk built up a huge following and then quit. Now for a while WWE will act like they don't care, but when CM punk begins talks about coming back the WWE will jump on it. CM punk than can wrestle 2-3 months for the same if not double the amount of money he was working for before. But instead of a 300 day schedule he will be on a 10-30 day schedule.

Work less get paid more. Wrestling fans are so god damn stupid, like crack ****es jumping on that little rock. Just look at the reaction from the fans HUGE pops and mad support ( less Boo-tista) every time they come back. Showing the fans care not about the amount of hard work you put in, but how much they miss you.

CM punk returning will net him a few million and maybe have to wrestle 3 matches....ROFL..Stupid fans.
I dont think he has an illness, but I do agree that he looked pretty bad for most of his most recent run (perhaps about september onwards), however I think that is mostly due to a lack of sleep, which would make anyone look like hell if they did it for a while, and plus, if we are honest, who looks good with a schoolboy fringe and wolverine beard? He didnt have the best "look" thats for sure. But he looks much better now since he looks pretty much the same as he did in 2011/2012. In terms of his return, I think maybe Rumble 2015, but I am not too sure, I doubt it will be 2014.
The guy was too banged up and realised he (nor someone who deserved it a la Bryan) wasn't going to main event WM30. I think money-wise he is set for life, and doesn't live extravagantly, so I highly doubt he left over money. Tie this in with the fact that he is a very stubborn person who will stick by his beliefs.

So he left, Bryan got to win at WM30 because of this (there is an interview with Bryan where he says this, I think on Jericho's podcast) and Punk has had time off to heal, enjoy life, and is soon to be married.

Will he come back? None of us actually know. Being a Yes/No answer means we can act like clairvoyants and 50% of us will be right.

I'm a huge Punk fan and truthfully I don't care if he comes back. I would love to seem him on TV again and entertain us because I haven't been enthralled with a 'superstar' like that since SCSA. But then I don't want him to be one of those guys who comes back, breaks his body, tarnishes his reputation, and have his quality of life suffer further on down the road.

Let the man be.
You're looking too deep into this. CM Punk hasn't retired for the simple reason that he admitted to wanting to have a break in a Q&A Session before he left the WWE. The guy is getting married and probably will be on his honeymoon with AJ Lee right after that. That's the main reason he deserved the break. It's called having a life and dealing with his affairs accordingly. There is no illness under wraps. That's far from the truth. CM Punk will come back for sure, we just don't know when. My personal guess would be the Royal Rumble 2015.

I like the idea of punk coming back for the rumble as a surprise entrant, winning it and headlining WM

I would like though another massive star to come back for the rumble at say 25 so the crowd and tv audience mark out and think that he is the surprise main eventer entrant. Then punk come out at 27

I guarantee AJ lee brings Punk back, why would Punk get married to Aj, if she was going to be away from him all the time, I also don't expect Punk travel with her playing side kick, he likes to be in the spotlight, he's said before he loves wrestling, but he got banged up alot and frustrated, he will be back. I promise this Punk fans.
lol 8mil dollars net worth at 35 years old is not enough to live on unless Punk wants to live like someone that works at walmart when he is in his 50/60s. Out of that 8 mil...maybe 5-6 is in the bank...thats NOTHING. Most doctors retire with that at the age of 65 and STILL run out of money before they die. Think of hospice cost (if needed), replacing things around the house by that time will be 30+ years old, and the fact that this guy is at every sporting event every freakin night...Punk needs much more than that.

Grandma and Mom both are doctors...grandma was a surgeon, mom is a pharmacists and this is about the pay range they are around. Grandma retired at 65, is now 81 and is running short on money....thats only 16 years!!! and some of you think that Punk can live off of that for 35-40 years...UM NO

8mil over lets say 40 years...assuming Punk lives to be 75. 8 million dollars divided by 40 years equals 200,000 dollars per year. Punk (got this from a website) makes 1.2 million a year, which I think is kind of low. The rule generally is that you need to make atleast 70% of your average yearly income to come even close to living your normal lifestyle during retirement. 70% of 1.2 million= $840,000. Now subtract that from what he would recieve if he retired today which is about 200,000 a year...840,000-200,000=640,000. So this means that yearly Punk will have to live like someone who makes $640,000 less than what he is accustom to. Thats not a good thing.
I suppose it's possible that Punk is dealing with some sort of illness. After all, there's no real way for us to know whether or not. Since we don't know the whole story regarding Punk walking out, we can't rule it out. However, there've been absolutely zero rumors or gossip about him being sick, at least based on everything that I've heard or read.

