Aftershock 11

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

A small display of pyrotechnics go off for the return of Aftershock with everybody in the crowd cheering loudly as the show begins. The camera's pan across the entire arena spotting fans with a variety of signs and t-shirts supporting their favourite wrestlers and catchphrases.

Serra: Hello everyone and welcome to the return of Aftershock! I'm Rebecca Serra and I've got my partner Johnny Klamor by my side and I tell you what, it's good to be back.

Klamor: Indeed it is, Becky. When was the last time we were in these seats?

Serra: Aftershock, episode 10?

Klamor: I knew that but... oh, never mind. I'm just glad to be at the announcer's table and earning that bigger pay-check again. I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't be able to afford my weekly massages.

Serra: Yes, you're going to need all the money you can get with a body like that but moving on...

Klamor: That's not nice.

Serra: ... tonight, we've got ourselves a few matches to showcase for you where our good friend and fellow announcer Leon Kensworth will be running down the card.

The camera then switches to Leon Kensworth who is standing on the stage with a microphone in hand and wearing formal attire.

Kensworth: Thank you, Becky. Normally, we'd see the Interim General Manager of Aftershock Chuck Myles come out and introduce the show but with Ty winning control over the entire company, Myles' services... were no longer needed.

The crowd boos at that statement.

Kensworth: We all feel the same way, guys. However, the show must still go on and tonight, Aftershock will be featuring a few special matches to decide who will be competing in a match that hasn't seen the light of day since the 2nd annual Kingdom Come.

Some of the audience cheers as they know what this is.

Kensworth: That's right: the Mayhem Championship Scramble is making its return to Redemption!

All the crowd cheers now.

Kensworth: The special matches tonight will be qualifying matches where the winners will go on to face not only the defending champion Ace Stevens but also Derek Jacobs who has received a second opportunity at the title. We wish our competitors good luck this evening but before we get to those matches, we've got ourselves a triple threat match where three new men... I mean, competitors will be facing off in their debut.

Leon Kensworth makes his way to the back as Anderson hops into the ring to make the introductions.

Anderson: Ladies & Gentlemen, the following is a Triple Threat Match scheduled for One-Fall! It is featuring three new superstars, all hoping to impress and earn a place on the WZCW Roster!

Serra: Well here we go Johnny, three fresh faces all hoping to look good tonight! Remember, they don't have to win to earn their contract, they just need to impress the big men, Ty Burna and Vance Bateman and maybe then, they'll gain their place on the WZCW Roster!

Klamor: Yadda yadda Becky, can we just get this thing going?


Anderson: Introducing first, from Pittsburgh, weighing in at 152 pounds... Isabel Stones!

Stones comes out to the ring, hands on hips, looking at the crowd with an evil scowl. She flicks her hair every so often until she gets into the ring, where she slides into the ring. She climbs up to the turnbuckle, a grin on her face, flicking her hair once more.

Serra: Wow, this girl looks like she's gonna turn some heads, then slap them back in the other direction!

Klamor: My kind of girl there Becky. We could use her on this table instead of you.


Anderson: Next out to the ring, weighing in at 240 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois... The "Future of Professional Wrestling"... Connor Reese!

Reese is out on the stage as his music hits, posing for the crowd to get a shot of his obviously worked out body. He makes his way to the ring, keeping in time with the solid drum beat from his music. Before getting into the ring, Reese grabs the Camera and shouts "WOO! WOO!", sliding straight under the bottom rope afterwards. He climbs the turnbuckle, crowd cheering and flips off 180 degrees as he then raises his arms and smiles.

Serra: Now this is a guy the crowd like! But talk about a size advantage!


Anderson: Finally, making his way to the ring, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 283 pounds, "The Beast"... Logan Burnside!

Burnside is out to the stage, staring at the ring. He doesn't move his head once to look elsewhere as he starts to walk down the ramp, slowly and surely. He hits a few hands with stiff, hard high fives as one man from the crowd shouts back in pain, attempting to lash back out at Burnside, only to have security restrain him. Logan slides into the ring and moves around on his hands and fists, almost like a Dog, until he shoots up and shouts out, waiting for the match to start.

