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Bischoffs comments about Nexus

The Nexus is boring, it hasn't captured the imagination of the entire IWC. TNA sucking has captured the imagination of the entire IWC so therefore TNA must be doing something right because they have people talking about it. I mean c'mon please

The Nexus are like the Spirit Squad. Remember them. They sucked. They were here one minute and gone the next. They were nobodies. They were a waste of time. The Nexus angle is not innovative. It's the New World Order storyline except with nobodies that nobody will ever be interested in stuck in an angle with no credible storyline to sell the NXT program. It's a joke. Anything WWE does is accepted by WWE fanboys and anything TNA does is hated by WWE fanboys. It's a loyalty thing: a battle between two companies where you have to hate the company threatening who your loyal to. Objectively, Nexus started off promising but hasn't materialized into anything. There is no apparent direction. The possibilities for a better direction are absent. In TNA, the 'They' storyline hasn't really intrigued me either over the past month like i thought it would. I haven't given up on the angle though because its only been a month and there is potential unlike the Nexus one which has been stale since month 2. There are a number of different directions they will go with 'They' that everyone can see coming and it will be intriguing. But Nexus isn't going to go anywhere, the whole focus of the group is new guys with no charisma. You can't sell a deadweight group of potential lacking goofballs to anyone, not even to the present day idiots watching Raw week in and week out and buying all the crappy WWE PPVs. Nexus is like watching paint dry, i've been saying that for months before Bischoff said it and I'm glad to hear somebody else say what I've been saying. Today's wrestling fans are starved for wrestling entertainment because it has been so bad for so long so this Nexus angle is 'awesome' to them. Its nonsensical, it's dumb, it's basically for kids.
A bunch of charisma lacking jarheads. Yippee i'm gonna tune in for that i don't think so.
I gave it a month, i changed the channel after a god awful promo by one of them in the dressing room patting each others' backs like the gay cheerleading spirit squad. Their just a bunch of nobodies trying to sell the NXT show for Vince. Already seen Tough Enough, wasn't interested in Maven or that other concussed guy, so what would interest me about a bunch of green dumbasses even greener than most of WWE's current talent.

For the TNA/WCW/Bischoff/Hogan haters, you guys are such pansy whiners. Hogan made wrestling, bow down. Bischoff revolutionized wrestling. WCW beat WWE before and copying the same formula TNA will do it again. Recycling and imitating, when done properly, can have fascinating results. History should not be ignored, wrestling should make sense and embrace history not ignore it. I just love reading the very few posts on here like the one above. It's nice to hear a fan who remembers wrestling at it was and not what it has been redefined years later by the powers that be and all the goofy WWE obsessed stiffs who regurgitate anything that sounds like it defends their beloved parental guidance WWE.

I'm watching Dora the Explorer with my one year old right now. I'm parentally guiding her through this program. I find this less insulting to my intelligence since its a kid show directed at kids and not overgrown baby adults. It's much more interesting than an episode of Raw where the Nexus wannabe *****es are supposedly 'on the verge' of taking over the company but can't even deliver a chair shot, split anyone open, or deliver any daring moves. All they can do is wrestle and possibly one of his buddies will come out and interfere (although that's pretty risque and hard to explain to overgrown adult babies). They have no Bischoff character leading the group behind the scenes, they have no established guy like Hogan to give them credibility, they have no backing from a Dixie Carter character, they can't do anything heelish or they'll be suspended for months like Daniel Bryan, and they have a crappy NXT program. The whole angle makes absolutely no sense yet people criticize the 'they' angle for not making sense. What have we become adult babies who can only understand basic babyfood concepts spoonfed by to us by our parental guiding WWE? And are we suppose to believe these 8 asswipe no names with no power or influence are really going to take over anything but the locker room bathroom? Ha, like anyone's gonna believe it, oh wait most people here believe it. It's funny what you can make yourself believe if it helps you feel better about a two hour waste of time you put yourself through every Monday night for the past decade of your life.
Actually succeeded in taking over their respective program. They are all equal and all carry actual personality. Their objective is to dominate and they are doing just that.
Succeeded in taking over their program, but who's the biggest threat there to stop them? EV2 which no one cares about? If a faction has no one legitimate to fight against, who cares?

Only 3 times the past month with another scheduled defense this Thursday. But that ain't much.
Actually this Thursday was never set up to be for the title. And when he does defend the title, it's in matches you know the person has no shot at winning. And it usually lasts about 5 minutes.

Oh and Nexus isn't? At least Beer Money can work a match and are an actual team.
Yes, Beer Money is a phenomenal team. Never said they aren't. Too bad they don't wrestle in tag team matches on their own any more because TNA wastes them.

Right. You don't watch Impact do you? Kaz vs Mr. Anderson. Kaz vs Douglas Williams. AJ Styles vs Sabu. Beer Money vs FBI. Yeah, they don't wrestle alone.
Actually I haven't missed a single impact since they came to Spike TV. I've also seen every PPV for the past two years. Kaz is the least talented of that group so him fighting does nothing for me. Especially since no one cares about him and no one ever has and no one ever will. AJ Styles vs. Sabu? Really? That's supposed to be a defense? Any match with Sabu is worthless. Beer Money vs. FBI...dear God! FBI? Really? Hahahahahahahahahahahhaahaha! Also, that match lasted about 2 minutes and wasn't showcasing Beer money's wrestling ability. Just a way to kill of an EV2 team.

