Is Raw the new WCW Monday Nitro?


Championship Contender
That something that i've been wondering for a while now. Did they hired all the writers from Nitro because it'S sure looks like it. For the last couple of month you pretty much get the same lame stuff over and over again and sometime they throw you a bone and give you a great match or a great segment. The other thing that is just like WCW, it's always the same guys on top. Sure Jeff HArdy was getting a push but it got stop last night at NO Way Out and pretty soon Jeff will return in the upper mid-card section of the roster defending is I.C. Title will the same prople like HHH, Cena, Orton and HBK take all the main event spot.

So i don't what you prople think about this but i sure would like to get your opinion on this subject.
Meh, you're just not taking the time to look at the grand scope of things. I mean, how often do you expect wrestlers to be moved into the main-event? I mean, in the last 3 years we've seen Cena, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Edge, Lashley, Khali, RVD, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, John Morrison, Chavo Guerrero all move up and be main-eventers for their respective brands. And, with the exception of only two (Hardy and Umaga), all those guys have held the top belt of their brand. I mean, 10 new guys working the main-event scene and winning titles in 3 years? That's better than what WCW did for the first 11 years of its life.

Smackdown generally has very solid TV matches, such as the Batista vs. MVP match last friday, and Raw will generally give you at least one decent match every week or two.

Finally, the WWE reported their greatest financial year ever in 2007 in terms of total revenue (at least I think that's what they said), so obviously it's not near as lame as you're making it out to be.
How was Jeff Hardy's push stopped exactly? A loss doesn't stop a push; he lost to Orton last month and his pushed continued. Last night he looked strong in defeat; he kicked out of a pedigree and an immediate cover. It wasn't like Triple H took a while to cover, he was straight in.

I don't like it but Hardy's push will continue tonight and odds are he'll be a world champion before the year is out.
How was Jeff Hardy's push stopped exactly? A loss doesn't stop a push; he lost to Orton last month and his pushed continued. Last night he looked strong in defeat; he kicked out of a pedigree and an immediate cover. It wasn't like Triple H took a while to cover, he was straight in.

I don't like it but Hardy's push will continue tonight and odds are he'll be a world champion before the year is out.

That's a easy question to answer and am going to answer it by another question. Who is in the main event at Wrestlemania? It's not JEff HArdy so if Hardy push hasn'T been stop it got put on a hiatus for a while. Simply put for the next step for Jeff Hardy would have been to be in the main event at wrestlemania for a push to continue this was the next step instead, there is a pretty good chance that one of two thing will happen either Jeff will defend is i-c title at wrestlemania or he will be put in the same spot he's been put everytime he wrestle at wrestlemania and that is in a ladder match which mean that he will be put in the money in the bank ladder match and personally i think this is a step backward for Jeff.
I don't exactly see going from being a #1 contender new in the main event scene directly to going on to main event wrestlemania. I think there are a few more steps in between there.

They are handling Hardy's push perfectly. They are making him look stronger, and more legit every week. He is winning against some really good wrestlers, but still shows human traits by losing, while putting up a very good match.

I really hope Hardy is NOT in the MITB match and that the Hardy vs HBK rumors are true. That would be an instant classic. Michaels has put on 6 different MOTY at Wrestlemania. He has been in 14 Wrestlemanias. Nearly half of his WM matches go on to be MOTY. Hardy is putting on some great matches lately and this really could be a passing of the torch match.

If Hardy comes out of WM, beating Michaels in a 1v1 match that goes on to be MOTY, he will be a permanent main event, title contender. And will probably pick up his first title by Summerslam.

EDIT: I totally forgot Hardy has been in 2 Wrestlemania MOTY as well. So between them, that is 8 MOTY performed at Wrestlemania. 8 of the past 14 MOTY have gone to one of these two wrestlers.

