An Undertaker Protege

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If you ask me, I don't think there is anyone currently on WWE's roster that is capable of ending the streak, nor do I want it to be broken. So how about this for an idea.Taker introduces a new superstar and no i'm not talking about the undertaker 2.0, but it would have to be someone big and preferably with a darker gimmick. They could introduce this guy maybe digging a grave with the undertaker watching behind him, or The guy pushing a casket with the undertaker following close behind. Something of that capacity. Fast Forward a bit and the guy makes his debut and is totally dominant, I wouldn't necessarily give him the title but make him destroy everyone in his path, maybe attack Cena, Rock, just Everyone, but keep that Undertaker presence close, Possibly show the Undertaker watching from the back, or from the stage. After a few weeks of this going on, The New Guy starts wheeling out a casket to the ring, and putting his opponents in the Casket after he beats them. but one night after a match he looks at the Undertaker and a long staredown ensues. Thgis new guy looks at the Undertaker and looks at the Casket, looks back at the Undertaker, and the Taker gives a smirk and walks to the back. This would have to occur a few months before Mania preferably when the Mania banner goes up. So people would get the jist of whats going on. Taker's Protege Vs The Undertaker in a Casket Match.
Here's the thing which I would sort of be iffy about. I woulkd still put the Undertaker over him to keep the streak intact. and Taker could infact go about retiring and what have you. With this happening The character would lose some steam, but I think could still be a dominant character possibly a future main eventer.
Why Not have him fight The other Undertaker! He beat the other Undertaker, and was never heard of again! Have this Other Undertaker comeback for Revenge! Make something weird happen, where you cant tell which Undertaker won! Last match one wore Purple and other wear Grey attire! But it would be awesome!

These are just Ideas, but Everyone Knows at this Point Undertaker will not lose! It would have to Be a New Dark Force or Sting to make it An Awesome last WM Match!
Sounds decent, but I think this is essentially what they did with Kane (except obviously not his protege).

Here's the thing. I've recently become convinced that nobody who is young will break the streak. I doubt Vince would trust anyone with that kind of rub. Even Kurt Angle left WWE who had been there for years to go to the "competition".

If the streak is broken, it will be done by someone who Vince knows he can trust. Unfortunately, there is nobody young who he can trust, so it won't happen. Those he can trust (HHH, Cena, maybe Orton or Jericho) don't need the rub, so there'd be no point in someone like Cena or Orton beating Taker.

Someone who comes in for 1 year is not trustworthy enough, and there is no guarantee he'd be able to get over and stay over once Take is gone.
I like the idea. Undertaker's character is a successful cash-cow, they should really capitalize on him leaving. A new dark presence on Raw would be a great way to get someone to replace Undertaker. I'm thinking they can get Ryan Reeves (the guy who plays Skip Sheffield), give him Kratos-like ghost skin with scars around his body, make him quiet, and give him some dark overlord gimmick and, bam, we got the next Undertaker.

Now all we're needing is a name. My personal favorite is "Armageddon", but I would also go for "Chimera", "Manichaean", "Incubus" or "The Specter".

What do you guys think?
Does anyone remember Criss Canyon from WCW who became I think his name was Mortis ? he had a Green Skeleton Persona & a skull Mask. I always thought that at the time this was WCW's Undertaker, I even remember (sorry i forget his name) Impact's Aybiss's former manager who managed Mortis.

Anyways I think that was robert rude in his younger days. I dreamed of Mortis VS Taker. Maybe Vince Owning WCW he can pull out Mortis's Gimmick & use him as a new undefeated guy at WrestleMania ?
Yeah this could work, and i like the idea someone posted about it being Skip Sheffield. For this to work tho the WWE would have to put alot of time into building up said Character and making us actually believe he has a chance of beating taker at mania (even though we all know he wont)
I really Like the Idea as well. However I think a better idea would be for him debut at Survivor Series, maybe interrupting a major match and dominating everyone, shortly after bell tolls, lights go out; single light on the ramp Taker is standing there (this works best if Taker is not on the card at all). Bell tolls again, spot light goes out then the lights come back up Taker is gone. End the show on a WTF moment.

