All or Nothing: WZCW World Tag Team Titles Gauntlet Match

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

Brothers In Arms vs. The High Society vs. Graham & Bomb vs. Crashin Movement vs. Barbosa

The EurAsian Championship wasn't the only belt that was vacated as due to actions by the ever dangerous Crashin Movement, the Tag Team Championships find themselves vacated for the first time in over a year. This was down to a decision made by Tucker Graham who has used the opportunity to team up with Brad Bomb to reclaim the belts while expending some revenge on the team that took their partners out. The new Champions will be decided via a Gauntlet Match that will contain the teams of Hays & Cooper, Brothers in Arms, Graham & Bomb, The Crashin Movement and Barbosa. You heard me correct, Barbosa has submitted himself and himself as a team and will contest for the Championship as well, who will be holding the gold when the dust settles?

Deadline is Tuesday November 2nd at 11:59 PM EST.
*The scene opens in a darkened, smoky room lit only by a single light suspended from the ceiling. Under the light sit three men around a small table, playing poker. One is restless in his chair, leaning back and forward seemingly unable to sit still. The second is bent forward over the table, constantly checking his cards. The third is relaxing back in his seat with his feet up on the table, keeping his cards close to his chest and smoking a large cigar. This third player leans forward, takes some chips from his stack and throws them into the burgeoning pot in the middle of the table.*

I raise to 45 minutes.

*Before leaning back again, he blows smoke towards the table. The restless player does not seem to notice this but the bent over player gets a face full.*

*cough cough cough* I wish you wouldn‘t smoke that in here. I already have trouble eating and sleeping without adding breathing problems to the list.

Oh shut up, you moron and hurry up and fold. I have the pair of you dead to rights anyway.

Yeah, shut up and play! He has us beaten anyway! Hehe! … No… wait!

*The restless player does a double take, turning his attention to the cigar smoker.*

How do you know you have me beaten?

Because every time you flail your arms about and jump up and down you are showing off your cards!


It’s true…

Well then, if you two are so smart, what cards am I holding?

The smoker and bent over players reply in unison.*

A pair of Jacks A pair of Jacks

*Shock briefly comes over the restless player’s face but he quickly seems to shrug it off.*

…I might be bluffing…

What? What do you mean you might be bluf…

*The smoker interrupts with a patronising tone.*

Oh right, you might be bluffing... Well, then let us get on with it.

*He turns his attention to the hunched player.*

Now would you hurry up and play, Quasimodo…

*The hunched player snorts and looks at his cards for about the 500th time before leaning forward and fiddling with his chip stack.*

While we are young!

What’s your hurry? We aren‘t going anywhere for a while.

Ha! That‘s what you think. I happen to know that I will be out of here in a matter of minutes.

You cannot leave here until you beat us!

And who have you beaten at anything recently?

*The smoker scowls at this accusation.*

I‘d watch your…

*The restless player butts in.*

What about that priest?

Yes, he definitely got what was coming to him for interfering in my business. But don‘t interrupt me again…

So you beat up a clergyman friend of Winters… what about Winters himself? He showed you a thing or two. And what about Baez? You dismissed him as a nonsense and yet he still beat you.

Baez was a fluke. I had him beaten and he got lucky while trying to run away. As for Winters… we all know that it is only a matter of time before he joins us.

And what are you going to do at All Or Nothing now that you have volunteered for a Tag Team Gauntlet Match without a partner? What if we are the first team out there?

You've got us into a whole lot of trouble!!

How could I turn down a title opportunity? On a PPV no less? You two are cowards and idiots if you expect to make waves in WZCW without taking a few bumps and bruises along the way. Anyway, all our opponents will be too busy beating the tar out of each other to worry about a lone wolf like us.

*The other two players seem to consider this notion.*

Think about it... Graham and Bomb will be so wrapped up with trying to get revenge on the Crashin Movement that they will cancel each other out and then Brothers in Arms and Cooper and...

*The restless player butts in again.*

Hays! What about Hays?!? He'll be in the match and you couldn't beat him either!!

*The smoker has by now stood up and in a moment of rage slams his fist down onto the table. *


*However, he quickly regains his composure, taking a little time to draw on his cigar again and when he speaks again he is back to the calm, considered tones that he has so far used, while the restless player has shrunk back into his seat and is for once quiet and unmoving.*

As I was saying, Graham and Bomb will be so wrapped up with trying to get revenge on the Crashin Movement while Brothers in Arms and Cooper and... Hays will then dole out enough damage to each other for us to swoop in, sift through the wreckage and take the World Tag Team Titles...

*The bent over player is looking on the cusp of being interested in the smoker's plan.*

That still does not solve the problem of us potentially being the first team out there. I doubt that your great inter-personal skills will be enough to influence Bateman or Myles to put us out last. And there is your aforementioned inability to win a match...

Don't worry about Bateman. He was more than interested in getting me... us to compete in his little Gauntlet once we met eye to eye. However, you may be right. Perhaps my ultra-aggressive route has not worked as well as I would have hoped so far. For one thing, it seems to have upset you two enough that you appear at the most inoppotune moments, giving us a bad reputation for scaring interviewers and costing us matches.

*The smoker sits back down.*

That is why I arranged this little game. Together we can settle some of our issues and coordinate ourselves in time for our WZCW Tag Team Title match.

I see. So that is why we are betting with time…

Correct. Now would you kindly either bet or fold…

*The hunched over player nods his head seemingly in agreement and reaches for his chip stack.*

I see your 45mins and I raise you an hour.

Wait! Don‘t I get a say in this?

Well of course you do…

*The smoker leans in close to the restless player.

And what do you think we should do?

Well I think we sho…


*Before he can elucidate, the restless player is rendered unconscious slumping back into his chair as his head is smashed forward into the rim of the table. The smoker leans back in his seat and lets out a slow whistle.*

Saves me having to do it. I am glad you see things from my point of view…

*The bent over player sits back down in his seat.*

I never liked him anyway. So loud, brash and… well… idiotic.

*The smoker smirks and stands up before reaching for all the chips.*

Hold on there, partner. I might agree that we need to be pulling in the same direction but why does it have to be me taking the back seat?

You? What use are you? Need I remind you that it is me... my skills... my ruthlessness that have gotten us this far.. ME! You'd rather sit somewhere in a dark room contemplating your own uselessness than risk the stretch of My Swag, being squashed by a sumo wrestler or worse yet... meeting a psychiatrist face to face all for the opportunity of becoming a champion while dealing out some pain, destruction and misery along the way...

It was your over-zealousness that allowed Baez to steal a win and failed against Winters while it was our flailing friend here that cost us the Battle Royale. And if we are not careful those exact same problems will cause us to lose again. I am the only one who has yet to suffer defeat...

*The smoker stares the suddenly confident and unwavering depressive in the eye.*

So what now?

We finish the hand. I think our esteemed colleague verbally declared himself “all in“ before dozing off and I will do the same with my full 8 hours… the winner of the hand gets the full 24 hours and can take Tag Titles without any interference from the other two…

*The smoker looks more than a little perturbed by this proposal but he eventually nods in agreement and smirks.*

Ha, I call. It truly is "All Or Nothing."

*Both players push all the chips into the centre of the table.*

Well, we both know what our moronic counterpart has.

