Ziggler VS Rusev conundrum


Getting Noticed By Management
As Wrestlezone has reported it seems WWE creative has lost interest in this feud. Most of us are like...FINALLY!!! Thank the Lord...My question to you all is how would you end this horrendous story? I would have Summer Rae aid Dolph in winning and have Dolph turn heel w/Summer Rae as his new valet. I would have Rusev move on and man up. Say that at NOC Dolph Ziggler proved to be the better man, but what he realized is that AMERICAN WOMEN SUCK!!! Yes. He had the "perfect" woman, Lana. He treated her badly and he wants to publicly apologize for the terrible things he did. Set it up so creative can go either way w/Rusev when Lana returns. They can reunite and be fan favs or go back to their heel ways w/more expanded characters besides the I Hate America schitck.
Hopefully they will just do what they've done so many times in the past, never mention it again. It wouldn't be the first time that a storyline was dropped or fizzed out with no fuss and bother.

This might not have been so bad if all the players were involved all the time. As it was there always seemed to be one out either with an injury, or filming a movie. I just thank God they've come to their senses, and we'll not see much more of it.
Dolph Ziggler deserves so much better than this crap. He's one of the most over performers on the roster and should be routinely headlining PPVs, not stuck in meaningless midcard feuds. They need to finally give Ziggler a decisive win over Rusev, end the feud, and move on to bigger and better things.
Dolph Ziggler deserves so much better than this crap. He's one of the most over performers on the roster and should be routinely headlining PPVs, not stuck in meaningless midcard feuds. They need to finally give Ziggler a decisive win over Rusev, end the feud, and move on to bigger and better things.

I'm the complete opposite. I think Rusev should get the decisive win and move on to bigger and better things.

But regardless, this storyline needs to die in a fire. Neither man has really benefited from it and their match at Summerslam was surprisingly dull.
Just drop it completely. Don't mention it. Pretend like it never happened and move on with bigger and better things for Rusev and Dolph Ziggler.
I'm the complete opposite. I think Rusev should get the decisive win and move on to bigger and better things.

But regardless, this storyline needs to die in a fire. Neither man has really benefited from it and their match at Summerslam was surprisingly dull.

Rusev is a lifelong midcard guy for me. They gave him clean and dominant wins over guys who should have EASILY beaten him, and none of those wins made me give a crap about Rusev. Rusev is more interesting now that he's not handcuffed by the "we can't let him lose!!!" bullshit, but he'll never be half as good as Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler is a main event talent stranded in midcard hell.
Dolph Ziggler is good but he is no where near the most over guy on the roster nor anywhere close. He is over and people like him but damn, relax with this guy.
I like the double turn idea. Rusev has run his course as a monster heel. Re-uniting him with Lana and turning them face (For the time being) would in my humble opinion be the way to go. Dolph has been treading water as a face. He won't get any further up the card as a baby face so now would be a good time to turn him heel and see what he and Summer Rae can do together.
Rusev should win and move on to a new program. Whatever they do, inevitably Rusev and Lana are better together than apart. They should recreate Macho Man and Elizabeth with Rusev and Lana. Lana jumps the barricade at WrestleMania 32 and saves Rusev from a post match beat down by Summer Rae. Rusev and Lana get married at SummerSlam. That will put butts in seats over this soap opera train wreck.
Rusev should win and move on to a new program. Whatever they do, inevitably Rusev and Lana are better together than apart. They should recreate Macho Man and Elizabeth with Rusev and Lana. Lana jumps the barricade at WrestleMania 32 and saves Rusev from a post match beat down by Summer Rae. Rusev and Lana get married at SummerSlam. That will put butts in seats over this soap opera train wreck.

Rusev not only beat, but DECIMATED guys who should have easily beaten him, like Jack Swagger, Mark Henry, Big Show, and Sheamus, and we're supposed to believe Summer Rae can kick the crap out of him? Even if he just lost a 50 on 1 Handicap Match, that pushes believability WAY too far out the window.
well, here's a natural way out of it...

Total Divas last night (yes, I know, scripted as can be)... showed previews for next week's season finale where Ziggler and Nikki are really flirty... she tells him how John Cena is never going to marry her or give her kids and later on he tells her he can and would give her those things.

WWE has used Total Divas for storylines within the divas division... they could easily break off a Cena vs Ziggler feud out of it... gets him away from Rusev and Rusev moves on to something else...
I think Rusev should get the decisive win and move on to bigger and better things.

Agreed. I was surprised to see Dolph get the victory at Night of Champions because it surely means the feud will continue. I don't think Ziggler is in Rusev's league as far as future success. To me, the only reason this feud was born was because of the women.....and, sure enough, Summer Rae and her shoes turned out to be the deciding factor in the Dolph-Rusev match.

Nothing has changed; although the series will go on, Rusev will eventually wind up on top. The only question is to whom the gals will align when it ends. I wouldn't be shocked to see Rusev kick Summer Rae to the curb.....or watch her willingly go over to the Dolph wagon.

Either way.....meh. I want Rusev in the main event.

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