Ascension 97

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Richard Blonoff

Make America Rassle Again


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As the pyro erupts inside Millennium Stadium in Wales, the crowd comes alive with a thunderous roar. An "Eve Taylor eats boogers" sign can be seen before the camera cuts to the announce team.

Connor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the ninety seventh edition of Ascension. I'm Cat Connor alongside my broadcast partner Jack Cohen, and Jack we have quite a lineup for the Welsh faithful here tonight.

Cohen: Right you are Cat. Not only will we will the living legend Titus in action against the vile Dr. Zeus, but we have the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Title in action. I can't wait.

Connor: Speaking of number one contenders, we hear that Theron Daggershield has something he would like to talk about, so lets get to it.


The crowd cheers their approval as The Warblade makes his way onto the stage. He waves to the fans before he walks to the ring and requests a mic from a ringside tech.

Theron: Thank you everyone. It is great to be in a land with such a rich history of fierce warriors like Wales.

Cheap pop city as the crowd goes wild.

Theron: I just want to thank everyone for believing in me and willing me to this World Title opportunity. I am eternally grateful to the WZCW board for allowing me to prove my skills for the biggest prize in our industry. Their is no greater test for the warriors of our sport than to battle for the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

The crowd continues to cheer.


Theron: I only wish that I could have challenged my fellow warrior Dorian Slaughter for the title. He was a fierce warrior, who I was unable to save. Despite our differing views, Dorian deserved better than a cheap attack from Constantine.


Almost on cue, Constantine shows up on stage, with a mic in his hand.

Constantine: Theron, Theron, Theron. You just don't get it do you? Dorian was an obstacle in my path. I had no choice but to eliminate him.

Theron: He deserved better!

Constantine: You know, he did. A man of Dorian's caliber deserved better than for me to unceremoniously kick his ass and send him to the inured list. In time, he would have been eliminated properly, according to my plan. But you had to step in and screw it all up. You got in my way Theron. Not only did you get in the way of me destroying The Elite, but now you are in the way of me getting my World Title back. I have no choice but to get rid of you the same way I got rid of Dorian and Ty.

With that Constantine tosses the mic and begins to slowly advance upon the ring. Theron readies for a fight, only for familiar music to hit.


Rebecca Serra makes her way onto the stage.

Serra: Now hold on just a minute you two. I won't have my two World Title contenders at each others throats just days before the Lethal Lottery. I am ordering the two of you to stay away from each other. The two of you will not make contact with each other until your match at Lethal Lottery. Constantine, I suggest you get out of here before I find a reason to fine you, and Theron I suggest that you head to the back and get ready for your match tonight. I won't have you screwing up my main event!

The lights in the arena go out. WHen they come back on Constantine is gone, leaving Rebecca and Theron standing with confused looks on their faces.

Connor: So a heated exchange between the two number one contenders, but don't go away folks. Up next Logan McAllister takes on Vee A.D.Z.
WZCW legend and former world champion Titus can be seen backstage approaching another WZCW veteran in Everest.

Titus: How’s it going Everest? Just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.

Everest: Doing about as well as an old timer my age can.

Both the superstars chuckle and shake hands and even look to continue the conversation before WZCW rookie Logan McAllister walks by aggressively brushing shoulders with Everest.

Titus: You might want to watch where you’re going next time kid.

Logan: You’re right, one of these days I might end up walking into two old men reminiscing about the old days, oh wait…

Everest: Funny thing is that those old days may be better than anything that’ll ever happen in your career.

Logan: We’ll see about that, until then don’t forget to replace your dentures and take your daily vitamins old timers.

Logan walks away with a cocky smile as both Everest and Titus look on anger before going to back to their conversation.


Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

Logan McAllister makes his way out to the entrance ramp to a barrage of boos. He swipes his nose at the crowd. His son, Hayden, stands next to him. Logan kneels down and kisses his son on the forehead before tussling his hair. They hug and then Hayden scurries off to the back.

Anderson: Introducing first from Boston, MA, weighing 275lbs pounds, "The Sadistic" Logan McAllister!

Cohen: How can you not like a man like Logan McAllister? He is a father of the year candidate.

Connor: Really? He is exposing his son to his vile attitude. Last round he even brought him out to the ring. I’m just glad he didn’t make it a trend.

Cohen: It’s because this a new Logan McAllister, CC. I had a chance to talk to him before the show. He said that he is ready to step it up to a whole other level. One that he doesn’t want his son to see with a ringside seat. Check your facts before making assumptions about someone's parenting.

Logan is now in the ring as he paces back and forth.

Vee A.D.Z. explodes out of the gorilla position with some theatrics that he finishes off with a somersault. The crowd cheers him on as he immediately begins working the barricades to give out highfives.

Anderson: And his opponent, from County of Crawley, England, weighing 141 pounds, Vee A! D! Z!!!

Connor: Both of these men have been strong rookies in WZCW, but neither have really “broke out” as a superstar yet.

Cohen: You’re joking, right CC? Logan has already rubbed shoulders with Mikey Stormrage and Titus. You think he hasn’t “broke out” yet?

Vee enter the ring, but Logan immediately begins an assault. The referee has no other choice, but to start the match. The bell rings as Logan beats Vee back into a nearby turnbuckle. Logan sends a series of knee strikes into the gut of Vee. Shortly after this, Logan drags Vee out of the corner and whips him to some ropes on the other side of the ring. Vee bounces off of them and returns with momentum to nail a spinning heel kick to the upper-torso of Logan! Logan eats it and stumbles backwards and through the ropes. He lands outside on the floor mat.

Vee takes advantage of the situation and climbs the turnbuckle near him. He spots Logan recovering on the outside. He takes a leap to hit Logan with a crossbody, but Logan catches him in a horizontal hold. Logan shakes his head and mutters, “Nuh-uh!” Logan pulls back and hits a fallaway slam on the outside mat! The crowd cringes as Logan recovers to his feet.

Logan: I’m sick of this ******.