*The bent over player reveals that the restless one really did have two Jacks, which when compared to the board

gives him a respectable hand.*

Seems he wasn‘t bluffing or cheating…

*Perhaps for the first time in years, the bent over player shows signs of a grin as he reveals…*

*The smoker tries to conceal a sharp intake of breath but fails. For a few seconds he stares at his own cards before taking a long drag on his cigar, blowing out the smoke and then bursting into fits of laughter. The bent over player is slightly confused by this until the smoker throws his cards onto the pile of chips…*


*The room is filled with the rasping laughter of the smoker as the bent over player hangs his head even lower if that is possible. All of a sudden the single light above them starts to flicker before going out but through the darkness the smoker’s laughter can still be heard before it is punctuated by a final shout.*


*Барбоса wakes with a start and a scream.*


*After a few sharp breathes, a mopping of some of the sweat from his brow and a quick survey of his surroundings, he starts to laugh.*

HAHA! 24 hours all to myself! 24 hours to show that…

*Барбоса's tirade is cut off in its infancy by a jangling of keys and the sliding open of a metal door.*

Mr Fapsixoca?

*Барбоса cringes but controls himself despite the woeful attempted pronunciation of his name.*

It’s Барбоса.

Oh, I am sorry, Mr Barbican. Please come this way to get your personal effects. A judge has been informed of your condition and your lawyer is here to take you home.

My lawyer?

Yes, Mr Duarf is waiting for you.

Ah yes, Mr Duarf. I knew I could depend on him.

*Ten minutes later, Барбоса and Mr Duarf walk out of the police station. The pair walk around the corner to an awaiting cab where Барбоса reaches into his recently reclaimed wallet and gives the lawyer a not insignificant wad of bills.

Good job, Mr Duarf. Getting away with an assault charge by means of “diminished capacity” and a fraudulent lawyer... HA! I love the American legal system… Now get out of here and never let me see you again.

*Mr Duarf, after pocketing the money, disappears off down the street while Барбоса looks up at the sky which is starting to get dark.*

It is almost time for me to show the entire Tag Team division and perhaps even Winters my true colours. Until know they have only seen a watered down Барбоса but now the whole of WZCW will see the man who likes to break bones, cause concussions, inflict injury and choke the life out of anyone who gets in his way!

*Барбоса smirks as he climbs into the back of the taxi, which drives off in the direction of the arena.*
We open with a close-up of an old, antique wooden table. It’s a calm yet relatively bland sight, when suddenly a spider comes scuttling into view. It’s a common house spider, quite a big one. It’s just walking along when suddenly, a glass slowly encloses the arachnid. We pan up to reveal Dr. Steven Kurtesy.

Kurtesy appears to be intrigued by the spider and watches carefully as the creature attempts to run up the side of the glass in a panic. He then slowly but surely lifts the glass, allowing just enough space for it to escape. Kurtesy continues to track the spider when suddenly a fist comes crashing down on top of it. Kurtesy is stunned for a few moments before looking up to see his partner at All or Nothing; ‘The Elite’ Steven Holmes. He looks at Holmes with bemusement. Holmes wipes his hand with a baby wipe, cleaning the remains of the spider from his fist. Holmes notices Kurtesy’s surprise and begins to speak.

Holmes: Insects need to Be squashed.

Kurtesy opens his mouth, as if to speak and to correct Holmes but is interrupted by a door opening. Through the door enters; Doug Crashin. Crashin has a metal crutch and a slight limp due to his injuries.

Crashin: They’re here. Now then Steven...

Both Holmes & Kurtesy turn up to look at Crashin. Crashin is slightly taken aback by this. He shakes it off though and continues.

Crashin: Gentlemen, our car have arrived. We must be the best we can for this particular audience.

Holmes: Doug, they’re children. They’re hardly of importance to us.

Crashin: Ah but you see that’s where your wrong my friend. We must be kind to these children, deceiving the fools and continuing the public support we have begun to gather.

Holmes: Very well, But if any of those snot nosed children touch me, then I--I will not be held responsible for my actions.

Crashin: Fine.

Crashin & Holmes begin to exit. Kurtesy sits pondering something. Crashin stops, realising Kurtesy isn’t following.

Crashin: Doctor, are you coming?

Kurtesy snaps out of his slight trance and faces Crashin. He nods

They Exit.

We cut to several minutes later. Holmes, Kurtesy & Crashin are all sat in a school classroom. Holmes has a clipboard in his hand. They are all sat on plastic chairs. The children (& teacher) are currently in recess when suddenly the bell rings. The teacher enters. She is in her early 40’s, has a petite frame and is relatively attractive. She has short, curly hair that’s ginger. She approaches a mirror and applies some lipstick. Holmes & Crashin look at one another as Kurtesy seems to be in a world of his own once again. Holmes and Crashin look at the teacher with a look of confusion. The Students begin to line-up outside. Crashin begins to speak up.

Crashin: Ms...

Felicity: Hardy. Miss Felicity Hardy.

Crashin: Ms. Hardy--

Felicity: Please, call me Felicity.

Crashin: Felicity, don’t you think you should let the children in?

Felicity: I think they can wait a little longer.

She's go back to the mirror and continues to fix up her make-up. Crashin and Holmes shrug, passing it off as womanly duties. Once she is ready, she goes to the door and opens it. A small child pokes his head round the door.

Small Child: Ms. Hardy, can we come in?

Felicity: Of course Billy.

Billy and the rest of the class enter as Ms. Hardy brushes herself down and puts on a massive grin. The kids sit at the front of the classroom on the carpet.

Felicity: Now then kids, remember when you heard Titus had done a reading at another school?

All the Children: Yes.

Felicity: Well we wrote a letter to WZCW and they sent not one but three fantastic gentlemen. They sent the Crashin Movement.

The kids begin to boo. Doug is surprised whilst Holmes laughs loudly. Holmes’ laugh snaps Kurtesy back to reality. Kurtesy seems to finally realise where he is and a slight smile slips scross his face. The kids continue to boo.

Felicity: That’s enough children. The three men are now going to speak to you. Mr. Holmes, why don’t you begin?

Holmes stands up, clipboard in hand.

Holmes: Thank you Ms. Hardy. Hello children, my name is ‘The Elite’ Steven Holmes. I’m a member of the British aristocracy and a wrestler in WZCW. Now you may remember my numerous victories--

Small Child #2: But you’ve lost most of your matches.

Holmes is obviously annoyed as a sour look creeps across his face. He begins to grind his teeth and puts one hand behind his back and tenses it into a fist.

Holmes: (Through His Gritted Teeth) Well young one, I think you’ll find that one match was a DQ whilst another saw Baez escape by the slightest of margins.

Crashin taps Holmes on the back. Holmes turns around and Crashin points at Holmes’ hand. With his fist being tightened so much, it’s begun to bleed. He relinquishes the fist and cleans the small wound with his tissue. He continues.

Holmes: Anyway, getting back on track, You know me as an elite competitor. Now what I’m here to do is to continue to ask for your school's support in helping me banish the Mayhem Division. Now, if you’d just give these letters to your parents.

Holmes pulls a batch of letters from his clipboard. He gives one to each child. One child uses it as a tissue. Holmes is disgusted and slowly takes back the petitions he’s already handed out. He gives the petitions to the teacher.

Holmes: I’m sure you’ll hand these out later.

Ms. Hardy is a little intimidated but nods & smiles. Holmes sits down, and begins to examine the wound on his hand, trying to clean it with another baby wipe.

Felicity: Would anyone like to ask The Crashin Movement any questions?

There is silence before one child puts his hand up.

Felicity: Yes, Dexter.

Dexter works up the courage to speak.

Dexter: M--Misters, my poppa says your evil, is he right?