Nexus is a waste of nearly 8 wrestlers. They literally ripped off Eric Bischoff's "You're either with us or against us" line and turned it into this waste of space. It's an act of laziness for the sake of getting one guy over. You talk about shock value but fail to mention the initial attack Nexus had on Raw. Filled with so much shock it costed somebody their job.
I have no concern with shock value. Nexus serves it's purpose. Immortal doesn't cuz it has none.
Matt Morgan, RVD, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, Pope. Do you want me to list ALL the faces for your stupid ass?

Three words - Pee Wee Herman. Need I say more?

Sure you don't. If Nexus had any shock value you'd jizz all over the screen, but when TNA does it you turn a blind eye. God you WWE blind idiots make me sick.

How are WWE fans blind exactly? Is it because we enjoy the product and defend it without feeling the need insult everyone who disagrees. Pee Wee Herman was a celebrity guest appearance, and honestly while it might have been silly, it was used to get even more heat on the Miz (who I'm sure you hate because he isnt in TNA).

Nexus has had plenty of shock value, while Immortal had it's one moment at BFG, and when Fortune joined them on Impact. The attack on Raw was great, burying the Undertaker for reasons we still don't know, taking out Bret Hart, Barrett going over Cena, is this enough for you or will you just quote each of my paragraphs and insult me because I know entertainment when I see it instead of just loving everything on Spike TV?
Nexus is shit compared to Immortal. Live with it. Bischoff had ALL the right in the world to comment on it and slam it.

Where do you make the assumption that Immortal is better than Nexus when Immortal hasn't even been around long enough to be considered "better"?

It's this talk right here (talking about Bischoff) that gives TNA a bad rep. Nexus has absolutely nothing to do with Eric's product and to blast it is not the smartest thing a businessman can do. There's an old saying about "keeping to your devices" which Bischoff needs to do. Degrading WWE does nothing for TNA but make them look like pompous asses. Yeah I said it.

I enjoy Jeff Hardy's Antichrist gimmick and I am in love with the Knockout Division, but I will say something when people act stupid. This is one of those cases. It would be like Vince McMahon bashing TNA's "Fortune" or whatever and call them boring. I'd be saying the same thing about him. Where does a businessman get off by insulting another product's talent?
Where do you make the assumption that Immortal is better than Nexus when Immortal hasn't even been around long enough to be considered "better"?

It's this talk right here (talking about Bischoff) that gives TNA a bad rep. Nexus has absolutely nothing to do with Eric's product and to blast it is not the smartest thing a businessman can do. There's an old saying about "keeping to your devices" which Bischoff needs to do. Degrading WWE does nothing for TNA but make them look like pompous asses. Yeah I said it.

I enjoy Jeff Hardy's Antichrist gimmick and I am in love with the Knockout Division, but I will say something when people act stupid. This is one of those cases. It would be like Vince McMahon bashing TNA's "Fortune" or whatever and call them boring. I'd be saying the same thing about him. Where does a businessman get off by insulting another product's talent?

How come everyone cries their asses off whenever TNA takes shots at WWE? You're aware of the fact that Bischoff has been shitting on WWE years before he came to TNA. For crying out loud, the guy broke most of the taboos in wrestling back in the late 90's and ran rough shot over the WWF for quite a while. It would've been absolutely horrendous if say, Eric Young, said that watching paint dry is better than Nexus, but it's Eric Bischoff saying it. The guy who brought the nWo concept to the US and created the best stable in professional wrestling ever. I think he knows more about pro wrestling than you and I, especially stables, so if he thinks it's boring -- then I'm SURE he's got his reasons.

Besides, didn't WWF and WCW bicker like this years ago? I specifically remember Hunter Hearst Helmsley refering to WCW as "that cess pool". Other WWF superstars did it too, on air. WCW fired back. It's how it was, and nobody looked cheap. The WWF fans LOVED it when WWF mocked WCW, and vice versa, but somehow TNA looks second rate by bashing WWE's product. It's not like they didn't deserve it. I respect Bischoff for taking shots at the other company. It's not sleazy, it shows balls. I LOVE the guy for being like that. I especially love it when WWE fans cry their asses off about it. That's why I've been quoting people left and right. It's really amusing.

McMahon's not "the better man" for not responding on ripping on TNA. He's a pussy. He's gone soft. That's why the WWE is in this condition. If it were 1999 and you told Vince to do a PG Era he'd laugh in your face. Give me a break. It's that goodie two shoes attitude that lost WWE all these fans who ran to UFC. Wonder why wrestling isn't "cool" anymore?
I quit watching wrestling in 2003 because they just stopped airing it in my country, and started watching again in 2007 when Chris Jericho came back. I was talking about it left and right and back in the day it was cool to talk about wrestling. Now, to my dismay, I got laughed at for liking that stuff because it was "for kids". For two more years I felt like a dumbass for liking a childrens' product. It lacked all the good stuff. The WWE I knew was dead and gone, so what do I do? I go and watch the programs for the big boys. The promotions who kept the spark alive ( ROH, TNA, DG etc ). The guys who wrestled their asses off and delivered most of the time, unlike WWE who never did it. Did you see Turning Point this Sunday? It sucked balls, right? The booking was good, but the matches were bleh and nothing happened. Well now you know what I see in WWE every Monday and ever PPV. Not good, is it? Vince went soft and so did most of his fans. Now they cry on forums because someone called their product boring. Truth hurts. The ones that didn't turn into vaginas are watching UFC, ROH and TNA now. Fuck Vince and fuck WWE.