Logan mounts Vee on the ground and begins an all-out ground and pound strikefest. Vee tries to block with his forearms, but Logan slugs him nonetheless. The dastardly superstar finally abandons his strikes. He looks out at the crowd as they boo. All the while, the referee is counting in the ring. Logan walks over to the apron and dips his shoulder in to restart the count. Logan returns to the area near Vee, but he simply kicks Vee aside. He then proceeds to start pulling off the black mat to reveal the cold hard concrete.

Connor: My god. Is this what you are calling the new Logan, Jack?

Cohen: I call it ruthless aggression, CC!

Logan tosses the mat aside. He then proceeds to pick up Vee and pull him over to the concrete. Logan tries to drop Vee with a DDT, but Vee powers out of it. He pushes Logan back and sends a kick to the right side of Logan. He then sends two more before dropkicking Logan back against the outside barricade. Vee uses the opportunity to slide back into the ring. Logan shakes the cobwebs out and returns to the ring as the referee gets to the count of 8. Logan is hot on Vee’s trail as he chases him to the other side of the ring. Vee jumps on the second rope and springboards back to hit a moonsault on a standing McAllister. Vee stays on for the cover,


Logan pushes Vee off and both men return to their feet at nearly the same time. Logan charges Vee, but Vee jumps up and lands on the shoulders of Logan. He pulls back and executes a hurricanrana that slings Logan back-first into a nearby turnbuckle. Logan lands in it hard as Vee returns to his feet. Vee charges Logan in the corner, but Logan steps out at the last second and hits a short-arm clothesline that sends Vee spinning and landing on the ringmat. The crowd boos as Logan catches his breath. However, he only catches it for a few seconds. He grabs the wailing Vee off the ground like a ragdoll from behind. Logan flings Vee back with a release German suplex. Vee’s back and neck hit the ringmat hard. Logan isn’t finished. He grabs Vee again and hits another German suplex! Vee grabs his neck in pain as he lays face-first on the ringmat. Logan recovers a bit slower this time as he returns to Vee one more time. He picks him up yet again and pulls back for another German suplex. This time he bridges it for a pin!


The crowd pops as Vee gets a shoulder up at the last second. Logan responds by sending several punches into the forehead of Vee. He stops and stands up while picking the dazed Vee up with him. Logan looks out at the crowd before hoisting Vee up on his shoulders. Logan yells at the crowd before hitting his finisher, The Provider! HOWEVER, as Vee spins, he grabs the head of Logan and reverses the finisher into a DDT! Logan’s head drops down on the ringmat and both men are down as the crowd pops at the reversal!

Connor: Vee reversed The Provider with a DDT! I don’t believe it!

Cohen: Get up, Logan!

Logan blinks wildly as he tries to count the stars floating above him. Vee is nearby as he tries to catch his own breath. Both men lay motionless. The referee starts counting for a double knock-out,


Both men are still down.


Vee begins to stir.


Logan does the same!


Vee gets to one knee and the referee stops his count. Logan mimics this action as both men climb to their feet. Vee gets his full footing first, which allows him to charge Logan. Logan goes for a clothesline in response, but Vee ducks it. He runs into some ropes and bounces off of them. He returns to Logan with full momentum and hits a front flip senton! His legs knock Logan back onto his rear. Vee recovers and pulls the daze Logan back into a bent-over standing position. Vee grabs his head and leg and looks to execute his finisher, A.D.Z.! BUT NO!

Logan breaks out of it. It causes both men to stumble back a couple steps. However, they both quickly step toward each other to get the first strike. Logan goes high, but Vee goes low! Vee spins around the legs of Logan pulls him back for a quick rollup!


The crowd pops as Logan kicks out right after the count. Vee grabs his head in excitement as the bell rings and his music plays. Logan is in disbelief as he kneels on one knee nearby.

Connor: He did it! Vee has broken his losing streak!

Anderson: Here is your winner by pinfall, Vee A.D.Z.!

The crowd cheers as Vee climbs a turnbuckle to work the crowd. Meanwhile, a sour Logan is rising to his feet. He looks furious as he runs over and ambushes Vee! The crowd boos as Vee’s music stops. Logan drags Vee off the turnbuckle and punches him several times. Logan then throws Vee over the top rope to the outside ground (which happens to be near the exposed concrete from earlier). Logan exits the ring and wastes no time. He lifts Vee up on his shoulders and nails The Provider on the concrete nearby!

Connor: Good god!

The crowd cringes and boos heavily. Logan looks emotionless as he stands to observe his handiwork. Vee is out cold as medical personnel immediately storm the scene and begin checking on him. Logan yells at Vee.

Logan: Just remember who stole your moment, Vee. I hope I see you in the Lottery, because I’ll eliminate your ass first.

Logan spits at Vee before making his way up the ramp.

Cohen: It’s a dog-eat-dog world, CC. Logan knows that he has 29 other men he must beat to win the Lottery. He is just softening up one of those men to make his job easier. Also, I would be upset too with the type of fast count that just cost him the match.

Connor: This is inexcusable, Jack. I hope these two do meet in the lottery. And I hope poetic justice is served to Logan McAllister.

The scene ends with Vee still being checked on. The show fades out and cuts to commercial.
We cut backstage and find Cassanova walking down the hall, reading a book. Suddenly, he runs right into Kendrick Xavier, who is standing outside the door to Becky Serra’s office.

Cassanova: Watch where you’re going!

Xavier: I never moved. You walked into me.

Both of you need to get out of my way.

Vee A.D.Z. approaches the two from the opposite direction.

Xavier: No way, man. Get in line. I’m here to meet with Ms. Serra, and if you are too, you’ll have to wait.

Vee: The Lethal Lottery is coming up, and I need to make sure that WZCW’s hottest young superstar will have a chance to be in the match.

Xavier: I agree. That’s why the guy who beat you last week is going to see her first.

Cassanova: Wait a minute. If the Lethal Lottery match is the topic, then Cassanova will certainly be the main character. Move aside.

The three men start to push and shove for a moment before the door opens, showing Armando Paradyse leaving the office, shaking his head, with Becky close behind.

Serra: You will all have a chance to prove you are worthy of the biggest opportunity of the year. Now get the hell away from my office and leave me alone. The goes double for you, Armando.

Vee, Kendrick, and Cassanova slowly walk away, doing their best to keep an eye on the others while Becky walks back into her office and closes the door. Armando, however, just sits on the floor, still shaking his head.