Holmes and Crashin shoot a serious look at one another before looking at Kurtesy who’s begun pondering the question. Ms. Hardy sees how bewildered they are and steps in.

Felicity: Maybe someone else? What about you Lucy? Carl? Freddy?

Freddy: Sure thing Ms. Hardy. Why are you going after the Tag Team Titles? I thought you wanted to be Mayhem Champion.

Holmes: It wasn’t a matter of being Mayhem Champion, it was more a quest to purge the disgrace that was the Mayhem Division...and in our efforts we have achieved a lot. We aimed to convert those filthy garbage wrestlers into pure athletes, to a form of respectable wrestling... and guess what? Men like Baez, Gordito & Scott Hammond have followed our instructions. With Chris Jones inspired by our efforts to save the Mayhem division, we no longer need to keep our focus there...except if you are willing to sign these petitions?

Holmes forces the paper to Freddy who refuses, making Holmes disappointed.

Holmes: So now, we’re in pursuit of the Tag Team Championships to restore order and give the belts a proper home. There's also the reason of strength in numbers, and numbers is most certainly something we have.

The children are deeply confused by so many long, unheard of words. None the less, Holmes continues, completely oblivious to the children’s confusion.

Holmes: We aim to capture gold in this industry and at All or Nothing, while my petition deals with Mayhem, myself and the good doctor will defeat seven other men and become this Worlds Tag Team Champ--

Kurtesy: No.

Holmes Turns to face Kurtesy with a look of shock. Holmes face begins to burn red with embarrassment. Crashin is preparing to defuse a situation between the two. Kurtesy stands up and approaches Dexter. The child is frightened by Kurtesy’s approach. He leans in towards him.

Kurtesy: No my dear Dexter, we are not evil. We fight for what we believe in. If that purpose is evil, then we would class great men like Martin Luther King, George Washington and Barack Obama as evil dooers. They fought for what they believed in just like us, and we shall on Sunday, reap the rewards for our belief in our cause.

He leans out to address the whole class.

Kurtesy: Children, watch All or Nothing as it is going to be a historic event. The Crashin Movement will bring peace, showmanship and prestige back to tag team wrestling when we capture what was rightfully stolen from me a long time ago...the WZCW World Tag Team Championships.

Holmes’ formerly embarrassed face is now back to normal and in fact has a wide-stretched grin on it. Crashin has a similar look...but both notice that Kurtesy walks out the room triumphantly. Holmes and Crashin follow behind him as the teacher is quite confused.
The scene opens up and reveals the backstage area of Ascension. Tucker Graham is walking beside a man who is laid out on a stretcher with paramedics trying to push him towards an ambulance. Graham is trying to clear a path for the stretcher to maneuver.

Get out of the way! Move! We’ve got a seriously injured wrestler here. Alex, hang in there buddy!

The man on the stretcher is Graham’s tag team partner, Alexander Steele. He is bloody and bruised as a result of the attack by The Crashin Movement.

Get me off this stretcher! Let me off! Where is The Crashin Movement? I’m going to kill ‘em.

Alex, stay calm. We got to get you to the hospital.

The paramedics push Steele up to the back of the ambulance.

I don’t want to go! I got to get my hands on the Movement!

One of the paramedics puts his hand on Steele’s shoulder.

Sir, you have to remain calm. You’re not going to be able to exert much energy any time in the immediate future.

Both Graham and Steele shoot the paramedic a look.


What do you mean? We have a match at All Or Nothing! We have to defend our titles!

The paramedic shakes his head.

I’m sorry, but that isn’t going to happen.

The paramedics load Steele up into the back of the ambulance. He is still arguing with them as they close the door. The sirens turn on and the ambulance pulls out of the arena. Graham stares blankly at the area where the ambulance just was.

Hey, Graham!

A voice calls out from behind Graham, who answers before turning around.

What do you want?

Graham turns around in an annoyed way, before changing his demeanor once he realizes the person who spoke to him is Vance Bateman.

Oh, sorry Mr. Bateman. I’ve just been having a bad 20 minutes.

I understand, Graham. I’ve just come by to see how you were doing. I know it’s got to be tough right now.

Graham just nods his head.

I don’t understand it. What happened? Where did it all go wrong?
Bateman gives Graham a quizzical look.

What are you talking about?

Before me and Alex won the belts, we were great friends. We talked all the time. We talked about how great it would be to become the champions. But once we became champions, something changed. I can’t help but think it was my fault. Mr. Bateman, can I ask your honest opinion?

Yeah, absolutely.

Am I a bad person?

What is making you think that?

I mean, I don’t think I’m a bad person. In fact, I think I’m a pretty good person. Am I perfect? No, I still have plenty of room to improve. But I just have this lingering feeling I caused the demise of this team. That I was the root of the problem. I feel like I was the weak link in the chain that bonded Alex and I.

I feel like it was my fault that we stopped talking as much. I forced him to do something he wasn’t comfortable doing the night we won the titles. I caused his life to go to hell because I talked him into giving into temptation. And it was for that reason that Mazi broke up with him. And as a result of that, he snapped at The Refinery and his father kicked him out. It was all my fault.

Graham stands silently for a minute and shakes his head. Bateman is about to speak before Graham begins to talk once more.

Maybe my way of life isn’t the best for everyone. I love the life I live, but maybe other people should do things the way they’re comfortable doing them. Maybe I should just leave people be.

Graham looks down at the World Tag Team Championship belt he is holding in his hand.

I can’t accept this title any more. I don’t deserve it. Here, take it!
Graham shoves the belt into Bateman’s hands, who just looks stunned.

What? You are willingly forfeiting the titles?

I have no choice. You need to have a team to become tag team champions. I don’t have a partner right now. Hell, thanks to my actions I haven’t really had a partner in several weeks.

I dreamed all of my life to become a championship. A champion is the definition of dignity. He holds the title with respect and represents the company as the best in whatever division he is holding the belt in. I dreamed that one day I would be able to carry a belt with the same amount of respect and pride as the people before me.

But I was incapable of doing that. I did nothing but have sex and get wasted. I used the belts as a wing man to help me get women. I don’t deserve to be champion. I blew it.

Graham is pacing back and forth now, obviously feeling the stress of the situation.

Ok, are you sure this is what you want?

Graham continues pacing while nodding his head. Bateman begins slowly.

I hereby pronounce the World Tag Team Titles officially vacant.

This causes Graham to stop in his tracks as the magnitude of what just happened just hit him.

That was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make.

Even though I think you’re crazy, I think you made an honorable decision.

Graham gives a crazy smirk to Bateman. He looks like he has a new plan in his wrestling career.

But it was nowhere near as hard as what I am about to do.

Bateman looks puzzled.

And that would be…?

I have to stop The Crashin Movement. They are out of control and I am sick and tired of seeing them ruin things here in WZCW. Their reign of terror has to end. I am going to be a one man army against The Movement. I am going to fight them with everything I have and I won’t stop until they are destroyed. It’s obvious you and Myles are incapable of keeping this group under control. Resistance must come from within, from the people who The Crashin Movement have affected.

I don’t care if I have to go at it alone I will-

Bateman cuts him off.

You won’t have to go at it alone, so don’t worry about that. The Movement has been making enemies at every turn. Hell, at the last Meltdown, The Crashin Movement took out Brad Bomb’s partner, Bud Dakota. I’m sure Bomb would love nothing more than to try to rid WZCW of The Movement as well.

Graham’s eyes light up at that news.

Do you know any way to contact him? I think we would make a great team.

