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Ziggler/Swagger Team?

The Wolf

Pre-Show Stalwart
On RAW in the 8 man tag Ziggler & Swagger gave me a flash back of MVP/Hardy. They were Tag Team champs but what made them so successful was their 1 upmanship.

Now all in all they look like a good team & also they have Vicki in their corner to help them work like a real team over time. I am believing that Ziggler has gotten stuck in mid title (not counting fued with Edge) & I think he can be in Main Events (not champion yet) but can put on great matches. Swagger has just gotten lost after his short run as WHC (Cole/Lawler fued proves my point. Teaming them up will put them on top they should get atleast 1 good title run before splitting them.

I am wondering if I am the only 1?
umm last I checked Ziggler and Swagger are both Raw Superstars, and if Vicki is in a position where she is going to become manager for both of them, then it make sense for them to be paired up in a tag team together at some point over the next few months.

Their both great in ring talents.
Both are good enough on the mic.
Both are former WHC.

They could make a good tag team, and once they dissolve as a tag team/in Vicki stable one could easily turn on the other making one a bigger heel and the other a breakout face.

I think they could be great, although Id rather see Ziggler break away from Vicki and be pushed to the moon for the WWE title
I would watch them as a Tag Team. It could be pretty interesting as they are both really good in the ring. Both have submission finishers and both are very agressive. They in a way remind me of Beniot and Melanko just a tad bit taller. I say this due to both of these guys being technical and having submission finisher and the intensity in the ring. I think these guys could become something serious if paired up. Although I thought this was going to lead to a Ziggler face turn and a Ziggler, Swagger feud. As I understand the WWE wants to revamp the tag division but they don't have to throw everyone together. They should go after legit tag teams who can help the division out that way.

I would like to see this tag team happen if it is going to. But, I would rather watch Ziggler turn face and feud it out with Swagger. Also its a fresh feud and it can make the US Title look stronger. Have Swagger take Viki and say how he is the All American American and he deserves the US Title an boom!! Could be a very intense feud with some great matches.
I have to say I am tired of tag teams that are primarily singles competitors paired up, but despite that I recognize that the tag team division was in one of its greatest strides doing so years back. This of course when Smackdowns tag team scene was essentially Benoit/Angle, Mysterio/Edge and Eddie/Chavo. Looks as if WWE is revisiting this part of their history.

Swagger and Ziggler could definitely fill the Benoit/Angle role with their trying to outdo each other, thus making them a successful team. I think it would even be fun to put the tag titles on them. Their dynamic was the best thing about the 8-man tag team match from Raw, and it merits it's own story.
Ive been putting these two together in the SVR games for years. Most tag teams these days are just thrown together and they look like it too. Look at Air Boom, they just look like two mid cards going nowhere thrown together, similar colour gear would at least help this abit. The great teams of the attitude era like the Dudleys, Hardys and E+C and even lesser teams like Too Cool, APA looked like they should tag and belong together because the dressed similarly and look like they could be friends/a team. Swagger and Mr Ziggles look like they would hang out and form a team due to look n background, rather than just deciding to say kofi and bourne are friends the week before a title shot, having said nothing about it before. The power and speed combo would be awesome and a cool finisher called ZigSwag or something would be cool. It would also be a cool way to gradually push Ziggler into the main event picture
if anyone should team with ziggler i think it should be drew macintyre as both think there the future of the company dolph because hes well........... dolph and drew because he was told by vince he would be a world champion i can picture this tandeem going big and having some awesome matches with air boom and eventuly winning the tag team titles
Drew and Swagger would be Great, And well yesterday we saw what there tag special would be,The sleeper Ankle Lock Combination,pretty much after that you should not get up lol
I don't really see them like MVP/Hardy. They aren't really rivals as they haven't had a match against each other. I think they could be a team, but Ziggler seems to be the only one holding it up. He wants to be on his own and part of me doesn't blame him becasue he's right on the verge of Main Event level. Swagger is on the mediocrity train going to nowhere fast and he needs Ziggler more than Ziggler needs him. Like I said, it could be good.
Wait, when was Ziggler WHC?

And as a tag team, hell yeah I'd by that. I think they could be considered one of the most dominant tag teams. Both have wrestling backgrounds and both would have the heat magnet in their corner. They would for sure dominate the WWE tag team scene. Hell, when this whole thing started between the two I thought that was what the WWE was heading for, and I still do. Like someone said earlier it may play off the same chemestry that Matt and MVP had, that constant desire to one up each other and with these two it could work.
A tag team division with Ziggler/Swagger, Miz/Truth and Bourne/Kofi. Would be a big improvement for the tag division considering how terrible it was just 4 months ago. Those three teams could have great matches together and if you throw Vickie into the mix she can cover up for Ziggler and Swagger's lack of mic ability.