Paradyse: ¿Quien es El Swago?


As the music begins, the lights dim down and a flickering gold spotlight forms on the stage. A few seconds later, Kendrick comes wheeling out on a Hovertrax vehicle dressed in a traditional boxer's robe with "X-Man" scrolling across the back of his robe. He smiles and waves to the crowd as he rolls down the ramp, soaking in the reaction that he's getting.

Anderson: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Silicon Valley, weighing in at 215 pounds, Kendrick "The X-Man" Xavier!

The crowd pops.

Connor: As far as the crop of rookies go in WZCW, Xavier is the cream of the crop.

Cohen: Yeah, the guy has been impressive, but he’s done it mainly against lower level competition. He couldn’t even hold his own when the roulette round practically gifted him with a EurAsian Title Shot.

Connor: To be fair, that was against three very talented superstars in Kagura Ohzora, S.H.I.T., and Chris K.O..

Xavier is now in the ring as he stretches and waits for his opponent.

The crowd can’t help but cheer the cult favorite, Alhazred, as he makes his way out of the gorilla position. A bag from Wendy’s is rubber-banded on his right hand.

Anderson: And the challenger, from His Hidden Underground Laboratory, weighing 178 pounds, Dr. Alhazred!

Connor: Alhazred returned during the roulette round, and he is back with a little more anger and a lot less power glove.

Cohen: It’s funny how ditching that silly toy and getting an attitude adjustment could make him all the more likable by me.

Alhazred is now in the ring as he sniffs the fries smell from his Wendy’s bag. Both men are in their respective corners as the referee checks on them. They each give him a nod, and the bell is sounded.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Alhazred and Xavier both confidently step out of their respective corners and meet in the center. Alhazred gets in Xavier’s face and tries to get in the rookie's mind,

Alhazred: Where’s your wheel chair Professor X? Crippled-ass bitch.

Xavier just smirks, and this irks Alhazred. Alhazred cocks back his fist and hits a strong right punch (Wendy’s bag and all) to the face of Xavier. The blow sends the rookie staggering backwards. Xavier has little time to recover as Alhazred screams like a banshee and jumps on the back of Xavier to lock in a sleeper hold. Xavier flails his arms as he stumbles to the center of the ring. Alhazred begins gnawing on the ear of Xavier. He mutters through the lobe in his mouth, “You took my gimmick you bastard!”

Connor: What in the hell is wrong with Alhazred?

Xavier screams in pain as he sends punches up at the temples of Alhazred. One finally hits Alhazred hard enough to break the hold. Xavier takes advantage and turns the broken sleeper hold into an inverted sit-out jawbreaker! Alhazred drops and falls on his back. While Alhazred rubs the pain out of his chin, Xavier recovers and pulls Alhazred up to his feet. Xavier kicks him in the gut and hooks one arm to drop him with a single underhook DDT! Xavier rolls him over on his back after the move to make a quick cover,


Alhazred gets a shoulder up. Xavier jumps up to his feet and reaches down to pick Alhazred back up. He gets Alhazred up, but Alhazred breaks out of the grapple. Xavier responds with a clothesline, but Alhazred ducks it and turns around quickly. He grabs Xavier from behind by the head and pushes him forward to hit a one-handed bulldog. Alhazred immediately pushes himself up to his feet as Xavier rolls over on to his back. Alhazred drops a fist down on the chin of Xavier. The blow sends Xavier rolling away and under the bottom rope. He lands feet-first outside of the ring. Alhazred spots him and runs over to the opposite side of the ring. He bounces off the ropes and returns to Xavier. Just as Xavier turns to see him, Alhazred dives through the middle of the ropes to hit a forearm smash. The blow takes both men down on the outside. The crowd buzzes around the barricade as both men stir.

Connor: Both men look great so far. Jack, what do you feel about the Lottery chances for either of these two.

Cohen: I think there is some decent money to be put on both men, but Alhazred is a definite dark horse this year. Look at Matt Tastic last year. A sleeper for five years and then suddenly he becomes the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion. I think Alhazred may very well be the next veteran to “break through”.

Alhazred gingerly makes it to his feet first. He approaches a slowly recovering Xavier. As he tries to grab the head of Xavier (whose back is facing the ring), the former tag team champion finds himself being lifted up for an inverted atomic drop! The crowd gasps at the move as Alhazred stumbles back after eating the manuever. Xavier stands up as Alhazred falls back against the barricade and seems to be even falling over it! However, he catches himself at the last second and pendulum swings himself off the barricade and into Xavier’s face with a crisp elbow. The blow sends Xavier crumbling back onto the outside apron. Alhazred comes from behind and throws him into the ring. The doctor slides in as well and makes a cover on Xavier,


Alhazred sits up from the failed pin attempt. He wipes the sweat off his brow with the greasy Wendy’s bag. He then proceeds to mount Xavier and send a series of elbow strikes into the head of his opponent. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine! Why nine? Because screw you, that’s why. Alhazred gets off Xavier and starts messing with the Wendy’s bag on his right hand. He acts as if he is powering it up, but it is just a Wendy’s bag.

Alhazred returns to Xavier and picks him up, but Xavier greets him with a European uppercut. As Alhazred tries to catch his footing, Xavier greets him face-to-face. Xavier positions himself to execute a STO on Alhazred. Xavier makes a cover, but Alhazred quickly powers out of it. The two climb to their feet at the same time. They charge each other, but Xavier gets the first strike. He sends a kick to the gut of Alhazred and it forces him to bend over in pain. Xavier grabs the head and spins to nail a twist of fate! The neck breaker puts Alhazred down as Xavier returns to his feet. Xavier looks down at Alhazred and then out at the crowd. He then runs to the ropes and returns to his opponent. He jumps and gets major air as he looks to plant a running leg drop, BUT NO! Alhazred moves at the last-second.

Xavier grabs his backside in pain as he returns to his feet with his back turned to Alhazred. As he turns back to face his opponent, the former tag champion pounces from a crouching position and hits his signature, Rising Dragon Fist! The blow sends Xavier stumbling back and falling on to his rear in a nearby turnbuckle.