The scene fades out as Bateman is leading Graham back to his office in hopes of trying to find Bomb’s contact information.
The scene opens with a shot of inside of a hotel room bed. On the bed is a nearly full sports bag of clothes, alongside it are a wallet, watch, phone, some form of documents and a tie. On the desk is an empty whisky glass and two empty bottles of mineral water. Almost immediately, the phone starts to ring and out of the bathroom emerges Brad Bomb - having one side of his face covered in shaving cream and the other not. He casually walks towards the phone, looks at the caller ID and answers it.

Who is this? His voice echoes through the room. He walks back into the bathroom and begins shaving once more. The phone is now on loudspeaker and the voice begins to talks.

It's Tucker Graham. One half of the most recent Tag Team Champions and your partner this weekend when we go to All Or Nothing and begin to destroy The Crashin Movement. Where are you? We need to discuss the plan for this weekend.

After he stops, Bomb stops shaving and looks into the mirror.
Tucker – seems I forgot to save your number... Where am I? I'm in my hotel room at the moment, just about to be headed to a place for a couple days. I need to clear my head before I think about All Or Nothing. If we're in first then a Gauntlet Match will be demanding physically and mentally in order to win. What use am I if I'm facing Brothers In Arms and all I can think about is the Crashin Movement? Bomb goes to back shaving

You make a good point but I still want to destroy those assholes... When are you gonna be back so we can do some training together? We need to get together and learn how to work with each other.

I'll be back Thursday. I'll contact you to let you know when I'm back... in the mean time I just need to escape from this. You understand, right?

Yeah I do. Watching a partner get taken out is a horrible thing to witness. I'll let you get on and wait for a phone call on Thursday. See ya.

See ya... Bomb snaps the phone shut and finishes up shaving. He walks into the room, picks up his tie and puts it on. He slips on his leather shoes, zips up his bag, turns and puts his suit jacket on and slips the documents into his inside pocket. He leaves the room and takes a quick glance back and surveys the room. The camera sees that the rest of the room has been demolished with the curtains ripped, holes in the wall and the TV ripped from the plug socket. He closes the door and walks away.


Then the camera pans across a large mountain area with fir trees covering the vast area. Resting on the tips of the trees is fresh snow. The camera stops panning when the sight of a log house with smoke billowing out of it.
The camera cuts to dew gently falling off a tree in focus and then the focus shifts to the log house in the background. In the close vicinity we hear some grunts as an axe chops wood.

Why? Why would they do that? What did it ahhhhh-raises axe-chieve?! the axe strikes down through the wood and puts another log on the chopping stump I know we had our differences but Bud didn't deserve it. He didn't de- raises axe -SERVE that... the axe slices through the wood and the figure adds another log to the board he was just a rookie. Like me. And now his career is likely over due to those brainless raises axe PUNKS!
Brad Bomb throws the wood logs into a bag and then drags it in inside. We see him throw a couple of logs onto a fire as he sits down on the sofa with his head clasped in his hands.

The reason I've been here for since Monday is to get rid of my stress... not build it back up again. I've got to look after myself otherwise I don't stand a chance. Actually I don't stand a chance on my own – period. 3 on 1 isn't good numbers for me... and if I didn't have Tucker Graham as a partner then I'd have no chance at all. I'd probably end up succumbing to the negatives in my head and be like Barbosa... but that's another thing. This match isn't just about revenge against The Crashin Movement. It's about the WZCW Tag Team Titles. There's gold on the line here and I got to be in the mindset to face 7 other guys than The Crashin Movment. I have to think about I can overcome Brothers In Arms' brilliant teamwork, Hays & Cooper's budding tag-team and Barbosa's personalities...

Bomb raises his head from his hands and looks towards the flames from the log fire

I can't waste my chance here. I can't waste it on Kurtsey and Holmes. I can't ruin the opportunity to make a name for myself. I have to be ready to make another huge step in my career. I could become children's idols if I learn how to keep it under control. I could become the face of this company like Ty Burna is now... no, no, no. I will become the face of this company. Whether I get there on my own or whether I get there with Tucker Graham or Bud Dakota or anyone else in the locker room who wants to team with me – I will get there. And at All Or Nothing – I will give it my all to make this team work and make my first stamp into WZCW history. Nothing will stop me. Not even myself. This is why I'm here. To have moments like these. To realise why I'm here. To know who I'm with and who I'm against.

Bomb picks up his phone and searches through his contacts. He presses call and stands up. He douses the fire with some water while he paces back and forth and waits for the person to pick up the phone

Hey Tucker. It's me Brad Bomb.*muffled noise* Yeah I know it's early but I just wanted to say - I think I've got it under control and I'm gonna come back a day earlier.. as in today. *muffled noise* Uh-huh. Well I'll let you know when I'm near and I'm saying we hit the gym. *muffled noise*
Well we're a new team going up against 4 teams that are used to wrestling with each other – so I'm saying we get some intense training sessions done. It's gonna be like a Rocky montage and you better be ready! Bomb smiles and laughs as he hangs up the phone and walks towards the door

Camera fades to black
The scene opens up and shows Tucker Graham out front of a building with the words "Fun World" on a sign on the front. He is wearing a black hoodie and long pants. The hood isn't on and his hair is pulled back. He is leaning up against the front of the building and is checking his phone constantly. He looks around as if he is expecting someone. Finally, Graham takes his phone out of his pocket and dials a number. A few seconds later he begins to talk.

Yo! What's up man? Where are you? Ok. Oh, that must be you. Alright, I'm hanging up.

Just then a yellow taxi pulls up and comes to a stop in front of Graham. A man gets out of the cab and turns to Graham. It is his new tag partner, Brad Bomb. He closes the door and walks over to Graham.

Hey man! What's up? How was the trip?

It was good. It was good. Got a lot of stress out. What are we doing here? I thought we were going to train.

Graham puts his hands up as if telling Bomb to slow down.

We will, don't worry. But I figured if we're going to tag together, we'd need to get to know each other. So I thought it would be fun to come to "Fun World" and play some games and eat some pizza and do just that.

Bomb looks confused.

So this is like a -

Graham cuts him off.

A first date, I guess. Come on, this is going to be fun.

Graham leads Bomb into "Fun World" and it is revealed to be a huge arcade. There are games lined down the walls and in the middle. There are lights flashing and loud noises coming from all of the games. Graham goes to a coin machine.

Here we go. $10 in coins for me.

Graham inserts a $10 bill into the machine and it shoots out a bunch of coins. Graham grabs a cup that is on top of the machine and gathers the coins into it. Bomb is reaching into his wallet to get some money, but Graham stops him.

Oh no no no. This one is on me.

Graham gets Bomb $10 of coins and puts them into a cup as well. The two walk around until they come across a game called "Music Hero."

I will kick your ass at this game.

I don't think so. I'm pretty good at it.

The two insert four coins a piece and put a fake guitar around their necks. They decide on a song and start to play. Bomb is much better than Graham anticipated, but Graham comes back during the solo. The score is tied going into the last sequence, which Graham plays perfectly and Bomb misses a note. Graham wins by 3 points.

Oh yeah! I told you I'd beat you! In your face!

Bomb looks really pissed off. He takes his guitar off from around his shoulders and smashes through the screen of the game. Sparks fly out of the game and the lights shut down. It is the only game in the arcade that is completely silent. People who are playing other games turn and stare at what happened. A kid who was waiting to play the game begins to cry. Graham looks at him completely stunned.

Oh damn! We got to get the hell out of here!

