Best match you ever watched...


Dark Match Winner
It's probably been done, but i am new to the boards. I just wanted to ask what is the best match you ever saw in YOUR OPINION. if you dont have an ultimate favorite then write some that you liked. Its hard for me to pick one, but im sure people do have a favorite. So i would like to see what people post. I personally like...

Kurt Angle /vs/ Benoit at the royal rumble 2003 was amazing. Great technical match and was a clean win for kurt.

Aj Styles vs Christopher Daniels at against all odds in an iron man match was... well wow

or Brock /vs/ Angle!
Im going to go unconventional here and go with the 1992 Royal Rumble which Ric Flair walked out WWF Champion.

This match was the whose who of professional wrestling. Tito Santana, British Bulldog, Ted Debiasi, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Jimmy Snuka, Big Boss Man, Barbarian, Roddy Piper, Greg Valentine, Sid Justice, Warlord, Rick Martel, and there were 14 others as well. Without a doubt the greatest Royal Rumble in history.
My all time favorite was
Unsanctioned Street Fight at Summerslam 2002: Triple H vs. HBK. Absolutely love that match.

runner ups include
Edge vs Taker at WM 24
Edge vs Foley at WM 22, when Edge speared Foley into the flaming table.
HBK vs Angle all of them
Orton vs HHH Last Man Standing No Mercy 2007
Jericho vs HHH the first time Jericho won the world title, but lost it 15 minutes later
as far as TNA goes
any match involving "the Alpha Male" Monty Brown, mostly the match where he pounced some no named jobber twice
I can't pick just one so here are a couple of my favorites:

Bret Hart vs. HBK\Iron Man...... these two kept a pretty decent pace up for the entire hour and almost EVERYONE thought that Shawn was gonna tap at the end. I for one think the match should have ended after time expired and Bret should have kept his title, but I'm also partial towards "The Hitman". This match was amazing however and both parties deserve credit for putting on one hell of a match.

Another one has to be TLC II.........Ahhh, back when the tag division meant something. E&C, The Hardy's, The Dudley's all shooting for the title like it meant something. Edge spearing Jeff off the ladder was incredible. the best part about the match is that no one knew who was going to win. Any one of those teams were believable champions, something we are hopefully starting to get more of.
haha this one match between Undertaker and Farooq way back during the Attitude Era, Ministry and Nation and all that good stuff. Rock kept trying to interfere on Farooq's behalf but it kept back-firing. Finish came when Rock slid a chair into the ring, Taker reversed a piledriver into a Tombstone, pushed the chair back out of the ring, and then pinned Farooq much to the 'dismay' of The Rock. The look on Rocky's face after the match was great, kinda like a 'Gosh, darn it! Oh well, at least we tried!"
I recently enjoyed the triple threat between CM Punk Edge and Jeff Hardy. but my favorite of all time would have to be hmmmmm Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat from Wrestlemania 3 or Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect from Summerslam 91. The 2 best ic title matches ever imo
taker vs brock Hell in a Cell was awesome too!

and yea the tlc II was damn amazing, i totally agree on that one!
steamboat vs macho man was simply "Priceless"
Absolutely no question about it.
Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog. SummerSlam 92'.
Not only is it my favorite match ever, but in my opinion, its the greatest match ever. The story told in the ring was amazing. If you watch Bret Hart in that match, its like watching an artist out there just painting on his canvas. Keep in mind, Davey Boy, as much as I loved him, was strung out on crack about two weeks going into that match and Bret still carried him to a pure classic.
Check out a tribute video I did for the match back in film class...
BEST: WM 20 - Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

WM 22 - Triple H vs. John Cena
No Way Out 2004 - Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar
ECW on Sci-Fi - Hardcore Holly vs. RVD
ECW on Sci-Fi - John Morrison vs. CM Punk
SummerSlam 2007 - John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Raw - The TLC Match with Kane winning it

the list is just endless...
taker vs brock Hell in a Cell was awesome too!

and yea the tlc II was damn amazing, i totally agree on that one!
steamboat vs macho man was simply "Priceless"

that was a great Hell in a Cell Match. I forgot all about it until just now. Thanks for bringing back the memory
randy and mick foley in a no holds barred match at backlash was cool too.

or how about austin ad benoit o smackdown yrs ago!

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