Biggest character regrets?


This can be anything, to stuff you wish you'd have done differently in their creation, to the way they've been used in storylines, to what you have and havent won or achieved when the opportunity came up or even the opportunities you've missed.

Mine is I didnt make S.H.I.T a 7 foot goliath with power moves, as that would work so well, especially considering its near indestructability at times (depending on who's writing the match of course) and it would have created the perfect counterpoint to Alhazred during the "Technology Of Chaos" era and would have made a nice contrast to Barbosa during our feud. I am not entirely sure that would be better than what I've got now but I do regret not doing it from the start.

Feel free to feedback other peoples regrets if you so wish, *****es.

Let the inevitable 5 or less replies come forth!
1. Lost the one KFAD match I was in.

2. Hated that I was forced to drop the Eurasian title after just winning it to take up the Mayhem Title because it suited me better.

3. Hated that I had to drop the Mayhem Title shortly after winning it because "I was above the Mayhem Title".

4. I wish I hadn't gotten burnt out and continued the AoC storyline more instead of hotshotting the ending.

5. I wanted to team with Vengeance for longer then I did, though the overall storyline was excellent.

6. I wish I would have had a proper feud with Barbosa instead of the on again/off again alliance.

I have no regrets when it came to my character development. It was a slow process that morphed Ty from a mere maniac to the cunning and vindictive bastard he became. I'm sure I have more regrets but those are some of my main ones.
Not doing better in the KFAD (same one as Ty), it was a quick elimination so was pointless me being in it.
Not getting the win over Ty at Apocalypse, would have led to a different origin for the Age of Chaos.
Not sticking around after KC for a consistent feud with Strikeforce.
(Both were due to a lack of ideas on my part.)
The GM / Bowen feud, just all around poor timing, we both had better offers.
Don't think I have any character development regrets.

Storyline wise, while I thoroughly enjoyed Barbosa's interactions with both, I am disappointed that prolonged feuds with either Ty or Kravinoff have yet to materialise.
Not being able to stick with the Drake Dream name, even though Brent Blaze will work just fine.
I wish I would have had someone look at my original app before I submitted it. This is my first e-fed and I had no idea what I was doing. Where Stormrage is now I'm happy, but he has evolved a lot from the original app.

I wish I didn't get such a big head after the KC win. We literally felt like we were unbeatable after that, and phoned in some RPs because of it.

I wish I would have taken a bigger role in pitching ideas for some of Strikeforce's bigger moments. James Howard always took center stage when calling people out, so Stormrage is just a bit too much of a goof than I would like right now.
I can't say I have many regrets with Saxton, actually. I like where he's at now, and I liked where he started. Maybe a small regret with some of my earlier stuff is that when writing I felt like my adventures were getting so crazy because I had to top each one and make it sillier than the last, but then again I dialed that down after a while and settled into a real groove with the character.

Karzai, though, would be forming Heavy Artillery. Should never have listened to Phoenix's suggestion to form a team with another rookie, or I should have picked someone other than Lights. The two just did not fit at all.

All in all though, few regrets.
I wish Saboteur never beat Ty Burna.

LOL just kidding, that was awesome.

I have very few character regrets. I think that I could have come up with a better story for the number one contenders tournament I was in very early in my career and then maybe won the title shot, but things have turned out okay, so it's hard to say I regret that even.
Consistency. Probably winning the tag team battle royale where the pre approved team of StanTime did.
Winning the Battle Royale to enter the first ever HIAC match at Unscripted. I would have rather competed for the Mayhem title in a 6 Man Tag Captain Fall Mayhem Rules match where it was scheduled to be the Crashin Movement vs. Baez, Gordito & Chris Jones.

Deciding to drop Ashleigh FalKon for Kurtesy after that horrendous RP. There was an awesome storyline idea for FalKon & Teach to go the Saboteur/Saxton route at KCII - Teach & FalKon fighting over something ridiculous and then teaming up post-KC but I didn't want to continue as Ash anymore and switched characters.

