Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon

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Bret Hart will defeat Vince McMahon.

I got this prediction right, although it was probably the easiest one to predict other than Taker's match. I thought that this match would be terrible, and I suppose in a way some people could think it was.... but I enjoyed it the way it happened because Bret got his revenge for Montreal and his family was there to support him at ringside in a very one-sided revenge match. Now to me, that's a Wrestlemania moment! I'm a bit surprised that Vince didn't randomly send out monster heels for the Hart Dynasty to fight off, but it makes sense that the match was booked the way it was. It had the potential to be the worst match of the night, luckily it went alright.

I give this match a rating of 4 out of 9.
I shake my head at the stupidity scattered across the internet post Wrestlemania 26. Vince McMahon vs. Bret Hart was the worst match on the card. Umm, what? How in the holy hell was this match the worst match on the card. What in the hell were people expecting from a decade plus retired 50 year old Stroke victim against the 63 year old owner of the company? Please, for the love of god, someone tell me how that match goes any other way then Bret Hart beating the living hell out of Vince McMahon?

Shawn Michaels did the same exact thing to McMahon at Mania 22, and the fan boys absolutely gushed all over it. I guess if Bret brought out a ladder it would have been about a 10 star match or something. If you expected anything other then what this match delivered, you simply don't have a clue and haven't been paying attention for a while.

I was just about to post but you took the words out of my mouth (or my typing fingers). I guess people were expecting a Bret/Bulldog encore or something, I don't understand it. It was all about getting revenge and for the Hitman to leave the business with his head up.

I was kinda hoping for this match to be a bit more PG-13 though, lol. Would have been nice to see a little blade job by McMahon to give it that extra violence. But it was was it was.

I hear reports that the McMahon character is now done....and how fitting. It started with the Montreal screwjob and ends 13 years later after a beating by Bret Hart.
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