Best and Worst finishers in WWE history

Anyone here old enough to remember Rugged Ronnie Garvin, and the Garvin Stomp? That was the worst finisher in history.
Worst: Norman's smilies the wiggle
Best: I've always loved the cradle brainbuster but nobody uses it, I love the tombstone and Fit Finlay's finisher is pretty cool too.
Mickey-B said:
Worst: Norman's smilies the wiggle
Best: I've always loved the cradle brainbuster but nobody uses it, I love the tombstone and Fit Finlay's finisher is pretty cool too.

The Cradle Brainbuster is an excellent maneuver. I saw Senshi use a variation on it against Jay Lethal on TNA Impact this week. It's likely one of the many moves on WWE's "Banned" list.
Worst: The Pounce i's a...shoulder tackle kinda...just run into some guy

Best: Styles Clash or F5
Mark Jindraks Right Hook
Umagas Samoan Spike
Hogans Leg Drop
Styles Clash (a bit bland)
The Stroke

Kevin Nashs Jack-knife;
Now I think this merits some explanation. To me, it always looked like he had them in the powerbomb position, then lost interest and dropped them, thus they landed on their head and he looked like he had done nothing. Finishers should require effort.

Canadian Destroyer
Big Shows Chokeslam (I cringe everytime someone receives it)
Shawn Michaels 'Sweet Chin Music'
Undertakers Tombstone Piledriver

Tests Big Boot/JBLs Clothesline from Hell;
Another one that merits explanation. I have included these together because they were such quick finishers and they appeared form nowhere with such force that you often looked shocked that they had just happened. The impact of them always sounded immense and you could imagine them hurting where some finishers (Hogans Leg Drop) just looked bland.
Why are people saying sweet chin music? its a kick..thats it...the canadien destroyer is pretty good dont get me wrong..when i asked this question i ment in the WWE only. That being said...the undertaker has the best and hogan has the worst
We are saying Sweet chin Music because the impact of it on someones jaw is something you can physically feel when you watch it. If you are really hyped and Shawn Michaels hits it, you feel yourself holding your jaw. Its not so much the move as it is the anticipation of the move.
Styles Clash
Hogans leg drop
Samoan Spike

Sweet Chin Music
Stone Cold Stunner
As far as WWE moves go:

Anything Hulk Hogan does
Pedigree (Kid Kash found out how to do this so it actually looks cool/painful)
Batista Bomb (Batista needs to talk to Liger to do this one right)
FU (I'm not even going to start)
People's Elbow

Crippler Crossface (Benoit looks like he's actually trying to tear off heads)
Sliced Bread #2 (unique move that actually startled me the first time I saw it)
London's 450 splash (Perfectly executed, unlike Juvi's sloppy attempts
Rock Bottom

last ride
rock bottom
stone cold stunner


hogan leg drop---people, its just a leg drop
spirit squad---every take 1 part of the body and throw him up in the air
Best: unpettier, tombstone, twist of fate
Worst: hogen leg drop, FU. samoan spike

Unpettier: hard to do and visually cool
Tombstone: always finish the match and untertaker is a legend
Twist of Fate: quite exterme

Hogen: leg drop: unimaginated and easy to do
FU: no skills needed to do
Samoan Spike: not very exictin and umaga has better moves then that
best is deff the swanton bomb and tombstone and i always loved that piledriver owen hart did i think they banned it tho

the worse is either kahlis chop or umagas thumb hit or w/e also when the undertaker had that stupid hart punch back in wcw when he was mean mark that was stupid too
THe Stunner and Twist of Fate. The stunner would just come out of no where then, bang. Gone. twist of fate is a cool looking stunner or DDT, whatever it is Hot. Sweet Chin Music would be on their, but I hate that name. What a bout the MACHO MAN elbow drop. Super fly Cross body. I cannot decide. Oh the pain and horror

The worst, the Leg Drop or Andre the Giants Elbow.
You What The Hell Are You Doing To The Person Who Made This Post I Was The First To Make This Post Make Your Own Dam Post
Alright...lemme see.

Best: Diamond Cutter, Stunner, (no one will agree with this one) The Widow's Peak

Worst: Hogan Legdrop, People's Elbow, RKO


Diamond Cutter: DDP did that move all sorts of different ways and it could just pop up out of nowhere and end a match.

Stunner: Didn't matter who you were, you'd wind up getting one if you were in the ring with Stone Cold, and you didn't get up from it for a bit.

Widow's Peak: It's a cool looking move, and it looks like it hurts like hell.

Hogan legdrop: It's a freakin legdrop.

People's Elbow: Wow, he ran across the ring twice and fell on a guy! There was nothing to this move save for a bunch of showy running and arm movements. Charisma, not power, made this move.

RKO: Diamond Cutter, but attributed to a crappy wrestler and done in the same stale way every time he does it. Can you tell that I don't like Randy Orton?
I don't think the Peoples Elbow was a finisher, cause Rocks finisher was The Rock Bottom (which was weak, but somewhat exciting), I think it is just a signature move.

I agree with you that the widows peak is a great finisher.

Best: In my mind I have no doubt that it is the C4/Canadian Destroyer. Simply amazing, and I still have trouble comprehending how it works.

Worst: Hogan Legdrop, bar none. Seriously, wtf? Maybe it wasn't as dumb when he first started using it. You also have to include weak moves like Maven using a drop kick, that was dumb.
Jericho616 said:
Worst- F-U (RIPOFF OF F-5)

You should go back and watch a video of the F-5, and then watch a video of the F-U. I'm not defending Cena, but look at them. The only similar thing is picking them up on the shoulders. If anything, the F-U is more of a play off of the Death Valley Driver. Seriously.

Also, I'd like to add the Masterlock to my list, because it's nothing more than a full freaking nelson. That's got to be one of the stupidest things ever.
I saw someone else say tag moves too so...

Best Tag:The High-Low (Cade and Murdoch)

Worst Tag: Cool Elbow Drop (Too Cool)
Ipswichicon said:
Ok for the 100th time this is why Cena is so unpopular.His matches are repeatitive. Dude your more than entitled to your opinon but don't be blind to the facts.:wwf:
I don't like him because I don't like his personality.

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