Graham grabs Bomb by the arm and they run out of the arcade. They race out of there just as workers realize what had happened. One worker tries to chase them down, but trips over an exposed cord from the game. Graham and Bomb keep running until they reach a bus stop that is down the road, and they stop to catch their breathe. Bomb looks embarassed by what happened.

Tucker, I'm sorry for that. Sometimes when I get mad, I just snap. I have a hard time controlling it. I'm sorry.

Graham looks at Bomb as if he's crazy.

Are you kidding me? That was one of the most awesome and manliest things I have ever seen! Holy shit that was great. You're insane man, I like that. I'm glad Bateman told me about you. You're going to make a great tag partner. If you can bring that same intensity to All Or Nothing, The Crashin Movement will be destroyed!

Bomb looks relieved that Graham actually liked his actions at the arcade.

Thanks, I guess. But Tucker, it's not going to be just us and The Crashin Movement at All Or Nothing. We're going up against two other teams and one person who is crazy enough to go at this alone. I hate The Crashin Movement as much as you do, but we're going to have to put our problems with them aside and focus on winning the match if we want to become the champions.

Graham nods his head, slowly at first, as if digesting what Bomb had just said.

You're right. Of course, if we put all our energy on taking out one teams, there are going to be five other guys there to take us out. So first we must win the titles, and once we do that, we can turn our attention to the Movement.

Bomb smiles and nods his head.

But just think of the look that is going to be on their faces when we're holding the gold over our heads.

Just as Graham finishes that sentence a bus pulls to a stop in front of them. Graham sees where the bus is going on the sign on the front of the bus.

Let's get on.

Where are we going?

I promised you games and a pizza. This bus runs down the street of the best pizza place in town.

The two men get on the bus. Graham pays for himself, and then stops Bomb from paying and pays his way, too. They find seats next to each other and talk and laugh the whole ride until the bus stops once again.

Here we are.

Graham and Bomb get off the bus and walk up to "Pedro's Pizzaria." They go inside and the place is packed and there isn't an empty table. Graham and Bomb wait, and finally a table comes free. The two of them hury to it before somebody else gets there.

I told you this place was good. All of these people can't be wrong.

Bomb just smiles. A waitress comes up to take their order. They tell the waitress what they want, andthe waitress goes to place the order.

I just realized something. This is a pizza place. Wasabi Toyota works in a pizza place, too. It's kind of like we're training.

Bomb laughs.

If you say so, Tucker. But he is a monster in the ring. He got Bud Dakota in a small package last Meltdown to win the match for him and Hammond. He's got some tricks up his sleeves.

I know. Me and him go way back. Alex and I's first match together was against him. I've had numerous amounts of matches against him in my short career here. And I've only come out on the winning side a couple of times, but once was for the titles. I know what he's capable of. Scott Hammond is just as dangerous. They didn't tag together until Unscripted, but they have worked very well together. Hell, they beat Alex and me in a non-title match not too long ago.

That didn't seem to be too hard to do, though. Hays and Cooper also beat you two.

Graham chuckles, but he looks as if what Bomb just said stung, even if it was a joke.

Yeah. After we won the titles, Alex and I didn't really communicate too well. We just didn't seem to get along after we won the belts. We didn't really have much in common, and I guess that came back to bite us. I don't mean any disrespect to Hays and Cooper, I think they are two good young wrestlers, but it was that break down in communication that allowed them to pick up the win. You and I seem to be on the same page, so I think we'll be able to take care of them.

The waitress walks up with both men's pizza.

Go ahead, take a bite.

Bomb cuts a piece off and takes a bite. His eyes light us as he begins to chew. He speaks with his mouth full.

Damn, you weren't lying. This is good stuff.

I told you so.

Graham cuts a piece out of his pizza and begins to eat, before restarting their conversation.

But yeah, Alex and I didn't talk too much once we became champions. He was going through some personal stuff, and I was acting less than professional. In the end it ended up costing us. We didn't take Hays and Cooper seriously, and they didn't just beat us, they destroyed us. I don't know much about Barbosa, but I know you two started about the same time. What's the dude's deal?

Bomb finishes chewing the bite that's in his mouth before he speaks.

Barbosa is crazy. He is the only man capable of being a tag team by himself because of his split personalities. He is a very dangerous man. So while he might only be one man in a match between tag teams, he is more than capable of doing some damage.

I think we're going to win this match. I'm a former tag champion and I know what it takes to win the gold. I know all of the work and dedication it takes to win those belts. I also know what not to do to hold onto it. I'm ashamed of my last run as champion and I feel like I blew it. My first run with a title will forever be tainted by my stupidity. I'm hungry to reclaim those belts and once again be one half of the World Tag Team Champions. I want to prove I am capable of holding those belts. I want to prove I am championship material. I know I am, but I have to prove it to the world.

I also want to win the match to get back at The Crashin Movement. They know they are not able to win the belts on their own, so they must resort to underhanded tactics to win them. They took out your old partner, and they took out my old partner. They're scared, Brad. They know they don't stand a chance against teams at full strength. Let's show them, Brad, that they messed with the wrong two people. Let's show them, Brad, how it feels to hurt. Let's show them, Brad, how good we look with gold belts around our waist. You ready to go train?

Bomb looks inspired by Graham's little speech.

Hell yeah! Let's do this!

Graham smiles as he looks at the bill and leaves $25 on the table. He realizes he's spent a lot of money today, but to know he's found a great tag partner is priceless. He is fully confident that the two of them will walk out of All Or Nothing as the World Tag Team Champions. The scene fades to black as Graham and Bomb step on a bus on the way to a nearby gym to train.
The scene fades into a small village in west London, as the sun begins to poke through some heavy clouds in the sky. The Brothers In Arms can be seen walking down a small driveway to a large detached house, with a picturesque front garden

I am really excited bro, I cannot tell you how nice it is to be home. You looking forward to this as much as I am?

I'm a little nervous.

That's good, you eat when your nervous, and my mum's Sunday roast is better than anything you will ever feast on. Come on.

The BIA walk up to the front door, and knock. A woman can be seen opening the door

Hey mum!

Hello son. How are you? This must be Wasabi, its lovely to meet you. I've heard so much about you.

Thank you for inviting me into your home

Mrs Hammond lets the BIA into her home. They walk into the dining room where Mr Hammond is sitting. The table is already made as everyone sits down, as Wasabi Toyota stands and shakes the hand of Mr Hammond

Hello lads, how have you both been?

Good thanks dad, lunch smells amazing.

Lunch is served.

Mrs Hammond places a full plate in front of both members of the BIA as they both tuck in

So, you boys on target for a tag team championship reign anytime soon?

Definitely mum, we've had some great victories over the last few weeks, we are on a realy role right now. We locked horns with the then WZCW tag team champions Reckless Youth and dominated them, and then last week, we got an awesome victory over a couple of newcomers, and Wasabi even performed an amazing small...or large package to win the match. Although we have had some issues with a group of guys called the Crashin Movement.

Those are the guys that took out your old friend Hunter Kravinoff isn't it Wasabi?

Toyota nods whilst eating

I see your in a tag team title match at All Or Nothing. You going for gold or are you going for revenge? What means more to you two?

Revenge is not something that should plague anyone's mind. The simple fact is, The Brothers In Arms are fighting first and foremost for the WZCW tag team championships.

Listen dad, like Wasabi said, revenge isn't something that we believe in, but what I think he does mean, is that, seen as the Crashin Movement happen to be a part of the tag title match at All Or Nothing, we will instinctively do our bit to make sure that we get a little time with them during the bout. They have done a number on guys like Bud Dakota, a guy who was a relative newcomer, and they just took him out. Not to mention that on Ascension they tried to rubber stamp themselves on the match at All Or Nothing by putting Reckless Youth on the sidelines.