Klamor: This man is a BEAST! Surely we don't need to see this? I mean, its over already!
We come back from commercial break as all three competitors are in the ring and the bell finally rings.

The two men and the one woman begin circling, as both men approach Stones. She backs herself up into the corner and stops as she realises she's hit the turnbuckle. Isabel begins to smile and twirl her hair as she looks at both of the men. They become almost entranced by the beauty of this woman as she points at both men. They look down at the fingers of Stones, as she then moves them to face the other man, telling them to attack each other. The smile on her face obviously works as Logan Burnside immediately pounces on Reese, dropping the men to the mat. Stones decides to sit on top of the turnbuckle as The Beast and Connor trade blows on the mat, attempting to out-do each other. Burnside lets go of Reese as he catches Isabel being cautious, sitting out of this one in the corner. But Connor Reese isn't one to stop moving as he tries to get back to his feet. Without a hesitation, Burnside, who is only on his knees, charges at Connor, spearing him back to the mat. Logan attempts the first pin of the match, 1... KICKOUT!

Serra: There was not a chance that Burnside was going to go down for that! This guy looks like he's gonna take have to take a huge beating to ever be pinned!

Reese rolls over to the corner and Logan remembers that he Connor isn't the only factor of this match once more as he growls. He begins to turn around, to turn his focus on Isabel Stones, still untouched in this one. However, Logan hasn't thought about the time that Stones has had to prepare and as soon as he goes to attack, she jumps from the top turnbuckle and hits a perfect crossbody onto Burnside. Stones immediately tries for a pin, 1- KICKOUT! Barely even a one as Burnside throws Stones off of his torso, like she was yesterdays news. Stones picks herself up and looks at Logan, and the size of the man. Logan starts to grin, noticing his advantage and grapples up with Stones. He delivers a few knees to the gut of the tiny, fragile girl, but doesn't have a care in the world. He whips Isabel over to the turnbuckle and charges towards her, hitting his running corner Shoulder Block! Izzy bends over in pain as Logan shouts out to the crowd, who boo him intently. He grabs Stones and hits her with a quick snap Suplex, as she lands just inches away from Connor Reese! Logan looks at the situation and decides to make a charge at Isabel, who's trying to make herself stable on the feet after the landing. Logan runs towards Stones, who manages to leap out of the way in time! But, from out of nowhere, Burnside gets hit with a speedy flying shoulder block from Reese, who lept up in no time. He dives into the pin on Burnside, 1...2...KICKOUT!

Klamor: Come on Logan! Get the pretty face on your side, don't try and fight what could be a help!

Reese rolls off The Beast as the crowd cheer for his efforts. Stones is attempting to regain composure after her leap landing went a bit haywire. Everyone is up on their feet now as they look around, trying to pick out which would be the best opportunity to take. Isabel points at both men again, hoping that they'll turn on each other, but even with the hate both men have for each other, they use their brains to take the upper hand, grabbing an arm of Stones each and whipping her to the ropes. As she comes towards them, they attempt a double clothesline, but Isabel ducks underneath them, she jumps at the ropes, coming back off of them and looking for a crossbody! She lands it on Reese, but Burnside, knowing what was coming this time moves out of the way! Again, Stones looks for the pin on Reese this time, 1...BREAK! Burnside lands on Stones, breaking the pin before the referee could even count to 2! Burnside pushes Stones to one side and goes for his own pin attempt this time, 1...2...KICKOUT!

Serra: Connor Reese does not want to give up with this one! But neither does Burnside! And um... is Isabel Stones mentally Ok?

