Grammar Police

The grammar on this board has entered a state of decline, and I'm going to put a stop to that. I would hand out infractions for bad grammar, but you'll all whine about abuse of power, so instead I'm going to hand out red rep. If I red rep you, don't take it to heart, just improve your damn English.
Meh, just tell Becca the difference between I aren't and I am not and you'll have done an adequate job.

Ohh, that's colder than Val Venis' nipples.
Hmm checking everyone's grammar might seem...I don't know mean? English grammar is hard to learn! I would know, English is my second language. I guess if people can't even capitalize, then that's pretty bad, but stuff like the difference between "than" and "then" or how to use a pronoun with its correct noun can be hard to figure out.

Flames Out
Mr. Sam spends waaay too much time remembering things about me.
If you were in England like me, you'd see it's fine for me to talk like that. But you aren't. As Danielle said, it's how we talk. So instead of trying to make me feel stupid for being a northern lass why don't you get a life of your own?
Hmm, isn't this a little extreme? I see a few fundamental flaws?

First off, it assumes that everyone speaks English fluently, or that it is there main language. While those who don't spea English fluently may be in the minority (even a very slim minority), I am sure they are still here.

Also, what about different dialects? For example, I live in Texas where "yall" is a commonly used and accepted phrase. But I know some people back home in Washington that when I say "yall", they give me this evil look.

I don't know, just my two cents.
Mr. Sam spends waaay too much time remembering things about me.
If you were in England like me, you'd see it's fine for me to talk like that. But you aren't. As Danielle said, it's how we talk. So instead of trying to make me feel stupid for being a northern lass why don't you get a life of your own?

I don't know, not being from England and all, but how does I are not, or I aren't make sense?

I use ya'll and yinz, so that means i have poor grammar, or so i am told.
I don't know, not being from England and all, but how does I are not, or I aren't make sense?

I use ya'll and yinz, so that means i have poor grammar, or so i am told.

It's kind of just accepted by everyone in England, so I've never really thought anything of it.

Well if that's how you talk in life then nothing should stop you saying it on the boards. It's just the people that don't use capitals and full stops that annoy me.
Man, worse news than eating raw meet. Deer mod, please don't red rep me! Their is know reason two! Weather you like bad grammer or knot, it's just knot write! Its the principal of the thing! It is knot fare at all! :D

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