Zack Ryder is the *NEW* WWE United States Champion - Keep It Here


Well, as we all saw after the opening match at the TLC ppv, The Woo Woo Kid, Long Island Ice Z is the new United States Champion.

Ryder's win over Ziggler doesn't come as a surprise to anyone, it's been all but written in the stars for a couple of months now, but now is an opportunity for Ryder to silence the critics that he's got.

While I do like Ryder ok, I do think he's somewhat overrated. His character is fun and interesting but, overall, he's not really looked upon as someone that some fans take seriously. He's not a comedy jobber like Santino and people have connected to Ryder's character.

The WWE used Ziggler's time as United States Champion as a means of helping him to develop his character and work on his presence on the mic. I think Ziggler has done a great jobe frankly. As Ryder was a guy that's had charisma, personality & presence on the mic for a while, I think he has the potential to be a good champ. However, I don't see him rising any higher than this with his current character.
While I didn't see the PPV myself, I was quite pleased to see that Zack Ryder won tonight to become the new US Champion. Ryder is a guy who was lost in the lower card and struggling to avoid the world of the future endeavored. Yet he worked like a dog to reinvent himself and get himself over with the fans. For me, the jury's still out on him a little, but it is nice to see a guy work so proactively to earn himself a spot of prominence on an otherwise crowded show, whether it be his gimmick, his Internet championship, whatever. Plus, it allows Ziggler the opportunity to step up to the next level, and to either sink or swim. He's been US Champion long enough, it's time to pass that belt on to the next guy in line, and to try to step up to the plate in the main event.
*Fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap*

In all seriousness though, good for Zack Ryder. People wanted him, now you have him as United States Champion which obviously means he isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. He may have his haters, he may have his psychotic fans, but Ryder deserves this. He's arguably the most over midcarder in the WWE right now. Fans cheer for his name like no one else. His gimmick may suck, but it's gotten him hugely over with damn near everyone - internet smarks and the casuals alike. Zack Ryder's push has come full circle. This time last year, many forgot he existed. He took his business to Youtube and earned a ton amount of respect from higher ups in the company. Before you know it, Zack Ryder is featured prominently on both Raw and Smackdown and is being pushed as Raw's top midcarder. Good for Ryder. He's won his first singles gold in the WWE and something tells me it won't be his last. Congratulations Ryder.
This result is really beneficial to both Ryder and Ziggler. Ryder finally won the US title after months of fans pleading for it and was a nice moment. As for Ziggler, he has been on a roll as of late, and this probably might result in him getting a main event push. Ziggler might not be in the main event of WM but probably will have a decent feud by then and most certainly be in the RAW EC.
im not sure zack deserved it, i dont feel his character is great, i dont really care for him what so ever. but the fans wanted him and the wwe is finally giving the majority of fans what they want, so hopefully zack ryder does a good job and gives us lots of great matches. hopefully the wwe will finally learn something and start giving us the guys that the majority of the fans want instead of the same guys every time.
Good for Zack for making this all happen practically on his own. It was all but obvious this was gonna happen, Zack gets the US title and Ziggler get's to move on to the better things he's been groomed for as of late so it's a win-win. Everyone get's furthered
In all honesty Zack's character is just a glorified comedy jobber, he gets pops because of his reality show on youtube. If not for this show he wouldn't be over, nothing he's done in the ring warrants him this push. He's an average in ring competitor and his mic skills are mediocre at best. And after having an incredible performer like ziggler with the us title for so long and building its prestige, I feel as if ryder brings that down now that he has the belt.

But even after all the said I'm happy he won, it opens the door for ziggler as a main eventer and gives ryder something to do.
i like this because it gives Ryder his first singles title in WWE and for Ziggler, now he can move on to bigger and better things like the WWE title at Royal Rumble and if WWE isnt ready to push him, they can always team him up with Swagger (who i think should move into the US title hunt now).
I read through the match report pretty quickly but from what I gathered he won clean? And not just that, he had the match won and Vicky interfered and he still won clean? Am I the only one surprised that they had him win in this style? I think it takes alot away from Ziggler to be honest.
Good for Ryder! I've been a huge fan of his since his ECW title match with Christian ages ago! The man can wrestle! He has a pretty good gimmick! And hell the man is OVER! Smart move WWE! WWWYKI!
I'm glad sack won its about time he has worked so hard to get where he is and now he is the us champ and ziggler can move on to the main event now but ryder won wwwyki
I stated this in another thread but the Ryder Revolution is basically us as the IWC testing the WWE to see if we have a hand in picking "our own" John Cena. By us backing such a lame gimmick such as Ryder, we're attempting to:

A) convince Cena fanboys/fangirls that we don't necessarily despise Cena because of his cheesiness.
B) Make the WWE a little less weary about the decision to turn Cena heel by having a legitimate face to help fill his void
C) Test the company to see if they'd actually listen to us over their own advice.