The Nexus was cool as shit when it first started. I actually started watching RAW again because it seemed like nothing Vince would agree to do. And as always, WWE did the same thing that drove me away from it -- it disappointed me. They fucked that angle over, and for what? Would it kill Cena if he got beat at Summerslam? No. Why did WWE even make Nexus lose when they plan on keeping the stable alive through Wrestlemania in 2011?

Nexus was cool. Key word -- was. But that's WWE for you. Even when they come up with something good, don't get your hopes up -- it won't last long. Thanks to that it got boring, and is now stale. Just another stable with a lot of people in it. It lost that sizzle, it lost that mystique, that momentum. Add the fact that 99% of The Nexus is talentless -- you got yourself a boring group.

Call Immortal whatever you want. These guys have been together for a month and they look great. I can't speak for the long haul because TNA has WWE's ability of butt fucking a good thing ( X-Division comes to mind ), but as of this moment, as of this second, Immortal is running circles around Nexus.
How come everyone cries their asses off whenever TNA takes shots at WWE?

You're a bit delusional. WWE is a program for families all over the world. It's a major media pull that has grown into a megapower that will never be rivaled. We as adults expect our programs to keep to their company and not insult anything resembling opposition. It's called maturity. Something Bischoff seems to not have yet.

And haven't TNA ran numerous skits bashing WWE before? Midget McMahon anyone? Yeah looking at things like that now it's pretty petty.

You're aware of the fact that Bischoff has been shitting on WWE years before he came to TNA.

You aware of the fact that the Attitude Era has been over with for quite some time now? Time to grow up and run a business instead of ridiculing a show you have nothing to do with.

For crying out loud, the guy broke most of the taboos in wrestling back in the late 90's and ran rough shot over the WWF for quite a while. It would've been absolutely horrendous if say, Eric Young, said that watching paint dry is better than Nexus, but it's Eric Bischoff saying it. The guy who brought the nWo concept to the US and created the best stable in professional wrestling ever. I think he knows more about pro wrestling than you and I, especially stables, so if he thinks it's boring -- then I'm SURE he's got his reasons.

More nostalgia talk. This is now. Hogan, Nash, and Hall had everything to do with that bit of revolutionary tact too. So did Russo. Should they bring that back? I would think not since the idea is old and ran its course. Bischoff hasn't done anything note worthy since.

Besides, didn't WWF and WCW bicker like this years ago? I specifically remember Hunter Hearst Helmsley refering to WCW as "that cess pool". Other WWF superstars did it too, on air. WCW fired back. It's how it was, and nobody looked cheap. The WWF fans LOVED it when WWF mocked WCW, and vice versa, but somehow TNA looks second rate by bashing WWE's product. It's not like they didn't deserve it.

Good GOD you're nostalgic. This was back when divas flashed the audience and poking an opponent to submission was acceptable. Please for the sake of others quit living in the past. It's been decades since companies could bash one another and it be cool.

Speaking of which, has WWE ever bashed TNA? Give me an example there.

I respect Bischoff for taking shots at the other company. It's not sleazy, it shows balls. I LOVE the guy for being like that. I especially love it when WWE fans cry their asses off about it. That's why I've been quoting people left and right. It's really amusing.

I'm sure if Bischoff came to the iMpact Zone and shook his unmentionables in front of the audience you'd like that too. Not sleazy at all. Shows balls. Literally.

McMahon's not "the better man" for not responding on ripping on TNA. He's a pussy. He's gone soft. That's why the WWE is in this condition. If it were 1999 and you told Vince to do a PG Era he'd laugh in your face. Give me a break ..

Or maybe he decided to keep up with the times and be a bigger man. Takes a lot to put your ego aside for the better of your company. He did it. Attitude Era was stale as hell going into 2002 and so on. If you don't believe that then you're blind. WWE needed a fresher producted and they delivered. And guess what? They didn't stoop low enough to talk down a smaller, less established company doing it either.

Oh, you see that? If WWE trashed TNA you'd be the first to jump all over that shit and you know it. But it's okay for TNA to do it? Hyp-o-crite.
How come everyone cries their asses off whenever TNA takes shots at WWE? You're aware of the fact that Bischoff has been shitting on WWE years before he came to TNA. For crying out loud, the guy broke most of the taboos in wrestling back in the late 90's and ran rough shot over the WWF for quite a while. It would've been absolutely horrendous if say, Eric Young, said that watching paint dry is better than Nexus, but it's Eric Bischoff saying it. The guy who brought the nWo concept to the US and created the best stable in professional wrestling ever. I think he knows more about pro wrestling than you and I, especially stables, so if he thinks it's boring -- then I'm SURE he's got his reasons.

Besides, didn't WWF and WCW bicker like this years ago? I specifically remember Hunter Hearst Helmsley refering to WCW as "that cess pool". Other WWF superstars did it too, on air. WCW fired back. It's how it was, and nobody looked cheap. The WWF fans LOVED it when WWF mocked WCW, and vice versa, but somehow TNA looks second rate by bashing WWE's product. It's not like they didn't deserve it. I respect Bischoff for taking shots at the other company. It's not sleazy, it shows balls. I LOVE the guy for being like that. I especially love it when WWE fans cry their asses off about it. That's why I've been quoting people left and right. It's really amusing.

