Brothers of Destruction: End of an Era


Dark Match Jobber
After watching the epic segments on last night's RAW, it seems as though it could have possible ended the 15+ year saga of Kane and The Undertaker... One last pose together paying tribute to their storyline Father.

It's almost sad for me.. I remember growing up watching this saga unfold year after year and couldn't ever imagine it being over.. you know what I mean?

What do you guys think? Can it be said that this is possibly/the end of this chapter?

How do you feel about the ending of a classic story line / feud / saga that these 3 were in together?
Paul Bearer was not involved when Undertaker helped Kane clear the ring at RAW 1000.

I don't think the 'Saga' will end until one or both men has retired.

I also don't think we're ever going to see them compete together or against each other again; they don't need to!

I do think we will see them in short reunion segments like on RAW 1000 occasionally, but rarely.

I for one wouldn't be surprised to see CM Punk beat Taker, then for Taker to retire after that. By the same token, I would not be surprised to see Taker beat CM Punk and round it off by beating Brock Lesnar at WM30 then retiring after that.

My prediction for WM29 Taker V Punk is this: I have no prediction, but put it this way. I hate that Cena v Rock is happening in comparison to how much I'm looking forward to this years Streak match... And I'm REALLY looking forward to Cena v Rock!
I hadn't thought about it but now that you mention it, that might be exactly what unfolded Monday night. Paul passed away at such a fitting time for the Undertaker's career. This WM might possibly be his last so having Bearer pass away and Kane find a new tag team partner in Daniel Bryan are clear kayfabe signs that things are coming to an end for Taker. I originally thought that Brock was going to be his last opponent but it looks like Brock will be facing Rock come WM 30. Last WM was Undertaker's last hoorah. His moment to shine and to close a chapter. This year a match with CM Punk could bring Taker's career to an end. Its sort of passing the torch from one gen to another. Storyline wise Taker needs to put CM Punk over but if Taker wins they can still make him look so badly hurt that he has to retire.

Sorry for going off into a tangent but to answer your question yes, and it was sad. It was also a fitting end to the bond between Taker and Kane. Paul was the last remaining link between that bond and now that he's gone we can close that chapter of their careers.
I got major goosebumps at the end of Raw, when Taker dropped to his knee, Kane on his knee in the ring, the tribute to Bearer on the tron. It was quite a moment...that was until Punk attacked Kane with the urn and hightailed it up the ramp, which wasn't a bad thing itself.
I got major goosebumps at the end of Raw, when Taker dropped to his knee, Kane on his knee in the ring, the tribute to Bearer on the tron. It was quite a moment...that was until Punk attacked Kane with the urn and hightailed it up the ramp, which wasn't a bad thing itself.

My only problem with it was the timing of the execution. They should've kept them in that pose for a few more seconds before Punk attacked Kane.
wasn't bearer like the guy that worked for their father or something i am positive he wasn't the storyline father
It was such a nostalgia moment, that it almost had to be the end.

The only thing that would be more fitting is if after Taker beats Punk, Kane walks out on the stage (Without pyro or music) and does the classic kneel that Undertaker made famous. A simple "Goodbye"

This thread made me very excited for Undertaker and Kane's HOF night, because they are the only people that should induct each other.
Kinda weird. The last time Taker and Kane feuded, it resulted in Kane decisively winning 4 or 5 times in a row, serving Taker the biggest losing streak of his career.

You'd think that this war that lasted well over a decade could only end with Taker getting the final win.

(Then again screw consistency. At RAW 1000 the brothers were reunited once more... Who cares?!)

Who knows, maybe Kane will have one more Wrestlemania match against his brother next year. Would be a great way for him (or both) to retire for good.

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