Your Roster Changes


Dark Match Winner
I have been recently thinking of the rosters for each of the respective brands. Since word on the street is that there doesn’t seem to be any good talent on their way up soon, a lack of blue chippers. I think that a roster shake up is in order. There hasn’t been one in a year and a half and I truly believe that certain talent can benefit from new situations. So I am laying down the gauntlet. What do you think would be good roster changes? Below I have put down a few of mine. Try to make a few changes between rosters and sign one or two unsigned wrestlers to each brand. Below I made my suggested changes with reasoning along with it.

Chavo Guerrero
Charlie Haas
Kenny Doane
Rob Conway
***Chuck Palumbo***
***T.J. Wilson***

To Raw
Big Show
Paul Burchill
Rene Dupree
Sylvan Grenier
Rey Mysterio
***Sean O’Haire***
***Claudio Castagnoli ***

To Smackdown
Monty Brown
Shelton Benjamin
Johnny Jeter
Little Guido
Tony Mamaluke
C.W. Anderson
***Roderick Strong***
***Teddy Hart***
***Sonny Siaki***

ECW point of view:
This would allow for ECW to have a TRUE World Championship competitor. Edge can also put on one heck of an ECW style and paced match. This would also allow for Umaga to take the top heel spot on Raw, which he will as they seem to want to keep on the same style of Samoa Joe. Imagine the matches between Edge and Lashley, Punk, RVD and even Sandman, they would be well worth the buy rate. Chavo would add one more true wrestler, he would be able to feud against the other true wrestlers ECW would have to boast. He could even state that he Guerrero blood is calling him to ECW (if Vince can’t let Eddie’s name rest in peace). Charlie Haas would finally get a shot wrestling somewhere where he could succeed. Like CM Punk his true wrestling ability would shine and in a place looking for faces he would fit in perfectly. Rob Conway would do the same, just on a heel’s perspective. He would be a great improvement over the like of Test and Mike Knox. Kenny Doane has tremendous potential. Heel or face he would fit in nicely and benefit from being away from the squad. Every brand needs a big man and Albert is a good one, who has been making a name for himself since heading over to Japan. He is more capable then Big Show and more talented then Test. He knows how to put over little guys, without looking weak himself. Chuck Palumbo would be great to put over young talent. TJ Wilson, I don’t know a lot about him, but from what I have heard he is good in the ring.

Raw point of view.
This is the hardest, because you lose your top heel, but you give Orton and Umaga a chance to take that spot. You gain Test who is a formidable big man and can feud with the like of John Cena and Triple H. Big Show would benefit from the less extreme schedule and it has been awhile since his last feud with Cena, so you can go there. This would also be the perfect stage for them to set his Wrestlemania, hopeful, battle with Hulk Hogan. You know Hogan would never go on ECW. You gain a great potential guy in Burchill, who can just bring it in the ring and possibly bring back his pirate gimmick along with. You gain a great tag team in the original La Resistance, since none of them were doing anything in their respective brands. Also losing Doane and Jeter lets the three less talented of the Spirit Squad remain as a tag team with Mitch as the manager, instead of splitting up and spending the next two years in jobberville before being released. Rey would be a recovery pick up and give the title picture a shot in the arm upon his return, he has done it all on Smackdown and needs a fresh place to work.. Sean O’Haire could work as a face or heel, the crowd still knows him and according to his pop during his last dark matches still likes him. He could work. Claudio has Raw written all over him. Size, talent, the look, everything.

Smackdown point of view:
This also states that you are the brand to get Monty Brown. Monty would be a great addition to the roster, he would be able to feud with any heel and is great on the mic. He would be able to affectively keep Batista and Kane entertained for a couple of months, and would even be a strong challenger for the world title before long. Shelton would be able to turn face and hold the US title for awhile after Chavo/Benoit are done with it. He could have one heck of a feud with Kennedy and a match with Finlay would be breath taking. Since ECW does not seem to value tag teams then the FBI could do wonders on Smackdown. With the fast pace of London and Kendrick, they could have an awesome series of bouts for the titles. Johnny Jeter is the most ready and technically gifted of the Squad members and I’ve heard of and scene a lot of comparisons to Jericho. He needs a place to shine and that place could very well be the Cruiserwight division. C.W. Anderson needs to be wrestling a lot more. He could put on some great matches with the Smackdown roster and help bring up young talent, sort of the way Pery Saturn did in WCW. Roderick Strong would be great for the cruiserweight division and there wouldn’t be anymore problems with independent dates when he is working for WWE. Could work some great matches up and down the card. Imagine a feud between him and Noble or Yang. Teddy Hart would be great in a stable along with Benoit, Benjamin and Anderson. Four horsemen like. He would benefit a ton from learning under Benoit and Finlay just like Lashley did. Siaki can wrestle has the size and the look as well, he may work best here, as Smackdown seems to be the best at developing young talent.
To Ecw:

