A Plea To The Wrestlezone Regulars


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Hey Y’all. I know this may seem like too long a piece for The Bar Room, and if it has to be moved from the Bar Room, then please do it. However, this, I know, was the one place I could catch all of the regulars, the ones that have taught me everything I have come to know about these Wrestlezone forums. And not just that, but the people that have taught me how to be even more of a fan than I use to be. When I first joined these forums in December, I thought I had a decent grasp on the concept of pro wrestling, and had a good mind for the business. I was looking back on my posts from that time, six months ago, and happened to read my old posts on who I felt should have had a run with the WWF Title. As my name would suggest, I chose John Tenta, and gave an argument that, in hindsight, was a piss poor argument. It was here that I met a poster that would shape very much how I post, that being the man I’ll always remember as KB. Basically, KB owned me on the matter, forcing me to go back into my thinking tank, and come up with a better argument, or even more so, a better argument regarding why I felt Tenta deserved a run. Or, if I couldn’t come up with a better opinion, I would have to change it, and come back to KB with a better answer. I’ll never forget that post; it was the day I realized just exactly what I had gotten myself into.

The moral of the story is simple; while I got owned like nothing I could even remember, and got destroyed by KB, the fact was I learned from it. I had to go into my train of thought, and think once again, to come up with a better opinion on what I believe, and what I love most; pro wrestling. This was one of passions since childhood, and now I had to raise my opinion if I wanted to call myself a “good fan”. I had to evaluate my opinions, and come across in future posts to sound intelligent, and to have a good opinion on the sport I love so much. From there, I met names that I find would help me shape and form opinion to the kind that it is today. That would include names like NorCal, Y 2 Jake, TheOneBigWill, Spunky, Shocky, Becca, Sam, Gelgarin, Slyfox, Sparky, Tdigle, Murfish, Monkey, and jmt225. Even now, I’m being introduced to names that I’ve come to have a massive amount of respect for, and whose opinions are shaping how I go about these boards. Names such as xfearbefore, Lariat, Steamboat Ricky, Milenko, Shadowmancer, and NateDaMac. I know, I’ve forgotten so many names, and I promise, there’s no intentional slight in the matter. Quite simply, there are so many names that have helped me become the poster I am, and there’s no possible way I can name each and every one of you. All of you have forced me to evaluate my opinions, and because of this, I’ve become a better fan, and have grown to have a greater appreciation for the sport I grew up with. Even just last night, I was reading the forums, and saw that NorCal posted in my Dolph Ziggler thread in the Smackdown section. Needless to say, I was shocked, as I’m not sure I’d seen Norcal post a whole bunch in the Smackdown threads. Again, he made terrific points that I never even thought about when I was making my post. Now, when I watch Ziggler, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite wrestlers, I’ll watch for some of the things NorCal pointed out, such as how he controls the match, and is a ring general.

Now, however, I’ve seen these forums, and there’s something I’ve noticed; that these names that have taught me so much are now absent from the wrestling sections of the forums. I use to wonder why, and think about exactly why they have left the forums for wrestling. They are such passionate fans, and they know more about wrestling then I ever will. I wondered why these names that I revered, indeed, that I, to some extent, idolized, have left the threads, and have retreated to areas like the Bar Room. And then, I looked to the forums, to find out what the problem was. And I figured it out when I saw posts that looked exactly like these;
I wish I had the courage to be as stupid as you are. Shelton Benjamin gets a good reaction from the crowd when he wrestles. Is it as big as someone like Jeff Hardy's? No, but to say he couldn't get X Pac heat if you multiplied by 10 is utter bullshit.

During his match last year against Matt Hardy, half the crowd was chanting his name. This was during a match against a freakin' Hardy and the crowd popped for him.

Or you can watch the match he was in with Haas against Cryme Tyme a few weeks back and see the adults in the crowd cheering for him after he hit Paydirt and pinned Shad.

