The Brothers Of Destruction Reuniting....Sort Of.


In another surprise move, it's been announced that The Undertaker will be taking part of WWE's upcoming three day stint in Mexico City on October 16, 17 and 18. He'll be teaming with his "brother" Kane, reforming the Brothers of Destruction, to take on the team of Luke Harper and Braun Strowman.

Taker must be quite healthy and feeling really good in general. It's rare that he wrestles more than once a year, his match with Lesnar at HIAC will mark his 3rd ppv appearance this year and he'll be competing alongside Kane in a series of tag team matches. Still, a tag team environment is a means of protecting Taker and Kane will probably wind up doing most of the work and taking most of the punishment, then he'll wind up making a hot tag, the crowd will go nuts, Taker will dominate for a few minutes, he'll have one of the Family members pinned resulting in the other interfering, thereby resulting in Kane stepping in and it'll eventually wind up with Kane & Taker scoring the win via a double Tombstone or something.
I know individuals constantly complain about these old timers and I'm guilty of the same at times but this sounds bad ass. Especially at special Live Events this is something I would love to see. I'd be all for a brief BoD run to help the mid card and tag division. I'd actually like to see them work against any the duos in WWE. Wyatts, New Day, PTP, Dragons and even Ambrose/Reigns.
The only issue I have with this is that Braun Strowman is involved. He never spent any time in NXT and barely spent any time at the WWE Performance Center. Bringing him on to the main roster with no NXT time and not much Performance Center time is one thing, but putting him in there with The Undertaker?! Braun is nowhere near ready to get some ring time with him, and I don't care if this is untelevised or not broadcasted on the Network. People that have only been around for about two months shouldn't be thrown in with The Undertaker, even for house shows.
People that have only been around for about two months shouldn't be thrown in with The Undertaker, even for house shows.

I'd rather Taker not getting injured and a younger guy who hasn't proven he can work safely is not the ideal opponent. That being said, Luke Harper is a pretty safe worker from my understanding. So, there's at least some hope that he'll be okay
Nothing wrong with The Brothers of Destruction reuniting. Probably the only time Kane is going to be half interesting. I'd like to see New Day fight them .
'Taker must really be feeling ok, as there's no chance WWE would risk putting him in these meaningless matches unless they were confident his body is up to it.

I personally get the feeling that this is kind of a "farewell" tour for The Deadman, and he's trying to make as many appearances for the fans as he can before hanging up his boots at WM in Dallas next year. Considering how rarely 'Taker has wrestled these last few years, it's a real treat for the Mexican fans that they get to see him live before he retires.

He won't be in the ring much in these matches, it'll be Kane carrying most of the load with Undertaker getting the pinfall win every night after coming in with a hot tag.
What a match. That's PPV quality right there. Like others, I don't see Taker in the ring much for these matches and when he is in the ring, he'll likely be working with Luke Harper more than Braun Stroman, which is fine. No need to risk injury at this point in his career. But I think WWE was also keeping Stroman in mind when they made this match. What better way for Stroman to gain quick experience than by being in the ring with Kane, Harper, and Taker multiple times? He'll learn a lot during this tour, especially from Taker, which can only be a positive.
I actually want brothers of destruction one last run. HIAC is a perfect time for Kane interfering takers match tombstone lesnar and reunite with taker.
taker wrestle in Mexico tour is only for star attraction. he wrestle in less time and wins for his team.
That would be awesome if they were to continue teaming and do it at HIAC, during Undertakers match with Brock Kane comes through the mat and pulls Brock down under. I would love to see that, it could also help Undertaker during a long match with Brock. Undertaker must be doing pretty well if he is going to fight that much, this probably could very well be his farewell tour. Kane will probably be fighting Seth but the Brothers for one last run would be AWESOME.

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