The crowd is buzzing as Alhazred begins to act like he is powering up his Wendy’s bag.

Cohen: Does that thing even go to Level 5?

Connor: Level 5? How about even Level 1?

Xavier gingerly climbs up to his feet in the corner and stumbles out of the turnbuckle in a daze. Alhazred is there to spin and hit his finisher, Level 5! The blow sends Xavier crumbling down as Alhazred drops for the cover,


The crowd is stunned!

Cohen: I don’t believe it!

Neither does Alhazred. He sits up from the pin and grabs his right wrist with his left hand. He stares daggers into the Wendy’s bag. Alhazred shakes his head “no” as he rises to his feet. Alhazred starts screaming, “NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He furiously begins beating his Wendy’s bag hand against the ringmat as he drops to his knees.

Connor: That bag isn’t seeming to cut it with Alhazred. It doesn’t have near the power that his glove has. Thus rendering his finisher slightly more ineffective.

Alhazred continues to scream as he climbs back to his feet. He shakes his hand as if he is choking it. As he does this, he turns around to face his opponent once again. Unfortunately for him, Xavier has caught a second wind and has made it back to his feet. Xavier kicks Alhazred in the gut and grapples his head. He lifts him up and nails his finisher, X Chip! The crowd counts along,


The bell rings as Xavier looks a little shocked that he just put down his veteran adversary.

Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner by pinfall, Kendrick Xavier, the X-Man!

Cohen: No!

Connor: Wow, Kendrick Xavier with the big upset win over Alhazred!

Cohen: The Wendy’s bag screwed Alhazred!

Xavier’s music plays as he celebrates up the ramp. He greets fans on the barricade that join him in his celebration. The camera shows Alhazred shaking the cobwebs out to realize what just happened.

Connor: Xavier is going in with a ton of momentum for the Lethal Lottery, but that doesn’t mean that Alhazred looked weak at all here. Both men are strong competitors and solid picks for the upcoming Lottery Match.

Cohen: I still can’t believe it.

The last shot we get is of Alhazred looking at his Wendy’s bag hand in the ring. He yells at it as we cut to commercial.
Anderson: Ladies and gentlemen, the following is scheduled for one fall....


The crowd boos as Cassanova walks out from the back with a book in his hand and glasses on his face. He doesn't take notice of the crowd as Cassanova continues reading, enthralled by his mysterious book. He recites some lines to the crowd as he walks past them but they block their ears.

Anderson: Introducing first, from the Forgotten Library, weighing 200 pounds... "The Bookworm" CASSANOVA!

Connor: Cassanova doesn't give a damn about what the fans here think of him. His focus is Kagura tonight and the Lottery on the horizon.

Cohen: As is the case for everyone on the WZCW roster, CC.

Cassanova enters the ring, calmly putting down his book and glasses. He takes a deep breath and does a random assortment of stretches to prepare for his opponent. His music dies down and nothing happens. Cassanova approaches referee Elizabeth Prince to see about who it could be but she shrugs her shoulders. Cassanova isn't pleased with the answer and waits impatiently, as does some of the people in the crowd.


Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Ise, Mie, Japan, she is Kagura Ohzora!

A large umbrella appears on stage and is twirled around. Eventually raised to reveal Kagura Of The 5 Dances. Showered by blossom petals, she walks to the ring.

Connors: This is going to be a very interesting match, and like he have been pointing out, should give us a good indication of where Kagura is as she moves towards the Lottery

Cohen: It seems like a good year for a dark horse and, given the skills of this warrior, she could be someone to reckon with...

Finally, Kagura makes it to the ring and the two competitors stand in the middle of the ring, sizing up the other. After a few more moments of tense staring, the two wrestlers come together with a cacophony of noise from the baying crowd at ringside. The two wrestlers try their best to get the upper hand in the early stages but it is Cassanova who finally manages to claim it, driving the knee into the gut of his opponent. Kagura bends over double as Cassanova nails her with a stunning clubbing blow to the back of her neck. The sound of the impact shoots around the arena as Kagura hist the canvas for the first time in the match. With his opponent on the mat, Cassanova looks to take a firm control of this match and runs off of the ropes, nailing Kagura with a diving drop-kick as he returns. He spins Kagura onto her back and goes for the shock first cover of the match. But just as the referee is getting down to make the count, Kagura powers out with no problem at all. With the kick out, Kagura looks to reclaim her place in the match but Cassanova is in mood to allow his opponent back into the match. He grabs her hair as she attempts to get back up and drives his fist into her guts repeatedly. Moving over to the corner of the ring, he drives Kagura's head into the padded ring-post. Kagura still feels the impact as she stumbles back into the corner. Cassanova gives a taunt to the crowd as he moves into the corner to meet Kagura. He whips her across the ring and, as she hits the corner, he follows her and hits her with a devastating clothesline. He doesn't allow Kagura to catch her breath with that, however, as he mounts the turn-buckle and begins raining down punches on the fan-favourite as a muted count begins to emanate from the fans with every blow.


Cassanova: Is this the best you've got?!

However, Cassanova's confidence gets the better of him as he stops at five blows and raises his hands out to his side. Kagura takes the initiative and tosses Cassanova over the top rope and sends him crashing onto the ring apron and then onto the unprotected floor. The crows burst into life as Kagura gets a moment of reprieve and looks out to see the damage she has done to her unwitting opponent.

Connors: Oh my god!

Cohen: That's what happens when you let your ego get the better of your thoughts. Cassanova was well in control of this match and with that his chances could be over.

Connors: It's worth mentioning that, if this were the Lethal Lottery, Cassanova would be waving goodbye to his chances of being in the main event of this years Kingdom Come event.

Cohen: It really is that simple, CC.

