Why is Tommy Dreamer jobbing?

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Tommy Dreamer has been confirmed by Mickie James to have worked his last day with WWE and is now gone. Please carry all discussion on Dreamer into the WWE Future Endeavored Thread as he is no longer an active talent for WWE.


Thank you.

Everytime new upcomers need to get their point across that they are kickass they always use tommy dreamer as a jobber for them. I just watched vance archer(new superstar) just whoop Tommys ass in under a few minutes. LOL WTF?!

This guy made a legacy as original ecw.. Now hes been a jobber to everyone. It just makes me think he fucking sucks because i have been watching wrestling since july of 06.. Im not a pg fan btw... Not a Cena fan etc.. But I have seen footage of Tommy back in the old day and thought he kicked ass!! But now hes jobbing to new people LOL WOWOW!!

Who else agrees that tommy should be one of the top people on ecw??
Dreamer completely sucks at this point, there's no reason for him to be anything other than a jobber. He can hardly move in the ring and no one cares about him except for hardcore ECW fans, who are mostly crazy. There is just no advantage to waste time on effort on Dreamer when ECW is a show for young guys.

Plus, Dreamer sucks, as stated above.
Why would a guy that made his name jobbing in a second rate at best company be successful in the biggest company in the world? Tommy is jobbing because this is no longer ECW. IT's the AAA of the WWE. Dreamer is jobbing because he's a jobber and that's all he's going to be save for one nostalgic run at the end of his career.
First of all Tommy's been a jobber since he arrived in WWE. remember him drinking 'Taker's tobacco spit? That should give you a measure of how Vince has always used the guy. Not to mention that he wasnt exactly high on the card in the original ECW. His title reign was less than a day long, and most of the reason he's remembered is because he was willing to do crazy shit (and towards the end) for free. But the bottom line is that now he's helping the newbies get ready for one of the shows that matter. And that's what he's going to be doing until he retires. and IIRC he was doing that (in one of the developmental farms for WWE) before EFCW came into being.

not to mention he's still over for his willingness to work for free with a broken back and neck back in the original ECW. Always helps if the resident Jobber's over. makes the crowd almost give a shit about the other guy.

and just in case I havent clarified my position, I dont care that Tommy Dreamer's a jobber. He's been a jobber for years, and that's a position he's happy to fill. if he wasnt, chances are he'd have gotten released like every other ECW original.
It's not a matter of Tommy Dreamer sucking or not. He was a jobber his entire career, except before he developed his hardcore gimmick. He's good at what he does, so I don't see why that should be changed. I respect him more than a good slew of wrestlers, because he's willing to bust his balls for the benefit of the company and for entertainment. He's done everything someone of his caliber could do. He's won his range of Hardcore titles and had a well-deserved lengthier ECW Championship run than his first time. What more is possibly left for him to do other than to put others over at this point? I seriously can't see him as some other mid-card Champion either. He was and always will be the heart of ECW. That's his only distinction.
Dreamer made a legacy in the ECW of OLD. This WWE's version of ECW, and in it, Dreamer will be a jobber. I don't like it, but it's what's going to happen. Dreamer held the ECW championship a lot longer than most of us thought he would this year, so it wasn't all bad for him. Plus, his retirement teaser storyline earlier in the year was pretty good also. There's a lot of young talent on ECW, and Dreamer will be used to make them "look good".
Everytime new upcomers need to get their point across that they are kickass they always use tommy dreamer as a jobber for them. I just watched vance archer(new superstar) just whoop Tommys ass in under a few minutes. LOL WTF?!

This guy made a legacy as original ecw.. Now hes been a jobber to everyone. It just makes me think he fucking sucks because i have been watching wrestling since july of 06.. Im not a pg fan btw... Not a Cena fan etc.. But I have seen footage of Tommy back in the old day and thought he kicked ass!! But now hes jobbing to new people LOL WOWOW!!

Who else agrees that tommy should be one of the top people on ecw??

As a fan of the original ECW (not the bullshit they call ECW now) I would agree with you that Dreamer needs to be one of the top if not the TOP guy in ECW. He deserves the ECW title 100x more that Christian. It makes me want to wonder if the WWE creative team hated the original ECW.
As a fan of the original ECW (not the bullshit they call ECW now) I would agree with you that Dreamer needs to be one of the top if not the TOP guy in ECW. He deserves the ECW title 100x more that Christian. It makes me want to wonder if the WWE creative team hated the original ECW.

Did you watch the originial ECW? Did you realise how much of a jobber Tommy was. If you're a jobber in the original ECW then why would he be a top star in the new ECW. I think Tommy sums it up best when he says on winning the original title.

"I was actually pissed off. I wanted to go my entire ECW career without winning titles. The only reason I won titles is because guys left."

That's simply it, it's well known that Tommy prefers to put other guys over, so to answer your question he's jobbing because he wants to.
Dreamer has always been a jobber his whole career like people said. He cannot wrestle, just did crazy shit back in the old ECW that got him a cult following. If not for that he would of been forgotten and no one care about him. The new ECW fans sure as hell will not care or remember his run and when he leaves. So Dreamer jobbing is good cause he is a jobber. The truth hurts but its the truth and nothing but the truth.
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