McMahon's not "the better man" for not responding on ripping on TNA. He's a pussy. He's gone soft. That's why the WWE is in this condition. If it were 1999 and you told Vince to do a PG Era he'd laugh in your face. Give me a break. It's that goodie two shoes attitude that lost WWE all these fans who ran to UFC. Wonder why wrestling isn't "cool" anymore?
I quit watching wrestling in 2003 because they just stopped airing it in my country, and started watching again in 2007 when Chris Jericho came back. I was talking about it left and right and back in the day it was cool to talk about wrestling. Now, to my dismay, I got laughed at for liking that stuff because it was "for kids". For two more years I felt like a dumbass for liking a childrens' product. It lacked all the good stuff. The WWE I knew was dead and gone, so what do I do? I go and watch the programs for the big boys. The promotions who kept the spark alive ( ROH, TNA, DG etc ). The guys who wrestled their asses off and delivered most of the time, unlike WWE who never did it. Did you see Turning Point this Sunday? It sucked balls, right? The booking was good, but the matches were bleh and nothing happened. Well now you know what I see in WWE every Monday and ever PPV. Not good, is it? Vince went soft and so did most of his fans. Now they cry on forums because someone called their product boring. Truth hurts. The ones that didn't turn into vaginas are watching UFC, ROH and TNA now. Fuck Vince and fuck WWE.

The Nexus was cool as shit when it first started. I actually started watching RAW again because it seemed like nothing Vince would agree to do. And as always, WWE did the same thing that drove me away from it -- it disappointed me. They fucked that angle over, and for what? Would it kill Cena if he got beat at Summerslam? No. Why did WWE even make Nexus lose when they plan on keeping the stable alive through Wrestlemania in 2011?

Nexus was cool. Key word -- was. But that's WWE for you. Even when they come up with something good, don't get your hopes up -- it won't last long. Thanks to that it got boring, and is now stale. Just another stable with a lot of people in it. It lost that sizzle, it lost that mystique, that momentum. Add the fact that 99% of The Nexus is talentless -- you got yourself a boring group.

Call Immortal whatever you want. These guys have been together for a month and they look great. I can't speak for the long haul because TNA has WWE's ability of butt fucking a good thing ( X-Division comes to mind ), but as of this moment, as of this second, Immortal is running circles around Nexus.

We don't cry our asses off, we defend it when people like you who thinkthat it sucks when it definitely does not. You have nothing to offer oher than insults to anybody who has the right to watch and like whatever they want. This is a DISCUSSION FORUM, not Zeven-Zion tells it how it is and fuck everyone who doesn't agree.

I don't know what your problem is, maybe you've ben disappointed in oher areas of your life, but you tke this way to seriously. I'm 22, I've been watching wrestling since I was about 5 years old and even during the Attitude Era it was never "cool" to watch wrestling. People who don't like it think it's stupid and 'gay'. So your arguement about it no longer being cool is wrong, because it really never was.

Vince isn't a pussy by any means. hemakes himself look like a fool on nationl TV in front of his audience almost everytime he makes an appearance for the better of the product. He's a great businessman. He knew the Attitude Era was over and that his shareholders didn't want to see the blood and violence that is ECW/TNA. He changed it to PG to draw in more children and families. Than, the children grow up, become teenagers and he will eventually go back to a more mature program. If you want to see everybody blade and jump off stages go watch the Best of ECW shit, that's not wrestling.

Let's be honest, you want to know who agrees with you that Nexus is like watching paint dry? Who has the better ratings? Who gets people to buy their PPV's even though they cost fucking $45 a month? Who sells out 15,000 seat arenas atleast twice a week for Raw and Smackdwon when TNA doesn't even charge for 500 idiots to watch Impact? people don't watch WWE because they'll follow everything WWe does like you do with TNA. They watch because it is better.

I'm a huge WWE mark, and I loved Nitro in the 90's, I loved that and Raw. Unfortunately Impact just isn't entertaining, and I still watch every week. So take your negative attitude and go start a "Why TNA is the best in the world accoring to me and only me" thread. This one was created for discussion, not insults because you don't know how to have a grown up arguement.

You bet your ass I'm nostalgic. I'm nostalgic for good wrestling, exciting storylines, awesome characters, hot crowds and good TV. I don't want the Attitude Era back, I just want good TV, and WWE is not providing it. TNA is to some extent, and since there's no other option, "to some extent" will do the trick.

Attitude Era got stale. I'll adress that in a second. WWE needed a fresher product. Fine. But do you call THIS a fresher product? Do you remember the last time we had a PG Era? Wrestling for the kids? You can figure that one out. It ain't fresh, it got stale 20 years ago. As a matter of fact, it's that attitude that allowed WCW to kick their asses. That kiddy shit.

The Attitude Era got stale? Since when does good television get stale? I'll never, EVER EVER get over The Attitude Era, because that's when pro wrestling was GOOD, and if you don't want good wrestling then no wonder you're a WWE fan.

And if WWE ever bashed TNA -- I would actually love it. That's the reason why I started following Chris Jericho on Twitter. He's a guy who would occasionally bash TNA and talk about their bad booking, how he'll never Main Event in TNA because he's not over 50 and all that stuff, and I enjoy things like that, they make me laugh because there's some truth in his statements. That's why I always liked Jericho.

Do you think Jericho's immature for that? Does it change your opinion about him? Do you hate him now? Oh noes, but how could you hate him for that, he's just bashing TNA. No big deal. Well Bischoff is just bashing WWE. No big deal.
Attitude Era got stale. I'll adress that in a second.

Wait for it...I'm about to prove how hypocritical you really are...

The Attitude Era got stale? Since when does good television get stale?

:lol:This is when you turn off your computer, go get some fresh air and think about what you just said. I mean SERIOUSLY? And just in the next paragraph too? Come on; how can I make a valid argument with you while you're arguing with yourself?