Just be careful, both of you. They sound dangerous

Don't worry mum. Its more for the cause than anything else. The WZCW tag team titles are our focus. I've only ever held the Mayhem title, and that felt like a huge milestone for me. But to be crowned one half of the world tag team champions would be the most amazing feeling in the world. Not to mention it would be the crowning acheivement of my career thus far. And to top it all off, I did it with a man I love and respect.

Your words etch themselves in my soul. I feel very honoured to have found a partner with such drive.

So what have you two been up to?

Nothing much. We hit a cool amusement park a few weeks ago, although Wasabi was a little too big for most of the rides, and we also hit a strip joint, man, Wasabi had a good time in there, didn't you bro?

SCOTT MICHAEL HAMMOND! Not at the table!

Sorry mum.

With everyone finishing up their lunches, both member of the BIA get up from their seats ready to leave

Your not leaving yet are you?

It was only a flying visit. I'm taking Wasabi on a tour of London.

Ah well, okay, it was lovely seeing you both.

You guys take care, and enjoy the sights.

It was a pleasure to meet you both. Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality

Anytime. Be good boys

The BIA take their leave from the table and exit the Hammond household as the scene fades to black
A large shot of Sydney is shown, moving to the right, which reveals the bridge. The to the left, which shows some large buildings of the city of Sydney. With hardly any breezes the birds fly across the shot, around twelve of them. The camera pulls back, to then reveal Justin Cooper. Wearing another fine suit from his collection. You can just see a piece of paper inside his pocket. He walks into full focus, and stands in front of the camera.

What a sight, how wonderful it is. It is a pity that most people don't see it. Just running around, going shopping, going to a party. Anything that keeps them busy, people just don't sit back, and stare at the things around them. To just watch what others do, to see what others see. After Ascension last week, I did just that. I took a step back, and just thought. I began to think about how quickly I have made it up the ranks here at WZCW. It was just weeks ago, that I made my debut here. I came in, placed third in the battle royal. I was apart of the winning team, in my first match as a contracted WZCW wrestler. Then, just last week, Hays and I beat the Tag Team Champions. We defeated the so called "best" tag team this company had to offer. Not only did we beat them, but we dominated them, the fans knew it, and so did management.

But what happens after we win?

A short pause is taken by Cooper, who then continues.

The Crashin Movement rush to the ring, and attack Reckless Youth. They take one out of competition. But they get all the credit, it was Hays and I that did the damage. We were the ones that had them beaten. In front of the fans, we made them look like idiots. But we get no, credit for it. All I here is the Crashin Movement this, they did that. Why focus on 3 lacklustre performers, when the best Society has to offer is waiting at your door.

Again Cooper stops, and then pull out what looks to be a contract.

This is the contract for the Tag Title match at All or Nothing. This match should have been, Brothers in Arms against us. As we have both beaten the former tag Champions. But yet they throw in, Barbosa, a crazy, multiple attitude person. Then they put Tucker Graham in, a man who Hays and I beat last week.

But who is Bradley Bomb? Oh, yes, the guy that can't control himself. Attacking random people I believe. How fantastic that this company should reward such behaviour. Why should people that attack others outside of the ring, be rewarded with a championship match? I could yell, scream, bitch about everything that doesn't go my way.

But I'm better than that, when I step into the ring at All or Nothing. I will walk in with a clear head. I really don't have any goals but to win. I'm not going into the tag match, looking for revenge. I'm not going to target the Crashin Movement. Both Hays and I, walk in as the dark horse in the match. We walk into All or Nothing as outsiders, but we should be the favourites.

Justin, walks around and the camera follows him. He looks over the edge of the building he is standing on, and then looks back.

Lets look at the facts, Hays and I pinned the former Tag Champions last week.

He then holds up two fingers up, and begins to tap it with another.

The only reason the Crashin Movement are in the match, is because they have bullied management. Kurtesy couldn't win the World Championship, and Holmes couldn't win the Mayhem title. So they had to focus on a title that they may have a chance at.

As I said, Hays and I have no personal goals, it is just business.

Justin unbuttons his suit, and the takes off the top. Which reveals a basic white shirt underneath.

With the titles on the line, with the people watching around the world. I will take my place above the rest. When millions are watching Justin Cooper delivers. From preforming for crowds in the music world. To competing live each week on Meltdown or Ascension. The highlight of the night, will be when The High Society capture the tag titles. When we hold them up high, and leave with our heads held high. The fallen teams, will just watch. They will watch as we show the world that in just weeks. From making our debut, that Hays and I are the best from the pack. That in this new era, only the strong can survive. That in this new era, the mayhem stops. Because when the High Society step into the ring, we go for All or Nothing!
As the Brothers in Arms leave the Hammond Household, the London sky is mostly filled with clouds and only a small bit of sunlight is peeking through. Toyota and Hammond begin walking down the sidewalk over from the home with the latter leading the way through his hometown.

Well, your folks certainly seem like nice people.

Indeed they are, mate. Coming back here today, it's brought back so many memories. I tell ya Wasabi, London sure is a wonderful place. That's why I wanted to take you on this tour, so you could experience some of what I had growing up.

I really appreciate it man. This already looks a lot better than Matsumoto. It's just awful there.

Toyota shudders.

You don't gotta worry about that no more, mate. Look here, we're already at our first destination, The Mango Lounge. Don't let the name fool ya. It's one of the best hang out spots in all of London. Wanna stop inside?

Nah, not really in the drinking mood. This place reminds me of something though.

At that moment, a young couple comes out the front door of the bar. They are clearly extremely drunk, hanging onto each other as they walk, laughing loudly, and sloppily kissing each other.

I know what it is! You see Scotty; the people in here are exactly like the High Society.

Huh? What are you on about?

Youngsters come here hoping to get wasted and find some stranger to go home and copulate with. That's just what Hays and Cooper have done. Do they have anything in common, any experience together? Not really.

They were just the last two chicks standing there when last call came around and they had to settle for what was left. There's no way guys like that can come together so quickly and achieve the pinnacle of tag team wrestling. It's impossible!

Spot on, buddy. All your talk of last call has brought up some bad memories though. Best we move on.

They walk for a block or two until the stop again in front of a building with large sign reading Paddy's Pub.

Here we are. Another one of the top sites in London!

Uhh, this is just another bar.

No, you're completely wrong. It's not just another bar. This is where I went when I wanted to do my really heavy drinking. Shall we step inside?

I don't think so. Partly because you may be an alcoholic and partly because I'm not getting a good vibe from this place either.

As Toyota finishes his sentence a couple comes barging out of the club. The man is extremely scruffy and looks to be a good decade older than his companion. Like the previous couple, they are a pair of drunken fools parading through the street.

What is it, does Paddy's remind you of The High Society too?

No, this place it's different. I know what it is! It's Graham and Bomb. Of course, of course. Don't you look at me with that face. Let me explain.

You see, just like that mango place, this is somewhere where desperate people go to hook up and whatnot. However, the guys here are a little older, a little more experienced, a little seedier, and a little more dangerous.

That's Graham. He's seedy, of course, because of his refusal to accept the consequences of his decisions have on his life. And he's dangerous because of his experience and success in the tag division.

However, he is teaming up with Mr. Bomb for the first time and you know what happened when we faced these guys each of the last two weeks? We beat them down

Of course, of course. So you don't want to go in then? What a shame. I could've really gone for some whiskey right now.

