Best TNA Rivalry!

Which is the best TNA Rivalry?

  • Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles

  • Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett

  • AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels

  • Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

  • AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe

  • Other (mention)

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Championship Contender
In my opinion Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle vs AJ Styles were the best because every match they had were awesome.
Which in your opinion is the best TNA rivalry?
AJ and Daniels any day, The matches they've had and the matches continue to have still leave me wanting more. Both these guys are excellent entertainers, how any other rivalry is considered is beyond me.
I used to lean towards AJ-Abyss on this topic but as more time passes without them renewing the rivalry I can see the case for some of the other choices. Until they ramp it back up at some point I will go with AJ-Daniels purely for the sake of longevity. Storm and Roode might have a claim at some point as well if they keep it up.
I'm in love with the Roode/Storm Rivalry.. With the title, and now without the title. 2012 has been the best year in TNA for some reason.
Styles vs. Daniels

The best story they can tell with these two is the story they tell in the ring. I always enjoy seeing these two wrestle even if it's been done a million times. When it's all said and done I think they will leave a great legacy and people will look back on their feud and talk about how great the matches were.

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