Bipolarity can be treated now. We have the technology.

Do you think Jericho's immature for that? Does it change your opinion about him? Do you hate him now?

Nope; cuz I never liked him in the first place sorry. And he isn't an owner/chairman/manager of WWE either. If Styles bashed WWE I could give two shits. He isn't in a position of power. Bischoff is.

The old WWF was more kid-friendly, that is true. But it also featured certain superstars stalking other superstar's wives and such. You think WWE can get away with that now? No so I have to say you're wrong for thinking it's the same thing.
Succeeded in taking over their program, but who's the biggest threat there to stop them? EV2 which no one cares about? If a faction has no one legitimate to fight against, who cares?
I don't know. Evolution never seemed to care about that.

Actually this Thursday was never set up to be for the title. And when he does defend the title, it's in matches you know the person has no shot at winning. And it usually lasts about 5 minutes.
Really now? Stevie challenged, AJ accepted and added the belt. So you consider Rob Van Dam and D 'Angelo Dinero guys who have no chance? I'll tell you thing though, it's a lot better than having Tag Team titles with no tag team division.
Yes, Beer Money is a phenomenal team. Never said they aren't. Too bad they don't wrestle in tag team matches on their own any more because TNA wastes them.
Gee, what a coincidence. You defend 8 wastes of space. Beer Money at least can carry themselves on the mic and with whatever else they get.

Actually I haven't missed a single impact since they came to Spike TV. I've also seen every PPV for the past two years. Kaz is the least talented of that group so him fighting does nothing for me. Especially since no one cares about him and no one ever has and no one ever will. AJ Styles vs. Sabu? Really? That's supposed to be a defense? Any match with Sabu is worthless. Beer Money vs. FBI...dear God! FBI? Really? Hahahahahahahahahahahhaahaha! Also, that match lasted about 2 minutes and wasn't showcasing Beer money's wrestling ability. Just a way to kill of an EV2 team.
Kaz being the least talented, he's still capable of being more entertaining than The Nexus. What do the guys in Nexus not named Wade Barrett do? Nothing of particular sort.
I have no concern with shock value. Nexus serves it's purpose.
Being a waste of space for the sake of putting one guy over.
Immortal doesn't cuz it has none.
Ah, yeah. It created the top 3 heels on TNA, is building Samoa Joe, The Pope, Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan into main event stars, but that's not a purpose. Not at all. Just mere coincidence. Nice spelling by the way.
:lol:This is when you turn off your computer, go get some fresh air and think about what you just said. I mean SERIOUSLY? And just in the next paragraph too? Come on; how can I make a valid argument with you while you're arguing with yourself?

I wasn't agreeing that the Attitude Era got stale, you nimrod, I was listing your own statements. First I commented on the "they needed a fresh new thing" idea, and then I got to your statement about The Attitude Era getting stale. That's why I said that I'll adress it in a second.

Guess YOU need some fresh air.

The old WWF was more kid-friendly, that is true. But it also featured certain superstars stalking other superstar's wives and such. You think WWE can get away with that now? No so I have to say you're wrong for thinking it's the same thing.

The OLD OLD WWF was kid-friendly. The A.A WWF was not. ( I suppose you're talking about DDP stalking Sara ). Just like I said in my post, WWE is reverting back to something they did in the 80's.

Can they get away with something like stalking someone's wife now? Maybe the PG Rating won't allow them to. But isn't Triple H breaking into Orton's house similiar to that? DDP was stalking Sara to freak Undertaker out and show the world that he does feel fear and that he is no deadman -- he is very much human. He wasn't jerking off in her lingerie on National TV, it was just a concept. So that's not a very good example. They got away with all the crazy stuff they did back in the day, and believe it or not, WWF was bigger back then, so if the PG Rating was off and they did something crazy, I don't think it would cause the planet to explode. Heidenreich raped Michael Cole in I believe 2006, didn't he? WWE somehow survived through that. Whew.
I wasn't agreeing that the Attitude Era got stale, you nimrod, I was listing your own statements. First I commented on the "they needed a fresh new thing" idea, and then I got to your statement about The Attitude Era getting stale. That's why I said that I'll adress it in a second.

Sure didn't look like that to me chief. Maybe you should say exactly what you mean. Repeating the same thing I say doesn't help you in the slightest. So of course with what you typed anyone can just assume you're insane.

Guess YOU need some fresh air.

Aww you're breaking my heart Private Pyle. You can't expect me (a mature educated adult) to decipher everything you ( someone who can't let go of the past) put down on a website meant for arousing arguments. I didn't twist any words around; you said exactly what I quoted, did you not?

Forgive me for not adhering to a conformist point of view.

The OLD OLD WWF was kid-friendly. The A.A WWF was not. ( I suppose you're talking about DDP stalking Sara ). Just like I said in my post, WWE is reverting back to something they did in the 80's.

No, I was not talking about DDP or anything to do with the AE (A.A wtf?). Unlike you I mean exactly what I say and I say things clearly. I was talking about such angles as Shawn Michaels "stalking" the British Bulldog's wife, "Gorgeous" George and his lustful appetite, "Ravishing" Rick Rude coming out with Elizabeth painted on his speedos, etc. Things that happened before the Attitude Era and is in no way appropriate to the PG Era.

Kinda goin off topic now. Wasn't this about Eric Bischoff?

Can they get away with something like stalking someone's wife now? Maybe the PG Rating won't allow them to. But isn't Triple H breaking into Orton's house similiar to that?