For the next few RAWs (leading to the next PPV) have him show up interrupt a match; Chokeslam, Tombstone, Lastride (one each week) whoever is involved. For Fun I'll say WWE replaces the TLC PPV with Uprising to fit him. Kane has a match with someone Takers protege interrupts the match, physically dominates Kane performing one Taker's signature moves Old School. Repeat the Bell toll from Survivor Series, only Taker is closer to the ring this time.

Around the RR this protege is competing and has angered Kane and a match is set up for the two at RR, re-introduce Paul Bearer leading into the PPV. Then steadily build the aforementioned feud Taker vs ??? At Elimination Chamber he can cost Taker the match By setting a casket on fire (literally heating up the feud). Then lead into Mania 28. My main point is that The feud should begin at SS in preparation for Takers retirement. A legend is born but not a carbon copy.

Awesome post BTW
Does anyone remember Criss Canyon from WCW who became I think his name was Mortis ? he had a Green Skeleton Persona & a skull Mask. I always thought that at the time this was WCW's Undertaker, I even remember (sorry i forget his name) Impact's Aybiss's former manager who managed Mortis.

Anyways I think that was robert rude in his younger days. I dreamed of Mortis VS Taker. Maybe Vince Owning WCW he can pull out Mortis's Gimmick & use him as a new undefeated guy at WrestleMania ?

Chris Kanyon died last year.

I think the Undertaker having a protege would be cool, but if you use it to set up a match between Taker and his protege, the protege has to win. Which means it can't be at Wrestlemania. So how do you do it? There's a couple options.

One thing you could do is introduce the protege like the OP said, and have them in a tag team match at Wrestlemania. Against D-X, if HBK's willing to come back for one match. Undertaker and his protege win, the last match of Undertaker's streak and the first of his protege's streak. And then you can set up a match between Undertaker and his protege at SummerSlam, where the protege wins and Undertaker retires.

Or if you don't want to have Undertaker's streak on the line in a tag team match(fair call), you could just have Undertaker at ringside for his protege's match or something. Just need some way to tie them together to symbolically pass the torch, before you have the protege go over Undertaker at SummerSlam.

As for who, it needs to be somebody big and talented. And the Undertaker has to support the choice for it to be believable.
Bad idea. never will happen.

Maybe like 2+ years after Undertakers retired and hall of famed we MIGHT get a new "evil" or dark death type character if they got the right look and ability.
I think the best way to end taker's WM streak is by beating him prior to Mania. Beat him so bad he can't compete at Mania or ever again i.e. retire him at the Rumble like Yokozuna damn near did. This would accomplish two things, get over his apprentice or whoever they decide to give the rub to and it lets Taker walk away with some sort of legacy, 20-0 at Mania for instance. Over 10 years ago a friend told me that Taker's legacy would to stay unbeaten at Mania (this was before the IWC became what it is) and not believing him I didn't put much stock into it until about 5 or 6 years ago when they started making storylines out of it. I think Taker does deserve that as his legacy and by someone beating him prior to Mania, they can get the rub w/o having to tarnish that legacy, it would have to be done right, but I do think that it could be done
I like the idea. Undertaker's character is a successful cash-cow, they should really capitalize on him leaving. A new dark presence on Raw would be a great way to get someone to replace Undertaker. I'm thinking they can get Ryan Reeves (the guy who plays Skip Sheffield), give him Kratos-like ghost skin with scars around his body, make him quiet, and give him some dark overlord gimmick and, bam, we got the next Undertaker.

Now all we're needing is a name. My personal favorite is "Armageddon", but I would also go for "Chimera", "Manichaean", "Incubus" or "The Specter".

What do you guys think?

Brilliant! Ryan Reeves has the size and a bit of make-up and re-modeling and he can be of. I like Armageddon better than the others, so, great idea.

I also agree with the guy who started the topic, a big-name guy doesn't have to face Undertaker at WrestleMania 28, but, as long as WWE build them up to be a threat, then, there is no problem.

I mean, I had no problem with Wade Barrett facing the Undertaker and WrestleMania 27, but, instead WWE chose Triple H. OK. But, like I said earlier, if they built Wade up he could have become a threat. Say if the match became a Casket Match or No Holds Barred Match, the Corre are just waiting in the back. See. ANYONE can do it as long as people have some belief.
It could work and I would be for it apart from the face off at Wrestlemania part. I would like to see a new dark character introduced into the WWE though for when The Undertaker calls it a day and rests in peace.