I am telling ya, A Hardy/Michaels match. Perhaps an I quit match would be huge. Hardy is known to be the one who never gives up. Michaels is well, Michaels.
Jeff Hardy looked like a million bucks at No Way Out especially after he kicked out of the 1st Pedigree. His Push is going fine and he will eventually get a WWE Title run I believe in 2008. RAW is far from being Nitro.
too me if anything last night's NO way out ppv almost looked like the rebirth of the attitude era. think about it: Mayweather (now) Tyson (back then), the big show's back, HHH back on top for good, cena not champion, & undertaker on top. and i know some of u may not agree thats fine but theres just something to me about last night that almost seemed like the attitude era.
Hmm, is Raw revolutionizing wrestling and starting a wrestling boom, no, so no, it's not the new Monday Nitro.

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, Nitro was amazing, stop ripping on it, if it wasn't for the nWo, Vince would still be giving us Doink the Clown.
No Raw is not the new Nitro. Raw is slowly getting better again and also new stars are being pushed to the forefront. Orton has been the man for going on 6 months, Hardy is going to be champion this year sometime, Kennedy is a great heel, Jericho is back and hopefully will be back in the main event soon. Raw is strong, not as strong as ever, but still great. With Wrestlemania coming up, there's no way HHH and Cena weren't going to be in the main storyline. They'e two of the faces of the company, and it wouldn't make sense to not have them be there. These two, and peopel like Shawn Michales have to be around to feud with the new generation to give the new guys credibility. Mayweather coming in is huge as he is a nationally known athlete who is relevant right now. Raw is nowhere near Nitro, as they are slowly but surely changing with the times.
Yeah and ECW now is like the old ECW, nah. I mean I think you meant to say it's like the wcw nitro that died but it's not really. And it's certantly isn't like the WCW nitro that started the boom either. Its more like a monday night show that is at times good and at other times booring. Just because WWE had it's best year financially doesn't mean that it was it's best year in terms of entertainment. It wasn't. Think about it, WCW and WWF had some sick angles that kept the smarks, marks, and the grandmoms that had the wrong station on and couldnt get up to change it hooked during the show. It gave us reasons to want to watch and find out what would happen next. Yeah spoilers have ruined that but do 80% percent of us really think that cena superman is really gonna lose to Mark Henry? no. The WWE just has to sit down and come up with some good angles that will help elevate some non main eventers, like having some stables. The New Breed last year is a perfect example of that, yes it fell apart but for a while there they gave you plenty of reason to wonder what would happen next and tune in. It gave the show some sort of theme or angle for the night. I mean come on who didnt think the whole cm punk thing was pretty classic and had to tune in the next week after seeing him join the new breed. Go get some angles, give me a reason to watch other than my sickness for pro wrestling and then the wwe Would be in buisness.
Things have there upswings and downswings for each individual fan. Cena was crap for me as champ past the six month mark, but Lashley and CM Punk were highlights for me during/around that period. Only thing I hated was tiny floyd mayweather, while a great little boxer, cheap shot the Big Show like that. If he was supposed to hit him that hard, this is one of only a handful of times I've ever been fooled by an angle (I'd assumed he was supposed to work stiff, but not like that...........sad). Big Show can break that little guy's scrawny neck in a sec if he wished to. I'd love to see an MMA match between the two (one can dream)!

And Raw could never (hopefully never) deteoriate to the point that Nitro did. Atleast we'll never have David Arquette running around with a legendary strap!
I am telling ya, A Hardy/Michaels match. Perhaps an I quit match would be huge. Hardy is known to be the one who never gives up. Michaels is well, Michaels.
Great match! I think Hardy's push could have been handled MUCH worse. WWE has been doing alright as far as Hardy is concerned, and I think the fans pushed him more than anything.

He represents toughness, athletasism, rebellion and he's cool. His mic skills are mediocre, but he MORE than makes up for it with his in-ring ability.

I don't think he is ready for the world title yet. I can see a scenario where HHH wins the belt, God, Christ, Satan PLEASE, and then turns heel and fueds with Hardy.

But, before that, an HBK match would be a good idea. I think it would be a great match.

Problem is, getting babyface VS babyface matches properly hyped is tough, though it is much easier nowadays.

I hope they don't ever waste Jeff, as he seems like one of the few guys who is unselfish and really loves the business. He puts his health on the line all the time, and it's about time the fans showed him a lot of respect. Here's a guy who really wasn't pushed, again, the fans pushed him, which is rare.

