Zack Ryder intentionally left off of RAW as a rib?


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
PWInsider via the Wrestling Observer Newsletter said:
>Meltzer was texted during the show by a WWE employee stating that the reason Zack was not on the show is because "Vince hates the internet". Backstage, many, many people were upset that the person getting the most chants throughout the night was not brought out for a promo or even a quick appearance in his hometown who clearly wanted him there. Meltzer got some more information today on the thought process.

>Evidently, it was indeed a rib/joke being played on Zack. Zack had spent his prior show talking up how he was in his hometown, how excited he was, how this could be his chance to finally shine and move up on the card. Zack was told a few days ago he would have a promo and a match on RAW and would turn face on RAW, even being able to acknowledge his youtube show and Internet Champion gimmick. This is why Zack was so excited the past few days.

>The rib went so far as there was even a fake script and timeline alloted for Zack to come out and wrestle, besides Superstars, with his RAW promo and on air face turn. When the time came close for this to happen, Zack was informed plans changed and he would not be on air. This was literally during the broadcast. The entire rib was Vince's idea and was because Vince is not a fan of the "bashing" Zack does about WWE and sees it as "giving in" to someone who is visibly bashing the company with "dropping ball" clips, etc.

>Meltzer comments that the real joke is on the fans, as the reaction to him not being on air is not pretty and as the rib is being revealed, even less people are happy. Multiple wrestlers have stated their public displeasure with the rib and John Cena was said to directly confront Vince over the situation and what he felt was a poor joke.

Seriously Vince? What in the fuck is wrong with you?
for fuck sake, Vince is gonna wind up dead in a ditch somewhere he keeps this stupid bullshit up, seriously why would you want to anger a 400 lbs. black man that could likely twist you fucking head off you body?
It wasn't a good rib, it is workplace bullying in this case. Mark Henry's was a rib which is fine. Ryder's seems to be in bad form. When Wrestlers get angry about it and they aren't the ones involved it should show that it wasn't a good one.
I thought most guys here appreciated a good rib. I don't see what the big deal is.

C'mon, man. This isn't cool, this is fucked up. He thought he was getting a big break but it was all just a joke for Vince's personal amusement.

Are people really like on the brink of suicide because a Superstars regular didn't make it on Raw?

That's not at all what this thread is about.
C'mon, man. This isn't cool, this is fucked up. He thought he was getting a big break but it was all just a joke for Vince's personal amusement.

People are only upset because it was Ryder. If Dibiase was the victim everyone would probably think it was hilarious. It was harmless.
People are only upset because it was Ryder. If Dibiase was the victim everyone would probably think it was hilarious. It was harmless.

Bullshit man, people would be pissed no matter who it was. Harmless? Let's say your boss is going to give you a promotion on Monday. You spend all weekend celebrating and getting psyched up because you're finally going to get your shot, but when Monday comes he tells he it was just a joke. Would you be okay with that?
C'mon, man. This isn't cool, this is fucked up. He thought he was getting a big break but it was all just a joke for Vince's personal amusement.

Vince has doing this shit for over 30 years or so. One jobber shouldn't change someone's opinion of him imo

That's not at all what this thread is about.

The thread is about how "Vince is a fucking idiot," is it not? Plans get changed all the time, so what difference is it now.. Because it is fucking Zack Ryder?
Bullshit man, people would be pissed no matter who it was. Harmless? Let's say your boss is going to give you a promotion on Monday. You spend all weekend celebrating and getting psyched up because you're finally going to get your shot, but when Monday comes he tells he it was just a joke. Would you be okay with that?

If he told me the prank was a result of me publicly mocking the company for several weeks I guess I would have to accept it as a bit of payback. I see your point. I just don't think it's a big deal. Guys get ribbed all the time in wrestling. It sure beats the days when guys would shit in your bag.
This is indeed pretty petty. I'm tired of hearing about Ryder but this is pretty stupid. I don't really feel bad for him but at the same time I don't get what Vince thought would be funny here. The guy is apparently popular so why not throw him out there for like a minute or so? At least this time it didn't screw over the fans as badly though.
Man that's pretty fucking dickish. Same with the Mark Henry story, both are insulting to the fans who bought a damn ticket to the arenas, though for different reasons. The former because he's a hometown name who fans were chanting for all night, the latter because you don't no-show a goddamn dark match main event which is purposely made for fans in the arena to go home happy.
I thought most guys here appreciated a good rib. I don't see what the big deal is.

A good rib is putting live mouse in a guy's gym bag or filling is water bottle with laxatives. This is a potentially spirit breaking and malicious act. Why the fuck would you tell a young guy that's been working his ass off to get noticed that he would not only have a match and a promo, but he'd get to turn face, and then go so far as to provide him with a fake script? That's just viciously mean.

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