At the same time, it's not at all impossible to think that Punk simply decided that it was time to retire. Years back, there were reports circulating that Punk wanted to be out of the business altogether before he was 40. Even though he's only 35 years old, it's entirely possible that his body just isn't holding up the way some guys of the same age or older have. Jericho's in his mid 40s and I can't recall him having any sort of major injuries plaguing him. Christian has been that way as well up until about the past 1.5 years or so. Daniel Bryan's neck issue is the first serious medical issue he's had to deal with in roughly 15 years of wrestling.

If reports of Punk's net worth are accurate, which is somewhere in the $7.5 to $8 million range, then he's set for life. In an interview last week while promoting a baseball charity he's involved with, Punk all but came right out and said that he's retired. Again, if reports are accurate, Punk doesn't splurge like some other wrestlers do. He doesn't own a fleet of sports cars, doesn't live in this huge 25 room mansion, doesn't wear $2,000 suits, etc. All in all, Punk simply seems like a regular guy that's not all that materialistic. If so, then he can easily live on that. Assuming he has $7.5 to $8 million in the bank and has a 5% interest rate that's compounded monthly, then his money would accumulate between $375,000 and $400,000 a year, before taxes. As Punk is, currently, single, a $7.5 to $8 million net worth generated $375,000 to $400,000 a year in interest means he'd have to pay between roughly $124,000 to $140,000 a year in taxes. So yeah, unless he just goes on wild spending sprees, he can live a very comfortable life.

There is SO MUCH wrong with this. Check my other post in this thread guy.

1.Net worth is not what someone has in the bank so if his net worth is 8 mil than it is safe to assume that he has nowhere near that in his bank...probably half but 6 mil tops.

2. You are not taking into consideration that his spending will significantly lower how much money he builds from interest.

3. Who the hell, in this day and age, gets 5% interest compounded monthly? That is a freaking dream. No way in hell Punk has even close to that. If this was the case everybody that got a couple mil would quit their jobs and still bring in at least 100,000 dollars a year. This doesnt happen. Banks are not going to just hand someone a physician salary every year for using their bank.
lol 8mil dollars net worth at 35 years old is not enough to live on unless Punk wants to live like someone that works at walmart when he is in his 50/60s. Out of that 8 mil...maybe 5-6 is in the bank...thats NOTHING. Most doctors retire with that at the age of 65 and STILL run out of money before they die. Think of hospice cost (if needed), replacing things around the house by that time will be 30+ years old, and the fact that this guy is at every sporting event every freakin night...Punk needs much more than that.

Grandma and Mom both are doctors...grandma was a surgeon, mom is a pharmacists and this is about the pay range they are around. Grandma retired at 65, is now 81 and is running short on money....thats only 16 years!!! and some of you think that Punk can live off of that for 35-40 years...UM NO

8mil over lets say 40 years...assuming Punk lives to be 75. 8 million dollars divided by 40 years equals 200,000 dollars per year. Punk (got this from a website) makes 1.2 million a year, which I think is kind of low. The rule generally is that you need to make atleast 70% of your average yearly income to come even close to living your normal lifestyle during retirement. 70% of 1.2 million= $840,000. Now subtract that from what he would recieve if he retired today which is about 200,000 a year...840,000-200,000=640,000. So this means that yearly Punk will have to live like someone who makes $640,000 less than what he is accustom to. Thats not a good thing.

I see you're not familiar with the concepts of investments, and compound interest.

Plus, you have no idea what his lifestyle is like now that he's no longer on the road. One could easily retire, make some living adjustments, and still live very well in an area like Chicago on that kind of money.