Kagura takes her time getting out of the ring, maximising the recovery process from the startling start to the match. It looks as though Cassanova has taken a bad fall, however, as he clutches at his shoulder and yelling out in pain. Kagura looks concerned for her opponent but she is wily enough to know the nature of her opponent and, more importantly, how this business works. She steadies herself and moves towards her downed opponent as the referee urges her to bring the match back into the ring. She grabs at the head of her opponent and picks him back up to his feet; Nova not able to take his hand off of his shoulder such is the pain. Kagura pulls Nova over towards the ring and picks him up, letting him fall onto the ring apron and causing yet more damage to the shoulder of her opponent. The crowd appreciate the animal instincts of Kagura and let out a huge cheer as Kagura pulls out in front in terms of momentum in this match. Once again, she picks her opponent up and tosses him under the bottom rope and into the ring. She quickly joins her opponent as she looks to put more pressure onto the shoulder and perhaps claim a victory on the eve of the most important match of the WZCW calendar. She moves over to Nova, who is beginning to crawl away from her and still clutching his injured shoulder. She grabs at his hair and goes to pull him up. But it seems as though Nova was playin possum the entire time! He pulls at the arm of Kagura and locks her into the small package! The referee shoots into position suddenly! 1... 2... Kick out from the former Elite X Champion!

Connors: Unbelievable!

Cohen: Genius!

Connors: Kagura has to be more careful here. She may have kicked out this time but she also needs to realise that not everyone in WZCW is going to be as honourable as she is.

Kagura looks stunned as she gets onto her knees and looks across the ring at her opponent. Nova has a smile on his face as he slowly gets back to his feet. Kagura joins him as they both come together once again. Thsi time, however, Kagura seems to have learned her lesson and is not going to show Nova the same respect as she has been throughout this match. She takes Nova down with a trip from behind and immediately locks in the FOURTH DANCE OF TOYOUKE OMIKAME! Nova struggles against the hold as Kagura tries to get her legs wrapped around the body of her opponent and, surely, finish this match off. But Nova has too much left in the tank, even after the surprise attack from his opponent. He reaches out for the ropes frantically, squirming under the pressure of the move from Kagura. Finally, he squirms enough to break the hold and clutches at the bottom rope with a relieved look upon his features. Kagura looks upset about something and marches towards Nova. The referee gets in her way as Nova continues to hold the bottom rope. After a moment or two, Kagura is calmed down by the referee and gives an honourable bow towards him. Nova, meanwhile has released the bottom rope and is slowly getting back to his feet. The referee moves out of the way as Kagura charges at Nova. However, Nova moves out of the way, causing Kagura to once again make contact with the ring post. Nova pulls Kagura out of the corner and nails her with a bulldog that seems to have set up the finish perfectly.

Connors: This could be it. Nova has that look in his eyes!

Cohen: That shoulder seems to have healed up really nicely, huh?

Nova goes out to the outside of the ring and slowly begins to climb the ropes until he finally reaches the top. He steadies himself and then gives a taunt to the crowd. He looks down at Kagura, who is motionless on the canvas. Finally, he launches himself off of the top rope and looks for the LIBRARY DIVE!

But Kagura moves out of the way at the last second! This time, the injuries that Nova suffered are not fake, as he crashed to the canvas like a bug hitting the wind-shield of a moving vehicle at high speed. Kagura crawls towards her opponent and locks in the FOURTH DANCE OF TOYOUKE OMIKAME! There is nowhere for Nova to go this time as Kagura locks in the hold perfectly. Nova looks a mixture of stunned and pained as he struggles to manoeuvre his body and release the hold. But the stern features of Kagura tells a story as she levers the hold in even further. The referee asks Nova if he wishes to give it up and Nova has no choice! He taps out!!

Anderson: Here is your winner by way of submission... Kagura Ozhora!

Connors: And that is all she wrote, folks. Both competitors looks sharp here tonight and with the Lottery so soon, both will fancy their chances in a few weeks in London.

Cohen: If both of these competitors can cut out some of the mistakes that have riddled this match, then either of them could be a force to be reckoned with. Kagura managed to make her experience count when it mattered though, and that is what the Lottery is all about.

Kagura gets to her feet and gives the crowd a humble bow in every direction as Nova nurses his wounds.


We go backstage where Steven Holmes is standing, cane in hand, next to Abel Hunnicutt and Leon Keonsworth.

Leon: I'm standing here with former WZCW World Heavyweight Champion Steven Holmes. Steven care to tell me a little about Abel?

Holmes: My dear Leon, as you can see I am in no condition to compete in the ring. The desire to spread my vision still burns however, and that is where Abel comes in. When I found Abel, he was just a raw fighter. Lots of potential, but very rough around the edges. I trained him day and night, beat the bad habits out of him. The man that stands before you today is my vision for the future of this company. Last week was a small dose of what Abel is capable of. Tonight against Theron, you will see even more of my monster, and the next Lethal Lottery winner.

Leon: Do you have anything to add Abel?

Abel simply stares at Leon, who backs away scared.

Connor: Don't go away folks, Abel versus Theron is up next.
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


Introducing first, from Stephenville, Texas, weighing in at 190lbs, The Warblade of Mystra, Theron Daggershield!

Theron walks onto the stage to a series of heavy cheers. Red, yellow, blue, green, and purple lights flash throughout the arena as Theron takes off his sunglasses and gives them to a fan in the front row. He climbs into the ring and rolls his d20, before he strikes a pose to pop the fans again.

Connor: So Theron will be looking to build some momentum heading into his World Title match at Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: Don't count on it. I have never seen someone so undeserving as Theron. Abel will get it done tonight.


And his opponent, from Dead Horse, Alaska, weighing 267 pounds, Abel Hunnicutt!

A spotlight shines down as Beethoven blasts out and Steven Holmes enters first, complete with cane. He signals at the entrance way where the music turns to The Immigrant Song. Then Hunnicutt emerges, a sneering smirk on his face. He marches to the ring, following Holmes before overtaking him to hold the ring ropes open for his master. He then enters by stepping over the top ropes and bows to the crowd as Holmes presents him.

Connor: Few men are as evil as Steven Holmes, but we may have one here in Abel Hunnicutt.

Cohen: Coming off a big debut win, Abel will continue to roll here tonight. Mark my words.

Referee Elizabeth Prince is in charge of the action and goes over last minute instructions before she calls for the bell.


