Anderson, Angle, Hardy, or RVD? Who's the most needed in TNA right now?

Which wrestler is most needed in TNA right now?

  • Ken Anderson

  • Kurt Angle

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Rob Van Dam

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Team Finnley Baylor
Simple question... but a good case can be made for all four of them.

Ken Anderson
Anderson was built to be someone huge in the WWE before injuries and rubbing talent the wrong way cost him. In TNA, he's edgier, shown to have great matches and could possibly be in the MOTY when it's all said and done.

Kurt Angle
Angle's arguably one of the best wrestlers in the business today. He's been going for over 10 years now, and he's a walking 4 1/2 star match at least on his best night. Angle's also a 'name brand' in that he is an Olympian and he developed a great character in the WWE.

Jeff Hardy
Has the biggest following of all of these wrestlers. He's overrated, but at the same time, few wrestlers draw the ratings he can and sell the merchandise he can. His matches are entertaining with his high spots and weird offense. Kids tend to take to him as well.

Rob Van Dam
RVD has something these wrestlers don't have... a cult following. RVD doesn't have a huge fan base...but the fans he does have worship the ground he walks on. He's the most unique wrestler we've seen in the last 20 years and is now the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Not to mention he gets the biggest pop on the roster right now.

So the question lies... out of these four wrestlers, which one is the wrestler TNA MUST have on their roster? Basically, if you're told to cut three of the four wrestlers listed, who do you keep?

List the wrestler and why you would keep him on the TNA roster.
TNA needs more than anything a reason for people who DON'T already tune in to "go looking" for TNA. They've had. Angle for years, so he isn't going to bring anybody new to the table. The week after they put the belt on RVD and totally hot shot the booking to Dam and Hardy, the ratings FLUSHED, so, unfortunately, neither of them is the answer. (That said, what kind of ratings spike might they have got if they had put half the budget into promoting Hardy that they put into Hogan- I know Hogan is an icon, but Hardy was as over as over can get when he left wwe recently and Hogan hasn't been over since the 90's)
That leaves Anderson who COULD keep delivering promo platinum to the point that people watch the show JUST TO SEE WHAT HE'LL SAY / Or DO NEXT. He seems to be a weird hybrid of Roddy Piper and Howard Stern. If they let him rip, it'll be awesome.
How did they screw up Hardy? He was So, SO, SO over- and now he's "just a guy". 420 out.
This is a really though question because overall all of these men can help build TNA and take them to the next level. I really feel that of all of these men that Ken Anderson is the most valuable on the roster because he is the next generation of huge talent just like Cena and Orton are in WWE.

Kurt Angle is a great leader and commodity but he has done everything in the wrestling business and there isn't much left he can do in TNA. Angle can have great matches with anyone and build anyone up, but Angle's name alone isn't bringing in new viewers or ratings.

Jeff Hardy has all kinds of legal troubles and isn't really reliable at this point. No matter how huge Hardy was in WWE, he really doesn't fit in TNA. Hardy was better in 2005 as a mid card hardcore wrestler in TNA. Hardy does have a lot of fans in TNA, but he probably isn't the main guy to rely on since he will either be in jail or in WWE in the next year.

Rob Van Dam is a great talent with a huge following. He draws some of the biggest ratings, but at his age he is really just focused on a part time schedule so he could spend time at home and do other projects. You could say the same about Hardy as well.

I think of all men Angle is the most hardworking, but he is also one of the most broken down. Anderson is fresh and may have had a few injuries in the past, but he is young and entertaining enough to take TNA into the next generation. It is hard to really hard to compare Anderson to Rock, Austin, or Cena since the impact crowd isn't the best crowd to judge talent.

Anderson was over huge though in WWE before he was fired. I strongly feel if Anderson didn't get injured and was still in WWE he would be champion by now. That is why if I had to keep anyone in TNA I would keep Anderson.
Anderson is on fire right now, but Angle is the only one who is consistently delivering great matches plus he is probably the most well known name of the bunch and he brings a greater sense of legitimacy to the sport than any other wrestler in TNA or the WWE.
Angle is, TNA doesnt know how to use the other 3, Anderson needs to be heel, not a tweener loser, Hardy was the most popular wrestler on the planet and gave it up and TNa doesnt capitalize on it one bit, and RVD is not a guy who should be holding a world title, hes upper mid card at best, not a guy who carries a company on his shoulders, esp not at this point in his career. Angle is the one whos been there the longest, and the man can really do anything, hes a great heel, great face, amazing in the ring with anyone, the man makes everyone he works with look good. TNA needs to stop stealing guys and grow there own talent, not that they havent, but they put so much emphasize on whos jumped over the originals get lost in the shuffle, and its real sad, cause guys like Joe, AJ,Wolfe Beer Money have pretty much been getting shit on, and its real sad.
has to be kurt angle..he is the biggest draw in TNA...i think they need to get him doing sumthing..actually i think he will be satrting sumthing up by facing each of the top 10 contenders...i think he'll go all the way...

I see him retiring at TNA..he will be there for the remainder of his career...
I'm going to have to pick Kurt Angle. He might be getting up there in age, but this man can still put on five star matches. He's good on the mic, he can be a great face or heel, and he's also way over with the crowd. Kurt Angle has had some great feuds in TNA, and his recent feuds with AJ Styles, Desmond Wolfe, and Mr.Anderson have also been great. Angle is a big name, and he is a very valuable veteran.

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