CM Punk Has Joined The Raw Commentary Team!

CM Punk; Play-by-Play or Wrestling

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This is a very interesting dichotomy here. I think creative sees the interpersonal way things are on SD and could be trying to re-create that as well on RAW. Granted, Lawler has a ways to go, and Cole, sometimes too. But Cole is as effortless on the table as Striker is on the SD side. You can tell that both of them are fans, and the passion in their voice, sometimes whether sarcasm or just the thoughts that many fans would be thinking, is a breath of fresh air to many around the WWE Universe. I've always been on the bandwagon for Striker on Fridays. Now I'm enjoying Mondays even more, despite the WWE Champ, even with my Nexus fix. I think creative is on to something to try and get some of their more in-demand stars to still be in the groove of things, and not have them sitting around doing nothing. This is like when Lita broke her neck, she did commentary for their Velocity/Heat or whatever it was until she was recuperated. I think its a win/win for everyone involved, fans can still see their fave person, and WWE can still in a way keep tabs on their employee in a way if it was someone who may have had issues in the past. But with CM Punk, I highly doubt its anything like that, with his skills and talent, this is more for the entertainment of the fans. I say good move creative.
Does anyone else think they're using this TLC match tonight to write Jerry Lawler off of RAW for awhile so Punk can replace him as colour commentator? King's in the back right now getting ready so maybe they're using this time as a test to see how they like Punk/Cole together. Personally I think Punk is great on commentary even though I love him in the ring. Maybe they'll write King off for a while until Punk is ready to wrestle again and then put him back with Cole.

That was my thought, honestly. It was a telling sign that they had Punk sign them off the broadcast. Unfortunately, I see this headed to a Michael Cole/Jerry Lawler feud, and Punk playing mediator between the two. Of the three, despite his amusing theatrics, he was by far the most focused, unbiased commentator.

As for his commentary, it was fantastic. Whether he was going off on John Cena for attacking Nexus or complaining about his chair being broken, he was great. He called the matches with an even, steady voice, and really drew this viewer into what he was saying. I think they'll go with a 2 man booth for a while until King can "forgive" Cole, and it will be a nice evaluation for Punk. Hopefully he'll get to call TLC.
Punk is generally amazing on commentary so yeah I dunno what was up with him practically spoiling some of the show.

I just got done reading Foley's book about how bad Vince is through the headsets. I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Punk made a comment to Cole "that's why I'm the wrestler and you're whatever you are" and Vince surely made Cole correct him "you're not a wrestler, you're a superstar". Some of Vince's rules are totally stupid. I actually agree with his strict rule about no pronouns, if you aren't a constant follower of the WWE, or even if you are, it can quickly get confusing, and sound sloppy, if the announcers only refer to people as "he" and "she". So that's one thing I agree with Vince on. But banning the words "Wrestling", "wrestler", and other such rules, just seems borderline psychotic.

Punk is great. He slipped up a bit tonight. But I'm sure he'll do fine.

I'm not sure if they're using the TLC match to get rid of King for a while. From all reports, Vince always liked the 3 man announce team and liked the way it was going with the addition of Punk. But hey, who knows if these reports are ever true or just BS.
Yeah, digging Punk's commentary. It seems a little weird when you figure he's not overly heel or anything, considering he's coming off of Straight Edge Society "I am better than you" Punk, but we're supposed to forget about that angle since it's over, so...
I was thinking the exact same thing about Punk. He says all the right things and his commentary is helping to elevate his career whereas the Hardy's youtube videos are diminishing theres! From the 1992 King of the Rink he won in Rio De Janeiro to making a slight reference to Pat Patterson's sexual orientation he cracks me up. THe only thing that doesn't make sense is one minute he's on Cole's bandwagon and the next he's picking on him.
Punk's line of the night was when Alex Riley came out and he said he looks like he's dressed for court. Obviously a shot at him for his DUI arrest a couple weeks ago.
I for one was greatly entertained by CM Punk tonight. If I could download tonight's commentary onto my iPod I would because Punk was just that good. He is smart, funny, and is an actual wrestler who calls the match from a fan's point of view. I was laughing when he made reference to Riley's DUI and when Cena spilled his drink. I do not really think the way he spoiled the outcome of a match or two was a big deal. According to Wrestlezone, Vince has high hopes for Punk and I hope those hopes continue to stay high.

Also anyone notice the reference of Brock Lesnar on RAW? What could this mean?
Punk is great on commentary, very funny and down to earth. He sounds exactly like someone would sound if they were sitting at home watching the show.

"Climb the ladder, are you stupid?"
"Billion dollar company and I can't even get a decent chair."
"He's a fan where's the security."

So hillarious, he's a natural. I think he could be the next Jesse Ventura.
I am definitely enjoying Punk on commentary. I'm just wondering how much he is allowed to talk about. I mean, they actually are letting him talk about a employee's d.u.i. arrest? Granted it was kind of like under the carpet comments but I was cracking up during most of his commentary and I really enjoy his work on the show thus far. Honestly I didn't even notice his mentioning of a double countout thing but I was multi-tasking with a paper I'm writing for a course I'm taking so I may have missed it doing that...but still, Punk is great.
favorite cm punk moment tonite on raw was when cena should up and interferd in the gabriel/slater match and punk said
what is he doing here he got fired he should go do something with his life. maybe he should inlist and become a real marine
haha lmao that was just one of many great moments from punk
Punk has been great he already passes Striker and I hope replaces him on the PPV's. Loved the comments about Rey stealing his car twice, and when he told Cole to shut up when he was putting over The Miz at the begginning of TLC. I think he's def found away to remain in the big time when he's in ring career dies down.
I love CM Punk on commentary. He's a breath of fresh air. I honestly could listen to him talk all day. IMO he's much easier to listen to the Michael Cole or Todd Grisham, and he simply knows how to turn a phrase, kinda like JR did.

