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I don't know how many of you have seen him, but he HAS to be an alt.. Some of his posts are just too over the top.


View on Tommy Dreamer
Where do we start...how bout his look. MMA gloves,baggy wrestling tights and rocket man boots with a tight t-shirt that shows off his beer gut!LOL Indy wrestlers working flee market shows have a more interesting look than this wash up!Is his wife trying to dress him up for Halloween?

He's a lifetime jobber on the downside of his career that has lost twice as much than he has ever won...and some of you guys dont mind seen him been put in a program with what some people consider the best wrestler on the planet in what is probably this companies biggest angle! Some of you guys have really low standards

How bout his mic work? Good lord is he dull and boring and thats on his best night! and lets not get into the crying that he does on bi weekly basis

Yeah this jerk off Tommy Dreamer is a mess!He's a liar thats holding back superior young so he can he have enough money to fix that leak in the roof of his trailer home!...I would love to Judo kick that punk in the face while he's pushing his kid on the swing,then i would drag his wife home and have her make me a Turkey burger while im watching IMpact on Tommy's little 13 inch black and white TV in that dirty lil trailer park of a home of his

You guys better think twice before you attack me...Ive been to jail three times and you dont wanna see my angry side...Just ask my Husband Pedro!So just agree with what i said and then move on to another thread

And the most recent one.

I really think TNA should try and cater their product a little more to an untapped audience...The Gay Community!! Im a gay man and a gay wrestling fan,been so since the middle of the Monday Night wars.One of my fondest memories as a kid was discovering my sexuality during a WCW Thunder match between Stevie Ray of Harlem Heat and Lex Luger with Lee Marshall calling the action!At that moment i knew who i was as an indivdual and i could be proud of myself and yell it to the world.It also strengthened my love for the art and drama of wrestling!IM PROUD TO BE A GAY MAN AND GAY WRESTLING FAN

Back to the subject at hand,i think TNA would be very wise if maybe they started sending some of there wrestlers like AJ Styles,Abyss,Joe,Kevin Nash to the gay bars n clubs and show us some of the wrestling moves they use on each other.They could also sign some autographs,pose for pictures,have a couple of drinks with us and maybe be the judges in a hot body competition to end the night!This would go a long way to bringing a new audience every thursday night...they could bump that stagnant 1.0 rating up to a 1.3 or 1.4 if they sent a bunch of there guys across the country doing this!As a gay man and gay wrestling fan i know plenty of gay men who would Cross The Line and be a strong TNA supporter

Maybe have a Gay Appreciation themed episode of TNA Impact!Have a couple of wrestlers(Kurt Angle,Taz,Rhino) come out the closet on this episode,even if its just for storyline purposes and there not gay in real life.Have the wrestlers hug each other before the match,break into song during the match like in Glee and have Mike Tenay talk about his gay brother Carlos during a promo!

Also the week before Bound For Glory were having annual event at one of the nude beaches in Daytona Beach!Maybe set up a ring in the middle of the beach and have Beer Money face MCMG for the titles nude!

This would be very progressive of TNA and as a gay man and gay wrestling fan it would warm my heart quite a bit to see this happen!

I mean really? He wants Angle, Tazz, and Rhyno to play gay characters. Because that worked SO well for Orlando Jordan. :rolleyes:
He wants Kurt Angle, a man who brought his (now ex) wife on television and actually feuded with her be brought out as a gay guy? I see, that's perfect booking.
Well apparently it was either Stevie Ray, Lex Luger, or Lee Marshall. Or some how the combo of all 3?
Why is every shit post always automatically categorized as an alt? Do you guys have a clue as to what an alt is?
I believe it has something to do with being a current or banned member of the forums with multiple accounts.

The real question here is pro wrestling in the 90's to blame for the homosexual explosion in the last decade, I think we all know the answer to this.
Also the week before Bound For Glory were having annual event at one of the nude beaches in Daytona Beach!Maybe set up a ring in the middle of the beach and have Beer Money face MCMG for the titles nude!
No just fucking no!TNA is not a gay promotion look at the knock-outs there fit as whatever how do people notice them if they can't wacth TNA because Chris Sabin is buming James Storm seriously.

I a gay man and a gay wrestling fan,been so since the middle of the Monday Night wars.One of my fondest memories as a kid was discovering my sexuality during a WCW Thunder match between Stevie Ray of Harlem Heat and Lex Luger with Lee Marshall calling the action!At that moment i knew who i was as an indivdual and i could be proud of myself and yell it to the world.It also strengthened my love for the art and drama of wrestling!IM PROUD TO BE A GAY MAN AND GAY WRESTLING FAN
Stop wanking over wrestling or stop telling us you are gay.
I believe it has something to do with being a current or banned member of the forums with multiple accounts.

The real question here is pro wrestling in the 90's to blame for the homosexual explosion in the last decade, I think we all know the answer to this.

Actually, it's much simpler than that. An Alt is an alternate account. It doesn't matter if they've been banned, absent, ******ed, abused, or if their main account's name is Klunderbunker. If anyone makes an alternate account then that account is an alt.
No just fucking no!TNA is not a gay promotion look at the knock-outs there fit as whatever how do people notice them if they can't wacth TNA because Chris Sabin is buming James Storm seriously.

Stop wanking over wrestling or stop telling us you are gay.

Wanking over wrestlers is the nuts.
He Faps over the males?, someone's been looking at the aloisia thread :p


I think a gay character could work really well in wrestling if done tastefully, not booked as a heel, and not Orlando Jordan.
I think a gay character could work really well in wrestling if done tastefully, not booked as a heel, and not Orlando Jordan.

Billy and Chuck? They were heel, but at the same time not? Almost like tweeners. It was a sticky one there (no pun intended)
Billy and Chuck? They were heel, but at the same time not? Almost like tweeners. It was a sticky one there (no pun intended)

I think that was the thing. They weren't gay. They were camp and then pretended that they were gay before they announced at their commitment ceremony that they were in fact doing it as a publicity stunt.
No, like a completely normal guy. No flamboyancy. No ridiculous stupid. Just a perfectly normal person who happens to be gay. And then they could do, like, storylines where some people in the locker room are uncomfortable with it, and then other wrestlers take up for the gay one, and I don't really know how it would end but yeah :shrug:
No I know that, in the guys post he was saying how he wanted Angle, Rhyno and Tazz to play gay characters. I don't think I could buy Angle as a gay character. At all.
I like his post. I'd love to see them break out into a full-on musical routine during a match. Maybe they should bring in a new wrestler with a Broadway gimmick, and he can be gay!!!1!!!1! And then they could hire a guy who eats Twix during matches and it stops his opponent long enough to allow the guy to get out of holds and reverse moves!!!!!

TNA will be making 4.0's in NO TIME~!
25andIstillpeethebed!!! said:
Also the week before Bound For Glory were having annual event at one of the nude beaches in Daytona Beach!Maybe set up a ring in the middle of the beach and have Beer Money face MCMG for the titles nude!


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