Zack Ryder

Maddog Lionheart

Best Sig In The World......
Now I am pretty new to this site so I want to know this.
Why is everyone buzzing about Zack Ryder?
I am asking this out of ignorance. I've met the guy and he's seems pretty cool, so what it is about him that everyone likes?
Let me feel what you feel.....
He's got an entertaining character and put on decent matches back in WWECW. Unfortunately just about everyone on the internet is clamoring for him to get a title run (any title run, doesn't matter which), but the vast majority of the casual fanbase don't give two shits about and only know him as the guy who gets squashed occasionally and has the catchy theme song.

And honestly, the reason he's so entertaining is because he's a massive, incompetent tool. I guarantee, if WWE starts giving him a push, he'll get annoying very, very quickly. And he'll lose most of the content for his youtube show.
I'd say 99% of the reaction towards him is a result of his very popular (and rightful so, because it's really funny) youtube show. I think he's got an okay look, an average/below average gimmick, and decent in-ring skill. His charisma has taken that to the next level via youtube.

I wouldn't mind him getting an experimental push, but I do question if the humor and staying power of his character would translate to a live audience when it's not just being used via youtube.
I'm sorry but Zack who now? oh wait, that guy who's been seen backstage on Raw twice in the last 4 months...right that guy....

I don't care how unpopular this opinion is going to be but: really?? Ryder is not as talented an in ring performer as everyone seems to remember him to be. I watched him in ECW every week and was never impressed with him, his gimmick, his one legged tights (I know they are gone now), his catchphrase...nothing about him warrants the insane devotion he's getting. He couldn't keep up with Christian on the mic week in and week out in the waning days of ECW, and he hasn't been on TV enough in the past year and a half for anyone to say he's made a marked improvement of his in ring skills.

Are his videos entertaining? Sure. why not. But You tube videos do not equate to success on Monday nights. Without him getting legit TV time, Ryder will continue to wallow in obscurity because as Bischoff said: The IWC Does Not Matter.
Reminds me of what I use to love as a child when I watched wrestling, The Interesting and Exciting talent


Wait, what? Interesting, sure I'll give you that, but exciting? What about Zack Ryder is exciting? I'm legitimately interested, because while I'm a fan of the guy, he is not exciting.
... Unfortunately just about everyone on the internet is clamoring for him to get a title run (any title run, doesn't matter which) ...

not so much a title run... we all just want to see him get a push onto some regular programming... we honestly think that if the 'E' gives him a try for a few weeks/months, he won't disappoint!
The man has charisma. And not the "Hustle, Loyalty, Respect" nonsense we're all used to.

Since the WWE has moved away from wrestling, and focused on entertainment, they need a guy like this.

As far as in-ring talent is concerned, i will agree with everyone that he is a good performer. I was impressed with his brief time in the Royal Rumble, and i've enjoyed watching him on Superstars and in ECW.

Quite honestly, i am bored with the contenders for the U.S. Championship. Zack Ryder deserves to be on the same level as guys like Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, Swagger, and Evan Bourne.

His push should come sooner rather than later, maybe start small and have him cut some promos on Raw and build from there.
Whats not to like?

Hes good on the Mic, hes natural in his promos and when he gets a chance he gets a great reaction from the fans.

Hes completely over the top with his gimmick and we know how well that works if given a chance. Golddust is over the top and his gimmick has lasted for 10+ years now. Undertakers gimmick is over the top, and again its been working for 15+ years.

He may not be the greatest in the ring, but as we all know that if your'e over with the fans that really doesn't matter. If you look at some of the biggest stars in wrestling history they weren't some of best in ring talents, think Austin, Hogan, Cena...

A lot of people thing his gimmicks based off of Jersey Shore but Ryder's gimmick is based off a youtube video called "My New Haircut". His songs got the basis from what the video is about and his character is based around it.

Ryder interacts with his fan base, that started off small and has grown. I got a signed Zack Ryder card for posting a picture of myself in his tshirt on twitter. Hes reaching out to try and get his name more know to the WWE Universe.

I for one hope he gets some sort of push past his current stint on Superstars. Hes more entertaining than some of the current people that are being pushed ahead of him. Barrett, Mcityer, Swagger...
Are you serious, bro? Check out his youtube channel and tell me you're not entertained. He's gone out of his way to put his name out there. He's got the passion, he's a fan first and you can tell. That's why I like him.