So please, next time know what the fuck you're talking about.
In all of their tag matches, Haas has clearly been the weak link. If you notice he's the one getting the pinfall loss everytime. And it's clear WWE doesn't have much left for him. So who thinks Benjamin should show a real mean streak (and act like he's motivated to get somewhere in WWE) and beat the crap out of Haas, send a real statement? This could elevate Bejamin some. Give him a much needed boast. I really like the idea.
Started: Wrestlemania 14; SCSA wins first wwf title
Died: When the brand extension took effect
MIZ sucks!:suckit:

And I started to hope that this was only the exceptions, as I prayed that the posters hadn’t become this poor. And as I scoured the forums, I learned that, actually, these posts were far more prevalent than actual good opinions, formed by logic, and not based in utter bullshit. Not only that, but many of the posts are seasoned with poor grammar and atrocious flaming. Now I get it, and now I understand exactly why these names stay away from the wrestling threads, mainly because of the utter crap that has infiltrated these forums. Even I contribute to the crap, and I’ll explain that now.

You see, while I’m sickened by these posts, I’m also starting to lose my hunger to have a better opinion. I’m losing my desire to grow, and my need to achieve a higher plane of thought. I’m no longer getting owned by NorCal, or by KB on matters that they are more intelligent on. Even worse, when people like Tdigle, and xfearbefore try to help me, I grow an arrogant streak, because I’ve become far too satisfied with how my opinion is, that I don’t look to others more knowledgeable than I. I don’t try to take their opinions as much as I should, and try to take in from their knowledge. The hunger I use to have is gone, and even now, I’m becoming somewhat angry with the posts I’m replying to, namely when the threads are related to Shelton Benjamin.

Look, I’m not asking for y’all to try and take it back to the way that things use to be. There has been far too much utter crap that have infiltrated the forums, and too many bad posters who are completely ignorant to the higher ups, and will go so far as to flame when someone has a dissenting opinion. All I can beg for is this; please, come back to the wrestling forums. I need to learn more from y’all. I need to learn more to have a better opinion, and to have a better mind for a sport that I hold so dearly to my heart. I don’t want to reply to threads on if Shelton Benjamin deserves a ME Push, and become utterly pissed at the bull shit I have to reply to. It takes away from the fun of being a fan, and it makes it so that being a fan is not nearly as fun, especially when I roam these threads. So I’m simply going to ask for this; please, come back to the wrestling threads. I need you to become a better wrestling fan with a better shaped opinion. And I know how much of an opinion all of you have, and how passionate you all regarding wrestling, and the art of professional wrestling. So please, I beg of you, come back to the forums. I’ll be on all day. I spent the entire weekend with my girlfriend, and she’s currently in another state. I have no job to go to today. I have no school work tomorrow. So I’m going to be spending the entire day in the forums today and tomorrow, talking about the thing I’m extremely passionate about; wrestling.

I know names like the Lariat would like to see you. Guys like NateDaMac, GeneralDisarray, The Pebble, ZTWhite (Is he off being banned?), Razorback, TwistofRKO, and Blade will be there waiting for you. There is a crop of young lions out there that I read, and who constantly give passionate, great ideas to what they love. But they could truly use your help, as well. They, like me, can really thrive from your opinions, and grow as wrestling fans. So, please, do come by the forums, and see if you’d like to post. I really do hope that you all choose to come by.
First of all.

fucking A man, epic post.

secondly. Ive just not much to say about things at the moment. You can usually count on me for about 10 per week, as things and charatcer develop on the the programming. You gotta realize. After 6 thousand posts, there isnt a lot of shit left to say LOL.

Some more intruigning things begin to happen, you will see The NorCal again.
I've never been much of a wrestling poster. I decided to make a few in the tourney. Who knows? I may end up making a few more in the wrestling section.
I don't watch wrestling enough to really get in any inteligent discussions in the WWE or TNA sections.

I may start the odd topic in the General, Old School or Indy section on occasion or Reply to something I don't agree with but that's about it.

Also I would like to echo NorCal and say Epic Post.

I don't get mentioned in posts like that very often so that's always a plus in my bok
Very well done with this post, damn.

By the end of this week I'll be back in the wrestling sections pretty much all day hopefully. At the moment life is just way too hectic right now, and I'm so tired I'd probably write something like "Benjamin is the best wrestler ever",
Wow. I'm impressed.

I'd be glad to own you again anytime you'd like. One thing you have to factor in about some of the people here, especially the staff such as Norcal and myself: often times we have to clean up the things like all the bullshit that you see and afterwards there simply isn't enough time to sit down and post stuff. I know that's kind of a poor excuse but it's the truth. As he said, we're usually pretty good in the time we have here.