Stones climbs to the top rope again, but waits to see the events unfold beneath her. The two men are up on their feet and begin trading punches, brutal blows to the faces as the crowd differ between "YAY!" and "BOO!". Reese hits a quick snap DDT on Logan and picks him up, going straight for another. Burnside manages to push Reese off and hits him with a Clothesline. Connor is up straight away, but Logan floors him with another! Beast grabs Connor up as Stones is loving this. She's not having to do a single thing and both men are too "in the moment" to even care about her. She's giggling as Logan is now slapping his knee, looking to run and drive it into the face of Reese, who is struggling to get onto his feet. Logan charges towards him, but Connor manages to sidestep it, pushing Burnside not only into the turnbuckles, but into Isabel Stones, who crashes to the floor outside! The crowd gasp as to what has just happened and even though he isn't the nicest man around, Logan Burnside knows that showing any signs of remorse for a pretty, young lady might get him "in" with that one. However, too much time out can be a bad idea as Burnside turns around into a dropkick to the back of the legs from Reese! Logan drops down seated as Reese calls out to the crowd, who start to go wild. Reese comes off the ropes, runs at Logan and with a stiff knee to the face, he hits it.. THE EXTINCTION EVENT!! Reese goes immediately into the pinfall now, 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner; Connor Reese!

Reese jumps up as the crowd go crazy. He can't help but look out to Isabel Stones, who is still in pain on the outside as Burnside rises, not happy at all. Connor rolls out of the ring, running around high-fiving the crowd, knowing that they'll be on his side from now on!


We cut backstage immediately where the camera man is running frantically towards an open area where a couple of bodies are fallen. As the camera man approaches, we see that someone is calling out for help as Johnny Scumm and Joe Mason are unconscious with Barbosa sitting in-between the two with his back against the wall and his legs out-stretched with a blank look on his face. More people arrive on the scene to help the two competitors with one of the referee's going up to Barbosa.

Did you do this?

Barbosa has an emotionless expression on his face and does not respond. The referee keeps watch on Barbosa as everyone else tends to Scumm and Mason.
Anderson: The following contest is a Mayhem Championship Scramble qualifying match, scheduled for one fall!


The Beard emerges from backstage to some cheers, arms spread wide. He slaps his chest at the top of the ramp and cracks his neck on the way down. He slaps on the steel steps before he jogs up and hops into the ring. He smiles while stroking his beard from the second turnbuckle.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Beard City, USA. Weighing it at 285lbs. The Beard!

Serra: The man with the fuzz will be looking to get back into the win column tonight.

Klamor: Maybe he could take some of his paycheck and buy a razor. At least trim that thing up.


Cooper, with a sinister grin on his face emerges to a steady stream of boos. He runs his hand along the brim of his hat before making his way to the ring. Once in the ring he flashes a his sinister grin to the crowd one last time.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 240lbs, Justin Cooper!

Serra: You have to think the veteran Cooper will have an edge going in tonight.

Klamor: Hate to say it but I agree with you Becky. Cooper is a former Mayhem champion and would love to get another crack it.

The bell sounds and the two men circle each other in the center of the ring. They tie up but after a short struggle they separate. They tie up again and this time The Beard gets the upper hand. He works to secure a headlock and wrenches on it before Cooper is able to use a few short punches to force a break. The Beard comes back in wanting to tie up yet again but Cooper is able to duck under and wrap Beard up at the waist. He runs him into the ropes and rolls him up off the rebound, 1, and a power out from Beard.

Serra: It will take more than a roll up to keep Beard down.

Klamor: Not much offense being dealt early. Hopefully they change it up.

Cooper keeps control with some punches before grabbing Beard by the arm and whipping him into the ropes. Cooper spins the big man and hits a beautiful tilt a whirl backbreaker. He then slaps on a rear headlock, looking to slow down the pace. The Beard reaches back trying to break the hold but doesn't find any success. He stops flailing his arms wildly and starts to clap his hands. The crowd follows suit, helping will Beard back into the fight. He starts to stand as the crowd cheers him on. Cooper looks distressed, shaking his head no at the crowd.

Serra: the fans clearly behind Beard, willing him on.

