Anyone else tired of this?

The D

Dark Match Jobber

Have you had enough of the invincible luchador yet? Should we start calling him Mini-C?

I respect Rey, but it's at the point where it's just ridiculous anymore.

"Oh, Rey's in a match tonight? I wonder who will win????"

I don't mean this as a bash Rey Mysterio thread, because the guy's had a great career and busted his ass. He's come back from a lot of injuries and he entertains the fans, which is really what counts, but, I mean, dude is booked like Goldberg...

I guess it's a knock on the booking and writing--not really Mysterio himself. Is there such a thing as "too much push"? How would you try to tone it down? Or do you think Super Rey is fine the way he is?
I'm not really that big of a fan for Rey Mysterio, because unlike John Cena, Rey isn't legitimate to win every fight he is in. Can anybody honestly say Cena couldn't look legit and credible against anybody and anyone in the WWE? Rey Mysterio cannot do this. He has constantly played on the "ultimate underdog" which is why I don't like him, because he has pretty much a better chance at winning than any other on the Smackdown roster right now.

However, that doesn't mean that it doesn't work. Rey Mysterio is loved by the children, just like Cena. So of course it's gonna work, of course Rey all in all is just fine as he is, but that is because his personality as the ultimate underdog works for the children, works for his fans. Works for anybody that wants to watch him.

So sure he's fine the way he is as long as he keeps getting a good reaction. However I don't see the problem in bumping him down to the mid-card after Summerslam, where he most likely won't regain the championship.
Well...the only time I was a big rey mysterio fan was in his ECW, WCW, and early WWE days. Back when he was just the luchadore. he is a great wrestler no doubt about that. Its been said the reason he got his push was because of Eddie passing away(may he RIP). I think at this point, the ultimate underdog has been overdone. but he is very popular, and making vinnie mac money with the merchandise (the masks specifically). So as long as he is making the company money and has huge popularity-he's not going anywhere
I used to like Rey Mysterio alot. Especially back in 05 when Eddie and him were tag champions. Those guys knew how to be a tag team. They worked great together. They both had similar styles of wrestling (mexican). But now he is just a fat tub of lard. He's not as good as he used to be, he's not as fast as he used to be. And his moves are getting so predictable.

I never accepted Rey as a main eventer, especially now. His promos he cuts now and days make me sick. Just like the promo cut last Friday between him and McIntyre. That was really one of the worst promos I have ever heard. It was just plain "******ed".

IMO, Rey should be in a tag team, with someone that has a somewhat similar style of wrestling that he can work good with. I prefer seing Rey in the tag team division because that is hwere I see that Rey can work the best.
The only problem with the Ultimate Underdog gimmick is based on his size, nothing else would work. He has to be a face because he would never be a believable heel. With that said I don't think he should win every time he goes out, as long as he puts on a great performance, which he almost always does, the fans will still cheer for him regardless. I read he was given his recent Title run because he was complaining about working injured since January. Also who else is going to fill the void of Undertaker as top face on SD!. There's no one else. Hopefully when Taker comes back he'll drop back down to Upper Mid-Carder for a while.
I'm not really that big of a fan for Rey Mysterio, because unlike John Cena, Rey isn't legitimate to win every fight he is in. Can anybody honestly say Cena couldn't look legit and credible against anybody and anyone in the WWE? Rey Mysterio cannot do this. He has constantly played on the "ultimate underdog" which is why I don't like him, because he has pretty much a better chance at winning than any other on the Smackdown roster right now.

However, that doesn't mean that it doesn't work. Rey Mysterio is loved by the children, just like Cena. So of course it's gonna work, of course Rey all in all is just fine as he is, but that is because his personality as the ultimate underdog works for the children, works for his fans. Works for anybody that wants to watch him.

So sure he's fine the way he is as long as he keeps getting a good reaction. However I don't see the problem in bumping him down to the mid-card after Summerslam, where he most likely won't regain the championship.

Actually yes, yes I can & 1 name that comes to mind is Jericho. Now maybe it's the MMA fan in me saying this but in a legit fight Chris would own Cena 10 times out of 10. He schooled Goldberg in a legit fight so yea, he'd definatly own John Cena. But thats beside the point. I do agree that Rey beating every top big guy around is just stupid. After SummerSlam, he should go back to the mid card & maybe go back to being the IC champ but unless he is as skilled a technecal wrestler as small wrestlers from years gone by like Bret, HBK, Savage etc.. and can truely put on a believable david vs goliath type match, I'd say stay out of the Heavyweight title pitcure
I despise Rey. You ask how to tone down the Superman push that Rey is almost always on? I would say book him realistically. For as much crap as Cena gets, his victories are more realistic than Rey's. Currently, Cena is working his way towards beating the Nexus, but even he has to have a team to do it. Quickest way to get rid of the Nexus? Move Mysterio over to Raw and have him take them on. Then there's no way that Team WWE will lose.