I think a good way to make it work would be to introduce The Undertakers son (kayfabe) into the WWE. It has the potential for a huge fail and a storyline fit for the last years of WCW but if done well it could be pulled off.

Instead of having his son fight The Undertaker at Wrestlemania he could help him get the win over whoever he happens to be fighting. If it's Triple H then perhaps after weeks of "my son is coming" (like Kanes debut storyline but for the new generation)..during Wrestlmania an interferance by Diesel, X-Pac and Michaels.. Lights go out..dark music..crows blah blah and Paul Bearer Comes down with The Undertakers son to help him win. Maybe after some family bonding in the ring and 20-0 celebrating..the "son of The Undertaker" could turn on 'taker.. Tombstone him..put him in a coffin, spelling the end of The Undertaker (apart from the odd back from the dead appearances no doubt)

A successful feud with Kane during the weeks after wrestlemania to get him over to the fans would help too.

Basically a redone your brother Kane is coming storyline for the younger fans and target audience of todays WWE.
I think it would be a good idea if done right. Out of the names mentioned earlier, I like Specter the best. Not The Specter, just Specter. That sounds like the coolest name mentioned so far to me.
Here's my picks of the Current WWE Roster:
1)Skip Sheffield cause Vince sees him as the next big thing.
2)Seth Rollins (aka Tyler Black) cause he has the look and go back and watch his ROH matches on youtube he's that good.
3)Ezekiel Jackson cause they are starting to rebuild him as the Ghanese Goliath as he should be dominating his opponents and not doin jabroni style to them.
I hate to be a buzzkill on this whole topic, but didnt they try something like this in 2004?

I believe his name was Mordecai. He looked like taker but just in white, and the guy wasnt that over at all.

thats not a protege...if u notice the entire gimmick is anti taker.....they were gonna build a fued around it but then he flopped and it was axed....

but u are correct they tried to give undertaker a protegee..... nathan jones was his protegee upon his debut and taker was supposed to team with him at wm ?20? against a train and albert.... they played that jones was hurt so it was a 2 on 1 against taker but at the end jones ran outand tookout show while taker pinned albert..........i dont rememeber what happened but jones was takena way from taker and a few months later he turned heel, and formed a mini stable under heyman with lesnar and morgan...jones and morgan got the ax and there were rumors last year jones was signed under tna but was recovering from his injury to debut........

if anyone had te best chance imho it was the devils advacate gimmick that ohaire had
This topic came up a while back, and I always thought it would be a cool idea for Taker to have someone carry on his legacy upon retiring... Check out some of the comments from the original thread:

And the ideas I had for it:

Please don't confuse that with bringing in a clone or a rehash of the character, because there is a distinct difference. Another brother wouldn't work & quite a few guys have already explained why. Even a son would be pretty hokey, and a cousin, well, no offense to anyone who suggested it, but that would be just plain ridiculous. The guys who hit on the idea of a student or a disciple, however, got the nail right on the head in terms of a plot that's both as realistic as possible given the characters, and plausible. There are a number of ways such an idea can be executed, and with an idea like this, it's the execution that will make it either successful or a failure, not the concept itself.

I feel the way I would go about it is not only plausible, but would also go back & tie up a loose end from a few years ago that left many of us scratching our heads, thinking, "WTF was the point to that?" I'm talking about the Fake Kane storyline they ran with Drew Hankinson/Luke Gallows. When it started, it was an interesting idea, as it delved back into the history of the Brothers, but it ended so abruptly, it was given minimal explanation, and was so anti-climactic that it's now looked upon as forgettable & stupid. Still, the idea of a character who was with Kane in the asylum, that even he fears, is the perfect foil for Taker to bring up to continue his reign of darkness once he decides it's time to rest in peace himself.

Have him be the one behind the fake Kane attacking the real one for the purpose of either finding or creating an even bigger monster that would be worthy of having the powers of darkness bestowed upon him. And get a different performer to take on the role as well - - since Gallows wore the Kane mask, they could get away with using anyone as long as they're younger, the right size, committed to the part, and can convincingly execute the moves and mannerisms that Kane & Taker have in common. I definitely would NOT want to see Gallows reprise the part, and don't think the character should return wearing Kane's mask either. Maybe a variation on it, coupled with ring gear similar to Taker's. Have him utterly destroy Kane, at which point, Taker can claim, "Now, you're ready".

