Chavo going face??


Post broken keyboard angle macini..
Never thought this would be my first thread topic

After months of losing to hornswoggle embarrassingly, tonight Chavo actually SAVED him.

After Masters/Chavo beat Sanito/Horny when Sanito passed out to the masterlock (Masters winning on RAW is almost as big a suprise but I digress)... Masters dragged Horny into the ring and gave him the ragdoll treatment...

Chavo knocked the crap out of Masters (looked like the best punch thrown all night) and Horny escaped. Chavo looked like he didn't believe what happened.

My question is: Does this actually mean Chavo is going face? Is this the one big twist that creative has given us for RAW? Does anyone even care anymore?

Your thoughts?
Yep thats what it looks like Vince finally realized that Hornswoggle Chavo program was getting stale. But Chavo can't be taken serious now so let's pair them up!!!

Honestly it's better than what they've been doing. We could get a tag team out of Chavo & Santino w/ hornswoggle getting involved. Possibly a tag team feud against Masters and Carlito? It would keep it interesting for awhile and give us two more tag teams on Raw
Yep thats what it looks like Vince finally realized that Hornswoggle Chavo program was getting stale. But Chavo can't be taken serious now so let's pair them up!!!

Honestly it's better than what they've been doing. We could get a tag team out of Chavo & Santino w/ hornswoggle getting involved. Possibly a tag team feud against Masters and Carlito? It would keep it interesting for awhile and give us two more tag teams on Raw

A Chavo/Santino WITH Hornswoggle team would be interesting? Well...I wouldn't mind Chavo/Santino, but please without the leprechaun. But this is Raw, so yeah...
Hmm chavo getting beat and look down apon by everyone by losin to a little person or chavo helpin little person teaming with santino and them fueding with masters?? Hmm which one is better... I'd probably say having Chavo going face and having his partner being Santino is probably the 2nd best thing in his career.. 1st being his tag run with uncle Eddie!

Chavo fighting in actual matches with likes like masters and carlito and having the two over guys like hornswoggle and santino behind him helping is great for chavo.. I'm sorry but this is what he needs.. Before hornswoggle came to raw has neone ever cared about even tlkin bout chavo? Nope... Now that he went from all different kind of matches with hornswoggle he is probably the most talked about character on raw.. And if he turns and becomes partners with santino... Just think the kind of name santino could make for them.. I'm looking foward to this as its the only fresh thing going on..
What's wrong with Chavo going face? I'm a fan of it. It's like Mark Henry syndrome. He's been heel for so damn long, nobody cared about him anymore, so maybe a face turn will put some intrest back into Chavo. Easy as that. This way maybe he'll get some momentum, team with Santino, they can both be taken seriously down the line somehow, and they can start to build Santino the way he should be. I dunno... one can dream.
A Chavo/Santino WITH Hornswoggle team would be interesting? Well...I wouldn't mind Chavo/Santino, but please without the leprechaun. But this is Raw, so yeah...

Trust me Swoggle would've been on the unemployment a long time ago if it was up to me but this could be more tolerable than his squash matches. At least keep him out of the ring and have him hype up the kids in the crowd
Are you kidding me - this is an amazing way for things to turn out with the whole Chavo/Swoggle bullshit program. And of course people care - this whole thing with Swoggle got people talking and noticing how underrated Chavo really is. That he can perform and hold his ground if given the chance. Maybe the WWE will finally let him do so. I've said it time and time again and even made a thread about it - that he should be pushed as a face under the latino heat gimmick. Sure their gonna keep things up with Swoggle for alittle bit longer. But they could definitely turn the wheel abit more around and get Chavo looking good again. This is probably too much to hope for afterall - WWE writers destroy everything :/ at least in recent memory.
Are you kidding me - this is an amazing way for things to turn out with the whole Chavo/Swoggle bullshit program. And of course people care - this whole thing with Swoggle got people talking and noticing how underrated Chavo really is. That he can perform and hold his ground if given the chance. Maybe the WWE will finally let him do so. I've said it time and time again and even made a thread about it - that he should be pushed as a face under the latino heat gimmick. Sure their gonna keep things up with Swoggle for alittle bit longer. But they could definitely turn the wheel abit more around and get Chavo looking good again. This is probably too much to hope for afterall - WWE writers destroy everything :/ at least in recent memory.

