Recent content by deadman talking

  1. D

    Total Nonstop Deletion: Future of the Business or Just a Fad?

    Total non stop deletion was awful! I was hoping for a good show. It might have been the worst wrestling show I have ever seen. I was embarrassed for the wrestlers! I like the broken Hardys thing but only in small doses. Perhaps I did not understand some of what was going on because I have only...
  2. D

    Who's Gimmick Did You Completely Buy Into?

    I totally bought into a the whole Goldberg gimmick. Loved his intensity and aggressiveness. Cm punk the last few years he wrestled was another one. I couldn't wait to see what was next with them. Also Brock lesner.
  3. D

    What is your pro wrestling Mount Rushmore?

    Hulk Hogan for being the most over guy in wrestling, and getting the most eyes on the business. Ric Flair for being the greatest champion probably of all time. Vince McMahon for being the greatest promoter of all time. Andre for being Andre. Jim Ross for being the best commentator of...
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    Davey Boy Smith 1999

    Bulldog was one of my favorites. When he came back in 99, I absolutely marked out. it didn't take long to realize something was different. He didn't seem to have that spark he once had. Injuries and drugs were taking over. The atmosphere in the wwe had also changed. I think if he would have...
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    The Fall of X-Pac in the AE

    Sean was a really good hand, when he first started as 123 kid/lightning kid. He had some really good matches with Bret and Razor. He even had a good little run tagging with Razor. Eventually the hard drugs and his ego, got in the way. He changed drastically when going from the kid to xpac! Very...
  6. D

    So, the Goldberg 2K17 Commercial had a "Suplex City"...

    I don't see a match coming out of this between lesner and Goldberg. He's too old and was not in the business very long before, and now after more than a decade since he last was in the ring. I don't see it. It's just for the game, but it could mean a hall of fame induction next year for Goldberg.
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    Favourite ECW Entrance Themes

    I may be wrong but didn't Rob Van Dam have Walk by the mighty Pantera as his entrance music?
  8. D

    Wade Barrett not re-signing with WWE?

    Barrett got off to a really good start with nexus. He was really good on the mike. I thought he did pretty good in the cena feud. Something went wrong along the way. I think he could has a good chance of doing some good work in another company. Just don't get injured again!
  9. D

    What do you consider to be the biggest wrestling match of your lifetime?

    i would consider hogan vs warrior to be the biggest match in my lifetime. im sure my age added to the match. it was the first babyface vs babyface that i had experienced as well. as a kid i was so conflicted as to who i wanted to win. hogan was the superhero godlike wrestler to me, but warrior...
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    Undertaker overrated?

    when the undertaker first came to wwe, it took him quite some time to get good in the ring. in fact i thought he was terrible. the guy does have alot of presence and a look you dont forget. i think it took him 5 or 6 years before i enjoyf any of his matches. the satanic undertaker of the late...
  11. D

    So who was right? CM Punk or Triple H? Or were both assholes?

    cm punk and wwe were both wrong, but i think punk was more. he acts as if he should get what he wants at all times. if wwe wanted batista to headline wrestlemania than so be it. just do your job.
  12. D

    Can Bo Dallas be a successful good guy?

    i was always hoping that this gimmick was just to get him in the ''front door.'' i bet and hope he is a hell of a wrestler ala Barry Windham, his uncle. i was hoping they would put him in the ring with someone like a D Bryan and give em a good 15 to 20 minutes at least. Because i bet the kid can...
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    Brock Lesnar WWE World Heavyweight Championship Run Thread

    it does not bother me that lesnar got the win, but the match was total shit. i was hoping for a good stiff match showing a little more talent than what was shown. everyone bitches about cena and others only doing a handful of moves, but lesnar doesnt do hardly any these days. i was totally...
  14. D

    Would WWE take back Jeff Hardy?

    as long as hardy can still go in the ring, they will have him back in the wwe. they had countless talent with problems return. if there is money to be made they will totally do what they can to make it happen
  15. D

    How will Alberto Del Rio be remembered?

    alberto del rio, i think, will be remembered as a solid fighting champion. he has had a respectable run thus far, although lately he has been jobbing more often. a lot of wrestlers have had their best/better matches against del rio. i think sheamus had his best feud with berti. one of the better...