Bullshit About Movies [Cage Edition]

I have this movie on my queue

Heard it's kinda sad, Kevin Smith likes to call it Schindlers Toy Box, and says the final scene with the toys is "the most human scene he's seen in a movie all year" or something like that
It really is. My only complaint is the the credits should have roled playing the originla "You got a friend in me" instead of the spanish version.
I watched Broken Lizard's Club Dread a few days ago. Highly enjoyable.
Most their movies are.
Yeah, that'd be me. And I stand by that comment 100%.

1. I can not for the life of me stand Adrien Brody. He fucking sucks. Splice was at least semi-worth it, for two reasons. (1) Sarah Polley = greatness, and (2) what happens to Brody. :D

2. When a guy fires off a fucking huge ass machine gun and can't hit a single target, not even to slightly wound something - yet someone else fires ONE SHOT and takes down one of those dogs.. uhm, no. Completely upset me due to stupidity.

3. Topher Grace. If Brody wasn't enough to kill that movie, Grace finished the job.

1. Brody was excellent in this movie. You just dont like him. as you said.

2. first guy was a meathead, second guy was a sniper. Makes perfect sense.

3. Topher Grace rocked.

X. You will like...love...this movie.
I finally watched The Shawshank Redemption. Very, very, good movie. I didn't know the ending somehow and it blew my mind.

Next on my queue is Slingblade based on a recommendation from my dad after seeing the commercial for The Rock's latest movie.
Wasn't a fan of Scott Pilgrim. The chick was hot and yes Will, Cera played his character well but I just couldn't get into the movie.

Watched grown ups last night, Wasn't as good as I thought it would be but it was ok, few funny parts.

Also watched Lake placid 2 or 3? It started off ok but then just died halfway through the movie. it might just be because I was tired.

I have red, Knuckle head, the social network and Cena's new movie to watch sometime this weekend if I get around to it. I just don't know where to start.
Saw Scott Pilgrim this morning. I didn't fall in love with it like Doc, but it was pretty swell.

Also decided to give Jesus Camp a look because of my interest in developmental psychology. In a word: Unsettling.
Watched Get Him To The Greek last night, twas ok, not as funny as I had hoped but good for a few laughs, this might be one of those comedy's that grows on me over time though

Thinking about watching Dead Snow and Fido later today, they've been on my queue for awhile now
Watched Fido earlier, it was ok, not great though, currently watching Big Fan, which is mildly interesting
Барбоса;2589822 said:
I still have 19 DVDs in my "to watch" pile

I have 227 things in my Instant Queue, 89 of which are TV shows, 7 stand -up specials, the other 96 are movies, some of which I have seen before, but most I havn't
I have a ton of things in my Instant Queue. Every time I try to watch one of the movies there, I instead turn on the next episode of The Addams Family. :lmao: I'll get to Blade Runner, Cowboy Bebop: Knocking On Heaven's Door, and Pee-wee's Big Adventure some day...
Knucklehead is a surprisingly ok movie... Except it had my one pet peeve with movies not once but twice...

(where they say the name of the movie in the movie)
I have a ton of things in my Instant Queue. Every time I try to watch one of the movies there, I instead turn on the next episode of The Addams Family. :lmao: I'll get to Blade Runner, Cowboy Bebop: Knocking On Heaven's Door, and Pee-wee's Big Adventure some day...

You have to watch Pee-wee's Big Adventure immeadiately.
I'm watching a few Billy Crystal films, City Slickers 1 & 2 and Analyse this and That.
Also decided to give Jesus Camp a look because of my interest in developmental psychology. In a word: Unsettling.

That film legitimately frightens me.

I'm watching Battlefield Earth.

I'm sorry.

Watched Fido earlier, it was ok, not great though, currently watching Big Fan, which is mildly interesting

Big Fan has been on my DVR for awhile, mainly because I think Patton Oswalt is one of the best comedians in the world today. How was it?

Pondering watching the remake of The House on Sorority Row. Or just watching reruns of Undeclared. May go with Undeclared.
I'm sorry.


Big Fan has been on my DVR for awhile, mainly because I think Patton Oswalt is one of the best comedians in the world today. How was it?

That was the reason I had it on my queue, if you watch it with expectations that you are going to get some of that classic comedic greatness from Patton, you'll be disappointed, the movie is more of a drama than anything else, it does a have a few moments of humor here and there, but that's about it, that being said it's ok, I thought the ending was fairly decent

Watching Moon right now, not bad

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