If Chavo is actually teaming with Santino Marella, I wouldn't hold my breath. But, if he is on his own with Hornswoggle in his corner, then he'll probably miraculously become unbeatable.
After having that monstrosity of a programme known as Chavswoggle end, there is no logical way for Chavo Guerrero to become anything credible from here on in as a heel on the RAW roster. Having him turn face is a good idea to save Guerrero from being completely drilled into the ground as if you have the fans caring or being sympathetic for your cause, it can benefit you. It's like the MVP incident, he lost for how long in a row, turned face & picked himself up to gain a spot on RAW as a notable name on the brand.

This is also a good way to make Evan Bourne escape from Hornswoggle to rise into the midcard. Question is, who would be a suitable replacement for another heel in the midcard as the faces are starting to pile up.
So long as we lose Chavo vs. Swoggle, I'm cool with it. If they team Chavo and Santino, there's still plenty of room for the comedy segments that WWE seems to think are absolutely necessary on Monday nights with three of the funniest guys on the show. (Yeah, OK, Horny isn't that funny. But Santino and Chavo can both work in a comedic segment pretty well.)

I like the idea of a Mexican-Italian tag team, with a leprechaun as a manager, if only because it will likely keep Swoggle out of the ring. Little dude can be funny, and an occasional Tadpole Splash is fine, but he shouldn't be a weekly competitor for any reason. If they slowly build up Chavo/Santino as a tag team, they can be RAW's main TT for when Cody/Ted split. If the WWE really wants to revitalize the TT division, then they need to form a couple more teams than they have now, and start pushing them.
And in response to FalKon...If they really are freeing Evan Bourne from purgatory, why not let him turn heel? It seems like he gets fed to guys pretty frequently (I mean, he's been squashed by Swagger how many times now?).

Maybe just have him get fed up with the situation and blast someone? They could always team Kofi/Evan and put them against Swagger/Miz or some other combo for a while, with Evan taking the losses. Then Evan just flips on Kofi. My problem with that scenario is that it is way too predictable.

I'd like to see this come out of nowhere. Maybe Sunday, during the Triple Threat, have Evan come down to ringside and stop Miz or Swagger from stealing the belt. (After all, there really can't be a DQ in a Triple Threat match, can there? And even if there can be, it's not like the other two guys can't have the ref's attention.) However, instead of just stopping the attempted theft, have Evan just lay Kofi out with the belt. Have Swagger pick up the win (I think Miz could still stand to wait another month). Then you have a Kofi/Evan feud, and have a Miz/Swagger feud for the US title. Keep Swagger and Miz heels, or at least tweeners. Don't turn either face. Have Miz win the belt at Bragging Rights. Then mix all four guys up again heading into Survivor Series.
Couldn`t stop laughing when he called himself the greatest Mexican-American wrestler of all time...I mean seriously, he is good but that is offending.
Hmm chavo getting beat and look down apon by everyone by losin to a little person or chavo helpin little person teaming with santino and them fueding with masters?? Hmm which one is better... I'd probably say having Chavo going face and having his partner being Santino is probably the 2nd best thing in his career.. 1st being his tag run with uncle Eddie!

Chavo fighting in actual matches with likes like masters and carlito and having the two over guys like hornswoggle and santino behind him helping is great for chavo.. I'm sorry but this is what he needs.. Before hornswoggle came to raw has neone ever cared about even tlkin bout chavo? Nope... Now that he went from all different kind of matches with hornswoggle he is probably the most talked about character on raw.. And if he turns and becomes partners with santino... Just think the kind of name santino could make for them.. I'm looking foward to this as its the only fresh thing going on..

You obviously have never seen anything about Chavo. Seriously take a look at his body of work before making an asinine statement like that again.

What's wrong with Chavo going face? I'm a fan of it. It's like Mark Henry syndrome. He's been heel for so damn long, nobody cared about him anymore, so maybe a face turn will put some intrest back into Chavo. Easy as that. This way maybe he'll get some momentum, team with Santino, they can both be taken seriously down the line somehow, and they can start to build Santino the way he should be. I dunno... one can dream.

There is nothing wrong with it. I personally like the idea, but was a bit left field and actually something DIFFERENT from creative, which gives us all hope for the future.

Are you kidding me - this is an amazing way for things to turn out with the whole Chavo/Swoggle bullshit program. And of course people care - this whole thing with Swoggle got people talking and noticing how underrated Chavo really is. That he can perform and hold his ground if given the chance. Maybe the WWE will finally let him do so. I've said it time and time again and even made a thread about it - that he should be pushed as a face under the latino heat gimmick. Sure their gonna keep things up with Swoggle for alittle bit longer. But they could definitely turn the wheel abit more around and get Chavo looking good again. This is probably too much to hope for afterall - WWE writers destroy everything :/ at least in recent memory.

