Ziggler Face Turn?

Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
After what we saw on Raw do you think that we could be witnessing a face turn with Ziggler?

To me, I'm starting to see Ziggler breaking up with Vicky and possibly feuding with Swagger. This could possibly his turn to go face.

How would you feel if he went face? Would you like it or hate it?

I don't think that he's ready either. and to me, he just seems like that type of guy you probably couldn't see heel. He's just has the attitude of being heel, like The Miz.
I would much rather Jack Swagger go face then Dolph Ziggler. Jack Swagger is somewhat of an American Hero who is a former amateur wrestling champion. His gimmick suits a babyface far better then Dolph Ziggler's would. But it does seem they're going a different way with this with Dolph turning face and breaking apart from Vickie Guerrero. I like Dolph. He is a great US Champion and has what it takes to succeed in the WWE. But if he can't get over by himself as a heel what makes anyone think he could as a face? Me personally, I don't think Dolph is exactly ready to break away from Vickie yet nor is he ready for a face turn.
What makes me think that Dolph can make a pretty good face is that whenever you see him in talk shows, game shows, etc.. He's always the likeable funny guy. And if that's how he is in real life then I think he can easily pull it off on WWE TV. Just watch his appearances on Lopez Tonight and Deal Or No Deal. He actually has charisma and a great personality that I think just scream babyface.

Plus let's not forget the RAW roster is packed with main event heels. I think if Dolph should turn face he should tell Morrison that he wants to "Start a new chapter and help him out" they can have a good feud with Miz and Truth.

And I think Dolph can really get himself over as a babyface. So if he ever turns heel again he won't have to worry about not getting a reaction anymore.
weather any of us like it not most likley dolph ziggler is already on the road towards a face turn by dumping vickie and entering a fued with jack swagger over the us title but if ziggler turns face ill give it a chance i thought a-ry would suck as a face but he doesnt maybe he will do good with it? :shrug:
I definitely see Swagger turning face.WWE is doing the same kind of storyline that TNA did :)O) with Kurt Angle, Karen Angle, and AJ Styles a few years back. Swagger is much more likely to turn face, and I can see him as a face much more than I can see Ziggler. Swagger can be a hero all-american. Ziggler is just a cocky heel.
Ziggler is just a cocky heel.

Sure, but anyone who directly opposes Vicki Guerrero is going to be perceived as a face. Even when it came to someone as prolific as Edge, the cheers started for a classic heel like him when he began his split with her. It's amazing that someone like Vicki generates so much heat; I've never understood what it is people love to hate about her.

Still, for the people in this topic speculating that Swagger might turn face, be assured it won't happen while he's tight with Vicki.....unless, of course, the plan is to keep them together just a short while, culminating in a split that will turn him face before you can say "Excuse me!"

As for Ziggler, it's probably time to try him out as a good guy. Simply working his tail off and providing some excellent matches isn't enough to get him truly over as a heel. Personally, I don't think he'd be any more interesting as a face, but it's worth a shot.
I for one would not like it at the moment maybe a month or 2 down the line

I like Ziggler as a heel though have not seen him as a face and I feel he has way more potential as a heel US Champ though him as a face it yet to seen
Ziggler is just a cocky heel.

I can definitely see Ziggler as a face coming up very soon. There's the obvious Anti-Vickie automatic, but also the fans do seem to appreciate what kind of worker he is. And since when does being a cocky heel disqualify a wrestler from having a face turn? The greatest cocky heel in HISTORY turned and became one of the most beloved wrestlers ever! Shawn Michaels didn't change a damn thing about his persona through the 90's, but by aligning himself with faces and opposing heels, he became a face. Over time he developed into, arguably, the greatest in-ring performer of all the times! (right, Santino?) Now I'm not saying that Dolph Ziggler is the next Shawn Michaels, but he does have a world of potential, and I think he can really flourish as a face.
Ziggler becoming face would be alright, maybe have him Riley form a tag team too. But I don't want him to become a face right now, it doesn't seem right to have someone switch sides while they're a champion. Maybe he'll lose the title to Swagger at NoC, which would be the last straw and send him over to the good side. Ziggler is pretty good in the ring so he'll stay on the card but maybe change up his finisher. The Zigzag I think, where he goes up behind the guy and slams them head first into the mat, it's a great move but something about sneaking up behind the opponent's back doesn't seem fitting for a face. I'm all for a face turn by Ziggles but just not while he's in a middle of a title run.
I am not sure if Ziggler going face would be the best thing. He could still leave or lose Vicki and be a heel. Maybe even a tweener, but a full fledged face I don't know if that could work with him to be honest and his character...
I was kind of wondering if they were going to take that route with him as well.

