Your OHMYGOD! or Holy shit moment In TNA


The Ambidextrous Amputee
This thread is so simple DO NOT complicate it.

My only question is When was your HOLY SH*T! moment? What got the biggest reaction out of you? Or simply left you in amazement? This can be from any point IN the TNA period. ONLY TNA.

There are alot of moments but i would like to hear your favorites.
This ones easy.

Angle vs AJ the epic 20 min draw they had at the beginning of the year. They were both hitting each other with everything they had and they just kept kicking out! It was a serious holy shit this is awesome moment for me.
Probebly the best one was that it was announced that kurt angle joined tna. that was effin huge. match-wise im going with the instant classic match at Unbreakable. If you dont remember it was aj styles vs samoa joe vs christopher daniels for the x division championship one of if not the greatest match in tna history
i think that the omg moment was the headbutt heard around the world. i knew that they would do big things with angle at that moment. there were other suprising moments, but i think that was my only omg moment really.
it is alot ...
a lot of great matches .. Great moments ..
i remmember so good .. i always didn't like TNA .. but .. Sacrifice 2009 .. The Main Event .. when i saw that i became a fan of TNA ..
first ever impact i saw was a match beetween aj and Sabin ... it was another OHMYGOD for me .. the match by far was Great more importantly was on free tv .
The First Desmond vs Kurt was Awesome too .
i mean it so many .. hell Aj vs Daniels vs Joe .. Turning point 2009 was Awesome ..
Aj vs Kurt jan 4th .. was .. Was .. unblevable ..

one of the resons i like TNA is Actully His Great matches that we called it OHMYGOD ..
iN WWE the only match i saw that was same class as ussuall TNA matches was Taker - HBK WM 25 .
Please, NO ONE mentioned this!!! HULK HOGAN and RIC FLAIR in TNA. I mean these guys are both ancient, one dude is in his 60's and the other guy HOGAN is almost 60. Most of us are like come on they can't wrestle, but FLAIR IS STILL HARDCORE!!! I mean here is this old dude, bad back and all, and at Lethal Lockdown this year he was beat-down AND slammed onto freaking thumbtacks! AT 60+ YEARS OF AGE! That is a holy shit moment in TNA. I was like DAMN, when did Ric Flair turn into Terry Funk?! That's INSANE! When I watched that.
In no particular order...

• The announcement that Kurt Angle had signed with TNA


I remember watching the PPV this was announced at the conclusion and Don West literally screamed "HOLY SHIT!" (which he had to apologize for later).

I don't believe there was a bigger acquisition to be had at the time who'd have meant more to the company in terms of establishing serious credibility, and to this day not an hour's gone by when I've thought otherwise. Hands down the single greatest acquisition in TNA history.

• Jeff Hardy's TNA debut (2004)


Came out to one of the largest pops I've ever heard from a TNA audience. Match was phenomenal, too.

Hardy's 2010 debut was fun with the chaos from January 4th, but his original 2004 debut was something not a lot of folks could have predicted.

• RVD TNA Debut


Probably the 2nd largest pop I've heard from the iMPACT! Zone or from TNA fans in general regarding a wrestler showing up. His music hitting with R-V-D flashing on the tron just sent shockwaves through me as a fan. I remember being in the LD not even being able to post quickly enough to do that moment any justice. Absolutely fucking fantastic, despite the 8-minute beat down after the match.

• Mr. Anderson's TNA Debut


Personal favorite of mine – being a fan of Anderson's from his Kennedy days in the WWE, I was waiting for what felt like ages for him to finally debut in TNA where he's changed the minds of a number of over-zealous fans who chanted "over-rated" at him during his match. Care for a mulligan there, fuckos?

• Kurt Angle's Moonsault at Lockdown 2010


I honestly thought Kurt would kill himself performing it when I saw how close Anderson was to the turnbuckle, and he damn near did. Angle survived and I literally marked out screaming in disbelief at what I just saw.