Further, through his insistence on sticking to his brand, and his name, he's got legs to run with. He's a local celebrity. He can do the motivational speech circuit at schools, preaching Straight Edge and hard work. He can write a book. And he's still got his health, so he can go be an actor, a sports coach, whatever he wants to do.

Punk's not coming back.
Apparently, to Cm Punk, it is more about just money, which you obviously fail to realize. He sticks to his beliefs. He believed, like all of us, that Bryan should headline (or himself), but instead the original plan seemed that Batista would do that. He couldn't fight against it anymore, he didn't see any point to continue trying and felt he was disrespected so he left. That's the theory. He doesn't care much about money from what I understand and you need to understand that too. He has passion for pro wrestling, which basically kept him around in 2011 too.

To the OP: I don't know. No one knows, It could be, it could be not. This has already been posted before too. He could have a serious illness for all we know, but chances are, if that was the case, he would probably give us an explanation so that we finally leave the guy alone. If he actually had cancer or something, he could say that he has a fatal illness so he has to stop competing. People would thank him for what he has done and then stop stalking him everywhere. That's why I don't think it is a probable scenario.

Which proves my point of "CM Punk didn't get to play pretend the way he wanted to play pretend... so he went home." That pretty much covers the fact of he didn't like the Batista thing, so he walked out. It really can't get simpler than that. I respect the fact he loves the business so much that he wants to put an A+ product out there on all fronts. I really do. But when your company, WWE, books to the CASUAL FAN, the CASUAL FAN was probably excited to see Batista come back. Your CASUAL FAN probably doesn't have the WWE Network, doesn't read online wrestling news, and probably lives in Mobile, Alabama. Raw comes around once a year and they save allllllll their welfare money for tickets for the family to go to Raw once a year.
What kept him around in 2011 was that he got his "Austin 3:16 Moment" in a sense with the pipebomb speech. His love of the business didn't keep him around. His fancy new contract and the fact that Vince finally recognized his talent on the mic and in the ring as a top guy kept him around. He was finally being treated the way he deserved to be treated. Ric Flair's love of the business keeps him around/in the ring until he's god knows how old. He wrestled in TNA because he couldn't walk away. I'm not doubting Punk's love of the business. But it's just that... business. In five years, nobody is going to look back at CM Punk and say "God, what a mediocre career. If he only would have sucked it up in 2014 and didn't leave like a little girl..." Nobody is going to dump on his career because of what happened/didn't happen the first part of 2014 five years from now. But I do believe he needed to take a step back and look at his career and storylines he was given when he left through the eyes of the CASUAL FAN who wouldn't know the difference between their ass, a hole in the ground, and last Wednesday. You don't have to explain to me that "CM Punk isn't about the money." Well no kidding. Because if he wanted the money, he'd still be here. Simple.

It's just all getting old. Every topic humanly possible under the sun has been covered, re-covered, and covered one more time on Punk leaving, why he left, when he'll be back, if he'll be back, and whatever dumb conspiracy people believe about why he left. It's old. It's tiring. This is as old and drawn out as the Screwjob. And that was 15 years ago. This has only barely been four months. Stop beating the dead horse.
You totally just contradicted yourself! You say there is no truth to his theories, yet you say he took his ball and went home. There is no truth to that either! The guy is still collecting a fucking paycheck for Christ sake! It's pretty obvious that most of you Punk haters are trying to convince yourselves that he just left with no explanation. The FACT is that no one knows what really happened, besides Vince McMahon, HHH and CM Punk himself!

I'm sorry how are you aware he still collects a paycheck? From all accounts I've read he isn't receiving anything and logic alone should tell you that. He isn't performing while under contract. let it go. He left. His fault. Stop bringing him up.
I see you're not familiar with the concepts of investments, and compound interest.

Plus, you have no idea what his lifestyle is like now that he's no longer on the road. One could easily retire, make some living adjustments, and still live very well in an area like Chicago on that kind of money.