No; it's not. Triple H wasn't stalking Orton's wife. How in the HELL can you say that's similar?

They got away with all the crazy stuff they did back in the day, and believe it or not, WWF was bigger back then

How do you figure? You have statistics up your ass or something?

Heidenreich raped Michael Cole in I believe 2006, didn't he? WWE somehow survived through that. Whew.

If by "rape" you mean read him a poem? Yeah he raped him all up in that vintage ass. I mean seriously; that wasn't even implied. You're taking old things out of context.
Nexus is so fucking terrible, nonsensical bullshit is what Nexus is. The fact that the story designed to push one guy requires 7 other people and then ends up being almost exclusively around John Cena kind of implies that the WWE believes Cena is the only person who can get people over. Of course that didn't quite work out for Sheamus who's down to the midcard after 2 world title runs. Nexus is boring, they jumped people for a few weeks, then made themselves irrelevant by losing to Cena and then focusing all their attention on Cena and how Cena was important to them and they apparently have big plans for Cena. Hmmm, now how could it possibly be that this storyline is boring? Probably because the end result of a year long story is John Cena in the battle against evil. Nexus is the same thing the WWE's been doing for 5 years, EB was dead on when he said it sucked ass. Jeff Hardy turning heel, that was shocking and since then TNA's been great, with JJ putting on a fantastic heel performance, Ken Anderson becoming the Stone Cold/Sting of TNA, everything is great. Nexus has sucked ass since it's inception and I called it's ass suckery the moment they showed up.

Bischoff 1 Nexus 0
I think Bisch should just keep his opinions to himself. I mean you have one of the worst angles in wrestling history with the EV2 in your own company going on. JUST STFU and work on making your own product better. :confused:
Boo fucking hoo. I just knew it was a matter of time until a WWE fan made a post about this. Nexus IS boring. He's absolutely right. And now, unlike many WWE fan boys coming here and trashing TNA's product, I'll provide arguments.

Let's see. The Nexus was a dominant faction of young wrestlers. The whole storyline was bad booking top to bottom. So this faction of new guys is going to ruin WWE and threatens people's jobs? HOW? By wrestling? During the Team RAW/Nexus match the commentators sold the fact that there might not be WWE after tonight. HOW? There was no stipulation to the match. How are 5-6 guys who win a match over members of RAW going to destroy the WWE? They had no backing from the likes of Vince McMahon, they didn't have shit. It made NO fucking sense. But still, they looked unbeatable .. until WWE made them lose to Team RAW, thus crushing their momentum into pieces. Whoa, that's a shocker. Way to think WWE. You made it so exciting for us. Make The Nexus and Wade Barrett look REAL good, then have Cena lock his stupid ass hold on him and make him tap in LITERALLY three seconds. Right, youth movement, right? I get it. That's when The Nexus stopped being the new cool thing, and became just another stable. That's when it got boring.

Now they're just some young idiots that if separated would be jobbed, stomped, spit on, pissed on and eventually future endeavored by the WWE. If they're not all talented in their own little way, how the FUCK would they be good together? Polish a turd, it's still a turd. They don't HAVE to be megastars, they just have to be decent, which they are not. So now it's a big ball of talentless greenhorns.

Wade Barrett - I like his mic skills, he's bland in the ring. Another big guy who isn't even that big. So he's just a tall guy who doesn't do anything special in the ring. Granted, he's got potential and could be something in a WWE environment.

Justin Gabriel - He's shit on the mic, but I like his in-ring work. Unfortunately, he's doomed to fail in the WWE. Justin Gabriel's style would fly in TNA. WWE limits their athletes, tells them to slow down and they just don't like high-flyers.

David Otunga - Nothing. Zero charisma, Zero in-ring presence, Zero look.

Heath Slater - Annoying as fuck. Boring in the ring, boring on the mic.

Skip Sheffield - Only way for this guy to stick around is if they make him a Goldberg-like heel, because of his cosmetic value. Other than that - nah ah.

Husky Harris - I like his attitude. Other than that - just a pile of fat. Joe's fat too but the whips some major ass in the ring and he looks like a guy that can whoop your ass. Husky has none of that.

Michael McGiggity - Absolutely not. If his dad wasn't Mr.Perfect that guy would be Mr.IndySceneForLife.


So, to sum it all up -- yes Nexus is boring, yes they are not good, yes they have no future except for Wade Barret. Blame WWE for ruining the stable.

Even their current storyline with Cena is total crock of shit. Just another HBK/JBL with an obvious finish. They'll boss him around, he'll whoop their asses until he heroically breaks the 'cuffs and frees himself from The Nexus. Whoo pe de fucking doo! People will watch hoping that Cena will turn heel, but he will not. Drill it into your heads, he's staying face.

End of story. Nexus is boring. They've got absolutely NOTHING going on. Period. I've got no reason to watch, and to even care. Cena needs to be in it to keep The Nexus alive which is pathetic and once again proves my point that these guys couldn't draw flies in a shit factory on their own. Cena's future is at stake. Oh noeees! Cena fans care. I'm not -- I don't care, I find it boring. Bischoff isn't, he doesn't care, he finds it boring.

Now there is a point to this post. Its True!!!!!
Some people are on the Nexus bandwagon and everyone has their own opinion but Barrett is the only one benefiting from this storyline. Cena as the face of WWE was needed in the storyline to keep some form of interest going and its worked. Without him being involved it would have flopped from the start. Now as Ive said on many occasions, Im not a TNA mark or a WWE mark. Im a fan of both companies and there are aspects of both promotions i love and aspects I hate. Sorry to WWE and the many NEXUS fans but NEXUS is one that I hate. On that note and I dont say this often but this is one point that Im going to have to agree with Eric Bischoff on
Nexus is so fucking terrible, nonsensical bullshit is what Nexus is. The fact that the story designed to push one guy requires 7 other people and then ends up being almost exclusively around John Cena kind of implies that the WWE believes Cena is the only person who can get people over.