It may be because I dislike him, but he doesn't seem to have any legitimacy in the main event scene on Smackdown. He made Swagger look bad when he beat him despite having an injured ankle. If Big Show were a heel, he would lose as well, despite his size.

In addition, I don't like the backstage politics. If I remember right, he made a stink last year when he was suspended for violating the wellness policy. I think he was unhappy when the WWE wouldn't let him make an appearance for AAA, even though I can understand the WWE being unwilling to allow a performer to wrestle for another promotion. He didn't want to lose the IC title to Dolph Ziggler and only lost it because he got suspended, and not to Ziggler, but to Morrison.

He's also injured several performers lately, namely the Undertaker, who was supposed to have a part in this years Summerslam but has instead been healing the broken orbital bone he received.

And, this may just be me, but while I understand the WWE wanting to market to the Hispanic demographic with Rey, it annoys me to no end when he cuts promos in Spanish. Maybe it's just because I can't understand it, but it doesn't seem like there's any actual need to do that other than to just pander to the audience.

Again, if I remember right, I think there were rumors that he was thinking of asking for his release, or not renewing when his contract expired. I think it would hurt the WWE financially, but I don't really want to see him pushing over everyone on Smackdown anymore.

I know I've bashed Rey, and I could be wrong on some of this, but I am willing to hear counter-arguments. Nothing I've read makes Rey seem like he's an asset from anything other than a financial standpoint. However, I'm definitely willing to hear differing opinions.
I'm not overly a fan of Rey Mysterio in general, but I do find that I really enjoy watching him wrestle most of the time. I get where some people are coming from in terms of credibility against opponents. Rey does suffer from Little Man Syndrome and there's no way around it. When you see Mysterio in there against someone like Kane, the realistic part of your mind is going to kick in and say "Yeah, I just can't really buy into Mysterio beating someone so much bigger and stronger."

At the same time, however, I do have to respect the WWE somewhat for recognizing Mysterio's ability and work ethic enough to overlook the size issue and give him opportunities. In the United States, in spite of all the criticism you might see slung toward the WWE in the past for pushing huge guys, I think this thread is something of a reason why American promotions have a history of pushing larger athletes. After all, the WWE gets criticized for pushing Rey Mysterio. Rey wins the World Heavyweight Championship, and threads pop up over the net with titles like "It's supposed to be the World HEAVYWEIGHT Championship", which is meant to be a knock on Rey's size.

So, it's really kind of a double eged sword or even worse, a double standard unfortunately. Rey Mysterio has always been a helluva worker inside the ring in my opinion, but some just aren't able to move past the fact that he's only about 5'6" and about 160-175 pounds. It's not just Mysterio, it's a lot of smaller guys in general. If Evan Bourne is ever able to make it to the main event stage at some time in his career, he'll wind up getting much of the same criticism as Mysterio has due to his size, and it's not like it's something that he can help. It's possible that Evan Bourne would like to be about 6 or 7 inches taller and about 50 pounds heavier, I dunno. Wish in one hand, shit in the other and see which gets full faster.

I do think that the WWE recognizes that changes are taking place in wrestling. Sometimes, the WWE can be damn slow to recognize some changes, but the fact is that a lot more of the young guys coming into wrestling these days are on the smaller side. Some of the best on the WWE's roster right now are smaller. Kofi Kingston is billed to be about 221 pounds but, in actuality, he looks to be closer to 200. Why's he billed heavier? Because American audiences do have something of a prejudice against "little" guys.
Im sick of this too. He is defineatly and upper midcarder. He should start putting over talent. And as for him being the top face, the simple solution would be push Kofi Kingston,Matt Hardy Or Christian. The easy one would be Matt b/c hes the #3 face on the brand(including taker). that gives a face main eventer, Gets Mysterio into the Upper midcard and maybe even his time off. But Matt couldnt carry himself in the main event for long just till Taker came back. That means you have 2 face main eventers(Show and Taker) and 2 possible main eventers(Mysterio andHardy) if one of them is injured.
Mysterio's role now is there to be the "kiddie hero"... He is basically nothing more than a live action Power Ranger at this point in terms of character... He is the one that will convince kids that one day they too could be a wrestler, the thing that fuels fandom, sales of toys and idolism for kids.

To curb it, kills that dead and he is too much of a cash cow for WWE to let that happen to... at one time, Rey Mysterio was the most exciting, innovative worker of his generation... now he is a cartoon and I personally cannot watch him any more... as he fuels everythign bad about WWE.
Just to play devils advocate here, Rey does get his ass kicked from time to time. Granted it isn't as much as would be realisticly expected to given his size verses the monsters he competes with. As many others have noted Rey is a cash cow for the WWE. Kids love him , he appeals to the hispanic demographic and is a good damn worker to boot. He doesnt need a belt to get over so I don't see him getting the strap back soon, I could be wrong but I expect Kane to keep the belt and fued with Taker. I still think that since Rey does make the sort of money that he does for the WWE you are going to see him winning 70% of the time. I don't think that it's realistic that he does win that often but Vince is not an idiot and you give your cash cows a good stall to be milked.
Well think of it this way...