Do you have anything planned for this tour that isn't a dubious adult beverage establishment. I thought you were going to show me all around London.

Don't your worry, mate. I'll show you what you wanna see. C'mon.

They walk on for a few moments, not exchanging words as Toyota takes in all the new things he is seeing and Hammond is taken back to his youth. Eventually, they approach a majestic looking court building.

This right here is what we call the Old Bailey. It's where all the major cases in London are tried and it's where...

... justice is served.

Toyota looks on in wonder at the building, feeling the importance of it simply by standing in its presence.

Exactly. I thought you'd like it. Here's a fun fact for you, this back in the 1700s or something like that this was where the Newgate Prison stood. It's where they locked up some of the biggest criminals in London. All of 'em were here.. Thomas Neill Cream, William Kidd, Catherine Wilson, James MacLaine...


I don't recall any Barbosas being held there.

No, but he will be someday, that lunatic.

Oh, that Barbosa. Ya, I suppose so. He's pretty cooky.

More than cooky. An absolute lunatic. Have you seen him? All of the muttering to himself and plotting in dark corners? From my entry level psychology classes I can tell he has all the makings of a serial killer psychopath. They should rebuild that prison just so they can put him in it. And all the talking to himself isn't even the craziest thing about him. It's the fact that he thinks he can win the World Tag Titles all by himself.

Doesn't he understand that the titles aren't about what you can do as an individual, but all about what you and partner can create together. The fact that he's even in the match is ludicrous. If he were to win the titles, that's be a disgrace to the entire company and tag team wrestling across the world!

Easy there big fella, I think this place is making you a little tense. Let's move on.

A still fuming Toyota follows Hammond along towards their next destination. As they turn a corner, they come upon a beautiful scene of shrubbery and fountains with a majestic building in the background.

This, my friend, is the crème de la crème, Buckingham Palace. The official residence of the monarchy in London. Magnificent, isn't it?

Yeah, it's alright.

What's the matter, you don't like it?

No, it's great and all. But there's just something about it. I know that it's for the nobility, but what about the common people? Does it do anything for them? There just seems something pompous and arrogant about it, that's all.

That's all?


Don't you wanna go on some long spiel comparing it to someone?

Wasn't going to, but since you mention it, I suppose I could. There just happens to be a group in WZCW as arrogant, uppity and self-righteous and the Buckingham Palace, the Crashin Movement.

Of course, not only do Crashin, Holmes and Kurtesy unrightfully think they're so much better than everyone else, they try to go out there and prove it with the cowardly attacks each and every week. Have they ever actually taken someone on in a fair fight. Have they? Have they!?!?!?!?!

is panting at this point, tears nearly beginning to form in his eyes. Hammond goes over and tries to console him.

It's alright, pal, it's alright. I know all the pain they caused you. But don't worry, cause Sunday is our chance to even the score. Hell, you've beaten Kurtesy before and Holmes is nothing more than his lackey. We can do this, mate. We can do this!

Toyota looks up at him, hopefully.

You really think so?

I know so. Let's go, I got one more place to show you. I think you'll like this.

They walk a few blocks away from Buckingham Palace and the aristocratic surrounding area. They arrive in a back alley where about a dozen or teenage males are hanging around.

What's this?

This is the highlight of the tour. It's where I grew up and learned to become a man. Every day when I was a young kid I'd come down here almost and take on all comers. There was no glitz or glory that went along with it. It was all about pride, showing that you could become the man you truly wanted to be. So much of what I've become is because of this place.

That's exactly why I know we have a great shot come Sunday. Regardless of what happens out there, I know I'll have a tough son of a bitch full of heart backing me up, and I'll promise you the same.

The two look on for a few moments as the young boys began to go at it a little bit. It's nothing but pure guts and emotion. Toyota and Hammond can both see that every one of them is fighting for something of grave importance.

This place is incredible.

It sure is.

They continue to stand there and watch the action unfold, Brothers in Arms.

*Hays is sitting in a locker room chatting with someone else. The locker room itself is not lit very well yet Hays seems very comfortable with the less than appealing aesthetics of the room. Also, the camera is only able to see Hays as he is checking over his gear getting set for tonight. All of the sudden Hays becomes deathly silent and sits still for quite a while when the unknown man asks him why he has became so silent.*

Hays- When I was in grade school and even middle school, I use to be the smaller guy, the “weaker” guy. Every day I would get picked on by those who were bigger than me.

*Hays stands up and walks back and forth in the same manner as one remembers a bad memory. His eyes become glassy as he starts to remember. He then stands with his back to camera but can still be heard.*

I remember one day in particular. I was about thirteen years old and it happened on a dark, cold, windy day. I was walking along the sidewalk towards the bus stop for school when it started to drizzle. So what did I do? I did what any young kid would do. I started running down the sidewalk towards the shelter that the bus stop would provide.

While running to the bus stop some my old classmates thought it would be funny if I “tripped.” I ending up falling down in the middle of a deep puddle, also busting open my lip. These “classmates” of mine decided that me falling down in the mud, ruining my clothing and belongings was not enough. They thought it would funny if they beat me up. I remember one in particular. He thought it would be fun to pick me up with all of his strength and throw me against a wall. He started throwing wild punches at me which left me bloodied and bruised in a small alley not 50 feet away from the bus stop.

*Hays pauses as he is remembering that day as a painful reminder of his early childhood. He continues to stay standing in the same spot. However, he seems less nervous. His voice sounds like someone who has a fierce passion for what they love combined with a sadistic concealing demeanor.*

I ended up missing school that day.

*Hays lowers his head and raises it up slightly and looks toward the camera as if he knew it was there all along.*.

None of them knew what was coming.

*Hays decides to sit back down and resumes checking his gear. After, a while he grabs tape and starts to wrap his wrist and ankles for tonights match at AoN yet continues to talk.*

Soon after the bus left an older man was walking down the street. This older man noticed me leaning against the wall. He came over and asked me what happened to me. I told him the same thing I just told you. This man however happened to be a famous ex-wrestler. This man happened to be the master of a thousand holds. Then he told me a story of what happened to him when he was younger. This man then invited me to join in on one of the classes he was teaching later that day about wrestling.

After a month of going to the classes every day, I decided to show up for my first day of school since the incident. The group of boys I told you about earlier were waiting for me. They came at one by one, each trying to use their strength and recklessness to beat me down. They had no clue of what I learned during my one month absence.

*Hays finishes taping his wrist and ankles and looks up with a smirk that confuses the unknown man that is getting ready with him. Hays leans back against the lockers and looks up toward the ceiling.*

That was the day.

*Hays looks up at the ceiling for a few minutes before looking the unknown man in the eyes with a laser focus as he continues his story.*

That was the day everything changed. No longer was I the small kid no one cared about. No longer was I the kid everybody picked on. I was finally the one getting respect. I was the one that kids were scared of. Not because I could beat them with my two fist but because I could attack any part of the body and make them cry out in agony. Make them cry out to stop. But I wouldn’t. I vowed I wouldn’t stop until everyone realized I was the best. I vowed I would not be pushed around anymore.

*Finally, Hays starts to walk towards the door where the camera man is hidden in a group of lockers. Behind Hays we see the unknown man that could only be heard mumbling about what he was hearing.*

Cooper- But what does that have to do with what we are doing tonight?