So far, our experiment is kinda working seeing as how Ryder is being pushed in a relatively timely fashion considering the big year he had promoting himself. So as far as him finally earning his championship, we should all have a reason to proud of him..regardless of how lame his gimmick is lol..
Am I allowed to admire the way this guy forced his employer to sit up and take notice of him......while still being disappointed at the number of fans that have reacted in a fashion that brought this championship victory to reality?

You know what I wonder? John Cena (the performer) got behind Zack and surely loaned some credence to the comedian's push. But I wonder what John Cena (the man) actually thought of Ryder's ascent. Just sayin'.

Maybe we can bring back Doink the Clown as Zack's tag team partner! After all, last night's result proves we love clown acts.
This should be an interesting title run, hopefully it also means a slight change in character for Ziggler and bigger things.
I just sit back and laugh when everyone thinks that Ziggler and Rhodes have brought prestige to the midcard titles and down Ryder because of his gimmick and how he rose to get the title. Back in the day, midcard titles gained prestige by the champion having great matches over the title constantly. Michaels, Hart, and countless others have done it.

Other than his feud with Ryder, I can't honestly remember one time Ziggler defended the U.S. Title. I'm not surprised as the U.S. Title hasn't had, to me, one interesting moment since Chris Benoit tried to see how fast he can beat Orlando Jordan. I'm on the fence about Ziggler anyway and his long title reign did nothing to change that. I want to see how good he does without Vickie. Same goes with Cody Rhodes. Hate on that if you want but that's the way I feel about midcard titles and prestige. It never mattered to me how long you hold a title. It's what you do with the title that counts because let's be honest. Even 10 years ago, titles were being passed around like it was nothing.

I'm not a Ryder fan by any means. He does need to get better inside the ring but I will admire him for this and this alone. There are plenty of wrestlers out there who are comfortable with the position they're in not because they know that they can do better. It's because they don't have the drive or determination to be better. Take someone like Carlito who was one of the laziest wrestlers I've ever seen. He had the in-ring ability and the mic skills but he just didn't care and he constantly complained about this and that. You can see where that got him. Ryder saw that the standing he had in the company and found something and stuck with it and worked his way to where he is right now and his personality and character which some of his peers wish they had.

My hat's off to you Ryder. I'm looking forward to see what you can do with the opportunity you've been given. I'm not going to pretend that guys were bringing back prestige to the midcard titles because the only ones I've seen done that were Orton, Mysterio, Jericho, and Jeff Hardy.
I stated this in another thread but the Ryder Revolution is basically us as the IWC testing the WWE to see if we have a hand in picking "our own" John Cena. By us backing such a lame gimmick such as Ryder, we're attempting to:

A) convince Cena fanboys/fangirls that we don't necessarily despise Cena because of his cheesiness.
B) Make the WWE a little less weary about the decision to turn Cena heel by having a legitimate face to help fill his void
C) Test the company to see if they'd actually listen to us over their own advice.

So far, our experiment is kinda working seeing as how Ryder is being pushed in a relatively timely fashion considering the big year he had promoting himself. So as far as him finally earning his championship, we should all have a reason to proud of him..regardless of how lame his gimmick is lol..

Wait, what??? I'm not just allowed to like Zack Ryder because he's entertaining? Why does it have to be to spite Vince McMahon? The truth is, as others have pointed out, I support Zack Ryder because he's an underdog who took initiative. It has nothing to do with a hatred of John Cena. Andwhy do you refer to it as "our experiment"? You imply that the whole IWC got together and got behind Ryder to push your points. The Zack Ryder craze is very little about IWC and more about youtube, facebook, and twitter. You don't have to visit dirt sheets to follow wrestlers on twitter. I like Zack Ryder because I think he is entertaining and everyone likes rooting for the underdog. That's it.
In all honesty Zack's character is just a glorified comedy jobber, he gets pops because of his reality show on youtube. If not for this show he wouldn't be over, nothing he's done in the ring warrants him this push. He's an average in ring competitor and his mic skills are mediocre at best. And after having an incredible performer like ziggler with the us title for so long and building its prestige, I feel as if ryder brings that down now that he has the belt.