Abel slowly makes his way to the center of the ring. Theron circles around him. Each time Abel tries to grab hold of Theron, the quicker Theron ducks out of the way. The Warblade fires off kicks to the back of the legs as he circles, trying to chop the big man down. He gets him down to a knee and goes for a tie up. He works to a side headlock, but Abel shows impressive strength by lifting Theron and slamming him with a back suplex out of the headlock. Theron is quickly back to his feet, and fires off a couple of rights and lefts, but they do little damage to Abel, who shrugs them off. Instead, Abel grabs Theron around the neck and tosses him into the nearest corner. He begins to unload with a series of hard fists and forearms, causing Theron to cover up and the ref to step in and utilize her five count. Abel jaws at the ref a little, prompting Steven Holmes to order him out of the ring. Abel Connects with a big uppercut, dropping Theron, before he climbs out of the ring and is lectured by Holmes.

Cohen: That is right Steven, give him some pointers.

Connor: He is in control thus far, so taking a break may be unwise.

As Abel and Holmes talk shop on the outside, the ref is counting and Theron is stirring. He gets to his feet and looks around. He climbs the turnbuckle as his opponent has his back turned. He leaps and crashes down with a crossbody onto both Holmes and Hunnicutt!

Connor: What a big risk move by Theron.

Cohen: How dare he leap onto a defenseless man!

The ref is at a count of seven as Theron uses all of his strength to haul Abel to his feet and roll him back into the ring. Once inside he leaps high into the air and drops an elbow onto Abel. He attempts a cover.
And Abel simply throws Theron off of him. The impressive strength shocks Theron, who scrambles to hit feet. He fires off quick kicks to the midsection of Abel as he tries to stand. Once he is on his feet, Theron hits the ropes and connects with a flying chop. I staggers Abel, but he doesn't go down. The Warblade hits the ropes again, and a second flying chop still doesn't put the big man down. Theron comes off the ropes a third time, but a big boot puts him on the canvas. The crowd boos as Steven Holmes applauds from ringside and Abel raises his arms. He drags Theron to his feet and Irish whips him across the ring. Abel then hits the opposite ropes and charges and connects with running double axehandle. Theron collapses and Abel follows up with a pointed elbow drop. He then connects with a second, and a third, and a fourth, and a fifth! Five consecutive elbow drops. Instead of a cover, Holmes orders him to drop another elbow, but this time from the second rope. Abel climbs to the second rope and launches for the elbow, but Theron rolls out of the way. Both men are down, but Theron is crawling toward the ropes and pulls himself to his feet. He runs and connects with a dropkick to Abel. The big man does his best to shrug it off, but Theron connects with a second dropkick putting the big man down. With Holmes going nuts on the outside and the crowd coming alive, Theron climbs to the top rope and calls for a moonsault.


Connor: What is Constantine doing out here?

Cohen: I'm sure he is just scouting his Lethal Lottery opponent.

Constantine makes his way to the ring and climbs onto the apron. Theron turns his eyes to Constantine and kicks him off the apron. He then points to him and launches the moonsault, only to be caught upside down by Abel, who drops him on his head with the World's End! He hooks a leg.
Three! Constantine smiles from ringside as Holmes climbs into the ring and raises the hand of his fighter.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Abel Hunnicutt!

Connor: Constantine just cost Theron a victory!

Cohen: You can't say that. Abel was in control most of the match, and Theron took his eyes off the prize. Some title contender he is.

After the match, Constantine slowly makes his way into the ring. He begins to stomp away at the downed Theron. He pulls him to his feet and tries to hit a big right hand, but Theron blocks and fires off quick shots and Irish whips Constantine into the ropes. Off the rebound he looks for the Critical Hit, but Constantine slips out and rolls outside the ring. Theron tries to give chase but the lights in the arena go out. As they come back, Constantine is nowhere to be seen and the camera zooms in on a frustrated looking Theron as we go to commercial.


Backstage in a smoke filled dark room, we see the familiar stretcher of none other than the Good Doctor Zeus. He sits on it hold a Titus plush teddybear as he talks to it.

Dr. Zeus:

Heroes are red.

Villains are blue.

Hope battles the dread.

We are the chosen few.

But when real life is unfair.....

.........What will you do?
Anderson: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The crowd stands up on their feet in a roar of approval for the WZCW Hall of Famer Titus as he walks out onto the stage. He stands there and soaks it all in, looking out into the audience with a big smile on his face. He points to the fans before strolling down the ramp, interacting with everyone in the front row.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Keystone City, Kansas, weighing 225 pounds, 2014 Hall of Fame inductee... this... is... TITUS!

Connor: It's been great to see the legend Titus come back to WZCW after such a long absence from in-ring competition but it's not been the start he'd like.

Cohen: He's fallen short on every occasion since his return, CC. There is a time when every respectable legend in this industry needs to realise his time has past and gone.

Connor: Titus isn't hobbling to and from his car like yourself, Jack. He's still got the fire and the passion to be here just as anyone else.

Cohen: No arguments with that but if he doesn't pick it up soon, you won't be able to blame ring rust for any longer.

Titus enters the ring and climbs the turnbuckle, pointing to the fans who are applauding him. He couldn't be any happier at the sight and nods to himself. He jumps down to meet with senior official Jurou Akiyama with the two sharing a nod of respect to each other.


The mood completely changes to an eerie feeling as Dr. Zeus walks out with his patent hospital bed, slowly caressing the patient that is not there. He strokes his beard and laughs to himself as the crowd rains down boos on Zeus.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Portland, Oregon, weighing 265 pounds... the good DR. ZEUS!

Cohen: Does he even realise nobody is on the stretcher?

Connor: He might be reminiscing having John Doe tied up when they faced Live Mas in Ireland. I'm not sure if that's detrimental to or aiding Dr. Zeus.

Cohen: For Titus' sake, I hope ring rust was the problem for him in the past couple of weeks.

Connor: Well, Zeus does have a victory over Titus during the Roulette Rounds. The odds aren't looking good for the legend.

Zeus gets to ringside and hits the ring with the bed, smiling as he does so. He leaves it there and slowly creeps up the stairs and into the ring. He doesn't take his eyes off Titus and goes to approach him but senior official Jurou Akiyama gets in-between the two, making sure the match doesn't start without his consent. He pushes Zeus back into his corner and asks if both competitors are ready. When they answer in their own way (especially Zeus), Akiyama signals for the bell.