Punk had some spots that cracked me up as well like the "diet soda" comment. And the two kings and queen comment. But i really miss him in the ring. Hope his hip heals so he can get back in there. I do believe he needs a new straight edge society too.
im absolutely thrilled with cm punk's commentary. he is so damn witty and a true breath of fresh air. the riley comments were priceless and the way he sent off raw was almost as good as JR.

the commentary on raw annoys me and its mainly due to cole, its not even a real heat its xpac heat. cant stand him on the television in any sense. i wish hed still just hock merch.

does anyone think that the "diet soda" remark might have been a slight shot at matt hardy?
Some of Punk's commentary reminded me of the late, great Gorilla Monsoon. Especially when he was saying during the KOTR finals that it was a mistake for Sheamus not to pin JoMo after the brogue kick. It was similar to the way Monsoon would say, "You need to get the pin right away. You don't get paid by the hour".
I was laughing my ass off watching Raw this week. Did anyone else notice Punk making a subtle joke regarding Kofi Kingston?

Something along the lines of "King Kofi Kingston; it has a ring to it." Surely he was amusing himself with a line like that...
Punk is solid gold on commentary. Hilarious. I spilled my diet soda.

I would venture to say that Punk's multiple mentions of Riley's DUI is Vince's way of publicly humiliating / punishing an employee for making a bad decision
Nobody has mentioned Punks hair yet. He even commented on it himself stating 2 people wear his hair. Ted Turner and some guy in a coma...

Punk doing a great job. Wish he would talk a little lourder though!!!
CM Punk's commentary on RAW last week and this week was absolutely brilliant, he had so many great comments and know's how to deliver behind the table, it's no surprise why Vince think's of Punk as his favourite announcer. And if anyone noticed he was almost verging on a face announcer role and his DUI comments and all those quotes made this RAW even more enjoyable.
CM Punk is Amazing at commentary! he's Funny and very entertaining and I Loved it when he said Rey Mysterio Steals cars on the side and stole his car twice and when his Diet cola spilled. I do hope that he continues to do the commentary and maybe even later on when he retires from wrestling he can be a Great Commentor
C M Punk was a breath of freash air on commentry on Raw and is by far better than any other announcer in WWE at present. The little comments about Alex Riley was hystericial and really witty. Michael Cole who has been bugging me for ages has finally come up against someone who if given the chance can surpass him as the new voice of the WWE universe. Jerry Lawler and C M Punk sounds so much better as they both respect each other, can call the matches fairly and as they both have in ring experience which is something Cole does not. I hope Punk can be back in the ring soon as well. When Punks in ring career ends I hope he continues to be part of the announce team.
I love CM Punk. I love CM Punk so much that I would gladly ride his dick for hours on end. In real terms. However, I must criticise his commentary - if only a little bit.

He's fluent, he's competent. No problem there. My problem lies with his character. When he was given a microphone and told to go out there and cut a promo, you'd be in no doubt about his character. Now, however, I am in doubt. Who is he supporting? The faces or the heels? King or Cole? JoMo or Sheamus? I'm left unsure.

I get the feeling that he's been handed the commentary spot and been told to slowly build a face persona for his return, but then he starts yelling "The Miz is AWESOOOOME!" and I'm not so sure.

I love his I [David's whatdyamacallit] Colt t-shirt and his minor hints to the indies, but I'm on the fence about his commentary so far. Perhaps he just has to grow into it.
CM Punk is Jesus on the Microphone. He has always been great on the mic, he even got to talk in between every elimination at the Royal Rumble, bestowing Straight Edge upon the audience... anyway... NOW WE GET TO HEAR HIM EVERY MONDAY.

He is really good at playing his part as, it would seem, a veteran. I especially liked his commentary during King's match with the Miz because he managed to stay heel, but cheered for someone he had respect for. To me he's not heel or face, just funny and sensible. He can definitely talk about the good guys and the bad guys on play by play as well as on color... and he's more observant than Cole (the exposed ring buckle)
When Rey Mysterio starts honking the horn and Punk realizes who it is and exclaims "hey its that jerk!" alluding to the fact that Mysterio cost Punk his hair, classic. Anyway Punk is very good with his sarcastic, snide comments. I like that he can play both a heel or face character (1 minute buddying up with Cole, the next minute claiming he has 10 fold respect for Lawler).

However it is clear that Punk needs a lot of work. For one, I believe its commentary 1 on 1 to not spoiler stuff. Granted, the double count-out call to me was not a spoiler. To me, it was someone commenting that it could possibly happen, and of course it did. But I do have a problem when he spoiled that Seamus would be facing Morrison in the finals, when Seamus did not even have one match yet, and Morrison still had to face Del Rio. It was a 'nice' recovery after the commercial though. Punk also has a problem with being too quiet, and at times he loses his flow of thought, like when he tried to explain certain things. These problems though will be fixed over time, but Punk will have to work on it all much later, because I am looking forward to him returning to the ring.

Last note, the best thing about his commentary is that he states the obvious, and that makes him better than you! (I mean you Cole and Lawler).
CM Punk is showing definately that he can work the mic and keep up with Lawler and Cole.. As I said in a earlier post He is the unique position of being a Neutral Commentator, as about as unbias as humanly possible in the wrestling world of today.

I think the quote of the Night came from CM Punk, after Cena AA Heath through the table.

"He spilled my Diet Soda." I think I should make a T-shirt saying that.

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