Keeping Kurtesy's "reforming" persona for way longer than it needed to be; it made me hate writing as him for a long while.
Theres still time though. . . Or are the bridges burned that badly? :(
I reckon if I wanted to come back, I would be welcomed. I imagine many on creative would be less than enthusiastic about throwing me anything too weighty or involved for my thousandth chance in the fed. But I certainly think I would be allowed to return.

All things considered, I'd jump at the chance to be humbled in the undercard. Seems to be a job that nobody wants nor appreciates. As a matter of fact, I've been eyeing the place for a little while and contemplating a comeback. Of course all of this is schedule dependent. As things stand, my limited motivation is spread pretty thin. Not to mention that class is back in session for me this week. I'd say a potential return hinges on whether or not the independent research seminars I've enrolled in are as intense as I'm expecting.

Simply put, I've certainly got an urge to bang out some RPs right now. But I'm reticent to commit.
Like Lee, I think my lack of consistency hurt me after I dropped the Elite X belt the first time I had it. I knew where I wanted to take the character, but I couldn't put it together every week. Then, I burned out with the character and decided to take a break from Sam Smith -- I quite enjoyed writing as TLT, though; I'll bring the TLT character back at some point.

There was a time where I RP'ed to win, rather than tell the story I wanted to. It took the fun out of RP'ing as Sam Smith.

Also, there have been times where I've bitten my tongue about the usage of my character, when I really didn't like it. You shouldn't have to mold your character into how someone else chooses to write it on a given show -- speak up and say you don't like it instead.
I lost to Everest once and I was pretty annoyed with that because his RP was completely a response to mine. Nothing was original on his part and it was all taken from the RP I did. It was one of the first times that I had posted an RP early since my return and I've never posted my RP early since because of it.

I stopped trying for a time after that.

EDIT: Check it out if you want.
Consistency. Probably winning the tag team battle royale where the pre approved team of StanTime did.

Like Lee, I think my lack of consistency hurt me after I dropped the Elite X belt the first time I had it. I knew where I wanted to take the character, but I couldn't put it together every week. Then, I burned out with the character and decided to take a break from Sam Smith -- I quite enjoyed writing as TLT, though; I'll bring the TLT character back at some point.

There was a time where I RP'ed to win, rather than tell the story I wanted to. It took the fun out of RP'ing as Sam Smith.

Also, there have been times where I've bitten my tongue about the usage of my character, when I really didn't like it. You shouldn't have to mold your character into how someone else chooses to write it on a given show -- speak up and say you don't like it instead.

I think we can all say consistency, I'd probably be doing better if I was still cracking out RP's like I did at KC and Redemption, but often times its hard, especially when sometimes it feels like there is little reward outside of a fictional win and then the need to do it all over again. Especially if you are bothered about the titles. Sometimes you feel like you're running into a brick wall towards an area occupied by others that you just cant knock down.

I reckon if I wanted to come back, I would be welcomed. I imagine many on creative would be less than enthusiastic about throwing me anything too weighty or involved for my thousandth chance in the fed. But I certainly think I would be allowed to return.

All things considered, I'd jump at the chance to be humbled in the undercard. Seems to be a job that nobody wants nor appreciates. As a matter of fact, I've been eyeing the place for a little while and contemplating a comeback. Of course all of this is schedule dependent. As things stand, my limited motivation is spread pretty thin. Not to mention that class is back in session for me this week. I'd say a potential return hinges on whether or not the independent research seminars I've enrolled in are as intense as I'm expecting.

Simply put, I've certainly got an urge to bang out some RPs right now. But I'm reticent to commit.

Fair enough, no point in overdoing it. Kravinoff competing on Aftershock would look odd though, I'd like to see the RP's.

I lost to Everest once and I was pretty annoyed with that because his RP was completely a response to mine. Nothing was original on his part and it was all taken from the RP I did. It was one of the first times that I had posted an RP early since my return and I've never posted my RP early since because of it.

I stopped trying for a time after that.

EDIT: Check it out if you want.

I remember that when it happened, and I had you down to win and raised an eyebrow when you lost, a whole eyebrow. I didnt say anything then because I was quieter in those days and thought you both had it planned to be honest.
I reckon if I wanted to come back, I would be welcomed. I imagine many on creative would be less than enthusiastic about throwing me anything too weighty or involved for my thousandth chance in the fed. But I certainly think I would be allowed to return.

