Anyone else tired of matches ending in DQ?

  • Thread starter TheMostElectrifyingMan
  • Start date


I'm tired of :wwf: main events ending in DQ. It gets so annoying to a point where you expect it every match. Once in a while it would be okay but every damn week! The Hardys Rated RKO match would have been great. This is insane, it's like they can't make a great storyline without DQ's.

Here's one...
SD! Start a feud with MVP and Kennedy soon. One week MVP wins then Kennedy wins. throw in a few ref bumps, a few good promos, and then team them against London and Kendrick. drop the titles to them so that the curserweight division can get going again. Then make MVP and Kennedy drop the belts to a team like BOD or Regal/Taylor and finish the rivalry with a grudge match at the ppv. Turning one of these guys to a face is a possibility but not needed.

That wasn't so hard.

Any thoughts or other storylines?
Most of the time it's used to protect certain wrestlers. I agree it get's very annoying. If they insist on having cheap finishes they should save it for T.V. Ihate it when a P.P.V. match end's in a D.Q. It reminds me of when I started watching wrestling during the Hogan era and almost every main event he was involved in ended in a D.Q.
Y 2 Jake said:
Most of the time it's used to protect certain wrestlers. I agree it get's very annoying.

True..The only reason there is DQ involve is either the writters dont know how to come up a good ending to the match..or 2nd..they have little time left in the match.

for example..most ME i saw on tV is only 10 mins long. Most ME should have more the a 10min limit.

Another thing..a match ending with DQ is a way to start up or gain a preview whats gonna happen on the next brocast.
the ending monday night was so good, the hardys cameback the bam dq and your left wondering. rated rko already dominated flair that night to show how grerat they were the are pushing dx and rated rko when the hardyz are back and schould be pushed
I think every main event for RAW in the last several weeks, excluding the one where RKO won the tag titles, has been DQ. Yes, there are reasons to use it and I understand why they do it, but it has become so predictable, you can tell when it will end in DQ or someone interferes and pulls a screw job. It is very annoying, but I don't think it will go anywhere anytime soon because it is used to protect images and things of that nature. Like if you have a heel champion facing off against a face, the heel is probably going to get DQed or have someone interfere because they don't want the face to lose momentum or the heel to lose a match, you can't have champions jobbing to people even in non title matches.
^Which I think is really stupid, I don't go "OMGOSH THAT GUY LOST CLEANLY HE SUCKS" what I DO think is "wow he can only win by DQ....this sucks" I hate heels because "oh you can only tell their heels because they win via DQ" how lame and boring is that.

I hate disqualifications so much. They have been used constantly in WWE for years, and in recent years they have only become more prevalent. Why? Lack of competition, that's why. The writers can now become complacent and be very lazy about the way they script the endings of matches. Here's hoping TNA can pose a legitimate threat to WWE's following, and that they will respond with better matches and far fewer DQs and Countouts.
I agree I HATE DQ's ending fantastic matches. For example, kurt angle vrs undertaker on smackdown months ago was a classic. Only for it to be interupted by mark henry. Why couldnt the writers have henry come out to ambush angle or taker AFTER the match. It gets to the point as many people pointed out when its predictable. Also the title NOT changing hands on a clear DQ from the champion is another stupid rule.
yea DQ's really are becoming way too predictable. like that one guy said, it would be nice to have a heel champion that is actually good. I have no problem with them cheating and fightin dirty. just dont have them lose matches by DQ just so they can keep the belt. because honestly, i think a DQ actually makes the winner lose momentum, cuz i regard it as a win for the champion, the person who gets disqualified. thats my reason i hate the rule where champ keeps the belt if HE/SHE is disqualified. there is nothing wrong with a dominant heel. so why cant we have one? instead of these guys that get lucky to win the belt... OR wrestle some crap team (Cough cough... RKO) to get them, and then just get DQ'd to keep the belts.

Oh yea, this is off topic, but i have to go to class and dont have time to go to the right thread. so you can disregard this part if you want, but i just wanted to say.

I dont like Johnny Nitro too much, but as long as he and hardy have more matches like that ladder match. I could care less if they pass the title belts back and forth. that match was AWESOME :thumbsup:

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