A cool visual to symbolize the passing of the darkness & introduce this character (or re-introduce him): Taker gets buried in a casket. Lights go out. Lightening begins to strike, thunder rumbles. The Druids come out carrying torches & surround Taker's grave. The ground shakes & a fist bursts forth from the dirt. A large, dark figure hauls himself out of the ground. The audience is expecting it to be the Deadman. He raises his arms in familiar fashion, lightening hits, columns of fire erupts, the lights come up and it's the Undertaker's prodigy. Taker appears on the Titantron, imploring him to go forth, wreak havoc & spread the darkness....

Seth Rollins would be a great candidate for the part. Back when the topic originally came up, one of the guys I thought would be good for it was Drew McIntyre, but I think it's a little too late for that now. Sheffield might not be a bad idea either. It would definitely work better if it was someone new, rather than someone already established like Tyler Recks or Ezekiel. As for the name, look no farther than the Necronomicon for inspiration: Thanatos, Marduk, Tiamat, Belial, Masqim, etc. ;)

And yes, Mordecai was indeed intended to feud with Taker, as his sort of antithesis. That was Kevin Thorn under that wig & make up, heheh....
I hate to be a buzzkill on this whole topic, but didnt they try something like this in 2004?

I believe his name was Mordecai. He looked like taker but just in white, and the guy wasnt that over at all.

Thing is, the reason he wasnt over in my opinion was because he was still very green in ring. It was the same guy who played Kevin Thorne, and while Thorne is by no means an awesome wrestler, you could see how much he improved.

Interest in his debut was huge, and people seemed impressed. But yes it did seem to die down...

But saying that...he was around for about a month and a half...

WWE just didnt get behind the character. And kept chucking him in programs that made absolutly no sense and didnt explain anything.

He made his debut beating Scotty 2 Hotty, while letting Scotty get in far too much offense. I liked Scotty, but Mordecai should of just been booked to destroy him.

Then he appeared on smackdown beating up random jobbers which was fine.

Then randomly is seen fighting with Hardcore Holly reason is given, and they're chucked onto a PPV with no backstory, and no reason given, and the crowd didnt care...thats not because of his character, its because it had no build, nothing to make it interesting.

And in said match, Once again, Mordecais opponant gets in far too much offense for Mordecai to be taken seriously as a big threat. With characters like that, you cant really afford to let them look weak.

Then a week later, after being booked to look nowhere near as strong as his vingettes showed him to be, hes praying to god about taking out Eddie Guerrero, the World Champion at the time......what?!?

Then the next week, he gets beaten easily by Rey Mysterio, and is never seen again.

If anyone was booked that poorly and not given a chance, they would never get over, and they also seemed to expect him to be a major heel in a month? WWE is so stupid at times. His character had a lot of promise.

I would love to see a protoge to the Undertaker, back in 2004 there were rumours that Sean O'Haire would be entered into a program with taker and become his protoge before turning on him.

I'm against Skip Sheffield having the role though. I dont see any potential in him whatsoever. He has an impressive body...thats it. Has very little in ring skills, his mic skills i believe are rather bland. He gets injured far too often (he was injured in OVW/FCW at least 5 or 6 times over the years). I also believe hes too small. 6 foot 2

Guys i would like to see are either
Drew Mcintyre - could be interesting as he has such a vicious attiude and intensity about him
DH Smith - it would give him something to do, at the moment hes being wasted. Give him a manager and make him mute

Or from FCW
Damien Sandow - very good look, solid in ring, about 6 foot 4/5.

From Outside
Kevin Thorne - Already has played demonic/supernatual characters before, so has experience, very intense, only problem is his age, i would prefer someone younger
Chris Raaber - used to be in FCW, Left because he thought it was very unprofessionally ran and guys were getting injured during training for no reason and blamed the setup for this. (he didnt get injured himself)
Kevin Thorne never did it for me really and I enjoyed his Mordecai gimmick very little although as mentioned it was awfully booked.

I would like to see The Undertaker start up another dark stable to cast a shadow over the WWE. It could also mean seeing The Undertaker on TV a lot more without him having to get in the ring. Maybe then leading to a member going on to take some sort of Undertaker type role for years to come in the WWE. A darker version of Evolution perhaps.. The undertaker obviously leading the stable..

