Zema Ion Undergoes Emergency Appendectomy, Needs Tumor Removed As Well

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
This from http://www.prowrestling.net/artman/publish/TNA/article10031401.shtml:

TNA wrestler Zema Ion (a/k/a Michael Paris) announced on Twitter that he was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday due to sharp stomach pains. He was diagnosed with appendicitis and had it removed on Thursday. A CT scan revealed that he has a tumor on his colon and will eventually need surgery to remove it. Read his full post at Twitter.com/ZemaTNA.


It sounds like the tumor in his colon is an issue that he can probably address at a later date, but that's a pretty scary situation with his appendix. Apparently, per his tweet, he sat around puking for like 9 hours, writing in pain.

I'm not a huge fan of this guy, but I won't deny that he certainly has wrestling talent (even if I hate his gimmick) and the X Division will probably miss him for it depending on how long he's actually out.
This from http://www.prowrestling.net/artman/publish/TNA/article10031401.shtml:


It sounds like the tumor in his colon is an issue that he can probably address at a later date, but that's a pretty scary situation with his appendix. Apparently, per his tweet, he sat around puking for like 9 hours, writing in pain.

I'm not a huge fan of this guy, but I won't deny that he certainly has wrestling talent (even if I hate his gimmick) and the X Division will probably miss him for it depending on how long he's actually out.
I'm pretty sure a tumor is just as scary, if not more scary than his issues with his appendix.

Nonetheless, I wish him all the best and I hope everything works out for him. Yes he's been stuck with an irritating gimmick but he's a very talented wrestler. Hope we see him back in the future.
I hate the guy (whether that is due to him just being a great heel, or just sucking) but his corkscrew to the outside is absolutely mental! Never wish this upon anybody. Hopefully he has a full recovery!
I hope and pray for Zema Ion! Its crazy that he was in pain for that long puking his guts out. Wow having your appendix taken out while not super major surgery is still serious enough. To top that off,while the doctors were in there they discover a tumor on his colon.

Imagine waking up to that news he needs IMO to get this taken care of right away. No disrespect to IDR,but he should get this taken of now. He has got talent and i hope he returns sooner than later. God speed Zema Ion
when i started watching tna, i didnt like him, because he had that look that made me want to punch him in the face.
but when i saw him in the ring, he changed my mind, he is a real workhorse in those matches and can do some amazing things.
so i hope to see him back soon, even if they might not really do anything with him at the moment because of the more interesting guys that are around in the x-division right now.
I'm a fan of Zema Ion. I didn't like him at first, but with every match he's had since the first time I saw him, he has had me on the edge of my seat. The guy is just so entertaining to watch and has uncanny athletic ability. He is the epitome of the X-Division. There is never a dull moment when this guy is in the ring. It's unfortunate that he has a tumour in his colon, but it's also fortunate that he has been able to get his appendicitis removed because if that had exploded, it would have been very serious. I hope he can recuperate and make a return.
Serves him right for not protecting Sorensen

This is the most disgusting post I've seen in a long time and deserves violations galore!

You say a guy deserves cancer cos he botched? Ion was reckless in that moment or perhaps overeager but to say he deserves the pain, worry and fear of a potentially fatal disease as a result is sickening beyond belief. Does Ziggler deserve cancer for not protecting Wade Barrett last year? No... does D Lo deserve it as karma for Droz? Hell no...

What happened with Jesse Sorensen was regrettable and perhaps sums up the point Mark Madden was trying to make (badly) this week about Indy wrestlers on TV better than anything. Ion and Sorensen were two green workers doing spots they had no business doing without a lot more proving time in the name of "excitement" and ratings. Sorensen got hurt on that occasion and yes it's tragic, but ultimately he knew the risks and is probably the first guy who called Ion when he heard this news... I hope for Ion's sake that it comes back clear - the scare will hopefully inspire him to help others... at worst, I hope he recovers.

More often than not, those who share a situation where one gets hurt in the ring aren't close friends after and outsiders will always blame someone... Like Austin with Owen. He knew Owen hadn't done it right and had reservations but that doesn't mean he wished bad stuff on Owen because of it. The most poignant moment of RAW is Owen was Austin's tribute, Both knew Owen nearly killed him but he never wanted Owen to die for it!

In the short term this will hopefully get TNA's mind's off the Aries/Hemme shite and they will all rally round Ion, this kind of thing can be turned into a positive very quickly if it brings the roster together.
LMAO @ people thinking I give a fuck about violations and bans. i've been banned before, I just return with a new user name, anyway.
Good to know, maybe they can IP ban you next time.

He could have paralyzed Sorensen, So yes, he deserves this.
You realize that it was nearly 100% Sorenson's fault, right? If you don't then you obviously have no understanding of what you're watching.

A stable full of homos like Rico, Kwee Wee, Lodi & Lenny is more threatening than A&8
"Homos" huh? You're a serious dumbass sir. Even Jay Brisco and Scorpio Sky think you're a homophobe.

As for Zema, I hope they find out that the tumor is not cancerous. Good Luck to him.
Wow I bet that was a lot for Zema Ion to take in all at once. He is not one of my favorites, but he definitely contributes to the X division. I wish him a fast recovery and hope this doesn't turn out to be a more serious issue. Hopefully everything works out for him and he can get back into the ring asap.
Well he's been reported so we'll see what happens...

Sorensen didn't take the move right but Ion was also a little quick to leap, he coulda/shoulda waited the extra second. As for Ziggler and Barrett, no it wasn't Show... Ziggler tried to twist mid flight so his head landed near the barrier to make it look more spectacular. Barrett realised he was actually gonna hit it and basically saved his life at cost to nearly ending his career.. Look at it in slo-mo and you see Dolph twisting and how it would have ended!
It's a shame to hear about anyone having these problems, so I hope Zema Ion has a full recovery and can return to doing what he loves with no lasting issues.

It's disgusting to see people saying that he deserves this for injuring Sorensen- this is wrestling. Injuries happen all the time, and even the best performers can occasionally hurt someone by accident. If Ion was unsafe in the ring TNA would release him

Get well soon Zema Ion

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