• Kevin Nash & Team 3D Debut


3D pop was huge, but seeing Nash return to pro-wrestling was a real treat for me having always been a huge mark for him. Watching them squash Jarrett in the process really just made it all worth being listed as one of those HOLY SHIT! moments, IMO.
hmmm...well....i would have to say....angle vs sting bfg 06 or 07 i think where angle did a 450 splash, then a match he had with aj i believe a last man standing match where he flip dived off stage, Kaz in the world x-cup 08 when he leg dropped davari from the x...i got to see that live at the ppv, the one moment that was a jaw dropper for me at the time was whenroode punched sharmell square in the jaw at a ppv
Kurt Angle's moonsault off the cage onto Mr Anderson was sick. I was in shock that he did that and no one really got that hurt. I remember even saying "HOLY SHIT" when that happened but that is easily my OHMYGOD and Holy shit moment in TNA.
My first true Holy F'N Shit moment (where i couldn't beleve what I saw and wouldn't of beleved it if i didn't just see it) came when I saw Elix Skipper walk acrossed the top of the cage and delivering a hurricarana doing the XXX vs AMW match at Turning Point 04. It's the only thing that i seen that can even compare to Foley's Hell in a Cell moment.

My second would be the first time I seen Petey Williams deliver a Canadian Destroyer on Fox Sports. OMG. I had to use action fiqures to visually describe to my friends what a flipping piledriver was. It was unheard of at the time
Despite the horrible current booking there really has been a lot of great OMG moments. For me i got a few.

First time seeing the Canadian Destroyer: I had never seen anything like it, I mean in WWE at the time the most extreme move you had was Shane's Leap of Faith, and the most devastating Piledriver was the tombstone. Then I watch TNA and see a guy do a frontflip piledriver, and the guy who i believe was Mikey Batts, sold it so perfectly I thought he was dead.

Bound for Glory 2005 Monster Ball: Two moments, of course the obvious one being Jeff Hardy's amazing dive, however the bigger OMG moment for me was the Rhino Driver on Hardy to end the match. Idk i guess something about piledrivers shock the hell outta me but a piledriver from the second rope is ridiculous, and the way Hardy landed, words cant describe so here is a vid, its at 2:52-2:55[YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE]

Elix Skipper: Walking across a 20 foot cage and hurricanrana'ing a guy from the top of said cage. Nuff Said.

Unbreakable 2005 Main Event: OMG as in wow that was one of the greatest matches I've ever seen. Probably TNA's greatest match ever.

Ultimate X Matches from 2003-2006: The LAX vs. Styles and Daniels was the last good match IMO but all of them had ridiculous highspots and are just insane.

Daniels almost breaking his neck at BFG 2009: Falling from the top of the structure in Ultimate X and landing on his head truely left me speechless.

Angle's Backflip Headbutt from this years Lockdown: Moonsault my ass, that was the most extreme headbutt in wrestling history. Angle's still got it man and that was probably the last time I've had an OMG moment with TNA recently.

Chris Candido's Death: Shocked the hell outta me, I loved the push he along with the Naturals were getting and they were a great trio and he elevated them much like a guy like Teddy Long did with Rodney Mack in 2003. Sucks cause once he died the Naturals never got what they could have.

AJ's Frontflip in Ultimate X: [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] I really don't know how to describe how this shocked the hell outta me, it is in no way the biggest bump in TNA history but still it was crazy

I'm sure im forgetting quite a few but those come to mind
For me there are three OMG/H**Y S**T moments:
My first would be how they tried to do a replica of the montreal screwjob.
My second would be Petey Williams, that canadian destroyer move is one of the most creative finishers i've seen since angle/olympic slam and the F-5.
My third would be what has presumedly happened over the past 48 hrs, involving the release of scott hall, I mean WTF? I get the legal troubles, but just straight up WTF?
Brawl between the MEM and WE vs Just about everyone in the locker room, that was muthafuckin Huge!!

another one was the Moonsault at Lockdown, I swore he was gonna miss, or hit his head or something.

They are all I can remember at this moment.
The biggest OMG moment is every Thursday when I put on iMPACT and realize they still are in business!! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Ok seriously, I think the biggest moment in TNA is Kurt's announcement of joining TNA. The timing was perfect, and unlike ANYTHING else TNA has done, the secret wasn't out until it was revealed on the PPV. No other moment in TNA had the surprise element with such a huge name. Even Hogan joining TNA came with less shock (at least in terms of the build to the surprise).
A lot of debuts and returns come to mind...