Seems like the writers are working again though don't it?? Maybe all the negativity about chavo/horny has finally crept into Connecticut...

After having that monstrosity of a programme known as Chavswoggle end, there is no logical way for Chavo Guerrero to become anything credible from here on in as a heel on the RAW roster. Having him turn face is a good idea to save Guerrero from being completely drilled into the ground as if you have the fans caring or being sympathetic for your cause, it can benefit you. It's like the MVP incident, he lost for how long in a row, turned face & picked himself up to gain a spot on RAW as a notable name on the brand.

Great point FalKon, didn't think about that. It was called the Mark Henry syndrome by shafe but maybe we should call it the MVP syndrome :)

So long as we lose Chavo vs. Swoggle, I'm cool with it. If they team Chavo and Santino, there's still plenty of room for the comedy segments that WWE seems to think are absolutely necessary on Monday nights with three of the funniest guys on the show. (Yeah, OK, Horny isn't that funny. But Santino and Chavo can both work in a comedic segment pretty well.)

I like the idea of a Mexican-Italian tag team, with a leprechaun as a manager, if only because it will likely keep Swoggle out of the ring. Little dude can be funny, and an occasional Tadpole Splash is fine, but he shouldn't be a weekly competitor for any reason. If they slowly build up Chavo/Santino as a tag team, they can be RAW's main TT for when Cody/Ted split. If the WWE really wants to revitalize the TT division, then they need to form a couple more teams than they have now, and start pushing them.

This would be a great addition to the Tag division as Santino is becoming very underrated for his work and people may (oh who am I kidding HAVE) forgotten how awesome Chavo really is. Imagine (insert their tag name here) vs Hart Dynasty... that would be absolutely awesome to watch. However the horny as a "manager" thing... no. As a sidekick that Chavo starts to protect and feel bad for so he takes him under his wing... yes...

And for the comedy segments.. how about Chavo teaching Horny to defend himself? With Santino mixed in... we could try to have Chavo play the serious one and get mad at Santino for the comedy but laugh it off and try to get him to be serious and show some genuine heart for Horny....

All of you have inspired my ideas on this more... awesome
OK, manager was the wrong word to use. Not like we're gonna put Horny on the stick for Santino and Chavo who can hold their own. I like the idea of Horny going under Chavo's protection and learning from Chavo, though.
when was chavo's last face run after eddie died right until july of 06 so 3 years is a long time. but any ways chavo turns face is awsome i hope wwe drops his ooo chavo music and give him the i lie i cheat i steal song or the latino heat song. because if they turn him face i think he should have an eddie gimmick for trubute for his uncle the late great eddie guerrero.
Now that they decide to turn Chavo face, do you think he should get a push? He needs to get over first, obviously, but Chavo getting a run at a title could boost his career. If he gets over well enough, I'd say let him go for a main event title on any of the three shows {Though ECW is considered a mid-card title brand}. Chavo is the only Guerrero left in the WWE. If he finally gets a solid run, then he'll definitely be the one to pass the torch to the next generation of Guerrero wrestlers.
I honestly couldn't care less, someone once on this sight suggested that we have Hornswoggle thrown in a burlap sack, beaten and thrown off of a bridge (this was some time ago) and I think this is an appropriate move here and now.

I don't care about the PG rating, that would be a huge draw and make me laugh my ass off.

Of course I am kidding but the point remains valid, I don't care if he is a draw for the under 5's I freaking hate the midget.

Can't help it...

Just my opinon
A Chavo face turn will be different but he must get over with the fans. Vince finally got the hint that the feud was boring but I don't want to see Chavo and Santino teaming up if Hornswoggle was in their corner. It is Raw, though and that said, that's exactly what we'll get next week. Chavo's punch on Masters though was a pretty good hit!
this could be good for chavo. a face turn could help his stale character, hopefully with out hornswoggle

but was it not just last week that chavo said he is giving up on facing swaggle. did he not admit defeat. and yet they are still fighting?? wtf wwe!!!!!!
It's most likely going to go down the way we all think with a Chavo face turn...Last night was clearly a swerve, but it can also be a...DOUBLE SWERVE. Maybe they are gonna have Chavo lure Horny into a false sense of security and then really drop the hammer on him a little down the line. Remember Guerreros Lie, Cheat & Steal, this is not out of the question if they don't want to turn him face. I'm down for a Chavo face turn as he's stale as a heel but regardless I doubt that it will matter.