As he reaches his feet he starts to throw elbows into the midsection of Cooper. Cooper struggles to keep the hold but the elbows are coming harder and harder each time from the big man. Finally with one last blow Cooper loses the hold and drops to a knee. The Beard continues with the elbows, dropping multiple elbows onto the head of Cooper. He collapses and The Beard grabs his arm and drags him closer to the turnbuckle. He hops onto the second rope and jumps, delivering an elbow right to Cooper's midsection. He goes straight into the cover, 1...2...Cooper manages to get a shoulder up.

Serra: Vicious elbows from The Beard there.

Klamor: The action has picked up in a big way and I like it.

The Beard drags Cooper to his feet. He hoists him up on his shoulder and drops to a knee, delivering a shoulder breaker. With Cooper laid out The Beard bounces off the ropes looking for a leg drop. At the last second Cooper rolls out of the way, leaving Beard to fall hard. Cooper, still hurting stumbles to the turnbuckle to catch his breath. The Beard is to his feet however and charges. However Cooper moves yet again, leaving the Beard to crash into the turnbuckle. As The Beard stumbles out of the corner, Cooper bounces off the ropes and hits a bulldog. Cooper stomps on Beard as he tries to make his way up. As he reaches his feet Cooper hits the ropes again and nails a flying shoulder block. Cooper flashes his sinister grin before he grabs the legs of Beard. He locks in a Boston Crab in the center of the ring.

Serra: Cooper has taken control of this match.

Klamor: I told you at the start Becky, he wants another shot at that Mayhem title.

The Beard is struggling, the pain on his face is evident. Cooper has the hold locked in with no intention of letting go. The Beard does his best muscle his way to the ropes but his progress isn't great. On the verge of tapping out The Beard tries one last ditch effort to break the hold. He shifts his weight to one side and then quickly throws himself in the opposite direction. He has just enough strength to cause Cooper to lose the hold. As The Beard struggles to his feet Cooper quickly runs over and looks to hit Your Final Verse. The Beard does his best to fight it off.

Klamor: Its all over, Cooper is going to end it and cash in his ticket to Redemption.

As Cooper is ready to finish the move The Beard is able to shove him away into the ropes. As Cooper rebounds Beard hits a violent big boot.

Serra: You spoke too soon. Beard is back in control and Cooper looks to be out of it.

Instead of going for the pin however, The Beard flashes a smile to the crowd and strokes his beard. He walks to the corner and ascends to the top.

Serra:The Beard had this match won but decides he wants to fly.

Klamor: Hopefully he will crash and burn and singe that beard off in the process.

The Beard strokes his beard one last time before he launches himself off the top, looking for The Flying Beard. However Cooper rolls out of the way again, and Beard lands hard. He staggers to his feet holding his head but Cooper runs up from behind and rolls him up, 1...2...3!

Anderson: Here is your winner; Justin Cooper!

Cooper rolls out of the ring raising his arm in victory. The Beard looks shocked and has a chat with the ref, making sure it was in fact three.

Serra: So the veteran Cooper picks up the victory and is one step closer to regaining his Mayhem Title.

Klamor: The Beard showed flashes on dominance but ultimately his greenness cost him and Cooper took advantage. Hopefully when he heads back to the drawing board he picks up a razor.


We are backstage where we see Connor Reese wearing fashionable attire about to exit the arena, being congratulated by some staff members for the win. Before he is able to leave though, we see Leon Kensworth appear and calls out to Reese, looking to chat.

Kensworth: Excuse me, Mr. Reese? May I stop you for a brief moment.

Connor turns around with a smile on his face that would melt any woman's heart and nods.

Kensworth: I would like to congratulate you on your victory here and officially welcome you to WZCW... but, that's what I'm not here for. I'm not too sure if you know but two of our competitors tonight who were supposed to be competing in qualifying matches have been taken. This means that we have one man less to compete in the scramble match at Redemption. Considering you won your match tonight, I would like to personal tell you that you are now qualified to compete in the Mayhem scramble match at Redemption. Good luck, Mr. Reese.

Before Connor can say anything, Leon exits immediately and the staff members who congratulated him overhear the news and come back over to Reese, congratulating him even further. Reese does nothing but smile.
Anderson: The following contest is a Mayhem Championship Scramble qualifying match, scheduled for one fall!