Yeah, bro.. let's talk just like him, bro.. god, i hate that.. I've seen his youtube show and it's not funny, I really couldn't stand any of it.. I'm one of the few that really doesn't understand why everyone loves the guy, I liked him once.. that was back when he was in a tag team as Edge's lackey.. after the team broke up, and he went all Jersey Shore, he got very annoying.. he's the same as The Miz, I still don't understand why everyone loves or loved The Jiz either.. both annoy me..

Does everyone love Ryder just because he's a jobber and WWE isn't doing anything with him? I really think that if he did get some huge monster push, everyone would get tired of him and not care anymore :)
the man is charasmatic, funny, good in the ring and the mic

He is charismatic, but his gimmick is just corny as hell with the whole lame Jersey Shore character. His in ring work is average and his mic skills are yes average. All he does is jokes and the times he tries to be serious you just want to laugh because he is so bad at it. He's not believable. All he can do is be silly like a clown. JMO and I stand by it. He's not going to be taken seriously unless he drops the stupid act and changes his gimmick.
There's no doubt the guy is charismatic and can be pretty funny. He's not the greatest in the ring by far but has the potential to improve. I don't see him being a main event level star anytime soon. However I think he could be a descent IC/US Champion, if given a gimmick change. Even if it's just a slight change his current character can only go so far.

I have a lot of respect for him for getting himself over with a cult like following online. That takes balls the WWE doesn't care much for it's talent, taking matters in their own hands. I guess it helps having John Cena in your corner.
For those of you who said that Zack Ryder is good or even average, please watch Superstars. He sucks even in Superstars. What makes you think he would survive on RAW? This past week, we have 2 superb match on Superstars. One is the Trent Barreta vs Tyson Kidd match (yet again) and two, is the Usos vs Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater. Zack is never as "good" as them, as far as in-ring ability is concerned.

Fortunately, WWE is all about Entertainment. So I guess there's still a place for him in the WWE. Personally, I don't find him charismatic. His gimmick didn't work on me, but that just me, okay?

In terms of mic skill, can someone post a youtube video of him that actually showed he's good with the mic? I don't ever recalling him being good on the mic, but people kept saying that (can't figure why).
I for one do not find him entertaining, but i think it is crap that the wwe is pulling signs with his name on it. If the guy is getting over, let him get over, even if it is small. Why they would go through the trouble of not letting the fans root for him is beyond he. I hear he is friends with Cena in real life, so maybe cena will help him out. you only see zack when he is with cena, so maybe they will give him a little something off that. maybe a fan that goes a little too far in trying to be friends with cena. idk. either the wwe should push him, fire him, or give him a new gimmick. his current limbo status helps no one.
Well first, he has the best wrestling show of the week, which is on YouTube, the Z! True Long Island Story, He is funny, has great mic skills, and can wrestle circles around about 50% - 75& of the locker room.

I argree! His persona is hypnotic or something

Us > :worship: :cool:< Zack Ryder

If you don't get why we love him check him out on youtube

A bunch of videos he made of himself being funny basically , but then add to it that hes actually a very athletic & good wrestler too when they ever actually give him the chance to wrestle................. and yeah

Also , catch phrases are full of win "WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT."
Here's the thing, yes, he's funny. But not in the good way. He's not funny like The Rock was. He's funny because of how much of a fool he makes of himself. He's a comedy character, you know like...

Fuck it, I'll just come right out and say it. He's Santino, if he was from Jersey and his finisher wasn't completely stupid.
Well first, he has the best wrestling show of the week, which is on YouTube, the Z! True Long Island Story, He is funny, has great mic skills, and can wrestle circles around about 50% - 75& of the locker room.

Added emphasis is mine.

You just proved exactly why he's not getting pushed by the WWE....he's popular on youtube. that, the last time I checked, isn't an outlet supported by the WWE. There's obviously something holding him back from making anything other than backstage appearances on Raw right now. And it's because he's not nearly as good as you all think he is. Again, he's average in the ring, and got out battled on the mic by Christian in ECW. He got out battled by Tommy Dreamer in ECW in and out of the ring. Tommy. Dreamer.

Unless he's airing those youtube videos live, You cannot make the comparison to cutting a live promo. And since youtube can't really do that, imagine how many takes he might have to get it juuuuuust right. I, unlike those drinking the Long Island Kool-Aid, am critiquing him off his previous television appearances. And based off of those, if you remember correctly, he is average at best.

He's been on Superstars you say... You know....that show that was kicked off the air in the United States where WWE focuses the bulk of its business and viewership. Can someone point out to me the last time he was in the ring on any program other than Superstars or NXT? You know....on one of the two shows that people watch.....on a television.