Ever since WCW gave Chavo Pepe he has not been taken seriously. His character has never been respected...ever. He's had shades of brilliance at times but both promotions always gave up on him. Neither WCW nor WWE ever really cared about Chavo. We can all agree that he is way too good to job repeatedly to a Leprechaun but beyond that I'm not clammoring for an ascension to greatness because I don't believe its possible. Chavo has had a God awful career becasue thats how he was booked. I'm not sure the damage is fixable at such a late stage and I'm even less convinced that anybody cares enough to put the effort into repairing it.
Well personally, Chavo and Santino are two of my favorite wrestlers of all time so I would love to see them tag together, and add some credibility to the tag team division. Legacy is gonna split soon so Dibiase can turn face, and you know its only a matter of time before someone in DX turns on the other setting up a main event at mania..This leaves us with hardly any tag teams, so we need this one. Plus, these are two of the funniest guys in the company and I think they could work great together seeing how both have great wrestling ability...I wonder what their tag team name would be tho?? haha....
anyway, hopefully santino and chavo form a tag team...and they stick hornswoggle back with finlay. (duh)
WOW , arent you people a bunch of hypocrites lol , just plane and simple wwe marks . Iam sorry if I offended any one but its the truth .

If this was TNA people would be here bashing it and saying fire russo .

What bugs me more is that people are ok with this swerve but when tna did the samoa joe swerve every one started bashing . people are bashing cody deaner but they are ok with hornswagol and chavo playing cat and mouse .

Honestly that swerve was useless , not only it will make me hate horny more but now I have to watch chavo playing daddy instead of kicking ass .
Now Iam not pissed at this angle because I do not watch raw any more (SD FTW) .

In summary , if you are ok with these stupid wwe swerves do not hate on tna and russo ok .
WOW , arent you people a bunch of hypocrites lol , just plane and simple wwe marks . Iam sorry if I offended any one but its the truth .

If this was TNA people would be here bashing it and saying fire russo .

What bugs me more is that people are ok with this swerve but when tna did the samoa joe swerve every one started bashing . people are bashing cody deaner but they are ok with hornswagol and chavo playing cat and mouse .

Honestly that swerve was useless , not only it will make me hate horny more but now I have to watch chavo playing daddy instead of kicking ass .
Now Iam not pissed at this angle because I do not watch raw any more (SD FTW) .

In summary , if you are ok with these stupid wwe swerves do not hate on tna and russo ok .

I agree with you that there is an unfair bias against TNA that a lot of people on here have, but I think this is a little different. Yes the swerve came off as absolutely random, and nobody saw it coming much like Joe's. But the reason why people aren't complaining about this swerve is because as stupid as it may have come across, it's almost definite now that the Chavo/Hornswoggle feud is going to end.

If people weren't so sick of this Chavo/Swoggle feud, or had it never existed, then yes, they would probably be saying that this was the most pointless 'turn' since Colin Delaney turning heel on Dreamer.

I'm excited to see Chavo as a face. He's been a heel for so long. I just hope that they don't use this face turn as an opportunity to stick him into a tag team with Santino like some people on here have suggested, and I really REALLY hope that they don't stick Masters in another tag team (probably Carlito again) to feud with them. Partly because I hate the thrown-together tag teams, and partly because if you throw all these guys into tag teams then the only people you'll have competing for the US championship will be Swagger, Kofi, and Miz (maybe Bourne if he stops jobbing).

Chavo and the others should be kept out of tag teams so they can compete for the US title instead. Except for Hornswoggle of course, just put him back with Finley or get rid of him.
I must say when I saw it my eyebrows raised out of surprise, that's quite an achievement. So what happens now? Well for the first time in the Chavo/Hornswoggle thingummy I actually give a shit, it's like Chavo's wanted to beat the crap out of Hornswoggle for so long that he forgot that beating up a midget is quite immoral. So when he saw it happen he was a little bit disgusted.

Well, hopefully this leads to him forming a comedy tag team with Santino, I like comedy tag teams, especially the odd couple types, such as Booker T and Golddust, Charlie Haas and Rico or The Legion Of Doom. It makes Chavo interesting at least.
All I have to say is about time chavo has been a heel for a while now and its time for him to be a face. Now wwe has to either put him a tag team title run or united states championsship run. may be even send him to ecw and have hom be ecw champions again

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