The crowd boos as the dark blue lighting dons upon the arena and Williams walks out slowly, looking disapprovingly at the crowd. He makes his way down the ramp, sneering at the members of the front row.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Atlanta, Georgia, weighing in at 218 pounds; Scott Williams!

Serra: Big chance for this young kid to get his first title shot.

Klamor: And if Williams continues to show us his talent, there might be plenty more in the future.

Williams gets on the second turnbuckle and poses with his arms outstretched to his sides. He jumps down as his opponent begins his entrance.


The crowd cheers for the well-known competitor as he walks out on stage with a limp, rapping the lyrics to the song as he continues down the ramp, clapping the hands of the fans.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 282 pounds; Stevenson Marquel!

Marquel enters the ring and throws up a sign for the audience. They cheer him back as he smiles at them with Williams being unimpressed at the show-boating. Scott requests for a microphone from a staff member outside. He snatches it from her and raises the mic, prompting some boo's from the audience. He then points at Marquel.

Williams: This... this right here is what makes me sick about this company. Here is a man who has had numerous championship opportunities for various titles whereby nearly every single match he competes in is for a title shot and yet here I stand, a man who has never lost, having to prove myself against this filth!

The crowd boo's at the negative words being used against Marquel.

Williams: This is completely unfa...

At that moment, whilst Marquel is distracted by laughing with the audience at Williams, Scott cuts himself off and smacks Marquel in the head with the microphone. Marquel drops down and Williams continues the assault with the microphone, the crowd booing and the referee trying to stop him.

Serra: What's all this about? This is uncalled for!

Klamor: It's match tactics, Becky. Weaken the opponent before the match to increase your chances of winning.

Serra: Otherwise known as cheating and being unsportsmanlike.

Eventually, the ref tells Williams to back off and he does so, dropping the mic to the outside. Marquel uses the ropes to get to his feet and the ref asks if he is okay to compete. Stevenson gets to his feet and says he's fine, although he is a little groggy. The ref accepts the answer and rings the bell.

Williams charges at Marquel but Stevenson manages to hit first with a big clothesline. Marquel shakes his head to rid of the pain as Williams is fast to his feet. Marquel hits another clothesline on Williams, who gets up a little slower than last time. Marquel grabs Williams by the head and delivers a headbutt, knocking Williams down and doing some damage to Marquel as well. Marquel shakes it off and continues after Williams, picking him up and forcing him along the ropes. He delivers multiple punching combinations before whipping Williams across the ring. Marquel is ready to charge Williams with a shoulder block but Williams quickly slides out of the ring and catches his breath. The crowd boo's at William's cowardice as Marquel shrugs and goes after him. He drops to the outside and Williams runs away. The run around half of the ring before Williams slides back in. Marquel goes to enter but Williams gets a knee drop on the back of Marquel's head to slow him down. Williams delivers a few more knew drops before he moves away and uses as much spare time as he can to recover. Marquel gets up and Williams runs at him, hitting a reverse elbow shot that hits Marquel square in the head where he got hit with the mic. Williams goes behind Marquel and hits a chop block to Marquel's known bad leg and he goes down almost instantly. Williams is quick to lock in the figure four leglock but Marquel is too close to the ropes with Stevenson holding on. Williams ignores the count until 4 and lets go, keeping Marquel down. Williams takes the time to slow pace and recover.

Serra: He's not really well-groomed to wrestle cleanly, is he?

Klamor: When a company's management is as dysfunctional as this, why should you play by the rules?