He is smackdowns very own Cena!!

With no other face like him, he is adored by the fans, young ones especially, so why not make him super, well when Taker comes back, you might say he is booked to win every match but it is true, because taker always wins aswell, and when he loses, its never clean...

I do understand that because he is small, it doesn't really make him THAT super, but its him being small and being able to do things others can't that makes him unique and super..

I think he is booked the correct way!
Mysterio has been stale since around the time of his first World Title run, why a cruiserweight was given the Heavyweight title twice i'll never know, and basically got the pity push because of Eddie when in reality Chavito should have gotten something since they were actual family. Ever since then I have become more and more tired of his David taking down Goliath routine, we've seen the guy in countless feuds against the likes of Khali, Show, Kane, etc. and in a great deal of those feuds some Deaux ex Machina happens that allows Rey Rey to magically hit his 619, whether it be the ref bump followed by countless chair shots or countless leg kicks and drop toe holds. Another thing that is keeping him down IMO is that he no longer uses the unpredictable style that got him over with the fans, these days he does the same predictable high flying moves that frankly don't look all that amazing. To be frank the Mexican Jumping Bean has lost his jump.
nope I am not tired of his push....I for one enjoy a fresh main eventer.....Rey has busted his ass for a long time and deserves everything he has gotten recently.......he sells merch right behind Cena.....he unlike Cena is very talented in the ring....why does it seem that everyone forgets this? Everyone seems to doubt his abilities as if he is some rookie......plain and simple he is the best face on SmackDown at the moment worthy of being champion alongside Kane.....I find it funny people wanted Kane to be champ for so long when they didnt want Rey to be champ after his first bust of a reign.......Rey is a better wrestler than most of the roster, deal with it........I dont know if its a discrimination thing or what but people need to stop complaining about who they dont one cares about who someone else doesnt like.....its getting real old.....I mean really what do you guys wanna see him get his ass pummeled to a pulp....WE'VE SEEN THAT BEFORE MANY TIMES.....hell Rey deserves as many reigns as Cena or Edge or Orton in my opinion......Im also flustered as to why people dont think a cruiserweight can win the world title....this is not real effin life.....if Rey knew BJJ and some other MMA he could beat the Big Shows ass most likely in real life....not saying he does but just a hypothetical....this show isnt real life so why treat it exactly like one? Its just enteratainment and Rey is damn good at doing that.....
Actually yes, yes I can & 1 name that comes to mind is Jericho. Now maybe it's the MMA fan in me saying this but in a legit fight Chris would own Cena 10 times out of 10. He schooled Goldberg in a legit fight so yea, he'd definatly own John Cena. But thats beside the point. I do agree that Rey beating every top big guy around is just stupid. After SummerSlam, he should go back to the mid card & maybe go back to being the IC champ but unless he is as skilled a technecal wrestler as small wrestlers from years gone by like Bret, HBK, Savage etc.. and can truely put on a believable david vs goliath type match, I'd say stay out of the Heavyweight title pitcure

First of all Chris Jericho is 38 right now or more I'm not sure and your telling me he will beat Cena in a legit fight 10 out of 10 does Jericho have a gun here and Cena's hand cuffed to a post. As for the Gold Berg thing he got him on the floor in a backstage lockeroom yep Berg was schooled no chance of him getting up and punching Jericho in the face and then beating the shit out of him.

Your only as credible as how much you make the company or how well you play politics and Rey has both of that.
Its been said the reason he got his push was because of Eddie passing away(may he RIP).

Ya I dont know about that tho...
I'd say that is why Vickie is around.ok shes good on the mic fine...
Chavo never got the push when Eddie passed away...

On topic,I loved Rey in WCW and I love when he headbutts the kiddies on each side of the ramp and passes a mask or shirt or w/e(Reminds me of Bret and the sun glasses) also love how my 4 year old son screams for Rey at a live event.
This is as far as it goes tho....
I have grown tired of Rey and his ultimate underdog gimmick.
If it could help pave the way for smaller superstars to be seen as credible main event stars than I would be all for it but honestly thats the only reason I wouldbe able to further stand it.Not looking good on this front tho,even though I don't think the size of a main event superstar matters,Vince sure does...

Rey is probobly going to hang up the boots for good soon anyways.
On second thought tho I'm more tired of the 619 than Rey really.
What a sad finisher lol.For someone his size anyhow.

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