Zeus is straight on the offensive, bursting out the corner in an attempt to intimidate Titus and put him on the defensive. Titus takes a step back, standing his ground and on guard. Zeus goes for the legs but Titus skips out of dodge, putting his arms up. Zeus smiles and obliges with the collar-elbow tie-up, testing his strength against the legend. Zeus uses his size advantage to slowly push Titus back into the corner, stuffing him in there as best he can until Jurou comes over, going to a count of 4. Zeus lets go and hits Titus with a throat thrust, backing out of the corner cackling to himself as Jurou does his best to warn Zeus. Titus isn't impressed as he feels his neck before going straight for Zeus. The good doctor retreats to the nearby ropes, pleading he isn't ready. Titus isn't having none of it and tries dragging Zeus out of the predicament but Jurou has to enforce the rules, pulling Titus back. As Jurou tells Titus off, Zeus gets out of the ropes and smacks Titus with another throat thrust, causing the legend to stumble back.

Connor: I don't think Zeus is interested in a wrestling encounter. He's just messing with Titus.

Cohen: If there is one thing Zeus can do, it's get into the head of the opponent.

Titus looks angered and goes after Zeus but he retreats to the outside, staring at Titus with a toying look. Titus exits and goes to chase the good doctor, doing a full lap in pursuit of Zeus until Zeus gets into the ring and readies himself. However, Titus entered the ring first and is standing behind him. Zeus turns around with a smiling Titus who hits Zeus with his own variation of a throat thrust. Zeus stumbles back as Titus shrugs to the crowd.

Connor: A crafty veteran tricked Zeus on that one. Maybe the psychological game isn't as one sided as we thought, Jack.

Titus hits Zeus with a pair of European uppercuts before sending Zeus across the ring. Zeus attempts a lariat swing but Titus grabs the arm and transitions into a sleeper hold, doing his best to contain Zeus in the middle of the ring. Zeus frantically flails about in the middle, struggling to get out of the submission. Zeus manages to find the ropes, forcing the break. Zeus escapes the ring to look for some salvation, catching his breath. Titus doesn't let up and follows Zeus out after him. Zeus goes for a throat thrust to defend himself but Titus blocks, smacking Zeus with a kesagiri chop. Zeus grabs his neck and goes to retreat but Titus is on the pursuit. Zeus goes near the corner post and seeks refuge. Titus comes around and goes to grab Zeus but Zeus grabs the arm first and pulls Titus head-first into the steel post. Titus is rattled by the hit, slumping down to his knees. The crowd boos as Zeus laughs about it, almost enjoying what happened.

Cohen: Did you hear that sickening thud?

Connor: That's probably what Zeus is laughing about.

Jurou is up to a count of 7 when Zeus finally goes to Titus and puts him into the ring. Zeus slides into the ring and goes to cover...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Titus.

Zeus mounts Titus and looks down at him, choking him out with his bear hands wrapped around the legend's throat. Jurou gets in there and admonishes Zeus, pulling him off and giving clear warning to Zeus. The good doctor plays innocent and laughs, sniffing his hands as the senior official checks on Titus. The legend tries getting up but every attempt results in Zeus giving him a throat thrust to stay down. Zeus keeps Titus down with a few mounted headbutts before getting up, running the ropes and delivering a leg drop right across the throat of Titus. The legend splutters to breath as Zeus covers...

... 1
... 2
... another kick-out by Titus.

Zeus laughs to himself as he goes behind Titus and locks in a dragon sleeper, bending Titus' head right back and looking to inflict as much as possible. Jurou is in perfect position for the call but Titus refuses to give.

Connor: It's going to take a lot more than this to get Titus to submit. He might not be as youthful as he once was to withstand this pressure but he doesn't go down without a fight.

Cohen: Let's hope he gets the fight going soon because the longer stays in that painful submission the worse for wear he'll be for the future. Just looking at a dragon sleeper makes me get arthritic pains.

The crowd begins chanting and cheering for Titus as Zeus tries keeping the hold tight. Titus waves his index finger in the air and shows a lot of life, doing his best to counter the submission. Zeus switches to a regular headlock to keep Titus down but he refuses, getting to his feet and battling back with Zeus. He delivers a couple of elbows to Zeus who breaks the hold... but Zeus comes back with a headbutt followed by a spinning heel kick to the stomach, knocking Titus down to one knee. Zeus picks up the legend and drives him into the canvas with a Samoan drop. Zeus takes a second or two to look at the fallen legend before crawling sadistically for a cover...

... 1
... 2
... a third kick-out by Titus.

Zeus shoots a look at senior official Jurou who confirms it is a 2 and a half. Zeus breaks out in maniacal laughter as he gets to his feet, grabbing the body of Titus and positioning his neck underneath the bottom ropes. He picks up the legs of Titus and hits the Decapitator, causing Titus' neck to get tied up to the bottom rope. He struggles breathing and rolls around on the canvas. Jurou checks on him as Zeus snickers, not even attempting for a cover. In fact, he just sits there looking at Titus.

Zeus: You refuse to go away without a fight?
So be it, I'll kill your legend tonight!

Zeus goes after Titus and grabs him again, looking to hit the Decapitator once more. However, Titus knows what is coming and uses his leg strength to push Zeus away. Angered, Zeus gets up and attempts the move like a man possessed but it ends up with Titus going for a small package...

... 1
... 2
... Zeus just manages to beat the three.

Zeus is shocked as he gets up, looking down at the hurt Titus. He quickly goes on the offense but Titus manages a schoolboy...

... 1
... 2
... another near fall for Titus!

Zeus grabs his hair and stresses, shaking his head. He cannot believe what is happening.

Zeus: How can this be?
You're already dead to me!

During Zeus' self-monologue, Titus had enough time to get to his feet. Zeus turns around to see Titus with a serious look.

Titus: Not to them, I'm not!

Zeus goes for a punch but Titus blocks it, responding with one of his own. Titus builds up some momentum by punching Zeus a few more times before backing Zeus into the ropes. He goes to whip Zeus but the good doctor reverses, sending Titus across instead. Zeus props his head down for another Samoan drop but Titus counters into a swinging neckbreaker, bringing down Zeus. Titus takes a second or two on the ground before performing a very rare kip-up from the legend. The crowd re-energises and cheers loudly for Titus, giving Titus a second wind.