*Both men continue to walk towards the door but Hays stops and looks down at writing that he is about to cover up on his wrist tape…..acknowledgement.*

Hays- I tell you this little bit of history for reason. I have earned this privilege we have here tonight. This privilege will not elude me. These men out here are just like the bullies I faced in school. They come out with the same attitude as those bullies. They are out there not to win but hurt people for their enjoyment. I will make them pay. None of these men that we face tonight have had to go through what I have. I have had to prove myself in every stage of life. We are the most skilled, we are the most intelligent. We are the only ones who represent the High Society of wrestling properly. Finally, I will get what I have worked my life to gain. Finally, I will be acknowledged for my skills and abilities.

*Hays reaches the door and Cooper goes to turn the handle when Hays stops him. He turns quickly into the face of the cameraman, who thought he was hidden , and stares with a face so intense that could only be compared to man ready to face death in combat.*

And for those here tonight you better watch girl during tonights match cuz “The Say Hays Kid” and Justin Cooper have that High Class Swag....

*Cooper walks up to Hays and smacks him on the shoulder like two friends would do. Hays cocks his head to the side with a cocky chuckle.*

…and we Never Do Encores.

*Hays finally decides to leave with the cameraman left in his “hiding spot” confused about what just happened and how it will affect tonights match. As the cameraman remembers that the camera is still running, all that can be heard is footsteps echoing down the hall as Cooper and Hays get ready to go to their match.*
We see Steven Holmes and Doug Crashin walking through the corridors of the school, turning their heads wildly to check through every classroom window or any nook & cranny as if they have lost something. Crashin struggles to keep up as Holmes is mixed between worried and frustrated.

Slow down Steve, he couldn't have gotten too far.

You know exactly what he is capable of doing whilst in deep thought... he can end up in some unusual places.

They reach the end of the corridor to a set of double wooden doors. They push open the handles, swinging the doors back to reveal a sunny, warm day where school children are out at play during their lunch period. The kids are all smiling faces as they use their time to have fun, taking the pressure off themselves from the strenuous lives inside the classroom. Crashin covers his forehead with his hand to see clearly who has no luck. Holmes squints and spots what they are looking for. He alerts Crashin and the two make their way towards a huge oak tree providing shade for numerous people... one of them becomes clearly visible as Dr. Steven Kurtesy who is sitting comfortably on a bench in a meditative position, eyes closed. He doesn't seem phased as the Movement approaches him due to the deep state of mind he is experiencing. Although both relived, Holmes does not approve of Kurtesy's disappearance and attempts opening his mouth... but Crashin prevents it and opts to speak instead.

We've been looking everywhere for you Steve! Why did you walk out on us like that?

Steven does not move, much to the confusion of Holmes and Crashin. They go to say something again, but Steven smiles and begins to speak.

My dear Crashin... you, of all people, should know that I am a tag team specialist. Suffice to say, I never walk out on my partners. If anything... my partners have walked out on me.

Steven opens his eyes and looks directly at both Holmes and Crashin.

But, we all know that the group we have here... holds one of the strongest bonds known to man. There is no clique that has the close relationship we have discovered within each other.

Of course, I formed this group and I am not willing to let it die so easily! However, that still doesn't explain why you are out here.

Especially with all these children and their little grubby disease-riddled hands.

Why don't we take a seat and I'll show you.

Both men are hesitant, but eventually decide to join Kurtesy on either side of him. Kurtesy maintains his calm status whilst the other grow weary of what the doctor might say. After a small, yet deceptively time-consuming moment, Kurtesy wags his index finger indicating he has completed a thought.

What you said in there Steve really got me pondering... focusing ourselves on the tag team championships instead of the Mayhem Division is quite the intelligent move. It could be said that we don't need to deal with that area anymore!

Holmes looks horrified.

Is this the same Steven Kurtesy that I plotted with to foil that wretched garbage wrestling once and for all? You despise that championship and everything it stands for as much as I do... and after all our efforts, giving up know would be an act of cowardice! Steven Holmes is not a coward.

Neither am I, old chum. But, there is a saying that prescribes something along the lines of fighting for another day. Our war on Mayhem may not be over, but our battles, as you have said, are indeed won. We have convinced others that our beliefs on that area are correct. How many people have we converted to our style of wrestling? How many people are there left to convert? Those that are considered a threat will soon move on to bigger heights and leave their shady past behind them. Without rebels for us to prove our point, what good is it for us to re-shape a division? We can't create bargains with the enemy without some form of hostage. To demonstrate my point, let's take these group of kids over there playing dodge-ball.

Kurtesy points, and the eyes of Holmes and Crashin follow. We see multiple kids running around inside of a cage with one person holding the ball. Every so often, another kid gets control of the ball.

Unfortunately, this is one of the sports that anyone can master if they feel sadistic enough to inflict inhumanly pain on each other. At any time, someone can become the king before getting defiled for someone else to replace them. Chaos is everywhere in there.

One of the kids gets knocked down pretty badly and begins recovering. He uses the cage walls to get up and notices some students attempting to get cricket started on the other side of the playground. He brushes himself off and leaves the caged area, making his way to that area.

Eventually, after a while, each and every one will realise that there are other games on the playing field, most of them being much better... more elite options, like the game of cricket. A real sport that requires team-work by the men on top, the batters. However, it is not a game where people like to stay in for the long haul as many feel as if that form of sport is considered... well boring. Why? Well, no-one gets the spotlight to themselves and are too selfish to stick together. By comparing the two, we can easily see that although there is physical harm being done to those playing dodge-ball, the real victims are those that try to uphold the game of cricket and keep its relevance withstanding.

Kurtesy looks over at both Crashin and Holmes, we both are still staring off into the distance. Holmes begins to nod and smirk at what Steven has mentioned.

So... what you are saying is... we should remove ourselves from the cage of Mayhem completely and venture off to team together in order to restore the prestige of cricket. And, by doing so, we will indirectly convert those from the cage to follow our methodology, still going by our original plans?

Exactly, Steven. The tag team division is where the Crashin Movement will achieve the greatest success. We can show our dominance in numbers, still destroy Mayhem from the inside and create prestige through pure wrestling that will make those championships seem much more valuable. It's not like we aren't creating a vested interest in that area from the bat. Look at the amount of people we have felt our wrath... Hunter Kravinoff, Bud Dakota, Alexander Steele... all prominent fixtures of that division. Our presence has struck fear into the hearts of Wasabi Toyota, Brad Bomb and Tucker Graham. Whilst they do not want to admit it to the world, they know they can't deny it from themselves. There is a distinctive shimmer in their eye that experience tells me that they are afraid... and speaking of experience, both me and Doug have dabbled in many tag team contests. Hell, I'm a former champion myself. We have all the tools in our grasp to capture the championships. Everyone else is just scrapping together whatever they have to get the tiniest lick of that sugar cube... doing everything they can to touch that brass ring. Do you honestly believe that one of my daily patients can co-exist with his own personality to defeat us? Or how about a person inspired by our form of pure wrestling teaming up with someone who grew up from filth and hid behind the fame to cover his weaknesses? We are the people that help these kind of depressed souls, wandering aimlessly around... what stands in our way?

Nothing has, nor will it ever, stand in our way. We are the most dominant group to ever be instated in WZCW and no-one can topple us when we stand unite. We are the Elite, and we will not surrender.

Crashin begins laughing confidently as Kurtesy smiles at Holmes, who is filled with pride. Kurtesy puts a hand on Holmes shoulder, prompting him to turn his head.

Now tell me... how does that make you feel?

Holmes does not answer with words, but instead gives him a smirk that indicates his feelings. Kurtesy smiles back and the three men continue sitting, watching a mass amount of children begin being interested in the cricket game.
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