Christian's Spear


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was talking with some friends bout Christian using the spear after Edge retired.
While talking I asked if anyone has seen Christian actually wining a match with the spear cuz I sure haven't.And doesn't this make the spear look like a weak finishing move,cuz in my eyes it sure does.Not to mention the fact that one of the all time greats Edge used it to win championship after championship.

Your thoughts:
Christian used the Spear to pin Randy Orton in a six man tag team match on RAW prior to Capitol Punishment, he also used it to defeat Sin Cara and end his undefeated streak on an episode of Smackdown a number of weeks ago.

The Spear would be considered Christian's secondary finisher. It's not really meant to win him matches, only rarely, it's more used to be a big time move to get a near fall from the opponent which gets an ovation from the crowd and allows a match to gain momentum.
Christian used the Spear to pin Randy Orton in a six man tag team match on RAW prior to Capitol Punishment, he also used it to defeat Sin Cara and end his undefeated streak on an episode of Smackdown a number of weeks ago.

The Spear would be considered Christian's secondary finisher. It's not really meant to win him matches, only rarely, it's more used to be a big time move to get a near fall from the opponent which gets an ovation from the crowd and allows a match to gain momentum.

Saga summed it up right here. Christian did pin Sin Cara and Orton with the spear so the move is still relevant. Christian should use it as his secondary finisher that gains momentum in his matches but doesn't always ends them but of course have the Killswitch to be his first finisher and the match ender so Christian can actually keep his originality. He can use the spear for great spots at this sunday's no DQ match. Like the spear that Edge used on Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 26 where he speared him from the announce table all the way to a sick fall and a nice spot.
i dont think it makes the move look weak its basically just a sig move/2nd finisher of his as tribute to his life long friend edge its not meant to win alot of matches but he has beat a few people with it i have no problem with him using it it adds another weapon to his move set the move doesnt look weak...what makes a move look weak is when someone using a basic move for a finisher and when anybody else hits it the opponet kicks out (aka JBL's closelines from hell or del rio's botched verison of an armbar)
Edge is one of the best Wrestlers of all time while Christian is a heel it wouldnt be right. But if he turns to a babyface then you could see him saying "This ones for you Edge" he does the spear and wins a BIG match like a Championship Match but as of for right now I don't think so
I don't think Christian should use the spear for one reason: when he uses the spear it will be reminding people that Edge and Christian were friends and that will get Christian cheers because people love Edge. But Christian doesn't want cheers because he's currently a heel.

Anyway he has ended a couple matches with the Spear, them being his match against Sin Cara and in the 6 man tag match.
That's so stupid. Christian can and probably will use the spear as a secondary finisher or in big moments in big matches. The fact that he might get some cheers from it is kinda irrelevant. Chavo used the 3-Amigos suplexes as a face and heel and got the proper reaction for both situations. Is it a bit of a weaker spear? Maybe, but Edge's spear was also weak compared to Goldberg's or Rhyno's so what's the difference?
Like dragon saga already said he won two matches with it. Also i like to think that when Christian uses the spear and doesn't always win matches with it, it (kayfabe) shows that Edge was better at landing the spear then Christian is as it was his main finisher and used it all the time, whereas Christian has only started using the spear recently.
Its similar to how batista used the jackhammer for a while even though the batista bomb was his main finisher. The jackhammer was a brutal finisher when Goldberg used it and always signalled the end of a match but it became a build up move for batista.
Another instance of this happening more recently would be Orton adopting the angle slam as a build up to the RKO.

Back to topic though i have no problem with him using it as it can be hit out of nowhere and thus change the tempo of the match, the same cant be said for the killswitch.
. Is it a bit of a weaker spear? Maybe, but Edge's spear was also weak compared to Goldberg's or Rhyno's so what's the difference?

Goldberg, Rhyno, Bobby Lashley, Batista. All believeable men doing the Spear. Edge sold the move with his hair so although he didn't necessarily knock your breathe out, him throwing his head down on impact made it sort of believeable. Christian doing it makes it look weak. He's an undersized heavyweight champion (saying it nicely). It's the equivalent of seeing Rey Mysterio do the Spear.
Christian's Spear aint realy used to finish off his opponent its to get a near fall and to get the crowd going its like his signuture/2nd Finisher.

It Dosen't make it look weak because he used it on pay-per-views and if somoene kicks out it makes the match more exciting,and from what i can remember everytime he has used it on an ordinary show his one by using that move.

So it dont make the move look weak,its just like a tribute to Edge coz of his retirement,its like the sbinebuster for triple-h so it aint making the move look weak at all.
Seriously people? Complaining about this?

Christian is a 17 year wrestling veteran and a multiple time world champion. He's doing in ode to his retired best friend and 11-time world champion, Edge.

Christian's spear doesn't need to be compared to everyone's spear throughout history. It's a symbol. It's a bond. It's a living memory of Edge and a symbol of just how real E&C always was.

As for him getting a pop for it despite being a heel: If there's one thing his heel character should get a pass on, it's this. As much as I want Christian to get heat, I don't want him to have to forfeit this and I don't think he wants to either.

What should be a cool little allusion to wrestling fans young and old is getting trashed on by a select few in the IWC (what a surprise!). There are so many more topics in World Wrestling Entertainment that deserve to be complained about or praised.

Talk about bitchin' over a non-issue...
It is good that Christian has been using the Spear as a tribute to his best friend, who he inherited his top heel status from as well. Christian not winning via Spears yet does nothing to damage the credibility of the move. He is paying tribute to Edge by using it. People should be happy about that fact rather than complaining that not winning a match with it damages the move's credibility. I like it better than the Killswitch and would not mind seeing Christian use Spears more often.
i kinda agree with TC when ive seen Chrisitan use the spear it doesn't seem to have the same impact as Edges but i wouldn't go so far as to call it weak.
Christian doing the spear isn't the equivalent of Mysterio doing it, that's just dumb to say so. Edge's spear looked weak as shit, like a "running hug" is what I've heard it called.

Christian doing the move doesn't make it look weak. It's a secondary finish. Plus this is pro wrestling, the Rock won matches on a weak ass modified STO and and elbow drop, Hogan won matches on a leg drop, Cena wins them with a fireman's carry. It's how the move is built, not how gruesome it looks.

If you think it looks weak, this is pro wrestling. the moves aren't done by one guy. If someone could sell the shit out of the spear, you wouldn't think it looked weak. The crowd seems to buy it and that's all that matters.
Unless you want the reciever of christians spear to be Knocked out, fair enough but its a mini tribute to edge like others above me have said^
but its to please the fans maybe get some pops and keep the match entertaining. Remember its World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT.

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