It's a shame this isn't even true. Is John Cena a huge part of the angle now? He certainly is. But to say it exclusively revolves around just him is as short sighted as saying Immortal is exclusively around Jeff Hardy. The storyline right now is based around the conflict between Wade Barrett and Cena, it's as much about Barrett as it is Cena you hypocritical ass. Not to mention there's other layers in it like what's happening with Otunga. Do you even watch RAW? And Cena, as the face of the WWE, is certainly the best choice to get over a heel stable. It's no different then when Sting was basically the sole hero fighting the nWo and taking them all on. Or would you rather them have Nexus battle guys who aren't stars and therefore can't get over like Immortal was doing this past week?

Of course that didn't quite work out for Sheamus who's down to the midcard after 2 world title runs.

Another silly comment. Sheamus is a main eventer, but smart booking doesn't always have the same main eventers constantly in the main event spot every month. That's how they get stale, something fans bitched at WWE for doing for years. Now you're bitching at WWE for the opposite? Sheamus is now a proven main eventer and can jump back into that slot anytime, but right now he's feuding with John Morris in an attempt to get Morris over and to the next level, while also adding other layers into the feud. Chris Jericho did the same thing time and time again when he wasn't competing for the title. Edge has done it, the list goes on and on.

Nexus is boring, they jumped people for a few weeks, then made themselves irrelevant by losing to Cena and then focusing all their attention on Cena and how Cena was important to them and they apparently have big plans for Cena. Hmmm, now how could it possibly be that this storyline is boring?

It's boring to you. There's more people then there isn't that don't find Nexus boring. You know, the same ratio that watches WWE over TNA. There's nothing interesting about Immortal, and to me and I'm sure many others it's boring and the same shit that's been done before, exactly the same damn way it was done before. Abyss was Scott Hall, claiming "They" were coming to TNA, just as Hall claimed he was the first of an invasion coming into WCW. Bischoff turns (if you can even call it that) and becomes one of the master minds behind Immortal, just as he turned and was the master mind behind the nWo. Hardy is playing the role of Hulk Hogan, even though he's not even close to the star Hogan was despite them trying to convince us and push that he is. Hardy even has a new belt, where Hogan spray painted on his belt to make it his own unique one. Immortal is boring shit, the same people talking about the same shit for 30 minute intervals. You calling Nexus boring is hilarious for that reason alone. And hypocritical of course, when one looks at you being a fan of TNA and what they're doing right now.

Probably because the end result of a year long story is John Cena in the battle against evil. Nexus is the same thing the WWE's been doing for 5 years, EB was dead on when he said it sucked ass.

No, the end result of a year long story is Wade Barrett about to become the champion. There's still a greater purpose, which they've hinted at but never revealed, so this story isn't even over yet. Do you even watch RAW? Do you even know what's happening within the actual storylines? And how is this the same thing WWE's been doing for 5 years? Do tell.

Jeff Hardy turning heel, that was shocking and since then TNA's been great, with JJ putting on a fantastic heel performance, Ken Anderson becoming the Stone Cold/Sting of TNA, everything is great. Nexus has sucked ass since it's inception and I called it's ass suckery the moment they showed up.

Hardy turning heel wasn't shocking at all. It happened, that's about all it was. It may have been shocking for Hardy fans who love him, but to people like me I couldn't have given two shits about the turn. It was nothing at all like when Hogan turned heel, sorry. And since then TNA's been horrible. The ratings dropping back to their usual abysmall levels proves it. JJ pulls of a generic heel no one cares about, Ken Anderson isn't anywhere near what Stone Cold was. Ken Anderson is injury prone, that's the only reason he's even in the position he is right now, out of the picture and being replaced by a midcard nobody. And when he comes back you think he's going to take the place Stone Cold did with McMahon or Sting did with nWo? Not a chance. He'll have missed his opportunity as he's done time and time again when he's about to get his big break and then gets injured. What is this the fifth time? :lmao:

You think Immortal is great, the actual truth is it sucks ass. It's as boring as Nexus is, the only different is which side of the fence you're on.

Bischoff 1 Nexus 0

MisterRob 5 Reddannihilation 0
MisterRob said:
Ken Anderson isn't anywhere near what Stone Cold was. Ken Anderson is injury prone, that's the only reason he's even in the position he is right now, out of the picture and being replaced by a midcard nobody. And when he comes back you think he's going to take the place Stone Cold did with McMahon or Sting did with nWo?
Be fair. He said "the Stone Cold/Sting of TNA". TNA's getting about one-fifth of the ratings that the WWE was getting in Stone Cold's heyday, and I'd say Mr. Anderson is about one-fifth the wrestler Stone Cold was. It stands to reason.
I don't know. Evolution never seemed to care about that.
Actually, Evolution feuded with people like Mick Foley (the good Mick Foley, not the one of today that Fortune feuded with a while ago...and the Rock, for a time). They also feuded with Shawn Michaels and Goldberg. Those are some BIG names.

