Your Roster Draft 2006


Occasional Pre-Show
With a new Roster Draft, It would be interesting to see some wrestlers on opposite shows and it would be an opportunity to build some good storylines for the success of both Smackdown and RAW. (Especially with Smackdown going to the CW Network)

But let's not forget ECW. So let's get creative. Somehow, in a storyline Paul Heyman convinces Vince to let him have ONE pick from RAW or Smackdown for the betterment of ECW without having to give anyone up.

1. Who would you choose to go to ECW?
2. Which 5 wrestlers would you draft from RAW to Smackdown?
3. Which 5 wrestlers would you draft from Smackdown to RAW?

*Please keep comments relevant to the thread
to ECW i would send Umaga

From RAW to SmackDown
1) Shelton Benjamin
2) Chris Masters
3) Kenny
4) John Cena (cos i hate him and he is ruining RAW)
5) Victoria

from SmackDown to RAW
1) Finlay
2) Mr. Kennedy
3) Jillian Hall
4) Vito
5) Rey Mysterio (since coming to wwe he has never been on RAW)
Well, I would take Rey Mysterio to ECW, and barter Big Show, Test, Knox, Dupree, and Holly for London, Kendrick, and someone like Benjamin.

Show and Test can go to Smackdown, the other three can just be let go.

5 from Raw to Smackdown...Cena, Benjamin, Haas, Hardy, and Estrada

5 from Smackdown to Raw...Henry, Miz, Tatanka, Kahli, and Sylvan. Usually, when the guys go from smackdown to raw, they fire all but one...hopefully they would fire all of these ones...
RAW to ECW- Umaga
SD! to ECW- Sylvan (bring back La Resistance!)

RAW to SD!: Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Randy Orton, John Cena, Carlito

SD! to RAW: Batista (Lashley would fit his role better) Sylvester Turkay, that Elijah guy, Paul London, The Miz

Yes, RAW definately gets the worse deal/ But they need The Miz, hes so gay hes almost funny, Batista would make a great heel fued with Kane. Turkay and Elijah would make decent Tag Champs, and London would just be there for good matches. SD! is obvious
Umaga to ecw,
SD to Raw... Matt Hardy, Bastia, boogyman, ashely, the miz
raw to sd... benjamin, edge, orton, carlto, hass
chris masters would be the best one to go to ecw IMO, he could build his character back up and maybe even be a face. then when he is ready and has the fans behind him he can come back to raw
Rey Mysterio
Jeff Hardy

John Cena
Chris Masters

Ken Kennedy
Fit Finlay
Bobby Lashley
King Booker
Looks like people like Umaga going to ECW. Not a bad choice, especially against a champion in the Big Show (who IMO should no longer be champ)

ECW from RAW: Chris Masters
RAW to Smackdown: John Cena, Jeff Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Super Crazy
Smackdown to RAW: Sylvester Terkay, Elijah Burke, KC James, Idol Stevens, Joey Mercury.

1. I think a re-packaged and more technical Chris Masters can do well in the new ECW.
2. John Cena would be sent for extra star power on Smackdown. Jeff Hardy for reformation of the Hardy Boyz, Benjamin and Haas for reformation of the World's Great Tag Team and Super Crazy to re-form the Mexicools. All for the purpose of rebuilding the tag division. And if John Cena goes to Smackdown after Unforgiven, I would send Ric Flair.
3. I could see Sylvester Terkay and Elijah Burke fitting in well on RAW. It's another possible monster for Kane and Umaga to feud with. And heck maybe even Snitsky, cause they don't do anything with the guy. KC James and Idol Stevens for tag team purposes. And Joey Mercury to either feud with Johnny Nitro or team back up with him.

I made my overall picks on the basis of make Smackdown stronger.

Bobby lashley
jeff hardy
Rey Mysterio

put the hardy boyz back together that would be great and the hole DX too that would be the greaters then also.
ecw: finlay and jeff or edge.

sd:kane, umaga, masters, shelton (only if he gets a push), and idk... i dont want anyone to go to smackdown bc it really is the minor leagues anymore. maybe flair so he can get one more title run before he croaks.

raw: kennedy, batista, rey, london and kendrick.
On Raw i Wonna C:
Rey Mysterio,
Mark Henry
Ken Kennedy
On Smackdown I Wonna C:
Jeff Hardy
Ecw (2 Picks:)
The Miz So Sabu (Ecw Orginals) Can Kick His Gay ars
To Ecw i Could Choose: Jeff Hardy

From Raw To Smackdown:Jonny,Kenny,mikey,mitch,nicky (there ruinin raw)and coz they cant wrestle

From smackdown to raw:TAKER(raws rating go through the roof)kennedy,lashley,vito and kali coz they usually fire people wen they trade people to different brands lol
my show would have the following people: Rey Mysterio,finlay,rvd,sandman,tommy dreamer,me (lol),never gay *** booker and lots more but i gotta go now so i dont have time
Raw to ECW: Umaga
Smackdwon! to ECW: Rey Mysterio
Raw to Smackdown: Benjamin; Carlito; Cena; Orton; Masters
Smackdown to Raw: Regal, Terkay, Matt Hardy, MVP, Finlay

Umaga to ECW because it would set up Big Show finally losing the title to Umaga, then a feud with Umaga as face or both heels. Rey to ECW because if they want to be extreme, they've got to get guys who can fly through flaming tables etc., and Rey can do that, plus his feud with Chavo is pathetic. Sending those 5 wrestlers from Raw to Smackdown, IMO, is the answer for Smackdown's low ratings. Orton is a potential main-eventer, Carlito has the complete package, we all know how freakishly athletic Benjamin is, Cena is a main-eventer, and would be good as a face against Batista, who is extremely rusty after returning from the injury, and Masters is not a terrible heel. Despite the 5 wrestlers from Smackdown to Raw seem to be less star-studded, Raw would still draw high ratings. A re-union of the Hardy Boyz would be fantastic, rejuvinating the tag team division, and Matt is being underpushed on Smackdown!. Finlay's a great heel, and could "fight" a face from Raw or even challenge for Nitro's title. Terkay doesn't have a place on Smackdown, as all the Title's are taken, with Kennedy vs. Undertaker announced for No Mercy. On Raw he could work his way up, and Elijah Burke wouldn't be a bad Cruiserweight on Smackdown, coz he's pretty shit as a manager. MVP doesn't deserve a feud with Cena yet, and that would take the point out of Smackdown. He could feud with someone like Regal, or Vito, but I can't see that going anywhere. When he comes to Raw he could be a top heel. Regal should go to Raw with Finlay, and they might have a feud, if Finlay didn't wrestle a face.
Jeff Hardy
Matt Hady
Rey Mysterio

From Raw to Smackdown
John Cena
Shawn Michales

From Smackdown to Raw\
Mr. Kennendy
Booby Lashely

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