Marquel looks to be getting up and has some troubles but Williams does not fret as he goes towards the ropes and springboards off, hitting a crossbody on Marquel... 1... 2... kick-out by Marquel. Williams darts a look of disgust at the referee but focuses back on Marquel, lifting up his body so Marquel is in a seated position. Williams steps back and runs forward, hitting a neck snap on Marquel. Again a cover but another 2 count arises. Williams ignores the official this time and goes to the corner, waiting for Marquel to get to his feet. As soon as Marquel gets to a near standing position, Williams hops up to the second turnbuckle and jumps off, hitting a diving European uppercut on Williams that knocks him back down. Williams quickly covers... 1... 2... kick-out by Marquel. Scott is not looking happy and tries assisting Marquel back to his feet. It is difficult for Williams considering the size difference but he manages to get Marquel on one knee and then runs. He bounces off the ropes and hits an inverted facelock backbreaker and into a neckbreaker. He pins Marquel... 1... 2... kick-out. Williams cannot believe how resilient this big man is and argues with the referee. The ref tells him 2 but Williams demands for 3. The heated argument stops as Williams notices Marquel trying to get to his feet. A load of frustration pours out of Williams as he hits Marquel with lefts and rights for a few seconds. The attacks do some damage but it relieves Williams of the stress. He helps Marquel to his feet and tries going for a fisherman's suplex but Marquel is too heavy. Marquel uses this opportunity to escape the move and to hit an impactful Jail Time on Williams. Both men drop and the crowd cheers at the sudden burst of adrenaline.

Klamor: Where did that come from?

Serra: Everyone's got a spare gas tank, Klamor. You should really think of upgrading to one yourself... from what I hear.

Klamor: Hey hey hey... focus on the match, Becky.

The crowd gets behind Marquel as both men try their best to get to their feet as the referee continues his count. When he gets to 7, Williams is on his feet first and goes after Marquel. He goes for an attack but Marquel pops up and gets in an eye poke. The crowd laughs as Marquel shrugs his shoulders, the ref tells him off and Williams is trying to see. He spins Williams around and hits a spinning back kick on him, forcing him back to the ropes. Marquel whips Williams across the ring and greets him with a shoulder barge. Williams does not know where he is and is dazed as Marquel approaches and hits an inverted DDT... 1... 2... kick-out by Williams. Marquel slaps his boot and signals for the end as he picks up Williams with ease and hits the snake eyes. He moves back enough so he can set himself up and goes for the Brooklyn Boot.... but Williams ducks the attack and chop blocks Marquel once more, and another. Williams goes for the figure four once more but instead this time, Marquel pushes him back with his feet and flings Williams to the corner. Williams waits for Marquel to get up and charges at him... BROOKLYN BOOT!... 1... 2... 3!

The referee signals for the bell and the crowd cheers as Marquel takes the victory for the match. He raises his hands in the air and begins freestyle rapping.

Anderson: Here is your winner; Stevenson Marquel!

Serra: And the former champion gets one more shot at the gold at Redemption.

Klamor: What an outrage! Marquel cheated!

Serra: Well you said it yourself: "When a company's management is as dysfunctional as this, why should you play by the rules?" It's a two-way street, Johnny.

Marquel exits the ring and begins celebrating with the fans as Williams comes to and is completely shocked as to what has happened tonight. He looks livid and begins arguing with the ref once more.


We see Steven Kurtesy sitting on a park bench looking all miserable and sad. He gives off a sigh.

I can't believe that I've lost my title and if I want it back, I've got to go up against 5 other guys to recapture it. How am I going to prepare for such a big match?

Out of nowhere, Mark Lemming dressed as a WZCW Magazine slaps Kurtesy across the face.

Don't be so stupid, Professor! There is always a way.

The magazine man slaps the Professor across the face again but this time with the latest issue of WZCW Magazine.

Oh cool! WZCW Magazine!

The magazine man delivers a huge slap to Steven, causing him to fall off the bench and sees stars.

You can learn about all of the latest headlines, the top stars in the company today, my own personal column, professional predictions for those who like gambling and official PPV statistics... and it can be all yours from your local newspaper stand: WZCW Magazine!

Out of nowhere, Sandy Deserts walks out from nowhere.

Everything can be yours when you buy WZCW Magazine.

Sandy kisses Lemming on the check and the two walk off together. Steven is still lying on the ground.



We are backstage where Leon Kensworth is looking for someone... he then find Krypto, the man he was looking for who seems to be very confused. Krypto looks up and is very pleased to see him.