But even after all the said I'm happy he won, it opens the door for ziggler as a main eventer and gives ryder something to do.

your stupid. cena is the most over person in the whole company regardless if he gets booed by more then half of the fans. and he can't take a decent bump. Ryder is decent in the ring he will be a good champ and he will learn more.
Wait, what??? I'm not just allowed to like Zack Ryder because he's entertaining? Why does it have to be to spite Vince McMahon? The truth is, as others have pointed out, I support Zack Ryder because he's an underdog who took initiative. It has nothing to do with a hatred of John Cena. Andwhy do you refer to it as "our experiment"? You imply that the whole IWC got together and got behind Ryder to push your points. The Zack Ryder craze is very little about IWC and more about youtube, facebook, and twitter. You don't have to visit dirt sheets to follow wrestlers on twitter. I like Zack Ryder because I think he is entertaining and everyone likes rooting for the underdog. That's it.

I didn't say we're supporting Ryder to spite Vince. I said we're doing it to test the company's ability to trust the fans rather than push guys based almost solely on their own assumptions. And it should go without saying that when someone makes a generalization (like I did), it's based on opinion.

And I believe that most people who support Ryder, like myself, are not doing it because they find him all that entertaining. We have other things we'd like to see change in the WWE and Cena constantly portraying the same face character is one of them.
Fantastic victory and a really good match to boot. I like how Ryder's adding a few new moves to his arsenal. I must admit I got a little bit emotional seeing him win and how much it meant to him, his Dad and The Big O. I hope he has a great title run, and even if doesn't ever win another title I'm sure he'll remember last night forever.
I just sit back and laugh when everyone thinks that Ziggler and Rhodes have brought prestige to the midcard titles and down Ryder because of his gimmick and how he rose to get the title. Back in the day, midcard titles gained prestige by the champion having great matches over the title constantly. Michaels, Hart, and countless others have done it.

Other than his feud with Ryder, I can't honestly remember one time Ziggler defended the U.S. Title. I'm not surprised as the U.S. Title hasn't had, to me, one interesting moment since Chris Benoit tried to see how fast he can beat Orlando Jordan. I'm on the fence about Ziggler anyway and his long title reign did nothing to change that. I want to see how good he does without Vickie. Same goes with Cody Rhodes. Hate on that if you want but that's the way I feel about midcard titles and prestige. It never mattered to me how long you hold a title. It's what you do with the title that counts because let's be honest. Even 10 years ago, titles were being passed around like it was nothing.

I'm not a Ryder fan by any means. He does need to get better inside the ring but I will admire him for this and this alone. There are plenty of wrestlers out there who are comfortable with the position they're in not because they know that they can do better. It's because they don't have the drive or determination to be better. Take someone like Carlito who was one of the laziest wrestlers I've ever seen. He had the in-ring ability and the mic skills but he just didn't care and he constantly complained about this and that. You can see where that got him. Ryder saw that the standing he had in the company and found something and stuck with it and worked his way to where he is right now and his personality and character which some of his peers wish they had.

My hat's off to you Ryder. I'm looking forward to see what you can do with the opportunity you've been given. I'm not going to pretend that guys were bringing back prestige to the midcard titles because the only ones I've seen done that were Orton, Mysterio, Jericho, and Jeff Hardy.

Top shelf. Excellent fucking post right here.

To echo what LJL said, I cannot stand this idea that longevity=prestige when it comes to championships. In all honesty, I couldn't tell you one title match Ziggler had until this feud with Ryder. Hell, I don't even remember who had it prior. All of these great matches he's had... When? Seriously?

Zack Ryder has done more for the United States Championship over the past few months than Ziggler had without even having the damn title. Ziggler was wrestling in number 1 contender matches, trying to get to the World title while barely mentioning the US Title at all. Zack Ryder longed for the title and got people to cheer for him to win it. Acting like you want to be the champion does so much more for the championship than a bunch of heat-less matches over a long period of time.
So, Zack Ryder has finally got his hands on the US Champion!
I'll be the first to admit, I called him overrated many times, but I've been starting to like him too lately. I'm happy for the man.

Anyway, Ziggler should get his rematch, lose it, and then move on. Zack Ryder will need a new feud, someone trying to get the USAC Belt from him.

Who do you think will be the next feud for Ryder, the next contender for his belt?

Do you think Ryder will manage to retain his belt in his next feud, or will he drop it?

I believe the next contender for the USAC and the next feud for Ryder will be Brodus Clay. I don't really see any real option among the current midcard heels on RAW, and I don't see what Brodus could be doing once he finally debuts, so it fits nicely. It's also a good way to build heat for Brodus, since Ryder is very over.

