Recent content by grunks

  1. G

    Is the NWA Title really better off without TNA?

    Many promotions have become more popular after they ditched the NWA;The AWA,WWWF,WCW,ECW and now TNA. The NWA is like your first lay;you use him/her to tell people that you've been laid and are not a virgin anymore. Then when you start getting more respect and/or attention you dump the tiny...
  2. G

    Randy Savage one of wrestlings biggest wasted talents?

    Maybe he just wanted to take time off to rest his broken down body. Maybe he was burning out and knew he had to take a rest or risk his future well being. Maybe he was trying to salvage a marriage that was falling apart offscreen. This man gave everything to this "sport" for over ten straight...
  3. G

    The Best of the 90's - Managers

    Bill Alfonso had so much heat with the ECW fans in 1996 that he had to be sneaked in and out of the arena in Philly because he just irritated fans to the point they really wanted to kick his ass.
  4. G

    Greatest Success of getting a wrestler over with the fans?

    I would say the Owen Hart/Bret Hart sibling rivalry angle. They tried to get Owen over for years putting a mask on and teaming him with a variety of guys to no success. The angle was so well done it turned Owen from glorified jobber to the #1 heel and cemented his position as a main event/upper...
  5. G

    Unforgotten Gimmicks

    Terry Taylor comes to mind for me. He could never get out of The Red Rooster gimmick shadow. He was an accomplished performer before he ever got to WWF in the 80's early 90's and I remember all of the wrestling mags at the time were all predicting huge things for him. He tried a comeback as...
  6. G

    When will TNA finally end?

    They need to do a live TV show or at least taped on location every so often to generate more revenue. The Impact Zone is starting to get that stale WCW Saturday Night feel. If they stay in Orlando every Impact people in other markets aren't going to care because the only way you will ever be...
  7. G

    Are Any Wrestlers Ruining Their Legacy?

    Obviously Flair because he has a Legacy. There are not to many older wrestlers who cant still perform(hbk,booker t, undertaker,sting all are old but have some value left)who have any type of stature to protect. Jim Duggan,Dustin Rhodes and Raven are three guys I think should retire from being...
  8. G

    Four Horsemen Returning?

    It's to late for a horseman gimmick .Flair is going to stay face and retire at Mania. It is time for him to retire as a wrestler and become a manager and if his son Reid can come around in a couple of years then maybe the Horsemen will ride again.
  9. G

    Who Should Be The First Two Time ROH World Champion

    I agree that Mcguinness has been impressive as champion and deserves a decent run with at least 3 more title defenses. I think somewhere down the line both Danielson and Aries will be a multiple time champions but I think Danielson will do it first.
  10. G

    Current WWE product worse than Nitro ever was

    As long as WWE pulls a profit it will continue to be storyboard wrestling with quick angles(ie,Edge/Vicky Guerrero) and over the top gimmicks (ie,Umaga) for the most part "booked" pretty consistent and well thought out. It is the actual in ring work that lacks efficiency simply because every...