At the end of the day the US title is just a prop and there isn't too much emphasis placed on it. The fact that the only person left for him to defend his title against right now is Alex Riley shows he wont have anything to do after that feud is over anyways. Therefore teaming with Swagger gives both of them something to do and opens up the possibility of a feud between the two down the line. Swagger should have been turned face after the cole/Lawler feud anyways so im looking foward to the two of them tearing it up on Raw down the line.
It really depends on how they want to do this. This whole feud basically looks like it's Ziggler turning face, leaving Vickie, and Swagger joining Vickie because he needs all the help getting heat that he can find.

I don't know if you go Ziggler vs Swagger at NOC, Ziggler vs Riley, Ziggler vs Riley vs Swagger.

Personally I go Ziggler vs Riley vs Swagger with Swagger pinning Riley to win the US title. Vickie brings in Swagger, Ziggler is reluctant. Swagger and Vickie both talk about how "Swagger is the US champ Dolph, he's good for the stable". They tag a few times with Swagger still trying to upstage Ziggler. Do a slow burn with it. Maybe even have them go after the tag straps but lose because of Ziggler (in the minds of Swagger and Vickie). Eventually Ziggler breaks away after weeks or even months of abuse.

I would like to fit Riley in there somewhere just because I think he's such a good raw (abjective, not roster) babyface.
I would put Morrison and Ziggler together. They could go the route of being the good looking team that talks a lot of shit. I think the crowd would love them together.
I would put Morrison and Ziggler together. They could go the route of being the good looking team that talks a lot of shit. I think the crowd would love them together.
I don't like this idea at all. They're about to push Ziggler to see if he can get over as a singles guy. They've been trying to push Morrison but he doesn't get over worth a fuck.

Not only that but they'd be more of a faster-paced babyface team, which you already have in Kofi/Bourne. You don't make a great menu with the same shit. You need variety.

Maybe have Morrison and Riley as a team. You give Vickie a tag in her stable to go against them. Maybe once Lawler gets Otungacutty over, she could adopt them.
I think WWE is gonna try them together for a little while, and when they don't get the crowd reaction they're looking for, they'll disband them.

I would like to see them last awhile, especially with the sleeper/ankle. But we'll see.
Why not? Two of my favorite guys on the roster. Ziggler wont have anything to do after he drops the U.S. title because the main event scene is so crowded. And the sleeper hold/ankle lock combination was sick. Could you imagine a gutwrench powerbomb/zig zag combination? I have to see that.

But it looks like Awesome Truth are gonna win the tag titles and keep them for sometime. So I'm not sure if now is the right time for Ziggler and Swagger to for a team. They would just be stuck facing the Uso's on Superstars if they do it right now.
Considering that both are great ring performers, technical wrestlers, former world champions (really?) and both are managed by the COUGAR (LOL) Vicky Guerrero, they can definitely make a great team. They can help spice up the Tag Team division because these two are well respected mid-carders.
Ziggler and Swagger were working good on RAW but a Tag Team? Ziggler is US Champ but is he relevant? I think if Ziggler can do what The Miz did, hold both the US and Tag titles at once, he'll be realized as main event material. The match between Orton and the promo that preceded it makes it obvious that the WWE wants Ziggler in the M-E and making him Tag Champ may be the first step to getting him there.
I would put Morrison and Ziggler together. They could go the route of being the good looking team that talks a lot of shit. I think the crowd would love them together.

Morrison is a face, a terrible face at that and he can't "talk" so him talking shit wouldn't work.

Ziggler is a heel, a great heel and he can talk, which puts him in a league far and above Morrison.

They also have bad blood with each other ah la la la WM27 Ziggler and Lay-Cool vs Morrison, Trish, and that Jersey Shore Troll Doll.

It would then be a waste of Zigglers talents, and how does Morrison still have a job?
does anyone watch raw? zigswag would never work. they would just fight each other all the time. it would only work to make air boom and awesome truth not have to have a clean win over each other. not a good place for the us champ to be.
The two could potentially make a good team and the tag team division DOES need more people.... but so does Raw's midcard. If you take them out, then who would be in the US title picture? Alex Riley, maybe John Morrison, and no heels? The midcard needs them more right now than the tag team division does. If they formed an alliance then that's different. They could decide to work together, only for Swagger to turn on Ziggler when he reveals that he wants a title match, or something. Even then it wouldn't make much sense, and how would Vickie come into the picture? She's still involved. This idea would be better for something in the future due to them already being needing to be against each other in the midcard at the moment.

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