And I think Ryder will manage to keep his title until Brodus gets sucked into some other feud and some new contender appears for him.
So, Zack Ryder has finally got his hands on the US Champion!
I'll be the first to admit, I called him overrated many times, but I've been starting to like him too lately. I'm happy for the man.

Anyway, Ziggler should get his rematch, lose it, and then move on. Zack Ryder will need a new feud, someone trying to get the USAC Belt from him.

Who do you think will be the next feud for Ryder, the next contender for his belt?

Do you think Ryder will manage to retain his belt in his next feud, or will he drop it?

I believe the next contender for the USAC and the next feud for Ryder will be Brodus Clay. I don't really see any real option among the current midcard heels on RAW, and I don't see what Brodus could be doing once he finally debuts, so it fits nicely. It's also a good way to build heat for Brodus, since Ryder is very over.

And I think Ryder will manage to keep his title until Brodus gets sucked into some other feud and some new contender appears for him.
This would be a great opportunity for Drew Mcintyre to show his worth and compete for the US belt, they had a couple of good matches on SS and why not the rest of the mid-card roster on Raw is lacking a good heel like Mcintyre!
I'm glad that Ryder has finally captured his first singles title. It has been a long time coming. Speaking as someone who has followed his carer all the way back to when he and Hawkins were in that useless The Major Brothers tag team, he has grown and improved quite a bit. WWE are giving Ryder a huge opportunity here and I hope he will be able to keep improving because he can only go up from here if he keeps trying. A great place to start would be some strong title defenses. Ryder's current character may be on the silly side but there is no question about how popular he is becoming. A good reign with a midcard title can go a long way in preparing someone to move up the card. While some may think he will not make it past this point, I see the potential to make it far in the WWE for Ryder but he should focus on his championship and remain a strong prescence in the midcard until he is really ready to move on to better things. Look at what that did for Ziggler. He'll main event permanently the moment they place him there. Ryder can be a big star too in the future, let's just see what happens. For now I am excited to see his title reign play out.
Top shelf. Excellent fucking post right here.

To echo what LJL said, I cannot stand this idea that longevity=prestige when it comes to championships. In all honesty, I couldn't tell you one title match Ziggler had until this feud with Ryder. Hell, I don't even remember who had it prior. All of these great matches he's had... When? Seriously?

Zack Ryder has done more for the United States Championship over the past few months than Ziggler had without even having the damn title. Ziggler was wrestling in number 1 contender matches, trying to get to the World title while barely mentioning the US Title at all. Zack Ryder longed for the title and got people to cheer for him to win it. Acting like you want to be the champion does so much more for the championship than a bunch of heat-less matches over a long period of time.

Really, REALLY hard for me to agree with this because Ziggler is one of my favorites, as well as Ryder, but you are absolutely positively right. I love everything about Ziggler; he's put on great matches, cut way better promos and has the potential to be in the main event soon. However, I believe he's only defended that title against only three people for that title in the course of 6 months. And one of those people was released the following week! I highly believe that the WWE already considered Kofi Kingston on teaming with Evan Bourne to revamp the tag division, and they had no one better to put it at the time than Ziggler. To me, I feel as if even Ziggler didn't feel like he was champion, because he was doing other thing's rather than defending the title. You are right about Zack Ryder, because he showed through his youtube show and the petition and all that jazz, that he really wanted that US title. Can't remember the last time someone was craving for that title, it seems to be all #1 contender-ships nowadays :disappointed:
Ryder's next feud:

1st, Ryder should take out Ziggler in a rematch on Raw, just to prove himself one more time, Ziggler needs to look strong however, so have Jack Swagger turn on Ziggler and start a feud between those too.

2nd: Alberto Del Rio. He's not working out in the main event right drop him down to the US title, maybe the clash of personalities will actually work in the favor Del Rio and make him less boring. He could talk about wanting to bring class to the title, Ryder just needs to be himself...give them a match at the Rumble...let Ryder win, put both in the Royal Rumble, have Ryder last til the final 4 of the Rumble just to see if he can hold a crowd reaction

At EC; have Ryder in the EC-WWE Title Match, see if he can hold a reaction (but have him defend the belt on Raw in between)

Then at Mania, have Ryder defend against Kane (assuming Taker finally gets Barrett or Taker vs HHH 3)

Kane can put over Ryder big at Mania, and then make a decision, if Ryder's ready for the Title, draft him to SD and put the WHC on him and have him drop the belt in a second match to Brodus Clay at Extreme Rules.

If he's not ready for the title; have him keep the US title and feud with other midcarders over it

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