But, back on topic, RAW is NOT Monday Nitro. You cannot compare the two.

I still think Vince has FAR more control over his boys than WCW did, where the wrestlers ran everything. Yeah, politics and HHH, 'Taker, whatever, but Vince could and WOULD step up and throw down on anyone if he felt they were overstepping the line.

WCW became afraid of its talent, and that is one of the many things that killed it.

I won't get into it all, ATM Eric, Russo, the AOL merger. WWE is run by VINCE, not 2,000 corporate lackies in the Turner office, and that's how it should be.
There is zero comparison between nitro and raw these days. Granted, the writing may have been stale on raw in the past year, but until donald trump or floyd mayweather are given the world title (a la david arquette) then they couldn't be further apart in styles.
The only reason RAW is not like Nitro right now, is Nitro was notorious for having the same matches week in and week out. Nitro also, in it's later years, had a lot of rematches from PPV's the following night. The last PPV I ever ordered from WCW was Starcade (Hogan vs. Sting I), the very next night on Nitro, there were only two matches from that PPV that the same people didn't wrestle each other the following night. I paid $30-$50 (I really don't remember) for a show I basically could have seen for free the following night. I never ordered another WCW PPV. RAW will at least change the type of match if they face each other the next night. So, is RAW the new WCW Nitro??? No, but just barely.
Hmm, is Raw revolutionizing wrestling and starting a wrestling boom, no, so no, it's not the new Monday Nitro.

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, Nitro was amazing, stop ripping on it, if it wasn't for the nWo, Vince would still be giving us Doink the Clown.
Agreed. I was a Nitro fan and watched it for over a year before switching to RAW.

I think we all mean Nitro towards the end, when everyone must admitt it got tough to watch. In the beginning, the whole NWO thing, Goldberg and the such was great. It was good television that was, yes, back then, FAR, FAR superior to Vince.

But, in the end, WCW went down. It wasn't all AOL. It did have a lot to do with the quality of the shows sinking faster than a luxary liner with Big Daddy V on board.
I hope its the next nitro! I was always big WCW fan. I value actualy wrestling above storyline. I think its really sad that WWE started beating WCW in the ratings due to storyline. If you dont believe me, check the stats, WWE, got to a point where it was only having up to 30 minutes of actual wrestling a night, and with pointless gratuity, its ratings skyrocketted.

Take a look at stone cold steve austin. He gained much of his popularity when he was injured, and was coming out, doing spots, taking part in storyline and hardly wrestling at all. Same formula..

1. Something going on in the ring
2. Austin comes up
3. blah blah blah middle fingle, stunner

week, after week, after week, and JR would always flip out.

As far as business goes, austin could very well be the best thing that ever happened to WWE. But as for the wrestling business, I think it was the worst thin to ever happened, it showed the companies that you can sacrifice the ability to wrestle for ridiculous storylines to save your business.

Another thing i liked about WCW, was i think its booking was more realistic.

Jobbers like scott putski could occasionally win matches over big names, for no reason

Heels could prodominately win fueds, look at most of Jerichos old fueds, Hogan over sting too, many others.

and heels could win legit!

WIth WWE its usually a heel vs face fued, heel gets upper hand by cheating, pulls dirty tricks building up to PPV, then PPV the face heroically prevails! Or the heel will when a dirty victory! If this formula isnt put into plan by the PPV, that means the formula will extend over 3 or 4 months.

WCW had not so great storylines, but booking it was alot better.
WCW wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. The ratings were down and so was attendence, but WCW never went out of business, Vince bought it and it went out of business. I still think if Eric had bought WCW, it would be still going today.

As for RAw being Nitro, not a chance. Raw is aheadof being what Nitro was in last days as with all the changing of gimmicks and changing of feuds, that was bad, not terrible, but bad. Plus nitro had the crusierweights lead by Sugar Shane Helms. If anything TNA impact is nitro with all the mocking of the WWE & full of WWE talent who failed drug test except for Cage.

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