Possible members:

Tyler Recks
Vance Archer
Brodus Clay
Drew Mcintyre
Paul Bearer

With Drew being the one to go on and become "The Chosen One" and be taken under the dark wings of The Undertaker.
I think that this is a great idea and to me there is only really one person I can see that that can pull this off and that Would Be Abyss (TNA). I mean he is big enough to be turly dominant and has the skill to pull it off.

But I see it going like this: Abyss comes into the company by totally detroying a main event world championship match (ala Nexus) then when he is in the ring and hits the Abyss pose there are 2 undertaker signs at the side that expolde in flames and the music hits for the undertaker.

Next week on Smackdown the Undertaker comes out and formally introduces the man that destroyed the two men fighting, for the world title, with ease. and says that he will make sure that the WWE is kept in check and his pet will guard the yard in his absence. Undertaker then leaves the company for a few months and comes back around Summerslam after Abyss has taken out Kane.

Then from there Abyss and undertaker go into a programme that takes us to survivor series and there they have a casket match which Abyss wins and then from there the undertaker has a video on the screen saying that he is now ready and to go forth and spead the darkness
WWE will bring in Goldberg or Brock Lesnar or HHH will want another match like HBK to face the Undertaker Book It!! One week on Raw either one of them will be a special guest and taker will come out and yada yada yada... WWE is too predictable these days all these things that you all want to happen some guy come in and this and that sounds great and all but Vince doesnt seem to have these kinds of twisted storys anymore, everything is just bland and simple...
I would like to see The Undertaker start up another dark stable to cast a shadow over the WWE. It could also mean seeing The Undertaker on TV a lot more without him having to get in the ring. Maybe then leading to a member going on to take some sort of Undertaker type role for years to come in the WWE. A darker version of Evolution perhaps.. The undertaker obviously leading the stable..

I like this idea of a new dark could have these names as mention
Tyler Recks
Drew McIntyre
Kharma(Continue Dominating on the women side)
Skip Sheffield
even Cody Rhodes(maybe with that phantom of opera gimmick)

Have undertaker come out and lead or speak for the group on the titontron just to keep his face showing up here and there until wrestlemania closes in. Have the gorup dominate for a while doing some of the same moves and matches undertaker use to do(buried alive matches, have them praying to the undertaker as he did when paul bearer brought the urn out)...then the main guy in the group (drew,Tyler, or Cody) feels like they are even better than Taker and feels its time for him to step down and plans to overthrow for this to really work whoever becomes the Leader of the group really has to stand out with in ring skilld and mic skills......just a thought...What about CM punk..out of everybody he seems like he could really pull this new undertaker role off (no itsunlikely though..just saying)
I say if they do make it like Undertaker's son is coming don't have the sun turn on Taker. @ WM 28 let it be Taker & his son with Paul Bearer vs Kane & Big Show (Both were a tag team champ with Taker). Have them beat Big Show & Kane. As Taker does his celebration with Bearer & the urn he notices his son in the corner. Taker gets up, grabs the urn form Bearer and hands it to his son as like a form of passing the torch. The 2 embrace and Taker exits and leaves the arena as Bearer & the son celebrate. The last we will see of Taker.
I don't see them debuting another dark character. They are moving WWE to more of a old school wrestling or UFC style of guys use real names instead of character names.

But on the subject of someone ending Taker's streak. I am stilling holding out that IF the streak is ended I still think it will be Wade Barrett. The guy is loaded with potential and shown that in debut with the whole Nexus vs Cena angle he can carry a main event feud. I think after his initial mega push they are making him earn his stripes now by letting him float around in the midcard.

Another guy I could see ending the Taker's streak is Sheamus. Those two are the future biggest heels in WWE for the next decade in my opinion
I'm really surprised no one's mentioned Cody Rhodes.

Cody's had a wonderful image change. Many people are digging the fresh character, but I can't help but feel the paper bag thing is a little too cheap/campy for the dark character.

What writers need to do is go back to Mankind's debut in 1996 for some ideas as far as storylines/vinguettes go.

Cody could have a fantastic feud with the Undertaker which would only need a PPV match or two. Most could be done through vinguettes. Perhaps could even do another version of the Boiler Room Brawl match to determine who the real Prince of Darkness is.

I don't think he'd necessarilly become a 'protege', but he'd be put over big time and have a helluva amount of momentum going forwards.

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