Bullshit About Movies [Cage Edition]

I give my sympathy to anyone willing to sit through that tripe.

That was the reason I had it on my queue, if you watch it with expectations that you are going to get some of that classic comedic greatness from Patton, you'll be disappointed, the movie is more of a drama than anything else, it does a have a few moments of humor here and there, but that's about it, that being said it's ok, I thought the ending was fairly decent

Watching Moon right now, not bad

Yeah I had heard it was a dramatic turn for Oswalt which also piqued my interest, I know it's supposed to be a very dark film or something. Just never really got around to seeing it though. Maybe I will now, it is on my DVR afterall.

Naaaah. I'll stick with reruns of Undeclared. Can't believe it took me so long to start watching this show considering Freaks and Geeks is one of my favorite shows ever.

Oh and Moon is brilliant.
Yo X, one of the movies on your list included A Tale of Two Sisters. That's the Korean one right? I watched it in high school for my English class (I also watched the original Japanese Dark Water which is a favorite of mine and many other psychological Asian flicks). I was wondering if you watched it already.

I haven't watched it for what 8 years now and I didn't understand it. I was wondering if you did when you watched it. Shit was confusing.
Yo X, one of the movies on your list included A Tale of Two Sisters. That's the Korean one right? I watched it in high school for my English class (I also watched the original Japanese Dark Water which is a favorite of mine and many other psychological Asian flicks). I was wondering if you watched it already.

I haven't watched it for what 8 years now and I didn't understand it. I was wondering if you did when you watched it. Shit was confusing.

Yeah I saw it years ago, should give it another re-watch. What were you confused about?

For my money, Moon was better than both District 9 and Star Trek that year.

Better than Star Trek, definitely. Not sure about better than D9.
Prolly watch a movie after the game tonight, looking at my Queue I'm thinking one of these

-2 Days
-Super High Me
-Hudson Hawk
-Netherbeast Incorporated
-SLC Punk
Yeah I saw it years ago, should give it another re-watch. What were you confused about?

The entire plot of the movie. I remember that there was a body in a bag and one of the sisters was a ghost or something.

There was an American remake of it called The Uninvited. I actually liked that movie but it was different from the original, I believe. Probably the only American remake of an Asian horror film worth watching. Everything else, Hollywood has butchered.

I don't know. I need to find the original movie online or something. It definitely won't be on Netflix.
The entire plot of the movie. I remember that there was a body in a bag and one of the sisters was a ghost or something.

There was an American remake of it called The Uninvited. I actually liked that movie but it was different from the original, I believe. Probably the only American remake of an Asian horror film worth watching. Everything else, Hollywood has butchered.

I don't know. I need to find the original movie online or something. It definitely won't be on Netflix.

it is on Netflix actually, I just checked, not only is it on Netflix but it's also available for Instant Viewing
it is on Netflix actually, I just checked, not only is it on Netflix but it's also available for Instant Viewing

A Tale of Two Sisters or The Uninvited?

If it's the original, then this gives me a reason to go back home. My ma is the one with Netflix :D
A Tale of Two Sisters is, IDK about Uninvited didn't check

and which version of Last House are you recommending, the original or the remake?

Ah, I might just go home this weekend then.

Both if you can find the original. That one is a lot more graphic than the remake. My English teacher had the original as well as many other old American horror flicks and psychological Asian horror flicks.
Prolly watch a movie after the game tonight, looking at my Queue I'm thinking one of these

-2 Days
-Super High Me
-Hudson Hawk
-Netherbeast Incorporated
-SLC Punk

Do not, under any circumstances, watch Hudson Hawk. It will rape your eyes.

Super High Me was a really fun movie.

I haven't seen Matinee since I was like 6 but I remember loving it.

And SLC Punk was one of my favorite movies when I was 13 years old, helped me get into the Dead Kennedys and more punk in general. Love the flick still to this day. I wish Matthew Lillard would get more work, I always loved the guy.

And Thrilla I"d say give her another viewing now that you're older and it's on instant on Netflix.

As for Last House on the Left, original is a horror classic and Wes Craven's sickest film. The remake was pretty average, but Aaron Paul was in it and I fucking love that dude so that helped. Ending was pretty shit though.
watching The Golden Compass for the first time and I have to say Nicole Kidman plays a good Bitch.
Do not, under any circumstances, watch Hudson Hawk. It will rape your eyes.

I love the movie simply due to it's awfulness, it's one of those I find myself watching like once every 5 years

Super High Me was a really fun movie.

Looks fun, and this is coming from a guy who doesn't "smoke"

I haven't seen Matinee since I was like 6 but I remember loving it.

I don't think I've seen this movie in it's entirety since sometime before HS, but I've always loved it, fun flick

And SLC Punk was one of my favorite movies when I was 13 years old, helped me get into the Dead Kennedys and more punk in general. Love the flick still to this day. I wish Matthew Lillard would get more work, I always loved the guy.

All I can say is that this is a highly underrated movie

As for Last House on the Left, original is a horror classic and Wes Craven's sickest film. The remake was pretty average, but Aaron Paul was in it and I fucking love that dude so that helped. Ending was pretty shit though.

From what I've heard the remake was just gore and violence for the sake of gore and violence, basically just torture porn, I hate horror movies like that, more of a fan of psychological horror than anything
And Thrilla I"d say give her another viewing now that you're older and it's on instant on Netflix.
Yeah I think I will. I watched it so long ago. I just remember not connecting everything together and being ridiculously confused at the end. Either it was just that confusing or the girl that sat next to me that day(my ex) was wearing a low cut shirt. She was Peruvian/El Salvadorian and a D cup so you have to forgive me for not being able to understand the movie at the time.

As for Last House on the Left, original is a horror classic and Wes Craven's sickest film. The remake was pretty average, but Aaron Paul was in it and I fucking love that dude so that helped. Ending was pretty shit though.
That movie should not be watched by anyone under 15. My teacher had a bit of a Wes Craven fetish so we watched a good amount of his movies. Last House was definitely a favorite of mine just because of how the parents got revenge on the assholes that killed their daughter. But all the events leading up to the revenge were so graphic and have stuck to my cerebrum to this day. Some crazy shit.

I liked the remake actually. Definitely not on par with the horror of the original but I'm sure that wasn't what they were going for. Less on the horror and more on the revenge was what it seemed like. Still got a thumbs up from me though.
From what I've heard the remake was just gore and violence for the sake of gore and violence, basically just torture porn, I hate horror movies like that, more of a fan of psychological horror than anything

You need to be watching more Asian horror movies then. Those Japs have fucked up minds. The originals of The Ring, The Grudge, Tale of Two Sisters, Dark Water, and that one movie where the ghost sits on the guy's shoulder were great movies that got me away from the boring slasher films of America.
Watched Prince Of Persia, gotta say probably one of (if not) a really good video game adaption.

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