Brock Lesnar WWE World Heavyweight Championship Run Thread

Is Brock Lesnar's WWE Title Reign being affected by Recent Injuries?

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The title of the thread says it all. I wasn't all that surprised that Lesnar would walk out champion, I was surprised that he controlled about 99% of the match and defeated Cena in such a decisive way. It was almost a squash match and the story coming out of it has to be Cena being absolutely dominated by Lesnar. The match itself told a good story with Cena being this determined, never say die babyface champion and Lesnar as this...well this flat out beast. It did get kinda dull watching Lesnar suplex Cena all over creation time after time. However, the story coming out of the match is that Cena has NEVER been used to put anyone over in such a flat out dominant way.

Given such a dominant win, this raises even more questions as to what happens with Lesnar's run, how long it'll last, who'll ultimately take it from him, how it'll be done, etc. Frankly, after decimating Cena, Lesnar dropping the strap at NOC seems a bit anti-climatic.
what a GREAT ppv, props to cena for putting him over, interesting few months ahead, is DB really as injured as people want to believe?...they seem to be hiding him well, maybe for a suprise entry at RR
I'd say it was a total squash match. I think the F5 a minute in didn't help him at all. In all my years watching Cena, never thought I would see him get squashed in such a manner.

Who the hell is going to be able to beat Lesnar is the big question now? I don't think even Reigns or Orton is up to the task.

Most annoying part was that kid shouting "Let's go Cena". That was god awful.
I thought the match was great, sure not in a technical sense but the story-telling was amazing and John Cena sold every move of Lesnar like a champ. This is the best booking for a heel in a long time and I truly believe the person who finally stops Brock Lesnar will be elevated to a new level. Looks like ending the streak was a good decision after all.
Awesome storytelling since HHH vs Taker WM28. The entire ppv was great. Brock looks super dominant. Can't wait to see where this goes.
it does not bother me that lesnar got the win, but the match was total shit. i was hoping for a good stiff match showing a little more talent than what was shown. everyone bitches about cena and others only doing a handful of moves, but lesnar doesnt do hardly any these days. i was totally wanting lesnar as champion before this match. he was way better before he quit to play football. he looks like a badass but damn hes gotten boring ass hell. punk vs lesnar was lesnars last good match
I'm hoping that the squash was to write Cena off to go do his movies. Lesnar should ride this until about TLC, where Cena returns and beats Lesnar in a gimmick match.

You IWC marks will never be happy. Cena was literally used as a jobber from the early 90s, and now it didn't make sense. That was the best possible way to book the guy that ended the streak.
I am glad lesnar won it is just I was hoping the match would be more like their extreme rules match.. I was actually hoping it would be better. But all it was f5-12 German suplex-AA-4 suplex- f5- pin
I have mixed reviews of how this played out. So let me get this straight. CM Punk gives Brock Lesnar one hell of a match at Summerslam last year and almost defeats him. Yet Cena gets absolutely dominated? That makes Cena look even more weak in my opinion. Don't get wrong, I love CM Punk and I don't mind Cena at all. It just makes no sense to me how we are supposed to believe that CM Punk can give Lesar the fight of his life but Cena gets squashed. As people have noted above I assume this was done to make Brock a monster heel so they can get someone over huge. Reigns perhaps? Or is this setting up for a rematch where Cena gets payback? It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few months.
This was more shocking than Lesnar vs. Undertaker.

The streak ending was dramatic. But seeing Cena decimated? I don't think fans can see Cena the same way.

Lesnar beating Taker changed the WrestleMania landscape. Lesnar's win over Cena changed the WWE landscape.
I don't know what to say. I can't remember the last time I was so against popular opinion.
This was Brock's 3rd shit match of the year. I had never seen such an uneventful match as this one. At WrestleMania, people told me that it was so shockingly bad it was good. And now people are saying the same thing. It was a straight-up squash match. Something like this belongs as a throaway Rusev match on Smackdown, not in the SummerSlam main event. I frankly could not have been more disappointed than I was tonight.
I think the little things that Lesnar did during the match really sold just how dominant he is. The Undertaker-esque sit up which then turned into him laughing at Cena to then be being back on his feet and taunting him, he genuinely looked like a badass whilst doing that. It all plays into the "he was at 50% last time" line from Heyman, despite their match at ER being more violent Lesnar had been away from the WWE at that point for a good few years so it would've been a bit anticlimactic to have him comeback and destroy Cena right away.
I call Brock Lesner "Brock The Lock", because this man has sports entertainment on lockdown right now! Brock Lesner is coming off another big win this year with beating the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania XXX (30) and tonight beating the golden boy of the WWE John Cena for the WWE WHC title. Brock is in a league of his own right now! I just hope that Lesner doesn't have to drop the title next month at the Night of Champions PPV.

Congrats to the beast!
Getting the belt off Lesnar is what will prove to be tricky. In the main event stage, the WWE is heel heavy right now. The lead in to tonight and the actual match make me assume that the plan is to keep Lesnar a super-heel. Given the current state of WWE this takes away options. They won't go Authority vs Lesnar. One it would be heel vs heel and WWE doesn't typically book that type of match (face vs face is different, at least there people want to root for someone). More importantly Orton just lost out to Reigns so it would be hard to justify him as a #1 contender. Given Lesnar's disposition as a loner, you can't buy time booking him in a ppv tag team match. And I don't think they will want to go with Reigns at least not yet. The option now appears to be Cena's rematch, whether its right away next month or they say he needs healing time which would then put that rematch into October. But beyond that, I'm real interested to see how they book this.
I love how they are booking Brock in unpredictable matches.
Nobody thought the streak would end...and nobody thought he would squash Superman in the main event of Summerslam for the title.
What a fantastic PPV.

