A short announcement

Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Hey guys,

So just a quick announcement here, now that the Anniversary show is over, I have officially now stepped down from the Creative team. Yes, once again. Though I have good reasons. I'm currently working a full time job that requires 50+ hours a week typically, as well as a part time job two nights a week. I also just started in a training program to get all of the IT certificates I can. My daughter started school yesterday, and my wife and I are expecting our second child in November. Needless to say, I got my plate filled with things to take care of.

With that, this was also my final run on Creative as well. I believe this was my fourth run I want to say, and progressively I've found myself not having the time to dedicate properly to it as I once did. So in short, this is my retirement if you will from being on the Creative team altogether. I truly do appreciate the guys running the show for bringing me back for one more go at it, and I can honestly say this is probably one of the best versions of Creative we've had in WZCW history. Everything is running so smoothly in the back, even with me struggling to find time to help, they didn't skip a beat.

So that's all I got for now. I'm not part of the regime and just a pleb once more.
You're awesome. I already said it to you in the back but I'll say it again. I'm really glad I got the chance to work with you on Creative. You're gonna be missed back there.
Let me just make it clear I'm not leaving the fed, just stepping down from Creative lol.
Welp, the rest of us humble RPers gotta step up our game now that Ty can hone in on his craft better.
Excellent news! This will result in a significant rise in fed quality!

Welcome back to the trash squad, fam: a glorious land where we can hope for the best, and complain to high heaven when the show results are revealed (or present the tongues for a glorious hole licking of the creative because we won). Hope all goes well.
It was always fun to work that side of the curtain with you. Do you best to enjoy the retirement from creative and enjoy when the next little spawn pops out. If they turn out as adorable as your first, you will be one lucky dude.

That last part sounded less weird in my head.

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