Hello sir... um, I'm a little confused.

Well I...

I seem to not have an opponent because he seems to be unresponsive...

Well yes I...

And I asked people to take me to the leader which was you and...

Stop Krypto: that's what I'm here for. I was here to tell you that you're match is right now. Go out there and do your thing.

Yes sir!
Anderson: The following contest is a Triple Threat Mayhem Championship Scramble qualifying match, scheduled for one fall!


The crowd cheers as the whacky Krypto shoots up from underneath the ramp and lands on the stage, excited by everyone and everything. He claps the hands of a couple of fans before sliding into the ring and waving to everyone.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Out of the World, weighing in at 200 pounds; Krypto!

Klamor: This guy is insane.

Serra: He might be quirky but at least he has a psychological edge against his opponents by freaking them out.


The crowd boo's as Darren Bull walks out really slowly, flaunting everything he's got to the crowd as he makes his way down the ramp.

Anderson: His opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 186 pounds; Darren Bull!

Klamor: Now here is a guy who has style. This is how you make an entrance!

Serra: By flexing? Is there something we should know about that you're not telling us, Johnny?

Bull takes his time getting to ring and does so really slowly. The crowd boo's him more for taking his time. He is halfway down the ramp when:


Anderson: And finally, from Heaven, weighing in at 180 pounds; The Angel.

Serra: Even the God's didn't have enough patience with Bull's entrance.

Bull turns around and sees the Angel charging at him, grabbing him by the hair and chucking him into the ring. The crowd cheers as the Angel slides into the ring. Krypto is unsure of what is going on as the bell rings and Angel says a quick prayer.

Bull gets up and begs for mercy as the two men stare down and come closer to Bull. Krypto stays backed off as the Angel has a smile on his face and explains the Bull that one must take too long with their entrances. Bull nods and agrees, begging for forgiveness. The Angel is about to touch Bull and anoint him but Bull chucks the Angel over the top rope and goes crashing down to the floor. Bull smiles as the crowd boos from what has happened. He taunts the fans before turning around into Krypto's elbow. Krypto does a bunch of elbows before whipping Bull across the ring. Krypto performs the splits and Bull runs over him. He rebounds off the ropes and Krypto hits a monkey flip on Bull. A little dazed, Bull uses the ropes to recover as Krypto hits a springboard kick that sends Bull to the outside near the Angel. Krypto looks around the arena and nods as the fans back him. They clap loud as Krypto runs off the ropes and hits a suicide dive into both Krypto and the Angel. All three men recover on the outside as the referee counts and the crowd cheers for their favourites.

Klamor: I wonder if the Angel would condemn Krypto for committing a move known as a suicide dive?

Serra: I'm pretty sure the Angel doesn't even believes Krypto exists.

Krypto is first up and chucks the Angel into the ring. He follows suit and leaves Bull on the outside to recover. Krypto hits a knee drop on the Angel in the chest area, coughing from the impact. Angel tries getting up but is met by a low dropkick by Krypto. He then goes to follow up with something but sees Bull getting up so Krypto decides to hit a baseball slide to the face of Bull. Darren gets knocked down and Krypto gets back up, having Angel in his sights as he hits a leg drop on Angel. Krypto then quickly climbs the top rope, keen to try out his new move: the Flying Saucer V.2.... but the Angel moves out of the way as Krypto lands on his feet. Krypto turns around and sees the Angel nearly on his feet. Krypto charges at him and gets a shuffle side kick for his troubles, although Krypto is still standing. Angel delivers 2 kicks to the side, one to the head and then gets a run-up to deliver a jumping calf kick to finish off the combination. The Angel pins... 1... 2... Bull enters the ring and stops the pin.

Klamor: Thank God that Bull stopped the pin.

Serra: In this situation, I don't think God wanted the pin to be stopped.