So great. I loved that it didn't follow the usual formula. Right from the time. Brock hit the first F5 in the first minute of the match, you could tell this one would go differently.

Loved it. Loved that Brock won so convincingly. Props to Cena for putting him over like that.

The title picture is unpredictable now, which is great.
I love how they are booking Brock in unpredictable matches.
Nobody thought the streak would end...and nobody thought he would squash Superman in the main event of Summerslam for the title.
What a fantastic PPV.

That is frigging hilarious.

I loved the match. Brock the monster crushing the golden boy.
Getting the belt off Lesnar is what will prove to be tricky. In the main event stage, the WWE is heel heavy right now. The lead in to tonight and the actual match make me assume that the plan is to keep Lesnar a super-heel. Given the current state of WWE this takes away options. They won't go Authority vs Lesnar. One it would be heel vs heel and WWE doesn't typically book that type of match (face vs face is different, at least there people want to root for someone). More importantly Orton just lost out to Reigns so it would be hard to justify him as a #1 contender. Given Lesnar's disposition as a loner, you can't buy time booking him in a ppv tag team match. And I don't think they will want to go with Reigns at least not yet. The option now appears to be Cena's rematch, whether its right away next month or they say he needs healing time which would then put that rematch into October. But beyond that, I'm real interested to see how they book this.

Agreed. Reality is, the two most popular faces are retired(Punk) and seriously injured(Bryan). Reigns seems to be the guy they want to build up as next and I'm not trying to be negative, but I just don't see it. He doesn't have a lot to him beyond the look and being booked well so far. Not much of a wrestler, and not a great talker. I'm not sold. Cena is the default always, but nobody wants to see that anymore. There's literally nobody else, that I can see.

What I hope happens is Bryan gets healthy and comes all the way back to beat Brock and win back the belt he never lost and gets a real run with it. Would be an incredible story.

I could see Bray Wyatt turning and getting over.....would be interested to see him and Brock go at it. Bray could make a good weird anti-hero and the crowd would really get behind him if he went against Brock or the authority. Half the crowd has wanted to cheer him the last 6 months or so anyway. Might as well go with it this fall. It's inevitable that Bray goes face, just like it was with Jake Roberts, Undertaker, and Foley. I can't see anyone else out there to battle Brock this fall.

I LOVE Ambrose and would love to see him get the top face push, but they seem to be heading towards playing the long game with him. Hope it happens for him though.

Next Mania for the first choice is Bryan vs. Brock.

2nd choice is Reigns vs. Rollins vs. Ambrose triple threat with Ambrose going over.
I don't know what to say. I can't remember the last time I was so against popular opinion.
This was Brock's 3rd shit match of the year. I had never seen such an uneventful match as this one. At WrestleMania, people told me that it was so shockingly bad it was good. And now people are saying the same thing. It was a straight-up squash match. Something like this belongs as a throaway Rusev match on Smackdown, not in the SummerSlam main event. I frankly could not have been more disappointed than I was tonight.

The same back and forth matches have been seen a million times. I like that Brock's matches are different and have a more "real", unpredictable feel to them. Brock hit 16 German supplexes on Cena! How is that not awesome?
The same back and forth matches have been seen a million times. I like that Brock's matches are different and have a more "real", unpredictable feel to them. Brock hit 16 German supplexes on Cena! How is that not awesome?

Agreed. The way he brutalized Cena made me actually feel sympathy for the goofy loser. I'd say that's an effective match.
The same back and forth matches have been seen a million times. I like that Brock's matches are different and have a more "real", unpredictable feel to them. Brock hit 16 German supplexes on Cena! How is that not awesome?

Last year's SummerSlam had 3 excellent matches close to 5 stars: (1) John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan, (2) Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio, and (3) Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk. There was nothing "the same" about them. They were all interesting in their own way.

That's what I was expecting from Cena & Lesnar, 2 of the 6 guys who made SummerSlam awesome last year.

Instead, we got this crap. Winners and losers mean very little to me as a wrestling fan. I watch for the promos, the stories and the matches. This match was dreadful. Headlocks, suplexes and taunts. That's it. I felt like I was watching a parody of WWE.
Last year's SummerSlam had 3 excellent matches close to 5 stars: (1) John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan, (2) Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio, and (3) Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk. There was nothing "the same" about them. They were all interesting in their own way.

That's what I was expecting from Cena & Lesnar, 2 of the 6 guys who made SummerSlam awesome last year.

Instead, we got this crap. Winners and losers mean very little to me as a wrestling fan. I watch for the promos, the stories and the matches. This match was dreadful. Headlocks, suplexes and taunts. That's it. I felt like I was watching a parody of WWE.

Yeah, the match could have been better for the viewers. What I liked is having Brock Lesnar as a monster, but why a squash match? Maybe we're looking at this the wrong way, and WWE wants to present Lesnar as an unstoppable monster. But I feel Lesnar would have looked stronger if Cena was given more offense.
well, i fear what will happen with a Lensar title run. i like Lesnar's ability in the ring, there's no issue there. i am a huge Heyman fan, no issue with that either, BUT the key and biggest issue is that Brock Lesnar is a part time guy. how long will he be there?? how long will he hold the title?? and last question, if he holds the title till WM (like has been rumored) will he wrestle all the PPV main event title matches or will he still work his part time schedule (yuck)?? my hope is that either he works all the ppv title matches or loses his title in November to either Reigns (who then gets cashed on) or a returning Bryan (doubt that happens as he's likely still hurt by then sadly).

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