Recent content by Grubbs0621

  1. G

    The "I'm a college student and i have tons of papers this final week" thread.

    I graduated last year, but I always loved finals week. You have no classes outside of your finals, so you had a ton of time to yourself. I just always had a couple bottles of crown or a constant beer supply and did all my papers I had while sitting around with friends at my fraternity house...
  2. G

    Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

    I don't see why everyone is so angry over this, I think it is brilliant. What is everyone here saying they want to see? A John Cena heel turn right? WWE has the perfect setting for this now, The Rock in his hometown at Wrestlemania, imagine the heat. Wrestling used to run year long feuds...
  3. G

    *MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

    TNA's obligations aren't to the IWC, they don't live to provide simple shock value. TNA might be a private company, but they still have sponsors, workers to pay, aka obligations. They have people that they are obligated to respond to, people who have money and power. Network presidents...
  4. G

    *MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

    Don't post much but I keep rewatching this video trying to find different things, perhaps I am overreaching. At 9:17, it looks like Hardy says "What in the hell was that", the ref shakes his head and when he is imitating the count, he only slaps his hand twice, not three times, and then...
  5. G

    WWE RAW LD 2/7/2011 - Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

    I've had a hard time getting the chance to watch Raw lately, but definitely one of the better episodes I've seen in a while. I enjoyed it.
  6. G

    Is Raw the new WCW Monday Nitro?

    I don't exactly see going from being a #1 contender new in the main event scene directly to going on to main event wrestlemania. I think there are a few more steps in between there. They are handling Hardy's push perfectly. They are making him look stronger, and more legit every week. He is...
  7. G

    The Rock: His future in wrestling (if any)

    I say wrestling is in his blood. I don't think he will ever make a career out of it again, but I see a special appearance down the line. We see all the older wrestlers who pop up all the time with special appearances, and it is so often, it doesn't feel as special as I would hope. It has been...
  8. G

    Election '08 - Democrats

    How about Obama? I've been a strong Obama supporter from the beginning. I never suspected him to win, but I've been supporting. In Texas, I don't see many Obama supporters around here. I preach to my friends, I stand tall, and I am proud of my candidate. Seriously. holy crap. 2 weeks...
  9. G

    Grammar Police

    Hmm, isn't this a little extreme? I see a few fundamental flaws? First off, it assumes that everyone speaks English fluently, or that it is there main language. While those who don't spea English fluently may be in the minority (even a very slim minority), I am sure they are still here...
  10. G

    How many days have you been alive?

    7,356 days. Just wow. That is a lot of sunsets
  11. G


    Hold on? Am I reading that right? Seriously. Buddy, I worked a two car fatal accident News Year Eve. A drunk driver ran a red light and ran straight into an 18 wheeler working overtime so he could finish his load early and get home to his family early on News Years Day. The driver of the...
  12. G

    What Were You Like At School?

    I am only going to profile high school because kids change so much up until then, and I stayed pretty much the same person through out high school that I am now. I was the kid who was friends with everybody. Loners, Geeks, Nerds, Punks, Jocks, Stoners, Band Nerds, Idiots, Thugs, everyone. I...
  13. G

    TIred, not sleeping, and struggling

    Gave me a second wind for about an hour but then went away. Wasn't a big fan of it really but it is something I'll keep in my bag of goodies for those super long nights Thanx
  14. G

    Jeff Hardy: Legitimate Contender or One Time Wonder

    I don't see how it weakens them. If all the matches invovled in the title swap are good, close contests, it shouldn't weaken the belt any, and just adds another legit title contender. The belt begins to weaken when there are several 1 month reigns in a short period of time, but if there was...