The Dirt Sheet was on and was popular. Z! True Long Island Story is on youtube and it might be popular but's on youtube. The only thing that separates him from the other armchair bookers on youtube right now is he has a WWE contract....and he's using it to air a "show" on youtube. You're telling me he can't get enough pull to let Joey Styles put his show on
I believe ryder will get tv time on raw for two reasons.

1. I have wwe universe on my fb. Even the wwe's universe page promotes ryder's youtube videos.

2. He is seen every week with cena in quick lil clips.

Now I think from point #2, r-truth will prolly jump ryder in the next few weeks because of the "conspiracy" theory. And that's cool.

But let's face it. All of the people who want to see more of ryder is because he is entertaining. Yeah the youtube videos maybe edited, but if a show isn't live, u don't think wwe edits the footage or retapes it? Hell I was at a smackdown even in providence like ten yrs ago where they had xpac redeo his in ring promo about kane. So people don't sit here and say that editing is an excuse. Now I wanna see ryder on tv because he entertains, and he has accepted his gimmik, embraced it, and is everything he can to get over. So, people r either going to love to hate or hate to love. All we want is for him to get a steady appearances on raw or smackdown where he has legit matches, legit mic time. If he fails. Then he fails. He succeeds, then hell he succeeds. I think the only bs part is that wwe isn't giving what a specific amount of paying fans want. I am going to the smackdown show in providence. I am bringing my ryder signs, specifically. "Ryder or riot" and "ryder revolution". If they take these signs then its bs. I paid $$$ for my ticket. I paid $$$ to make these signs. They don't like it, then guess what. Wwe edit my signs out of the broadcast.
Saw411: not to belabor the point, but did you watch him on ECW when WWE didn't have the chance to edit him (much) on the mic? Or in the ring? Average at best.

His youtube show is produced. Fully Produced. He's not going to get a chance to redo a promo on Raw. He's on Raw. He's not on Smackdown where he can get a couple chances to get it right. And you going to Smackdown with ZR signs is basically just begging to have them taken away. He's not even on that roster. They have every right to take every sign in any house if they want to. It's their product and they try to control the images of their wrestlers (or entertainers...whatever) as much as they can.

Speaking of his youtube show: Each episode he uploads averages around 100,000 views. Maybe 110,000 if you're being generous. The screwed up opening of Monday night raw has just as many views as Ryder's last episode (here's the proof). I don't want to sound mean....but there doesn't appear to be as many of you out there as you think there are. You're just being the vocal minority. The vocal IWC minority.

In Episode 10: Even Ryder says he doesn't equal ratings (in response to the sign controversy in England). Even he knows he doesn't equal ratings right now. Not to say he never will, but right now the best he can do is steal your girlfriend.

I hope for all the wrestlers to get time on TV. I hope it for ZR too. Don't think I'm wanting him to fail. I hope everyone in the locker room gets their fair shake in the spotlight. I just don't believe the hype everyone is putting on him. And until he gets showcased on either mainstream WWE program, I don't buy it. Its a lot different performing to yourself in front of a camera vs. performing to an arena full of 15,000 people and the knowledge that millions are watching at home.
Hello Wrestlezone Nation, it is I the RealAwesome1 here. Bringing you ground-breaking linguistics about the Current RAW general manager. ZACK RYDER!
Here are the reasons:

1.He is the Internet Champion and in which he sends e-mails or as i now refer to them "Z-mails" pretty obvious bro.
2.He hangs out backstage on RAW and has yet to compete in a match on that brand.
3.He continues to give title shots to John Cena the bro he has been seen recently weekly fist-bumping on RAW
And Lastly, 4.Remember when Edge broke the RAW GM Computer and remember when Zack was Edge's former edgehead and was constantly getting yelled at by Edge! "You hurt my feelings bro"
So i think we are safe to assume that The Long Island Iced Z! is our Raw General Manager but until then Take Care. . . And Spike Your Hair.
Woo Woo Woo I Know It
I agree with nikvoodoo about the youtube aspect.

A lot of die-hard fans of his often cite his videos as being hilarious, or, and it really fucking pains me to type this phrase, "full of win" (I feel dirty now) but the fact of the matter is that is a totally different set-up to performing live. As nik said he can re-do something if it's not right and it's his own script he's working from. That's great and all, but there's a big difference between doing something you are in complete control of and then transitioning to just a cog in the machine.

So he's a wrestling personality making an impact by NOT wrestling? Hmm

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