Further, through his insistence on sticking to his brand, and his name, he's got legs to run with. He's a local celebrity. He can do the motivational speech circuit at schools, preaching Straight Edge and hard work. He can write a book. And he's still got his health, so he can go be an actor, a sports coach, whatever he wants to do.

Punk's not coming back.

What are his investments? how do we know his interest rates? I am going off of the info that was given. For someone that makes 1.2 million dollars a year, retiring at 35 with only 8 million is not reasonable at all and any accountant or anyone that knows money will tell you the exact same thing. Im not taking into account what he does after he retires because we dont know what he would do or what type of money he will make.

My statement is about a person retiring at 35 with only 8 mil after making 1.2 million a year. That comes out to $200,000 a year assuming he only lives to be 75, which is 1/6 of his current pay. This is not reasonable and there is absolutely NO WAY to make this a reasonable or realistic retirement plan.

I see that you dont know anything about compound interest if you believe that he could get an interest rate great enough to even come close to covering the deficit. As far as investments go, once again we dont know what his are and I was simply commenting on whether or not 8 million dollars is enough to retire on at 35 while being used to bringing in over 1 million a year.

Take your yearly income and divide it by SIX and see if you can live comfortablely off of that...than come back here and try to say that this nonsense is a reasonable retirement plan
What are his investments? how do we know his interest rates? I am going off of the info that was given. For someone that makes 1.2 million dollars a year, retiring at 35 with only 8 million is not reasonable at all and any accountant or anyone that knows money will tell you the exact same thing. Im not taking into account what he does after he retires because we dont know what he would do or what type of money he will make.

My statement is about a person retiring at 35 with only 8 mil after making 1.2 million a year. That comes out to $200,000 a year assuming he only lives to be 75, which is 1/6 of his current pay. This is not reasonable and there is absolutely NO WAY to make this a reasonable or realistic retirement plan.

I see that you dont know anything about compound interest if you believe that he could get an interest rate great enough to even come close to covering the deficit. As far as investments go, once again we dont know what his are and I was simply commenting on whether or not 8 million dollars is enough to retire on at 35 while being used to bringing in over 1 million a year.

Take your yearly income and divide it by SIX and see if you can live comfortablely off of that...than come back here and try to say that this nonsense is a reasonable retirement plan

We get it. You know all about money, and we don't.

Here's the truth: If he is worth 8 million, and was making 1.2 million, and he didn't have at least ONE financial advisor, and didn't have his money actually working for him, I'd say he was the dumbest human alive. Not a single human being who has the lowest amount of intelligence would pass up investing for a 3-5% yield instead of putting it into a zero sum gain free checking account at Bank of America.

I know that you're trying to sound smart, and I hate to burst your bubble, but CM Punk is a pretty smart guy. He knew exactly what he was doing. And having 8 million invested and making money for you would really do just fine in the Chicago area.
We get it. You know all about money, and we don't.

Here's the truth: If he is worth 8 million, and was making 1.2 million, and he didn't have at least ONE financial advisor, and didn't have his money actually working for him, I'd say he was the dumbest human alive. Not a single human being who has the lowest amount of intelligence would pass up investing for a 3-5% yield instead of putting it into a zero sum gain free checking account at Bank of America.

I know that you're trying to sound smart, and I hate to burst your bubble, but CM Punk is a pretty smart guy. He knew exactly what he was doing. And having 8 million invested and making money for you would really do just fine in the Chicago area.

Tons of lottery winners lose it after less then a year. And saying CM Punk is intelligent and him being intelligent are two very different things. Without knowing he is getting 5% a year, and without knowing how much he actually had at the time of his quitting you can't say he is all set without coming across as a desperate fanboy wanting to defend someone he doesn't know.

Now this doesn't mean punk isn't set, but I think there is as good a chance of that being the case as there is of him being forced into doing crap work (Ads, appearances,going back to WWE because he needs the money) in about 10-15 years.
Freeze is absolutely right. He's a guy who left despite literally everyone in the back begging him to stay. (Well maybe not everyone.) Vince McMahon had like hour long conversations with Punk in order to convince him to stay. But still, everyone's pissed off at the WWE like they fired him.

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