Bring Back The Oddities


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I was thinking about this sometime in December, when I saw Khali and Singh in the ring for whatever reason it was, and put it on the back burner.

Then I saw that Beth eliminated Khali with a kiss, and then saw Mike Knox doing absolutely nothing. The thought came to me: Why not team them all up, and reform the Oddities?

Khali could easily take over the Kurrgan role, with Knox being the "Golga" of the group. He's the big guy that isn't taken seriously, and that beard just screams for a comedy gimmick. Beth would take the part of Luna, being the aggressive female. singh would clrealy be the mouthpiece, if you thought I forgot him.

I'm not saying to team them up, give them a push, and reignite the tag division. I just think it'd be something worth putting on TV for a few weeks. If they can get away with a midget on RAW, they can get by with this on Smackdown, and 3 minutes a week won't kill the program. They're on TV anyway, just not in a useful role. you didn't? The power of Christ compels you, the power of Christ compels you!!!! The Oddities? Kurrgan? Golga? ICP???? GOD WHY??? I read it, I know I know. I guess it couldn't hurt. I never liked the Oddities. I guess if you wanted to assemble a group out of todays roster to make a new Oddities those people would be as good as any. Before I actually read your post I thought "Please GOD don't let this man be serious!!!" I just couldn't stand them back then and I couldn't stand them now. At first I thought that was what you were implying, bringing back the Oddities from back in the day. It never helped that ICP was with them either, I hate them with a passion. They are probably the actual reason I never liked the Oddities to begin with. Never liked anything they did, or anything associated with them except their movie "Big Money Hustler's" that was actually pretty good.
While I think the Oddities were moderately amusing, and I think that Khali is the unintentionally funniest wrestler of all time, I don't really see the point. Beth already has her niche, Khali is fucked and can't wrestle for more than about 5 minutes and Mike Knox is good, but his beard is all people care about. I think what I'm trying to say is, sure if you had to do something with them, it wouldn't be a bad idea, but realistically, I don't think any of them are the sort of person that needs to be pushed.
The Oddities were terrible. Like, for real. Teaming up people that don't look ridiculous, to fit roles that basically cemented the non-fan's idea that wrestling is a freakshow, would be really, really dumb. McMahon's trying to bring new fans in by bringing in "celebrities" to host raw. Not drive them away by poking fun at "not-so-normal-to-mildly-******ed" people. The mid to late nineties were a completely different time.
Well, I'm not averse to forming another "freak" faction, but I don't really like the idea of the wrestlers you suggested. Khali is dreadful, as has been pointed out, and some wrestlers have found their place on the card. If they didn't repackage them, then the name "Oddities" would just be a name, and what's the point of that?

I think WWE could really benefit from an Oddities-type stable, as they would make for interesting television and have some fun characters. It would be a nice contrast to the bland personalities and lack of characters seen on WWE TV.

They could throw Mike Knox in the new group, as he is really the only one not doing anything. If Goldust hadn't teamed with Yoshi Tatsu I'd say put him in as well. Bring up some developmental wrestlers who could benefit from being in a group. They could play heel or face. It would just make for some entertaining TV.
It might not be a great one but what the heck, we already have a midget on raw and he takes about 3 minutes away from Raw. So why not heck bring the oddities back in SD. And as we all know khali ain't doing crap right now. knox is doing the same thing as Khali-- nothing. so i really think pairing them could be a great thing and it will be very funny at the same time.

As for beth, i dont think so. beth deserves better and she might be getting a push in a few weeks. But they could add some other goofy ass diva in the WWE and im pretty sure the E have a lot of them that might fit in that team.
For those newer fans who didn't watch during the Attitude Era, The Oddities, surprisingly enough, were one of the hottest acts going on in the WWE. I was completely blown away as I didn't see that gimmick taking off at all. But once Insane Clown Posse got thrown into the mix, and started making live appearances, the crowd absolutely followed suit and they just came alive whenever The Oddities came out. They were really into the gimmick.

Crowd response at the arenas was more into the Oddities back then then pretty much anything you see on the TV screen today perhaps not named John Cena ... :


And if this thing worked in the Attitude Era, I know it would be a hit today in the PG Era, with the kids and all.

I think it would definitely help Khali as well as Mike Knox tremendously, as they don't have anything going on.

I disagree with Phoenix though, as I don't really classify her as "odd" in any way. She plays a much better Heel, and I don't want to jeopardize that.

You could probably work the Bella Twins into the group being identical twins, and have them take the Sable role ... and then the group would need another male to be classified as a faction.

But sure, I would be all for this.
While I think the Oddities were moderately amusing, and I think that Khali is the inintentionally funniest wrestler of all time, I don't really see the point. Beth already has her niche, Khali is fucked and can't wrestle for more than about 5 minutes and Mike Knox is good, but his beard is all people care about. I think what I'm trying to say is, sure if you had to do something with them, it wouldn't be a bad idea, but realistically, I don't think any of them are the sort of person that needs to be pushed.

You get me. I like this.

I wasn't saying they need to be pushed, but if they're going to be forced onto TV every week, they might as well have something to do that is at least somewhat entertaining. Knox could be good, and Khali is...Well, Knox could be good, so why not give them something worth watching?

But sure, I would be all for this.

The fact you agreed with me, got me aroused.
Man u cant be serious! The oddities succed bacc then and any incarnation today would succ also. I think the WWE should stop waisting time wit all this comedy crap like Hornswaggle n Chavo n all that bull n just get bacc to wrestling lol
I'm not sure an official "stable" would be able to remain fresh for more than 3 months in today's WWE, but given the direction they are going in creatively, it would fit in perfectly.

Don't know about the members, but Khali is definitely the unanimous inaugural member. Throw in Hornswaggle, Santino, Chris Masters, and Jillian Hall and you got yourself a stable of "freaks" to take on the comedy roles for RAW and Smackdown.

Night, I'm not sure what the benefit would be though after the initial cheap pops and laughs wear off. Where would you go with them after 2 or 3 months?

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