Is Rusev Being Built for Big Things?


King Of The Ring
Since his debut, Rusev has been built as an unstoppable machine who, unlike many other heels, has been able to defeat his opponents through sheer power and skill. Everybody knows of Rusev's backstory; going nearly a year unpinned or submitted before winning the US Championship from Sheamus, entering into a great feud with John Cena, and now currently, splitting from Lana and beginning a four-way love... square(?) angle with Dolph Ziggler. To some it may seem as if Rusev has taken a step down lately, but it honestly surprised me that WWE booked him so strong on Raw last night, giving him the clean win over Cesaro and nearly beating John Cena before Owens' interference. This leads me to believe that Rusev is still very high on WWE's list and is somebody that they are focused on heading into the future.

Which leads me to my question. What's in store for Rusev following this angle with Dolph Ziggler, which hopefully will end at Summerslam? Is WWE building Rusev for bigger and better things, and if so, what may they be? I wholly believe that Rusev is the man to break the mould of the "foreign heel monster" gimmick that has failed time and time again. I'm praying that they put Lana and Rusev together again as I feel like they were a perfect match and she is the final piece to his puzzle.

Thought on Rusev and his direction going forward?
He had a fantastic match last night with both Cesaro and Owens, before Owens backed off. I'm thinking that after Ziggler he'll probably either go after Owens, if he wins the title off Cena, or Cesaro might go after him.

Before last night it looked like it would be Owens/Cesaro up next, but throwing Rusev into the mix has sort of muddied the water's a bit. Anyway considering what happened on RAW, and the fact that he's probably not 100% yet, it still looks like some good matches coming up for us to watch leading to Summerslam.

Knowing the WWE they'll probably throw Ziggler in there as well, but that remains to be seen. The further Rusev stays away from that soap opera the better. What they'll do with Lana is anyone's guess.
After the PPV, I would move Rusev on to the Intercontinental title and let him have a long program with Ryback. And leave the Russia/Bulgaria stuff behind and let him just be a bruising super athlete bad-ass.
Rusev will be WWE World Heavyweight Champion, I've said this since his debut, I've told you people he had untapped charisma. I told you all he would survive his "dated gimmick". I told you he was a 5 tool player.

Yes, big things are meant for Rusev.

You all whined about the love triangle - I told you he was getting character development - I told you I'd rather be Rusev right now than many others (including Cesaro who he beat).

Listen to me again, Rusev is 29, he's 300 pounds, he has athleticism, he gets mic time regularly, he's one of the best in the ring when it comes to selling and psychology. He takes every opportunity to grow as a performer. He maximizes his tv time. He has presence.

Rusev is the real deal people. I've been saying this for over a year now.
I don't trust them booking Rusev. I assume Ziggler returns in a few weeks. They have matches over the next couple of PPVs. Hopefully in the end, Lana turns on Ziggler and sides back with Rusev and he goes after the IC title.
Rusev great in the ring and took an overdone/outdated gimmick and made it gold, but his feud with Ziggler and partnership with Summer Rae needs to end immediately.

My advice is put him back with Lana and take the "I'm from Russia and hate America" gimmick up a notch. (Assault a war veteran, Burn the American flag) It wouldn't happen, but man would it get people talking.

If WWE gets behind him, he could be a future WWE Champion. There's a ton of potential.
The anti-American heel stuff ran its course a while ago. Rusev tore through one patriotic challenger after another on the road to Wrestlemania 31, and he was defeated by the ultimate American hero at Wrestlemania. After he loses to the American hero in a big match, the shelf life for an anti-American heel character hits the expiration date, so changing directions for The Bulgarian Brute was a good move.

Going forward, I sincerely believe Rusev will find his way into the WWE WHC picture in the future. Rusev can go in the ring, he has a surprising amount of agility and speed for a man of his size, and I had my doubts at first, but Rusev has what it takes to be a good heel.

It's only a matter of time before Rusev starts to berate Summer Rae for her mistakes, and the crowd will feel sympathy for Summer. Rusev is the big, nasty brute, and he'll belittle and shame the sweet and innocent Summer to the point, where the fans will (hopefully) rally around Summer.

It's a cliched formula, but Rusev can make it work. My only real concern is Summer. Lana was able to hold her own on the mic, as this snobbish and arrogant character, but I have a hard time picturing a worthwhile promo from Summer. Although, Summer is an attractive woman, so you have to believe they'll limit her responsibilities as a character to standing around with timid body language and lowering her head, when Rusev inevitably scolds her, and I guess that's enough.
I was more taken aback by how Rusev drove away Kevin Owens, who I still think will go on to bigger and better things. At the absolute least, Im interested in what will happen as I think this love triangle shit is the worst thing to happen to WWE in awhile.
If they wanna continue on with Rusev's angle as is one idea I had is if he became a serial womanizer. Split with Lana. Fire Summer. Come out with other Divas/NXT girls/comeback divas or something like that. One per month. He treats them all like dirt.

Clearly it's a short term idea but...anything to get Summer "Untalented and not even pretty" Rae off the screen.
If they wanna continue on with Rusev's angle as is one idea I had is if he became a serial womanizer. Split with Lana. Fire Summer. Come out with other Divas/NXT girls/comeback divas or something like that. One per month. He treats them all like dirt.

As soon as I read that the first thing that flashed through my mind was Dan Ackroyd and Steve Martin, doing the "Two wild and crazy guys" from Saturday Night Live.

I just can't imagine Rusev wearing polyester pants, swinging his hips from side to side and pointing his fingers in the air. On the other hand it would be quite hilarious to watch.

So I really don't see that angle working, and now I can't get it out of my head. Thanks.

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