Bull attacks Angel with multiple elbow shots, wearing him to the point where Angel cannot block much more. He hits a palm strike on Angel before giving him a knee to the face. Bull grabs the head of Angel and hits a double knee lift, tossing Angel to the ropes where he falls through and goes back to the outside. Bull dusts his hands from taking out the trash and turns his attention to the recovering Krypto. He exposes the chest of the alien and delivers a few knife edge chops, each one sounding worse than the last. Krypto clutches his chest as Bull picks him up and knees him in the face like the Angel. He goes to whip Krypto but its reversed to make Bull run. Krypto tries to ready himself but gets a swinging neckbreaker from Bull for his efforts. He goes for the pin... 1... 2... this time, Angel goes for the pin break-up but Bull moves out of the way, causing Angel to hit Krypto. Angel gets up and goes to attack but Bull hits a spinning heel kick on Angel, knocking him down. Bull sees the Angel trying to get up and he sets himself up: Awesome Punishment... 1... 2... 3 as Krypto tries to stop the pin.

The bell rings and Bull stands up with both his arms in the air thinking that he has just won the Superbowl. The crowd boo's as the referee declares him the winner.

Anderson: Here is your winner; Darren Bull!

Serra: Wow... I didn't expect to see this match end so quickly! Bull really did a number on his opponents tonight.

Klamor: Even with the late match card change, Bull was able to dominate his opponents. This is why people who dress up like weirdo's like Krypto and Angel won't get far in this world.

Serra: I wouldn't be so sure, Johnny... I wouldn't be so sure...

Bull now heads up the ramp with Krypto in the ring on his knees, a little confused and devastated at how quick the match went with Angel trying to sit-up, holding his head.

The screen fades to black...


We are live at the O2 Arena in London for the first ever WZCW All Stars show! The crowd is sold out with a raucous 80,000 strong crowd, yelling loudly. The camera pans around taking in as many fans as possible before a loud voice booms over the tannoy.

This is the All Stars Show!


Making his way to the ring.... HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY....THE GRAND MYSTIQUE

Shots of GM making his way down to the ring.


“Initiating PROMO MODE......Initiate........”

He stops as he stutters along.

“Initiate.........Initiation failure..........Initiate Match Mode......”

S.H.I.T. starts to make his way slowly again.

“Match Mode initiation......Success.”


Saboteur has smashed S.H.I.T with the Death Blow! Saboteur covers Erik. 1...2...3!

Harrys: Your winner of the match; SABOTEUR!

The crowd cheers loudly for the announcement of the winner.


Action Saxton jumps to make the drop even more impactful and everything slows down. BAMF! He nails the Black Lightning, Jax Sax is done for as Saxton covers for 1...2...3!


Japan pulls something from her pants and stabs herself in the arm with it and then she BULKS UP!! Japan grins evilly and pulls out a breast implant and pummels Sandy Deserts over the head repeatedly with it!!

"Chicken Fillet" "Chicken Fillet"


Titus: This is insane! The whole downtown area has been destroyed by this battle.

Constantine: Yes! The Masked Idiot has fallen! Evil has taken over!

Nemesis gets up and begins celebrating, stomping and destroying building around him as Masked Knight's mech lies in a crater, completely crushed.

Constantine: Well Mr. Superhero, why don't you go save the day? Titus?

The camera turns towards the seat previously occupied by Titus with a briefcase sitting there with the label "Red Mask" stamped across it.


The briefcase opens up and the words ALL STARS II pops up in big letters on the screen. It finishes up as a voice-over person says "coming soon... after Redemption."


The crowd is cheering loudly at the announcement and promo package that has just occurred.

Serra: And it is official everyone... the 2nd All Stars event is coming to a venue near you.

Klamor: And I thought the guys we had here were whack jobs!

Serra: This is a goodnight from the two of us... we'll see you at Redemption!
Who Wrote What:

Yazloz: Beard/Cooper
Johnny Scumm: Newbie Triple Threat
FalKon: Everything else

Enjoy everyone!

The boards should be up soon and we will be ready to roll for Redemption! Good luck to everyone and watch out for WZCW Magazine for any information you may seek regarding the All Stars 2 show and whatnot.
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