Jeff Hardy
Matt Hardy

To Raw:

Big Show
Kevin Thorn

To Smackdown

All Of The Spirit Squad
Rob Conway

Reason For Ecw Is That The Superstars There I Know Will Get A Bigger Push And I Know That There Ready For It

Reason For Raw Is That They Want To Get Of The 2nd And 3rd Rate Shows And Go On To The 1st Rate Show And Become Better Wrestlers

Reason For Smackdown Is That I Jst Donw Like This Show And It Is Where All The Crap Second Rate Wrestlers Belong
Markus D Tandy said:
Reason For Smackdown Is That I Jst Donw Like This Show And It Is Where All The Crap Second Rate Wrestlers Belong

hmm i was agreeing with you with the raw and the ECW and even Cena to Smackdown however Smackdown may be a second rate show at the moment but the only way its going to improve is by giving them talent (and Cena)
John Cena:Have him go to ecw because he's tired of being Mr. Goody Two shoes and wants to prove to fans that he's for real. He goes to ecw and becomes a superheel which would likely rejuvenate his career.
Rey Misterio
Super Crazy
Davari and Muhammad Hassan:If they could get the gimmick right, it would be a hit.

To Raw
Monty Brown
Batista:He needs to be back with the big boys.
Big Show
Matt Hardy:Have him and Jeff reform the Hardy Boyz
Test:Have him and Triple H have a REAL feud.
Mr. Kennedy

To Smackdown
Shannon Moore
Kevin Thorn
Mitch and Mikey
Johnny and Matt Cappontelli:Have the Thrillseekers reunite on Smackdown.
all i'd like to see is matt hardy to go back to raw and team up with jeff hardy.
i say the wwe by tna and call it wcw and they do whatever the hell the want with them, aslong as they telivise all shows i don't really care whos in what brand
Chris Beniot
Super Crazy
Flash Funk (when he returns)
Rey Mysterio
Shane McMahon

ECW needs more orginals

CM Punk
Mr. Kennedy
Matt Hardy

To improve RAW viewing with the Hardy Boyz
And a Cena-Kennedy fued

To Smackdown:
Rene Dupree
Chris Masters
Shannon Moore
Rob Conway
Big Show

They may get more use in Smackdown! With the exception of Big Show they are underused

The thread starter went out of his way to make sure that the thread would be about a discussion as opposed to just lists and most of the people that responded provided enough reasons as well to keep a discussion going. Only one person legitametly spammed (and should be warned) but there is no no justifiable reason for this thread to be closed.
Super Crazy
Bryan Danielson
Teddy Hart
Jack Evans
T.J. Wilson
Harry Smith

I put some younger talent on here that could acctually put on good wrestling matches. Bryan Danielson and Jack Evans both put on insane matches. The ECW crown would go nuts over these two guys. Teddy Hart is an extreamly talented wrestler and the WWE has no storylines for Harry Smith right now, why not just put him in ECW team him up with Teddy Hart, Jack Evans, and TJ Wilson and make them a Hart stable.

To Raw:
The Big Show
The Undertaker
Matt Hardy

The Big Show and Test are WWE superstars, They dont fit with ECW. They belong on Raw. The brothers of Destruction and the Hardy Boys, along with DX would make a very dominating Tag division.

To Smackdown:
John Cena
The Spirit Squad
Elija Burke
Rene Dupre

I think a John Cena vs. Batista fued would be great for ratings on smackdown. Lashley just doesn't fit in with ECW, he was much better off on smackdown. Let certain members of the spirit squad emerge as singles wrestlers and keep 2 of em together as a real tag team. Smackdown should consider signing a few freash, younger, talented tag teams

To The Unemplyment Line:
The Great Kahli - No wrestling ability, cant talk, and he injures his opponents.
Sylvester Turkay - They talk about him being this great fighter, but his professional record as a fighter isnt very good, and hes not talented on the mic either. I say get rid of him.
To Raw:
Monty Brown
Ken Kennedy
Mark Henry

To Smackdown:
Big Show
Elijah Burke
Ric Flair

Matt Hardy
Jeff Hardy

Here is my idea...far fetched as it might be:

Bishoff comes back, gets Edge's help to win control of Smackdown, "talent raids" Raw and ECW after Big Show turns on ECW. Some Smackdown guys will leave SD because of Bishoff or join Vince during the Raw vs SD / Vince vs Bishoff war. Bishoff will create a new group much like the NWO led by Edge and Big Show. Every thing ends up as follows:

Raw- Trips, Cena, Orton, Kennedy, Umaga, Carlito and Henry round out the upper card. (HBK retired)

SD- Bishoffs group vs Batista, Booker, Lashley and the 4 Horse Men (Flair, Benoit, Rey & Shelton)

ECW- RVD, Sabu, CM Punk and Matt & Jeff Hardy feud at top of the card.