Really now? Stevie challenged, AJ accepted and added the belt. So you consider Rob Van Dam and D 'Angelo Dinero guys who have no chance? I'll tell you thing though, it's a lot better than having Tag Team titles with no tag team division.
Stevie Richards? Get real. Not a threat. And yes I would say Van Dam and Pope had no chance. Why? Because they were just a random match added in. No feuding over the title, and thus, the title itself is meaningless.

Gee, what a coincidence. You defend 8 wastes of space. Beer Money at least can carry themselves on the mic and with whatever else they get.
I never said anything negative about Beer Money. If you stopped being an ignorant moron you'd realize that I LOVE the TNA roster far more than the WWE. And that TNA has received more money from me in the past year than WWE has in the past 3.

Kaz being the least talented, he's still capable of being more entertaining than The Nexus. What do the guys in Nexus not named Wade Barrett do? Nothing of particular sort.
Actually, no. He's not. I'm a big Kaz fan. He's bland. Always has been, always will be. And the other Nexus do their job, that is, make Barrett a threat. They're not supposed to be built up because they're probably not going to be used after the faction splits.

Being a waste of space for the sake of putting one guy over.
See above.

Ah, yeah. It created the top 3 heels on TNA, is building Samoa Joe, The Pope, Mr. Anderson and Matt Morgan into main event stars, but that's not a purpose. Not at all. Just mere coincidence. Nice spelling by the way.
Who are the top three heels? Jeff Hardy got more cheers than Matt Morgan did at Turning Point. Hulk Hogan got one of the biggest pops of the night on Impact on Thursday. Jeff Jarrett doesn't get booed because he's a great heel. He gets booed because he's a waste of TV time and has been for a long time. Mr. Anderson is no more credible than he always has been because of Fortune. Any bit of credibility he has (and he's got quite a bit of it) is because of him simply being awesome. Pope is certainly being built up, but there are so many better ways to build him up without having to create an NWO remake. And Samoa Joe feuding with Jarrett? Hardly a build up. It's about the millionth time we've seen this and quite frankly, no one cares.

As for my spelling, I just so happen to have two college degrees, and while I didn't look back at my posts, I know if I did make any spelling mistakes it's simply because I don't really put much care into talking to an obvious mark who's never going to say anything negative about TNA ever. But...if you'd like to point out bad grammar, I would just like to point out that you have two run on sentences and multiple sentence fragments in just the last quote alone.
It is just the way Bischoff works. When he is trying to make what he is doing sound relevant or better. He tends to talk shit about it. That has always been his way. He also wants to make their idea of a powerful faction seem more original. That is his way of trying to make it seem like they are not copying WWE.

Whether they are or aren't, Bischoff would fight the idea that they are, till his damn death. I am surprised he only said what he did say and didn't go on further with his statements.
Why is a man who has an onscreen, noticeable presence at TNA bad mouthing the WWE in a pathetic unprofessional manner, should be a question proposed to Bischoff. TNA just don't understand how pathetic and truly minuscule they look when they try undermine the WWE, as if their product is any more liked. Fucking disgusting. For TNA to be even considering to badmouth the WWE is beyond me, it truly is and Bischoff, no matter how right or wrong he is, is in absolutely no position to even comment on another product and then get butthurt when a large portion of wrestling fans say shit about TNA.
Bischoff probably just thought Nexus is boring because he wasn't part of its creation. I guarantee you that if he was one of the guys behind the idea then he would be calling Nexus the greatest stable ever. Part of the problem could also be that it's a WWE storyline and TNA is trying the best they can to be a rival organization to the WWE. I highly disagree with Bischoff's comment myself because Nexus is the best stable and angle to hit WWE since Evolution. These guys are future stars. Whereas Bischoff and TNA only have Immortal which consists of a bunch of guys past their prime.... and Jeff Hardy.
Bischoff has every right to make the comment that he did, as it's his own personal opinion. The problem is, as with most things with Eric, he's wrong.

The Nexus Invasion/storyline is the most compelling one in wrestling this year. It blows the "they" storyline completely out of the water. What's even worse is that Bischoff and co. have been building that angle for about 8 months, the Nexus invasion came out of nowhere.

The other thing I find quite funny and ironic is that one of Eric's biggest programs while in WWE was WITH John Cena. He had nothing but praise for Cena at the time. Now, Cena's involved in a far more compelling storyline then "Evil general manager wants to get title off of controversial champion", and he's bashing it? He's accomplished exactly what he wanted to do here: He got people to talk about him and make him more relevant then he actually is.
Bischoff has every right to make the comment that he did, as it's his own personal opinion. The problem is, as with most things with Eric, he's wrong.

The Nexus Invasion/storyline is the most compelling one in wrestling this year. It blows the "they" storyline completely out of the water. What's even worse is that Bischoff and co. have been building that angle for about 8 months, the Nexus invasion came out of nowhere.

The other thing I find quite funny and ironic is that one of Eric's biggest programs while in WWE was WITH John Cena. He had nothing but praise for Cena at the time. Now, Cena's involved in a far more compelling storyline then "Evil general manager wants to get title off of controversial champion", and he's bashing it? He's accomplished exactly what he wanted to do here: He got people to talk about him and make him more relevant then he actually is.

The funny thing is is that you said there was no problem with the comment because it was his opinion. Then you say he is wrong because it is the most compelling storyline this year. So what your saying is is his opinion is wrong and yours is right? There is no real answer here because it is all opinion based. If he doesn't like something that you do that doesn't make him anymore wrong then you are right and that goes the other way. I don't understand why people are so up in arms and have discussed this to no end. The man has an opinion about this certain storyline and he doesn't like it. Well if you like great for you.

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