Bring Back the Juniors Division


Slapstick Heavyweight Champion
Well, here goes Klown Karnage again with another crazy idea that will probably never happen. But, as absolutely no event or circumstance happens without an idea anyways, I'm going to put this one out there. The Juniors Division, many don't remember it from the days of the WWF. It was America's dabbling in midget wrestling (apparently much more popular in Mexico and Japan) and while there were a few midget impersonations of full-sized wrestlers (as we saw in the Mini-Royal Rumble during the Illegitimate McMahon angle) since the Juniors Division matches ended, the only midget wrestler to ever get any notoriety in America (that I've seen) is Hornswoggle. Thing is, I've gone back through youtube to find the Juniors Matches. There aren't many there, but those that do exist are definitely worth a watch, particularly the match between Mascarita Sagrada and Tsuki. Octagoncito is also one to watch. Take a look at these.

Why do I think that the Juniors Division should be brought back, at least for a short (pardon the pun) angle? For one thing, it'll give Horny a few people his own size to compete against. Let's face it, aside from the hilarious comedy spots in such matches, he's not really believable in defeating the bigger wrestlers. What's more, you don't see what Hornswoggle is capable of in a wrestling context. Only in that Mini-Royal Rumble did we ever see that. By bringing a few wrestlers Hornswoggle's size in, he could actually get the chance to earn some credibility as an actual wrestler. Secondly, it's something different. It's a new kind of adversity struggle which I think the PG audience would really go for, especially if you got some of the really hardcore midgets for the more rabid fans.

Now, there's another issue here. While the WWE has always gotten their little people from the AAA promotion (again, as far as I know) I'd like to see them scout out and bring in a few members of the Micro Wrestling Federation (MWF). A lot of you probably don't know who I'm talking about. They're a smaller (again pardon the language) promotion mostly doing tavern venues, but definitely worth a looksee. Before dismissing this one out of hand, check the videos on their site, particularly Micro TV Episode 4. You'll see what I mean. Take a look here.

They may be more attitude than PG era given the venues they're used to, but I bet they could work with the WWE. I could see a solid storyline as a kind of MWF invasion in which they start ganging up on different wrestlers and Hornswoggle must choose between siding with them or with the company.
You know, I actually thought about how to make the "Juniors division" not be a stupid joke when it was on Smackdown.

So here are those thoughts.
First, lose the "Boing" sound effect and treat them like individual athletes and not just a comedy act.
Second, rename the division the Flyweight division, like in boxing
Third, bring in some legitimate foreign martial artists from the smallest weight divisions. (Foreign because they'll work cheap. No offense, just economics). Train them up a bit. Seeing two midgets wrestle is what it is. Seeing a midget pro wrestler working a match with a 5'1, 115 pound Thai kickboxer is an experiment I'd like to see. Seeing the winner face a 5'2" judo expert from Brazil the next week for the title could be actual sports entertainment.
This just will not work - I cannot see an audience taking people under 4 feet tall seriously. I look at them and think 'Well thats awesome their letting kids fight in the ring...wait their not kids' *channel switch*.

Juniors matches just wont work in our market.

Oh and on a side note, I have seen one good Juniors match in my life and I KNOW that the WWE wouldn't allow anyone of those types of matches. WWE sees midgets as squirt guns, water balloons, bugs bunny-wannabe types.

Just My Opinion

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