Scott Steiner returning and joing MEM...then you had Rick Steiner returning to be Stings partner...

Kurt Angle debut was epic...booker T was okay...Kurt Angles moonsault off the cage was like HOLY SHIT...he could have killed himself...

Jan 4th was the day for TNA..the best ever show TNA put on, you had guys like Hogan who was advertised, but then you get guys like Jeff Hardy who made an impact and of course Ric Flair....that was just crazy...
The biggest holy shit moment for me in that company has to be the debut of Kurt Angle. It was built the right way, and just for the fact Kurt Angle was leaving WWE to go to TNA in the first place was was huge to begin with. Kurt then shows up to have a show down with TNA's destroyer Samoa Joe setting the lines for a dream match on his first night. The thing that really made that debut for me though is the shoot headbutt he gave Joe that split him open hard way. I feel that headbutt set the tone for the rest of Angle's TNA career
My first true Holy F'N Shit moment (where i couldn't beleve what I saw and wouldn't of beleved it if i didn't just see it) came when I saw Elix Skipper walk acrossed the top of the cage and delivering a hurricarana doing the XXX vs AMW match at Turning Point 04. It's the only thing that i seen that can even compare to Foley's Hell in a Cell moment.

That is what I would say, it was incredible!

Also, Kurt Angle being announced as TNAs newest acquaisition, Jeff Hardy hitting a swanton off the stage on Abyss and the first time in TNA that I saw someone slammed into broken glass! OMG that must fkin hurt so bad!!
my first moment was when jeff hardy first showed up on impact the #1 time in 2005.i was just flipping the channels on tv and on espn they were showing wrestling in a ufc ring? so i said, lets see. i just kept on herring something about the phenomenal one aj. phenomenal? he must be good right? he was friking Awesome!!!!! and then jeff hardy will sign a contract with this new wcw/ufc company. so it was just something new, and different so i became a fan.[YOUTUBE][YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE][]
theres a few holy shit moments in tna for me. i could sit here and say when this person arrived or that person arrived it was an omg moment, but for me, it was the monsters ball either 04 or 05. rhyno vs abyss vs jeff hardy vs sabu.....i believe. hardy put abyss on a table by the stage and began to climb the stage structure. hardy his a swanton bomb FOR THE AGES. i mean, he had to get some distance on this particular swanton and he hit it perfectly. hard to describe in a forum but i know its on youtube

This one just dropped my jaw when it happened. It was way out of character for her to even be on the top rope and then she busts this out. Kong was definitely awesome.
Looks like I got in to late because I have to agree with a couple of the replies before me and it has to be XXX vs. AMW at Lockdown.

The only thing missing was Joey Styles to say "Oh My godd" This spot was booked very well and came off as you need to see more of this company.

Also already mentioned but the triple threat at Unbreakable. Samoa Joe was still undefeated and coming off his first couple months with the company. Those 3 blew the roof of the building that night.
Just a couple more entries here:

• Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb onto Abyss at Bound for Glory


Still gives me chills to this day watching the re-play. The distance Jeff had to cover to get from the tip of the structure he was standing on to the actual table Abyss was on below was actually quite a distance.

• Angle throwing AJ off the top of the cage at Lockdown 2007


Not the biggest spot in history, but scary nonetheless when you watch AJ's body flail as he falls.
Wow there's 2 OMG moments for me...
Elix Skipper's Huracanrana off the six sides of steel on AMW & Anytime Petey Williams hit a Canadian Destroyer
Before six months, We used to see a holy shit moment once a month minimum. When abyss first time fell on glass. X-division had alot of these. main event lockdown had it. When LAX vs 3D in electric cage match... Last one was kurt moonsault

But for a match it defenitly would be every Kurt vs Joe match, especially the won that had all championships on the line, that was no.1 match for me from 2004, till I saw shawn vs taker (don't know which of those 2 to pick)

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