Does Rey Have A Point ?

IMO Rey should drop it at SS, when the 4 man #1 Contendership match was happening and Zigglers music hit, it was spine chilling and I had a fat grin on my face. Ziggler totally has that main event vibe hooked on me. There fore if Ziggler is gonna go big, I say let Rey drop the title, but not at any easy feat.
Rey should of never held the WHC, EVER. It had to be done in a Triple Threat Match to make his win believable. Orton and Angle did all the work, and Rey got the cheap win.

He needs to step aside and let the younger guys go over him as much as possible before he gets injured again. Ziggler should of went over in that match and been the current IC Champion.

Since coming to the WWE he's been nothing but a middle carder. He's beyond boring in the ring compaired to other guys his size (Bourne, Rhodes, Kingston, the TNA X-Division)

If kids didnt eat up his shitty merch and terrible in ring antics he would be out of a job
Ok, to those who think Rey Rey should never have been WHC, CM Punk has had 2 reigns. Rey is better than him, and Rey is a better draw. When it comes to being champion, size should not matter. If you bring in the money, you earn the right to be the champ. That being said, I kind of get where Rey is coming from. I don't see it as him being selfish as much as him finally getting fed up with the shitty way he has been booked. Besides, you don't think Ziggler will look better winning the strap at SummerSlam instead of. N.O.C? What?
I'm not a huge fan of putting belts on wrestlers that can't work the mic anyway. I know it happens... a lot... but that doesn't mean it's a good thing. I know that puts a lot of people that are entertaining to watch out of contention for a belt by my logic but quite frankly, mic work is possibly even more important than ring work in the WWE product anyway. And that's not a criticism, it's just the WWE style... storyline driven with more emphasis on backstage than in-ring.

Rey... can't work the mic. Nothing against him as a wrestler, lots of them can't.. but it's just not his strong point. For that reason alone, I just can't get behind him as a title holder.
I can get what Rey is trying to say, and I think that his reign a couple years ago was absymis down to,ofcourse, the booking. I can think he has a case, and mabye he just thinks that if he holds it for longer the title will have its old credibility back. And in a way hes looking out for Ziggler, he might not be ready just yet and if the WWE makes it look like he earned the title then it will look alot better when he actually wins the titke of Mysterio.

I would give it a couple of mounths through.
Rey has a problem with how he was booked at WHC?

Chris Jericho is 100000x the performer as Rey and dropped the IC title to him twice in the spand of a month or so, and Rey's upset? He shouldnt be anything but a booster talent at this point who doesnt hold any more titles. He'll never be considered as one of the greats like HBK, Undertaker, SCSA, Eddie, or the Rock because outside of his one WHC Run(which he should of NEVER GOTTEN TO BEGIN WITH) he hasnt done anything worthwhile or meaningful. He's boring, and the sooner he retires the better for the industry
wow a thread full of rey rey haters. lemme get this straight, u guys say rey never shoulda held the whc in the first place. r u kidding me he def deserved it. u say his size shoulda been taken into account. well i dont. in real life, most of these guys wood get their asses handed to em in a fight. its all fake anyways. rey was so over, and he gets huge pops whenever he comes out. last time i checked it was sports entertainment. rey has athletic gifts, and can entertain the hell outta the crowd. every world champ has to be over 6 feet and over 240 pounds, give me a break. u all liked cm punks first reign better than reys reign why? thats the feelin im getting from the majority. a guy whos been in the company for a couple years gets the title and bombs, and doesnt even sell merchandise. hes also the secondary attraction on the show. at least rey was the main event on smackdown. nuthin against cm punk cuz hes easily one of my favs now, but the example im tryin to make is why is it that rey doesnt deserve a decent reign, hell even the ic title, u guys r crazy.

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