Connor: Just when you thought you've put down Titus, he comes back at you like he just started a match.

Cohen: It's scary the way Titus can channel the energy of the crowd into his fights, on par with Zeus' insanity.

Titus sees Zeus getting to his feet and prepares himself, launching himself at Zeus with a springboard bulldog, planting Zeus into the canvas. Zeus holds his face as he sits up. Titus points out to the crowd before running the ropes and hitting a big kick to the face of Zeus.

Connor: GOAL!

Titus goes for a cover...

... 1
... 2
... kick-out by Zeus.

Zeus immediately holds his face as he moves away from Titus. Titus looks out to the crowd and they cheer for him as loudly as ever. Titus slaps the top rope and the crowds cheer in response. Titus does his best to get up to the top turnbuckle as Zeus recovers, getting to his feet. Zeus turns around as Titus leaps off, resulting in Titus hitting Zeus with a big flying clothesline, knocking down Zeus. Titus rolls to his feet and calls for the end of the match. The crowd wills him on as Zeus recovers and Titus sets him up, PLANTING ZEUS WITH THE TIT DROP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!

Cohen: He got it!

Titus pushes Zeus over onto his back and makes the cover...

... 1
... 2
... 3!

The crowd erupts as Titus gets the victory and Jurou Akiyama signals for the end of the match. He raises Titus' arm in the air as Titus just sits on the canvas, smiling to himself that he did it.

Anderson: Here is your winner... TITUS!

Connor: Titus has secured his first victory since returning to WZCW as a Hall of Fame competitor!

Cohen: And what a way to do it by beating Dr. Zeus - the first competitor to pin him in his return - in the last match before the Lethal Lottery. That is huge!

Connor: Titus took a match or two to adjust after being away from the ring for so long but he looks as great as ever.

Titus gets to his feet and celebrates with the fans by heading to the outside and hi-fiving everyone. He interacts with men, women and children but everyone is happy he has won the match. He heads back into the ring and begins posing for the fans on the turnbuckles, pointing out into the audience. Jurou Akiyama is dealing with Dr. Zeus in the background who has recovered from the Tit Drop, wiping his face. He doesn't seem to be too happy with the sight.

Connor: Maybe this could be the sight at the end of the Lethal Lottery, Jack? Titus could become the first-ever two-time Lethal Lottery winner in history and go on to main event-

Connor is cut off as Zeus gets up and attacks Titus whilst he is on the turnbuckles. The crowd boos heavily as Jurou does his best to keep Zeus off him. Zeus & Titus go into a brawl, exchanging fists with each other.

Connor: What a sore loser. He couldn't win so he has to attack him after the fact.

Zeus gets the better of the fight as he hits a throat thrust to Titus, knocking him down and causing more breathing problems for Titus. He stares right down at Titus and shakes his head.

Zeus: You aren't a legend, just the people's ****e!
I promised to end you tonight and finish this war!

Zeus grabs the throat of Titus and locks in Euthanasia, staring into the eyes of Titus as he looks to pass out the legend. Jurou does his to release the hold but Zeus' grip is almost superhuman. Titus looks to fade as Zeus inflicts the punishment.

Connor: Somebody stop him! Jack!

Cohen: I'm not jumping in there!

Zeus continues to apply the pressure to a chorus of boos... until they turn into cheers as Noah Ryder comes down to the aid! Ryder slides into the ring and jumps Zeus, attacking him. He let's go of the submission on Titus, who falls to the ground. Ryder is beating up Zeus and the two are brawling with each other.

Connor: Ryder has come out to save the legend!

Cohen: But look who is coming to save the good doctor...

John Doe makes his way out to the ring and goes after Noah, ripping him off Zeus and begins attacking him. Zeus gets to his feet and joins John Doe as they double team Noah. Doe holds Ryder back and allows Zeus to deliver a series of throat thrusts on the rookie. Titus gets up with whatever strength he has and goes after Zeus but the double team of Doe & Zeus is too much for Titus. They continue the attack on Titus until Garth Black gets involved, taking out both Doe & Zeus. Black fends off the attack well until Johnny Scumm runs down the aisle. Black immediately turns around and goes after Scumm, tackling him down to the ground.

The six man brawl continues until other wrestlers such as Logan McAllistor, Kendrick Xavier, Vee A.D.Z. and Cassanova come out to join the fight. The locker room begins pouring out from the entrance way as well as jumping the barricades in the crowd, looking to join in on this massive fight occurring in the middle of the ring. Alhazred is choking out Armando Paradyse with a Wendy's bag whilst Abel Hunnicutt attacks elegANT with Holmes' cane. Matt Tastic & Mikey Stormrage look to run out into the fight equipped with steel chairs and head down the ramp. However, before they enter the ring, they stop and set up shop, watching from ringside. They have a gay old time until Flex Mussel & Ramparte get thrown over the top rope, sending them crashing to the floor in front of Live Mas. Mussel & Ramparte recover and see their challengers sitting in front of him. Mikey & Matt look at each other before everyone they join the brawl too.

Connor: This is pandemonium!

Cohen: It's complete and utter ch-... watch out CC!

Cohen grabs Connor and moves her out of the way, ripping both of their headsets off as James Howard has been thrown onto the commentating table courtesy of Eve Taylor. She goes after the Elite X champion but Howard gets her locked in a guillotine choke.

The ending scene sees all the wrestlers (bar Theron & Constantine) fighting each other in and around the ring, creating a massive brawl. Multiple security guards, backstage personnel, referee's, road agents... even the General Manager's come out to do their best to calm the fight but the roar of the crowd and the will of the wrestlers' to fight are too much.

Falk - Titus vs. Zeus, segments
Yaz - Theron vs Abel, segments, opening
Dave - Ohzora vs. CassaNova
Kermit - Xavier vs Alhazred, Vee vs. Logan
Killjoy - Segments
Dynamite - Segments
Thriller - Segments

Hope you guys enjoyed the shows this round. Look for the Lethal Lottery boards within the next twenty four hours. Rep these gentlemen for their hard work.
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