Bad Taste?

According to the Sun, wrestling reporter Dave Meltzer claimed: "There was bruising consistent with the Crippler Crossface on one arm and Daniel's face. There were no bruises on his neck.
Am I missing something here? What's the point of this thread? In case some people missed it, the stipulation in the match was that Shawn wasn't allowed to use his finisher, the superkick. That meant he had to find other ways to try to win it, and the only believable finishers that will get the crowd to believe he had a chance to win are finishers they know and recognize.

If, before Survivor Series, I had posed the question "What are the four most famous submission moves in wrestling?" everybody would've agreed they are, in no particular order, the sharpshooter, crippler crossface, figure four, and ankle lock. And THAT is why he used them (or tried to, in the case of the figure four leglock), not because of certain wrestlers who have used them in the past. He used them because the crowd would instantly recognize them as credible submissions that gave HBK a chance to win, and thus believe that HBK might be seconds away from winning the title, not because he didn't respect certain people that have used them.
Well WWE wanted ppl to forget about Benoit, made it seem like he never existed by using his finisher as a REGULAR move. thats my theory
While watching Shawn use the crossface, I was surprised. I felt it was awkward and maybe shouldn't have been used. I'm not necessarily sure if it was bad taste but I don't think it was appropriate.
While watching Shawn use the crossface, I was surprised. I felt it was awkward and maybe shouldn't have been used. I'm not necessarily sure if it was bad taste but I don't think it was appropriate.

Bad taste? No way like you said. Cena uses the STFU and it's comparable to the Crossface so maybe Shawn wanted to freshen up his moveset. If Shawn wanted bad taste for something the Sharpshooter would've been the way to go. But that would've been very heelish to mock something that pissed so many fans off 10 years ago.

But hey you never know!
I just think they could have waited awhile longer for their best interests. Now granted, I haven't heard about this being picked up by any major media outlets outside of the Wrestling world so it's not like they're getting ripped apart for it.

However, they really do want everyone to forget Benoit existed right now and I think they could have waited until there could be open communication about Benoit again without this kind of post.

Do I mind that he used it? Nope, but I don't think it was in WWE's best interests.
Naw man its disrespectful to Eddie its not like she is actually going out with Edge in real life to kiss Edge like that nah if you think its okay coz hes been dead for years then your just as bad he was a legend okay he technicaly contributed to his own death by using steroids/performance enhancers in the past but he did go clean and i think to sorry the memory of eddie like that kinda would suggest that Edge is an idiot and so is Vicky and they should be ashamed because Edge really liked Eddie and that was his wife, come on they could have done something else like he sees her like a mother figure Vicky wants to help Edge because he liked Eddie i dunno anything else would have worked as good if not better.

On to Benoit and the crossface, well its a bit soon to be using it okay because it dissrespects those that died aswell as being creepy. WWE probly not hates but probly wishes Benoit didnt do any of that because it has exposed a lot of issues that were not hidden but kept away and kinda forgotten about like drug abuse. The crossface is not somethign that can be used lightly in this sensetive issuse id rather they leave it alone!

The sharpshooter kinda hasnt botherd me as much Shawn as long as he only used it as an ordinary submission and not as a statement should be fine. I mean we have all gotten over what happend in my opinion i wouldnt have wanted Bret Hart to take the belt over to WCW but then again they could have done something else.
it was just a wrestling move and SHAWN DOES NOT RESPECT BENOIT.

WWE HATES BENOIT because of all the shit and trouble that he caused them by killing his innocent family while he was under a wwe talent contract.

who cares if benoit was a great fake pro wrestler. wwe will never honor this scumbag killer and neither will a good family man and religious man like shawn michaels.

Benoit gone insane at the day of his murder and suicide. Doctors stated that at the time of Benoit's death, his brain was equal to a 85 year old alzheimer's patient.

So, u can think how pathetic his state would I still don't want to curse wasn't done by HIM purposefully
Not at all.Its a wrestling move.It should be allowed to be used whenever anyone wants.

When Eddie died did they stop doing the frog splash?
I don't think it was in bad taste, in fact in Shawn's mind it may have been a compliment.

I can understand how some people feel. WWE has made it a point to not even acknowlege Benoit existed, which I CAN understand.

I, personally, have never seen anyone else use the move, but then again I am not as knowlegeable as some on this board regarding non-wwe/wcw/ecw wrestlers or moves.

I think we have to put all this behind us. We will no doubt see crossfaces, headbutts off the top rope, etc. long into the future.

It is all perspective. If you remember Benoit as a child murderer, wife murderer and suicide victim, it may offend you.

If you remember him as a great wrestler who provided many years of entertainment to fans via his awesome moves and terrific in-ring ability, then you might consider it an honor to use a move done by one of the greatest talents of all time.

I prefer the latter, personally. :)

RIP Benoit and family. May all be set right in the afterlife.
Well, if you say the cross face made you uncomfortable then why didn't the ankle lock or the sharpshooter make you uncomfortable? I mean, look at it in this perspective: The Screw job made people uncomfortable. But also Benoit used the Sharpshooter too. So that should've made you "uncomfortable". Anyway those are just moves. Who CARES about moves!?!?

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