For him to leave Vickie, he'd almost have to go face for a little bit. Either that or be right between being a face and a heel.

Dolph has a lot of good qualities that are being kept down by none other than our loveable WWE writing staff. Of course that's to be expected here in recent years when they let talent slide right on out the window and forget how creative a business this really can be.
We all knew it was and still is inevitable for Dolph to turn face. No one can split from and feud with vickie without coming out as the good guy, she is the ultimate heel personality.

I like the idea of making allies with john morrison, perhaps with one more to feud with a vickie stable involving swagger, miz, and truth. Even if it was just jomo and him vs the last two it could be interesting and highly entertaining in terms of ring work. Plus would elevate Dolph`s status to that level between us cahmp and wwe champ the other three are on.

The only con is I`m not sure I want dolph to drop the title yet. I`d like to see him feud with rhodes in a best out of three falls champ vs champ thing before that happens.
I'd love to see Dolph turn face but I don't know if it will work. Looking at the RAW roster, it's pretty even with regards to face and heels. Shows work better if there are a few more heels than faces. The mid-card is split pretty evenly so a face turn may go unnoticed. The only way it will really work is if another heel turn happens in another feud so things get balanced out.

I would love to see him feud with Swagger, McIntyre, R-Truth or McGillicutty.

If he does turn face, he'll loose the title in the near future and 'chase' after it. Champions don't normally switch on their own, they usually get screwed.
It seems to me like a match with Ziggler against Swagger, with Vickie sticking by the winner would make sense. Swagger wins, Vickie goes with him, and Dolph is suddenly a face. Also, as someone mentioned, he's a funny, likeable guy, so I think he can get over as a face.
I feel like either/both of these guys could do well as a face, but Ziggler works so well as a heel now that he shouldn't be turned for a while. Swagger's been needing a face turn to save his career for about half a year now. They have a few options to go in with this angle:

Ziggler turns face on Swagger and Vickie;
The opposite of that;
Both turn and leave Vickie;
Neither turn but both leave Vickie anyway;
They manage to get along and form a stable for some time.

I'd rather Swagger turn face than Ziggler, but Dolph needs to lose Vickie in any case. It's long past due for him to be on his own and garner his own heat. I know he can, and it will be better for him in the long run.
I think that a Ziggler face turn would not be a bad idea because Raw is full of heels and he is good enough to be able to back up what he says in the ring. Everyone hates Vickie. If she takes Swagger on as a protege and Ziggler turns on her to feud with Swagger instead, he would instantly have to turn face due to fan reactions and it could be what he needs to move on to the next level. Swagger could take the US Championship and Ziggler could move further up the card. Ziggler is better as a heel but this could help him move up the card so he could always turn back to a heel again in the long run.
Ziggler turning face might be good for refreshing his character. He performs really good in the ring (see Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler) and he got the mic skills as well.
First off, I would prefer Swagger to turn face instead of Ziggler, but I am fine with Ziggler turning face.

Second off, I wouldn't mind seeing Swagger and Ziggler team up. They could be a great team like John Morrison and The Miz except more technical. I know people are gonna be like, are you stupid or something, but that's just my opinion.

Third off, if Swagger and Ziggler were to feud, I think it would be a great feud. I like these guys wrestling abilities and think they could pull it off like when Matt Hardy feuded with M.V.P

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