Biggest character regrets?

:shrug: Don't bring it up in public, it's really simple. That's what PM's are for. I have great conversations with a number of guys over PM. The advantages of a larger inbox.

This indirectly ended up leading to Johnny Scumm being unmasked as a Black Dragon (something else Creative decided to do without asking me - actually that's untrue, as I recall, Numbers directly told me that it would not happen - just before it did) and me taking my ball and going home in a largely justified sulk.
I can't explain why that happened but it was ridiculous. The whole clone/army idea was terrible.
I wish the Apostles of Chaos story line could have been better but allot of that was out of my hands. Ty out RP'ed me plain and simple, but I didn't have any control over Gordito's no show. My no show at the Lottery was also completely unavoidable and out of my hands.

I regret not having a better showing against SHIT at All or Nothing, but I just didn't have much motivation for that match - and unsurprisingly I lost. The Mentorship program was a bust for me, and allot of the ideas that I had became useless.

I also regret half-assing some of my recent promos, most notably against Crock and some tag matches. Not being voted to face Rush at Unscripted was a huge let down since I put all the development between Celeste and Rush over the years into the piece.

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