Ken Doan, Elijah Burke, Test, Nitro, Monty, Casey James, Paul Birchall, Shelton, CM Punk, The Hardys, Cade and Murdock all get big pushes.
To Raw:
Mr Kennedy
Harry Smith
CM Punk
Eddie Colón
Marty Jannerty
Afa Anoa'i, Jr.

Eddie Colón is Carlito's brother. Afa Anoa'i, Jr. is related to Umaga. Marty Jannerty could become 3rd member of DX or feud with Shawn Michaels.

To Smackdown:
Jeff Hardy
Bobby Lashley
Matt Striker
Chris Masters
Eijah Burke
Shelton Benjamin
Charlie Hass

It just makes sense to team up the Hardy Boyz & Hass/Benjamin again. Lashley and Burke should never have left SD in 1st place.

Chavo Guerrero
Chris Benoit
Super Crazy
Rey Mysterio
The Boogeyman
T.J. Wilson

Chavo/Rey/Benoit/Crazy r as extreme as anyone in wwe.
I would Put im my roster changes

Jillan Hall
The Miz
Shannon Moore

Harry Smith
Big Show
Matt Striker
Chris Masters

2 Cold Sorpio
Super Crazy
Rey Mysterio
The Hardy Boys

C.M Punk
Rey Mysterio - future IC Champ

Chris Beniot
Super Crazy
Chris Masters
Mark Henry

Jeff Hardy
Monty Brown
Shawn Micheals

I feel as this could spice things up, what do you think?
a roster redraft would be interesting, would be best utilised after wmania again as that is the leanest time of the draft picks would be as follows;

to RAW; Batista-
Rey Mysterio-
Matt Hardy-
Kevin Thorn-
Sean O'Haire.

to Smackdown;
Monty Brown-
Shelton Benjamin-
John Cena-
Shannon Moore-
CM Punk.
Charlie Haas.

to ECW;
Chris Masters-
Super Crazy-
William Regal-
Harry Smith-
Daniel Rodimer.

On Raw, Batista would take his world title over and would be back where he has more gifted talkers to carry his fueds much as HHH done with him in the build up to their matches last year. Mysterio has done all he can on Smackdown and a jump to Raw coupled with an ( unlikely) heel turn would set up fueds with HBK, HHH the Hardyz and ultimately Batista. Sylvan and Matt would re-create two old teams in la Resistance (with Conway) and obviously the Hardyz giving the tag division a much needed shot in the arm and with Cryme Tyme being pushed would set up 3-ways over the titles.
Test could immeadately begin a programme with Orton and Carlito ( a heel turn I think would push him way over now a la Scott Hall) taking out DX, Orton and carlito as a cool heel alternative to DX with Test as their enforcer. O'Haire and Thorn could do well if used well in a low mid card capacity or as a tag team.

On the B(lue) brand, Edge would give Smackdown a mouthpiece that they right now do not really have, minus Kennedy, and he could fued with anyone right now and make it work, perhaps an angry Kennedy would attack Edge and set up a face turn (for either). Cena would benefit from not having to wrestle live (Smackdown is recorded) and a change in attire and attitude to stop the boos.Shannon Moore and Johnny Jeter could freshen up a stale CW division along with a repackaged Noble, Jimmy Yang and Gregory helms. While Haas and Benjamin could reunite for a while and perhaps meet in the King of the Ring final at the same time staying united and after the tag titles and also singles gold at the same time. Punk and Brown can both put on good matches while both would be way over with the the crowd, Brown maybe as a heel. Initially Punk vs MVP and Brown vs Benoit would be good to watch.

