Recent content by jrumpi

  1. J

    TNA fans make your voice heard !!

    Its put up or shut up time . TNA has finally gave us the fans the chance to speak to them and tell them how we feel , with this new top ten ranking system vote we have the chance to send them the message that we (most of us) do not agree with what you are doing . Think about it we internet fans...
  2. J

    Mr. Anderson vs JJ brought back the fan in me

    If you didnt watch this match I highly recommend you do . Today before watching impact I finally came back to watching wwe , its been months and the only reason is because my friends told me to check out hbk vs 619 , now the match was good but there was some thing missing it just didnt have...
  3. J

    Everything Punk said about Hogan was true

    This is a response to AMH , OMG you think vince is the one who created steve austin LOOOOOOL vince wanted austin to be the ring master with ted dibiasi then he was going to call steve ( Blue ice or some thing like that , dont believe check the legends of wrestling round table on wwe 24/7)...
  4. J

    How Should the WWE Book Bryan Danielson?

    1ST OF here are some matches for american dragon that you can watch on youtube just simply go and visit rohbrazil page he uploads roh on HD NET and watch some of his matches and if I can recommend watch his match with tyler black they had 3 amazing matches . Going back to subject , booking...
  5. J

    Army Of Tow

    This would be a ppv directed to the tag team where we can see new fresh faces and rely good tag matches that can also bring back prestige to the titles. But this will not be just a tag team ppv it will be gimmicky where it will be some what of a gauntlet match . Do not worry you can have filler...
  6. J

    Create your own WWE pay per view theme

    I would have a ppv directed to the tag team where we can see new fresh faces and rely good tag matches that can also bring back prestige to the titles. But this will not be just a tag team ppv it will be gimmicky where it will be some what of a gauntlet match . Do not worry you can have filler...
  7. J

    Chavo going face??

    WOW , arent you people a bunch of hypocrites lol , just plane and simple wwe marks . Iam sorry if I offended any one but its the truth . If this was TNA people would be here bashing it and saying fire russo . What bugs me more is that people are ok with this swerve but when tna did the...
  8. J

    The Curious Case of Randy Orton

    I agree with what you said except for cena but thats another story . You may notice I lift out his wrestling skills of the case , because I was taking about him as a character , as far as ring work he is good BUT OMG THOESE HEAD LOCKS OF HIS MAKE ME GTS . I even call him Randy The Head Lock...
  9. J

    The Curious Case of Randy Orton

    You wana know why RKO will never be the next rock or austin or cena . Because wwe fucked up when they had the chance . Lets look at his history , when he 1st starting to get hot after mick foly made him a star and wwe decided to make him the youngest world champ , HHH gave him that beat...
  10. J

    Three hell in a cell matches?

    To be honest here , an all HIAC ppv sounds cool but the thing that annoys me and I know it will is that we are going to see the same spots over and over again the whole night . Look at the elimination chamber its the same spots match after match . The HIAC new design doesn't allow creativity so...
  11. J

    Who's Next?

    Here is the list of who I would love and think will succeed in wwe : 1-The Briscoese these guys are this generations hardy boys but they are even better wrestlers they will get the wwe fans to cheer them so easy . The problem that they might face is that I do not have back ground on them but...
  12. J

    Its Official TNA is Out Of Business .

    Now I may be over reacting , but guess what TNA just gave me every reason to do so . Ok Ill count down the reasons why I am suspecting that TNA is fucked up because of : 1-The love triangle: JJ and Karen and Kurt .We all know the story ,but what came out of it is that JJ is no longer a booker...
  13. J

    who has Better TALENT? WWE or TNA

    Hands Down TNA even thought they have some stupid stars that need to go they have also great stars (hey,nothing is perfect) . And to the guy who says ratings talk , he is correct thats why TNA is the best , because TNA from last summer tell now has gained 9 to 13% more fans while wwe ECW and SD...
  14. J

    Shawn michels should go to Smackdown

    I totally agree with you but the only problem is that SD is on Tuesday . So I suggest move SD not just so HBK can go but also no one wants to stay home at fridays and watch SD .
  15. J

    Could TNA survive without the "rejects"?

    Look we all know that TNA is getting those EX-WWE guys just so to get new fans . but the truth is they are only getting casual fans who some times watch like almost once every month (I know that cause I have been talking to some casual fans) . These fans will watch and say : hey thats nash and...