A Cody Rhodes and Kofi kingston feud


Pre-Show Stalwart
Well If you saw the ppv you saw the altercations Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston were having. I thought it was really interesting and could be a great mid card feud that can help raw and make it more interesting again.

It also gives Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston something to do instead of Kofi challenging for the united states title again and Cody doing all the run in stuff with Randy Orton. So my question to you is what do you think of this feud. How long do you think it will last and will it make raw interesting or lesser interesting again.

Also I wanted to add maybe when the feud is over one of them can have enough momentum for winning money in the bank or Contend against the intercontinental or United states title.
Probably just build up and reason for Kofi to be on team DX on the 4 on 4 survivor series match. Orton, Rhodes, Dibiase, and ? vs. DX, Kofi, and ?

Would be interesting to see after Survivor Series but I don't think we'll get a 1 on 1 with them just quite yet.
Another good job by the creative team here. I guess Bragging Rights ended up being a pretty good PPV after all. I'd like to see a decent feud develop here, as someone said, it'll keep Kofi out of the U.S. title race and further elevate both characters. If this angle is done properly, we might just see Cody have to step up his in ring game a little bit to keep up with Kofi, and maybe Kofi can get some mic time. It could also eliminate the DX/Legacy feud, but as someone said, they're probably just setting up a Legacy vs. DX Survivor Series style match. But who knows for sure? I for one was surprised with a lot of tonight's card.
I see a 5 on 5 with DX, Kofi and possibly Cryme Tyme against Orton, Legacy and Jerishow. Kofi and Cody really got into tonight and a future feud between the 2 of them would be nice for them both and get some exposure as well. There's potential there for sure. Great ppv. A lot better than I thought it would turn out to be for sure.
I really hope that this turns into a good feud, a good way to build two younger talents without the need to occupy a veteran who could be in a high profile feud. This will give the WWE an indication if both of these guys are ready for something a little higher up the card.

Good move on creatives part and I am looking forward to it.

Just My Opinion
As much as I would like to see it, I don't think this will develop into a feud. I believe it was just so that Kofi could chase Rhodes and DiBiase away during the Iron man match rather than DX coming out.

I hope i'm wrong, but that was my immediate reaction last night.
The writing for this potential feud was so lazy and stupid. Big Show causes Team Raw the bragging rights match but yet Cody gets mad at Kingston for taking the pinfall and blames him for the team's loss and then proceeds to attack him backstage. Talk about good writing to start a feud. Yeah right! Lol at people commending the creative team like they've done anything. If anything, Legacy should be kicking DX's ass after DX destroyed and buried them at Hell In A Cell. Don't get me wrong, Kofi may have a good match with Cody but Cody will never get over the hump with old guys like DX holding them back. And chances are high that this will go to a Survivor Series elimination match where Legacy may eliminate Kofi and then DX may prevail over Cody and Ted again to take the big wins like always.
Don't get me wrong, Kofi may have a good match with Cody but Cody will never get over the hump with old guys like DX holding them back. And chances are high that this will go to a Survivor Series elimination match where Legacy may eliminate Kofi and then DX may prevail over Cody and Ted again to take the big wins like always.

WTF? "Old guys like DX" are the only reason the average uninteresting Rhodes and DiBiase are getting pushed so hard. What are you talking about?
it will be good only if they trade wins and not have either one carry the load in the wins column.its more like ly setting up dx vs legacy ss09.but who knows.we'll just have to wait until raw tonight.
We will have to wait and see, but it's a good side story to put in with DX vs Legacy. It gets Kofi out of the U.S title scene and gives him a chance to shine and see if he can at least be a weak challenger for the WWE Championship down the road. This is a nice way to get the young guys into the main event scene as well.
???? Really!? No one got the joke about Kofi running in with the chair??? Really, how often does Kofi use weapons?

This past week on south park, it was an episode where the kids started their own "wrestling takedown federation" (WTF) and Token (the only black guy) was supposed to be a mix between Ron Killings and Kofi kingston. The only thing he did the entire time was hit people WITH A CHAIR.

Now, of course, it could be a coincidence. Maybe I'm the only one that noticed and found it funny.

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