All things considered, I'd jump at the chance to be humbled in the undercard. Seems to be a job that nobody wants nor appreciates. As a matter of fact, I've been eyeing the place for a little while and contemplating a comeback. Of course all of this is schedule dependent. As things stand, my limited motivation is spread pretty thin. Not to mention that class is back in session for me this week. I'd say a potential return hinges on whether or not the independent research seminars I've enrolled in are as intense as I'm expecting.

Simply put, I've certainly got an urge to bang out some RPs right now. But I'm reticent to commit.

Well as you may recall we had worked everything out for you to return last year (when I say we I refer to myself and Coco with approval from the rest of the creative team at the time) during the Lottery but I believe a personal issue on your end put things on hold and we never got to talking about it again. My inbox is always open for a PM Coco...
I remember that when it happened, and I had you down to win and raised an eyebrow when you lost, a whole eyebrow. I didnt say anything then because I was quieter in those days and thought you both had it planned to be honest.

I called bullshit when it happened. It was going into KC IV and Everest was just a week away from being named as a member of Team WZCW. It was at the stage where Everest was putting out RPs that were pretty poor and I was so confident that I could beat him. I still think I did and if that match happened now with those RPs I'd get the win. Any chance of Cooper walking out with a victory I think was blocked by creative.

Good times they were.
I called bullshit when it happened. It was going into KC IV and Everest was just a week away from being named as a member of Team WZCW. It was at the stage where Everest was putting out RPs that were pretty poor and I was so confident that I could beat him. I still think I did and if that match happened now with those RPs I'd get the win. Any chance of Cooper walking out with a victory I think was blocked by creative.

Good times they were.

Did anything get resolved over that? Just curious is all.
I called bullshit when it happened. It was going into KC IV and Everest was just a week away from being named as a member of Team WZCW. It was at the stage where Everest was putting out RPs that were pretty poor and I was so confident that I could beat him. I still think I did and if that match happened now with those RPs I'd get the win. Any chance of Cooper walking out with a victory I think was blocked by creative.

Good times they were.
I call BS on the BS. I'm far from Everest's biggest fan (he was the King of phoning it in but also he had a knack of winning matches that you didnt expect him to) but to be told we block certain victories or pre-approve things ahead of time is really getting on my tits.

I can count on one hand the times I have been approached about certain results.

Don't bitch about things happening when you dont try and do something about them.
Not winning the Mayhem Title has to be up there for me, that and during the Tag Tag title run with Numbers couldn't have gone full cycle with a feud with Strikeforce.
Not winning the Mayhem Title has to be up there for me, that and during the Tag Tag title run with Numbers couldn't have gone full cycle with a feud with Strikeforce.

I wish you were a 50 foot dragon. I regret not somehow forcing you to be a dragon.
Basically the entire last six months of my career; in particular not just retconning out that preposterous clone army that I got saddled with.

I never wanted the army of Black Dragons (I mean, I'd spent twelve months establishing Dragon as a socially inept loner unable to trust his own mother), but when someone from creative decided to drop that on me without asking I tried to make it work instead of just pretending it never happened.

This indirectly ended up leading to Johnny Scumm being unmasked as a Black Dragon (something else Creative decided to do without asking me - actually that's untrue, as I recall, Numbers directly told me that it would not happen - just before it did) and me taking my ball and going home in a largely justified sulk.

I also regret not getting Dragon's final RP posted. I'd spent six months building up to a single character defining roleplay with the whole recurring dream sequence. Originally it was intended to run until I finally got a confrontation with Ty, but I'd re purposed it to explain my exit from the fed. I'd written half of it and it was shaping up nicely, but then I moved to Russia and wasn't able to get broadband until comfortably after the deadline had passed, so it never ended up happening. Dragon's exit was a bit shit, and I was stupidly busy, so I never made time to resolve things properly.

Then again, the entire point of Dragon was to give Anoki's story some closure, so possibly I'll play the same gambit if/when I bring Taylor into the fed.

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