One last thing: Ricky, X and Shadow have been here for a LONG time. Longer than I have, and they're people that could easily own me or Norcal, in case you thought they were young guns as well.
Thanks folks.

Murfish and Milenko, I realize y'all aren't wrestling posters, per se. But I feel like you have a pretty good knowledge on the sport, and that you have just as much a passion as anyone regarding the sport. You have more respect from me than most of the people you see in the wrestling forums. So please, give it a shot.
Wow. I'm impressed.

I'd be glad to own you again anytime you'd like. One thing you have to factor in about some of the people here, especially the staff such as Norcal and myself: often times we have to clean up the things like all the bullshit that you see and afterwards there simply isn't enough time to sit down and post stuff. I know that's kind of a poor excuse but it's the truth. As he said, we're usually pretty good in the time we have here.

One last thing: Ricky, X and Shadow have been here for a LONG time. Longer than I have, and they're people that could easily own me or Norcal, in case you thought they were young guns as well.

Oh no, i'm well aware how long they've been here. They aren't rooks by any stretch of the means. I just mean to say that I'm getting to meet these posters much more. And as I am, seeing exactly they feel as wrestling fans.
I think once the tourny is over, regulars who post wrestling will go back into the fields more so.
Thanks folks.

Murfish and Milenko, I realize y'all aren't wrestling posters, per se. But I feel like you have a pretty good knowledge on the sport, and that you have just as much a passion as anyone regarding the sport. You have more respect from me than most of the people you see in the wrestling forums. So please, give it a shot.
The funny thing is I started watching in 2002. Most people here have been watching a lot longer than me. The thing about me is when I become oa fan of something be it a music group or wrestling I research up on it and study all I can

I got 2 threads I plan on making soon.

one being the history of my Favorite Indy fed and the other being how i think Too Cool was another Underrated Tag Team in the WWE.

I need to get to 1,00 posts so I can unveil my new Malenkoesque catch phrase so you'll see my quite a bit starting tomorrow.
The bar room continues to cause issues that a certain G-Mod said they would cause, and which he was laughed at about.
You're being diplomatic about things, and that's always a plus in my book. I can't do anything for you in the WWE sections, bro, as I pretty much have no interest in what it offers at the moment. But, I'll start hitting up the TNA section again after I watch iMPACT! this Thursday.
That was quite on the epic side of things.

Norcal summed up my feelings on posting in the wrestling sections pretty perfectly. I used to post a ton in the wrestling forums, even did a PPV review thing for a while similiar to KB. Now a days I find myself maybe putting in 5 or 6 wrestling posts a week, the exception being the great debates you can get into in the WZ tournament, something that I'm proud to have been here for during it's intial creation.

There's always going to be idiots on here though man, you probably can't even imagine how many awful posts the mods have to go through and give infractions for.

You are the man JT, I wish all new posters had the enthusiasm and drive to do better like you do. I'm sick of new posters jumping into the bar room and never leave it. You gotta earn the right to be a lazy bar room regular like us OG's, do your time people! :D

Overall, A-Fucking-Men, and great post.
LOL, my apologies TMexico and 48.7. Again, too many folks, too little time.

And this may be a diplomatic thing.... But it's also knowing what's right. I know when I need to learn to grow, and not allow myself to grow content. I don't want to grow content.... I was always want to be hungry for more knowledge.
Well back after my prison stint I posted a shit ton of wrestling. Proved myself to be a half decent poster, than became lazy. Wrestling does not interest me like it used to. I watch every single raw. Never miss one, but Smackdown, ECW, and TNA all of which I used to never miss, I stopped watching. I've lost interest in watching anything other than Raw, and posting anything in wrestling.
If you are at all interested, me and a fellow poster are working on something that comes out on Friday we hope.
Like Fizzywink, I don't have much interest in wrestling anymore (though I still watch when it isn't football season, there's fuck all on, on Monday nights), or I'd post like I use too. I try too and just lose interest in the middle of it and stop, or get pissed off at the product we have to sit through today and get disgusted.

TNA's slowly getting my attention though due to a more edgy product. I fucking hate, HATE cheesy watered down television.

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