***Breaking News***


Staff member
I have decided to leave the Creative Control of WZCW.

After a year of doing the job, I feel that the time is right to step away from the position. Although I am leaving, I will still be RPing and I look forward to reading the shows as a fan now and not as an author. I have enjoyed the time on board as a Creative member for almost a year and massive thanks have to go to Phoenix, Ty, Showtime, Blade, Ricky, Milenko, Fratelli and Harthan for making the job as enjoyable as possible. However, special thanks go to Lee. He took a risk with me and I think that it paid off.

I have loved doing RPs from day one and there is no way that I will be leaving the Fed. Home is where the heart is and my heart is here. I also want to thank each and every one of you, who have made each match and every RP a joy to read and write. Hopefully, with the free time I now have, I can go about making a section my own and modding something else.

I will be replaced and I have recommended a person to fill that spot. My mod spot may also be filled and I have recommended a person to fill that role too. That doesn't mean that person will necessarily be the person that is picked but I am happy with my choice.

It is with a heavy heart that I withdraw from the Creative Control Board Room but I know that whomever replaces me will do a fabulous job. So with that, I am out...

Thanks guys, you have been awesome.

EDIT: I also welcome the right to rejoin Creative at a later time. For now though, it's just not possible.

Dave you have done an awesome job as mod, and good luck to you for whatever you do. Good to hear you are still RPing though
You're welcome.

And thank-you for stepping down before you became a boring tyrant and a hack. That was classy of you.
Sad to see you depart Dave, no more campfire marshmellows :(

But thank you for all the time and dedication you have given us :)

So, does Blade finally get that mod spot he's desperate for?

That is correct, as of now Blade AND Showtime are the newest efed mods, congratulations to both of them.
That wasn't who I picked, Phoenix.

I said Baller. Not Blade.

The question here is, which overdone movie-style exaggerated no should I use?

Seriously though, you will be missed, man.

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