As for Ecw, Eugene immediately drops the ****** persona, trashes sports-entertainment and be himself, perpresenting the rebellious attitude of the old ECW and distinguishing it from sports entertainment as well as giving Dinsmore a new lease of life (the guy CAN wrestle and cuts excellent promos) and putting the brand over. Masters first masterlock challenge answered by Sandman who just cains the shit out of him, setting up an interesting fued. Chavo, Crazy and Regal would put on kick ass matches in the spirit of the real wrestling brand. The undertaker would be a massive shock, add star power, still put on good matches, attract casual WWE audiences and would get another world title run out of him and an extreme match with heel sabu or heel RVD.
How come in every draft people are having Smackdown is getting raped to give talent to Raw? Isn't this supposed to be competitive? Try to do one with all bias set aside to make it as equal as possible. Not trading Kennedy for Viscera. That makes it a little more challenging, interesting and possible.
bman420 said:
I would Put im my roster changes

Jillan Hall
The Miz
Shannon Moore

Harry Smith
Big Show
Matt Striker
Chris Masters

2 Cold Sorpio
Super Crazy
Rey Mysterio
The Hardy Boys

Also I would have Afa Jr on Smackdown, forming a Samoan Tag team with Umaga.
I would also have Monty Brown and Sonni Saki in ECW. Saki would be perfect fit for ECW, since he's a former X Division Champion. I would have Snitsky be the monsterus heel he once was in ECW. I would team up Kevint Thorne and Vesscera.
On RAW, I would aslo have Joey Mecury reform MNM full time.
chapmolly said:
How come in every draft people are having Smackdown is getting raped to give talent to Raw? Isn't this supposed to be competitive? Try to do one with all bias set aside to make it as equal as possible. Not trading Kennedy for Viscera. That makes it a little more challenging, interesting and possible.

Maybe combinding RAW and Smackdown as one roster (WWE). Have two World Titles (World Heavy Weight and WWE), Intercontinal, U.S., and Two Tag Titles (World Tag Team and WWE Tag Team), In ECW, besides the ECW World Title, Bring back the ECW TV title and ECW World Tag Titles. The WWE Cruiserweight and Womens titles would be inter-brand ( WWE and ECW)
Get rid of the seperate brands and simply cut the shitty guys loose. Fuck the "too much talent" claim. If they're good, they belong on tv. If they suck, then they don't. Simple as that. Could you imagine having everybody on the same show again? WWE would actually be able to deveop storylines and feuds like they did in the late 90's early 2000's. I think Smackdown did more to progress WWE storylines and stuff early on than most people think.

Just merge the two titles, bring back the old belt from mid 2002, keep the US championship as sort of a "European title," merge the tag belts, and there you have it. The best part about this would be that the WWE would go back to having a legit tag team division.

Now ECW is a different story. I don't mind keeping them separate as they are SUPPOSED to be a separate entinty from the WWE anyways, although that is changing.
Maybe combinding RAW and Smackdown as one roster (WWE). Have two World Titles (World Heavy Weight and WWE), Intercontinal, U.S., and Two Tag Titles (World Tag Team and WWE Tag Team), In ECW, besides the ECW World Title, Bring back the ECW TV title and ECW World Tag Titles. The WWE Cruiserweight and Womens titles would be inter-brand ( WWE and ECW)
Reply With Quote ok but chaged a little botjh raw and s.d combines ecw gets one of the tag titles and ethier us or ic
For ECW: BENOIT, SUPER CRAZY, MYSTERIO, More 'originals' on the show would balance the 'new breed' roster. Some ppl that i would like in ECW would be Shelton(his talent could be showcased better than in RAW) and Shane McMahon(the guy can take good bumps). I would like the 'new' ECW to have Terry Funk actually active in the ring(although he's old).
To Ecw:Chavo:He sucks and i would like to see a chavo vs sabu feud
Benoit:To continue his feud with chavo inb extreme rules matches
Crazy:Team with taijiri
Taijiri:to team with crazy
Shelton:RVD VS BENJAMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To Raw:Sandman
Big show

To Smackdown:
Kevin Thorn
Super Crazy, Boogieman, Tajiri, Mick Foley,Simon Dean, Chris Benoit
*These guys could bring some credibility back(i.e. Foley,Tajiri,Super Crazy, Benoit) while the Boogieman could bring more entertainment( That shake he does is priceless) Also, turn Simon Dean back to NOVA!!!!! Nova was my favorite ECW wrestler and they turned him into a crap infomercial?! Whoever wrote that should be fired.

Matt Hardy, Mr. Kennedy, Test, C.M. Punk,Undertaker
*Hardy Boyz ('nuff said) a rival to Cena, another heel, and a rising face. Taker should finish his career on the top show.

To SD!:
Kenny, Monty Brown, HBK, F.B.I, Balls Mahoney, Shannon Moore, Cade & Murdock
*Kenny and Balls could be great mid-carders HBK and Brown would give SD! two much needed faces and a major everyday star F.B.I and Cade and Murdock would give SD! the best tag division by far and also F.B.I and Moore add depth to the curserweight division.

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